Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

It's time to pass the hat around USMB so that drsmith can get the permanent LOSER tatoo on his forehead.

Just sayin'.
Oh, I have plenty to say but it's already been SAID and you avoided it. Please learn how tense works so you can keep up in the FUTURE.
So there really is NO reason to repeat it since you will just avoid it AGAIN like you did the last few times I resposted it for your benefit. LOL

and then once again you can't keep up with the fact that just because you continue to post nonresponsive personal attacks it doesn't show that you aren't running away from the argument.

However, thanks for the laughs and for doing exactly what I predicted you would do. Although you kind of take the fun out of proving you wrong when you go out of your way to make yourself look so damn ignorant but it's still something the laugh at. LOL

Sooooo, I participated in a debate with thinking posters weeks ago, you parroted points made weeks ago, and I avoided debating you in a debate that already happened weeks ago. And, now you're upset about it and say I'm running away from something in which I participated weeks ago.

Got it.


NOPE but nice rehash of your spin and avoidance tactics. I was there when that debate occured. The debate began on the 5th (I was here in this thread before that, during it and after that) and carried over into the 6th and I posted on the 6th as I read the thread. In response you chose to attack me and have been doing so since claiming that everything I have said in this thread was "parroted" which is a LIE and has been proven to be a lie several times over.

How is my response one day later into a debate equal to me "parroting points made weeks ago" or weeks after a debate? Your avoidance of that debate and other points that you would rather not deal with as well as your baseless personal attacks began "weeks ago" and have continued but that's about all that you have offered since being proven WRONG by your own link and video clip. LOL

Furthermore I have made MANY points other than the ONE debate that you seem obsessed with as you try to claim that I parroted that and therefore must have parroted everything else I have said. Fact is that you have used that one debate that you lost, after you provided the evidence that countered your own spin, to hide behind as you applied your unsubstantied claim that i parroted all of my arguments.

Face it once again you have been shown to be dishonest and therefore you LOSE again.

Sooooo, still nothing original and/or of any consequence, eh?

I'm not running away yet.
READ THE THREAD. I have already shown you to be dishonest and you have been proven wrong in this thread several times over and the proof has been provided several times. Furthermore, you have been asked several questions and you ran away from answering them. This time is no different.

Your game is to merely post because apparently you believe that the act of posting is proof that you are not running away from proving your own baseless arguments and accusations. I really hate to inform you of this <that was sarcasm> but it isn't working.

YOU LOSE AGAIN just like you lost earlier in this thread when you were forced to admit that you were WRONG. Lying through your teeth now in a lame attempt to cover up your previous lies does nothing but prove how dishonest you are and how little credibility that you have.

Oh. So you have no question to ask.

Thought so.

Just more lying from you.

I have asked you MANY questions on MANY different occasions throughout this thread and you have ran away from all of them.

READ THE THREAD. Or does the fact that you have been owned by ME, someone you pretend to be superior to, with no real justification, really embarrass you that much?? LOL You went out of your way to attack ME so much in this thread with your lame attempts to tear ME down and all you have accomplished is to do that very thing to yourself. LOL You have shown that you are NOTHING but a dishonest troll who has NOTHING valid to offer and zero credibility. GJ. :clap2:

:lol::lol::lol: You sure have her number!!! I've told her the same thing many times, but she doesn't believe it. She really thinks she's super intelligent and she's as dumb as a bag of rocks. Now watch her call me names and cuss me out. That's another thing. She's so predictable and boring.

Good call on your part!!
Oh. So you have no question to ask.

Thought so.

Just more lying from you.

I have asked you MANY questions on MANY different occasions throughout this thread and you have ran away from all of them.

READ THE THREAD. Or does the fact that you have been owned by ME, someone you pretend to be superior to, with no real justification, really embarrass you that much?? LOL You went out of your way to attack ME so much in this thread with your lame attempts to tear ME down and all you have accomplished is to do that very thing to yourself. LOL You have shown that you are NOTHING but a dishonest troll who has NOTHING valid to offer and zero credibility. GJ. :clap2:

:lol::lol::lol: You sure have her number!!! I've told her the same thing many times, but she doesn't believe it. She really thinks she's super intelligent and she's as dumb as a bag of rocks. Now watch her call me names and cuss me out. That's another thing. She's so predictable and boring.

Good call on your part!!
Awww. Rinata is pissed off at Si modo because she was ridiculed for her absolute idiocy.

Stop PMