Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

LMAO! Like clockwork.


Yes you are like clockwork with the same moronic repetitious and baseless claims in the face of your own contradictions and lack of credibility.

and yes you are an idiot. Thanks for the admission and the trolling have a nice day. LOL

Are you REALLY going to go away? You've been promising for days, yet you keep coming back.

Who said anything about going away?? I mean, you have been avoiding the FACT that you have been busted for being dishonest, contradictory, lacking of any integrity and that you have zero credibility so the only one going anywhere is YOU as you run away from the facts. LOL So what are you whining about now??
Yes you are like clockwork with the same moronic repetitious and baseless claims in the face of your own contradictions and lack of credibility.

and yes you are an idiot. Thanks for the admission and the trolling have a nice day. LOL

Are you REALLY going to go away? You've been promising for days, yet you keep coming back.

Who said anything about going away?? I mean, you have been avoiding the FACT that you have been busted for being dishonest, contradictory, lacking of any integrity and that you have zero credibility so the only one going anywhere is YOU as you run away from the facts. LOL So what are you whining about now??
Ohhhh. You were hoping I would go away?

Not gonna happen.
Are you REALLY going to go away? You've been promising for days, yet you keep coming back.

Who said anything about going away?? I mean, you have been avoiding the FACT that you have been busted for being dishonest, contradictory, lacking of any integrity and that you have zero credibility so the only one going anywhere is YOU as you run away from the facts. LOL So what are you whining about now??
Ohhhh. You were hoping I would go away?

Not gonna happen.

Nice baseless assumption by you as you try to put words in my mouth that I never actually said. How typical, more dishonesty from you. LOL So can you prove your claim that I parroted the timeline argument in question or NOT??
Furthermore, any attempt by you to make an actual substantiated argument left the thread a while back so in essence "you" have left and what has been posting under your name is nothing but a troll who has nothing real to offer as it avoids facts and contradicts itself as it shows it has zero credibility. LOL

Posting for postings sake to pretend that your attacks are a valid response when you have ran away from proving your claims so many times already is NOT a viable way to try and claim that you are still here. LOL Yes you are still posting but the fact that you aren't saying anything of value and can only attack me personally shows that you left the thread a while ago. LOL
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Who said anything about going away?? I mean, you have been avoiding the FACT that you have been busted for being dishonest, contradictory, lacking of any integrity and that you have zero credibility so the only one going anywhere is YOU as you run away from the facts. LOL So what are you whining about now??
Ohhhh. You were hoping I would go away?

Not gonna happen.

Nice baseless assumption by you as you try to put words in my mouth that I never actually said. How typical, more dishonesty from you. LOL So can you prove your claim that I parroted the timeline argument in question or NOT??
Furthermore, any attempt by you to make an actual substantiated argument left the thread a while back so in essence "you" have left and what has been posting under your name is nothing but a troll who has nothing real to offer as it avoids facts and contradicts itself as it shows it has zero credibility. LOL

Posting for postings sake to pretend that your attacks are a valid response when you have ran away from proving your claims so many times already is NOT a viable way to try and claim that you are still here. LOL Yes you are still posting but the fact that you aren't saying anything of value and can only attack me personally shows that you left the thread a while ago. LOL

Yup. I'm really 'running away' and/or 'avoiding' you.

Doubtless the defense here will be that The One wasn’t aware of the sexual connotation and therefore had no idea that the term offends tea partiers. Funny thing, though: Offhand, I can’t recall a single instance of him saying “teabaggers” publicly. Not in speeches, not in interviews, not at town halls, not even at that fundraiser a few weeks ago when he goofed on protesters by saying they should be thanking him for cutting their taxes, i.e. for running up gigantic deficits. If he doesn’t know the term’s impolitic, how come he hasn’t innocently used it on camera yet?
He knows. They all know.
In Jonathan Alter’s “The Promise: President Obama, Year One,” President Obama is quoted in an interview saying that the unanimous vote of House Republicans vote against the stimulus bills “set the tenor for the whole year … That helped to create the tea-baggers and empowered that whole wing of the Republican Party to where it now controls the agenda for the Republicans.”

Tea Party activists loath the term “tea baggers,” which has emerged in liberal media outlets and elsewhere as a method of mocking the activists and their concerns.​
Now As USUAL, Obama is right and wrong. The stimulus is part of what created the Tea Party. But it wasn't the Republicans being against it, it was the fact it was voted into law DESPITE people like me and you calling our Congressman and Senators and telling them NOT to vote for it, and they voted for it ANYWAY. Jerks!

Typical that Obama has it backwards.

But this is so typically liberals. Out of one side of his mouth he calls for "civility" and two days later calls us "tea baggers."

This reminds me of the liberal op who once demanded of me "in the interests of civility" not to use the word liberal. But not five minutes later, he called conservatives, KKKonservatives.

When I pointed out this hypocrisy, he was furious.

"Civility" to a liberal means YOU can't say anything critical about THEM. It doesn't mean they can't say anything they want about YOU.

After all, THEY, the all high liberal, are the elite and soooooooooooooooooooo above you. It's "uncivil" to criticize them. :eusa_snooty:

YOU, however, are the plebes. You are the proletariat. YOU are the peasants. You can't expect the same civility demanded of YOU towards liberals to be directed back at you YOU. :eusa_snooty:

YOU are a peasant and it's for your own "good" they call you every name in the book. Maybe you will finally see your eeeeeeeeevil ways and become liberal!!!!!! :eusa_snooty:

The arrogance and pompous hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it with a knife.


Funny how the teabaggers are so concerned about political correctness when its THEM who is offended.

Fuck you teabaggers! For the past 20 years you've made it a practice to offend others as much as possible and then act like you have no idea why anyone would be offended. Now its your turn you filthy TEABAGGERS!
Doubtless the defense here will be that The One wasn’t aware of the sexual connotation and therefore had no idea that the term offends tea partiers. Funny thing, though: Offhand, I can’t recall a single instance of him saying “teabaggers” publicly. Not in speeches, not in interviews, not at town halls, not even at that fundraiser a few weeks ago when he goofed on protesters by saying they should be thanking him for cutting their taxes, i.e. for running up gigantic deficits. If he doesn’t know the term’s impolitic, how come he hasn’t innocently used it on camera yet?
He knows. They all know.
In Jonathan Alter’s “The Promise: President Obama, Year One,” President Obama is quoted in an interview saying that the unanimous vote of House Republicans vote against the stimulus bills “set the tenor for the whole year … That helped to create the tea-baggers and empowered that whole wing of the Republican Party to where it now controls the agenda for the Republicans.”

Tea Party activists loath the term “tea baggers,” which has emerged in liberal media outlets and elsewhere as a method of mocking the activists and their concerns.​
Now As USUAL, Obama is right and wrong. The stimulus is part of what created the Tea Party. But it wasn't the Republicans being against it, it was the fact it was voted into law DESPITE people like me and you calling our Congressman and Senators and telling them NOT to vote for it, and they voted for it ANYWAY. Jerks!

Typical that Obama has it backwards.

But this is so typically liberals. Out of one side of his mouth he calls for "civility" and two days later calls us "tea baggers."

This reminds me of the liberal op who once demanded of me "in the interests of civility" not to use the word liberal. But not five minutes later, he called conservatives, KKKonservatives.

When I pointed out this hypocrisy, he was furious.

"Civility" to a liberal means YOU can't say anything critical about THEM. It doesn't mean they can't say anything they want about YOU.

After all, THEY, the all high liberal, are the elite and soooooooooooooooooooo above you. It's "uncivil" to criticize them. :eusa_snooty:

YOU, however, are the plebes. You are the proletariat. YOU are the peasants. You can't expect the same civility demanded of YOU towards liberals to be directed back at you YOU. :eusa_snooty:

YOU are a peasant and it's for your own "good" they call you every name in the book. Maybe you will finally see your eeeeeeeeevil ways and become liberal!!!!!! :eusa_snooty:

The arrogance and pompous hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it with a knife.


Funny how the teabaggers are so concerned about political correctness when its THEM who is offended.

Fuck you teabaggers! For the past 20 years you've made it a practice to offend others as much as possible and then act like you have no idea why anyone would be offended. Now its your turn you filthy TEABAGGERS!

Angry tuba is angry!
Ohhhh. You were hoping I would go away?

Not gonna happen.

Nice baseless assumption by you as you try to put words in my mouth that I never actually said. How typical, more dishonesty from you. LOL So can you prove your claim that I parroted the timeline argument in question or NOT??
Furthermore, any attempt by you to make an actual substantiated argument left the thread a while back so in essence "you" have left and what has been posting under your name is nothing but a troll who has nothing real to offer as it avoids facts and contradicts itself as it shows it has zero credibility. LOL

Posting for postings sake to pretend that your attacks are a valid response when you have ran away from proving your claims so many times already is NOT a viable way to try and claim that you are still here. LOL Yes you are still posting but the fact that you aren't saying anything of value and can only attack me personally shows that you left the thread a while ago. LOL

Yup. I'm really 'running away' and/or 'avoiding' you.


Yeah and so you are still not "here" LOL

So can you prove your claim that I parroted the timeline argument in question or NOT??

Notice how I keep going back to your unsubstantiated claim and how you keep avoiding it??
Than is you, RUNNING AWAY.
Nice baseless assumption by you as you try to put words in my mouth that I never actually said. How typical, more dishonesty from you. LOL So can you prove your claim that I parroted the timeline argument in question or NOT??
Furthermore, any attempt by you to make an actual substantiated argument left the thread a while back so in essence "you" have left and what has been posting under your name is nothing but a troll who has nothing real to offer as it avoids facts and contradicts itself as it shows it has zero credibility. LOL

Posting for postings sake to pretend that your attacks are a valid response when you have ran away from proving your claims so many times already is NOT a viable way to try and claim that you are still here. LOL Yes you are still posting but the fact that you aren't saying anything of value and can only attack me personally shows that you left the thread a while ago. LOL

Yup. I'm really 'running away' and/or 'avoiding' you.


Yeah and so you are still not "here" LOL

So can you prove your claim that I parroted the timeline argument in question or NOT??
Than is you, RUNNING AWAY.

If I made that claim, I would. As I didn't, I'll just continue to toy with your stupidity.

I bet you really, REALLY hope I would 'run away' and/or 'avoid' you.
Yup. I'm really 'running away' and/or 'avoiding' you.


Yeah and so you are still not "here" LOL

So can you prove your claim that I parroted the timeline argument in question or NOT??
Than is you, RUNNING AWAY.

If I made that claim, I would. As I didn't, I'll just continue to toy with your stupidity.

I bet you really, REALLY hope I would 'run away' and/or 'avoid' you.
You do realize si, that Drsmith is a paid progressive propogandist don't you?

Notice how he NEVER holds Obama accountable for his abject ineptness, or continual abject failings.. He's a paid lackey, nothing more!

But hey, you're making him look like the idiot i've known him to be for quite some time. So, as you were. Carry on!....I'm highly entertained!:popcorn:
Yup. I'm really 'running away' and/or 'avoiding' you.


Yeah and so you are still not "here" LOL

So can you prove your claim that I parroted the timeline argument in question or NOT??
Than is you, RUNNING AWAY.

If I made that claim, I would. As I didn't, I'll just continue to toy with your stupidity.

I bet you really, REALLY hope I would 'run away' and/or 'avoid' you.


read em and weep LIAR.

Think that if it gives you comfort, bub. Given the Epic Fail of your posts here, it's good for you to have a fantasy life as a form of consolation.

HAHA and yet I was the one who proved the argument of this thread was wrong based on the timeline with info from the article the OP was allegedly based on, which caused the argument to be changed. LOL So much for epic fail.

The only epic fail was on the part of you righties trying to make something out of nothing and failing at even presenting a decent defense of said BS propaganda based position.
In the end and over the last few pages all you have done was attack the messenger which shows that you know that you have lost.

Attack some more if you want to, but attacking me won't cahnge the facts.
Although I hate to burst your delusional little bubble, you didn't prove a thing. Others did last week and you parroted them.

So based on your own words, you claimed I parroted it and then FAILED to prove YOUR claim.

Now you have claimed that you never said it and yet here is the proof that you DID which proves you a LIAR.

Keep on lying, I can see why you avoid debates, with your failing record I would probably run away from them too. LOL
All drsmith has proven is his obsession with the T-word and his complete inability to engage in a reasonable discussion.

Just sayin'.
Yeah and so you are still not "here" LOL

So can you prove your claim that I parroted the timeline argument in question or NOT??
Than is you, RUNNING AWAY.

If I made that claim, I would. As I didn't, I'll just continue to toy with your stupidity.

I bet you really, REALLY hope I would 'run away' and/or 'avoid' you.
You do realize si, that Drsmith is a paid progressive propogandist don't you?

Notice how he NEVER holds Obama accountable for his abject ineptness, or continual abject failings.. He's a paid lackey, nothing more!

But hey, you're making him look like the idiot i've known him to be for quite some time. So, as you were. Carry on!....I'm highly entertained!:popcorn:

Aww it's my stalker from the msnbc message boards?? Long time no see, but look at how he chimes in to attack and then runs away like he did after he vandalized that girls car because she had a code pink sticker on it. LOL Such a brave phoney soldier that he has to run away from a little girl after he vandalizes her car. The funny thing I that I remember you bragging shortly after this that your father taught you to respect other people's property. LOL
All drsmith has proven is his obsession with the T-word and his complete inability to engage in a reasonable discussion.

Just sayin'.
He's ALWAYS been that way.

It's nothing but, "but you said this, then I said that. Then you ran away, but I didn't run away. And, and, and, and, and, and, and.

It's about time the lil' asshat grew up.

But then, he's nothing but a paid propoigandist anyway so, taking him seriously on any issue is just plain laughable.
If I made that claim, I would. As I didn't, I'll just continue to toy with your stupidity.

I bet you really, REALLY hope I would 'run away' and/or 'avoid' you.
You do realize si, that Drsmith is a paid progressive propogandist don't you?

Notice how he NEVER holds Obama accountable for his abject ineptness, or continual abject failings.. He's a paid lackey, nothing more!

But hey, you're making him look like the idiot i've known him to be for quite some time. So, as you were. Carry on!....I'm highly entertained!:popcorn:

Aww it's my stalker from the msnbc message boards?? Long time no see, but look at how he chimes in to attack and then runs away like he did after he vandalized that girls car because she had a code pink sticker on it. LOL Such a brave phoney soldier that he has to run away from a little girl after he vandalizes her car. The funny thing I that I remember you bragging shortly after this that your father taught you to respect other people's property. LOL
Yeah, uh huh!


You're such a fucking dolt!

All drsmith has proven is his obsession with the T-word and his complete inability to engage in a reasonable discussion.

Just sayin'.

LOL and yet YOU are the one focussing on it as you attempt to make something out of nothing.

How many times have I used the "t-word" in this thread and directed it at someone??

I admit I used it a few times directed at someone in the beginning of this thread when the debate was ongoing about who used it first, thanks Si modo for admitting the street form was used by tea-partiers first, but I haven't used it directed at anyone since the beginning of this thread when I used it to laugh at ignorant righties who didn't know it had an alternate meaning when they applied it to themselves.

However YOU are the one that constantly mentions it as you try to assign an obsession to others when it clearly lies with YOU.

Face it, I and others countered your spin and you can't deal with it. LOL
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All drsmith has proven is his obsession with the T-word and his complete inability to engage in a reasonable discussion.

Just sayin'.
He's ALWAYS been that way.

It's nothing but, "but you said this, then I said that. Then you ran away, but I didn't run away. And, and, and, and, and, and, and.

It's about time the lil' asshat grew up.

But then, he's nothing but a paid propoigandist anyway so, taking him seriously on any issue is just plain laughable.

Aww more baseless attacks from my stalker. LOL The thing is that when I quote what you actually said and then compare it to your new line of spin and they don't match up then I can understand why you wouldn't like that. LOL

If you don't like your dishonesty being exposed as you contradict yourself within a single thread then don't be dishonest to begin with. LOL

If one of us were paid propagandaist i would suspect you who has to bring up his fictitious life story to some how give credence to his posts because they have no validity. LOL
drsmith calling anyone a stalker drips with unintentional irony.

Just sayin'.

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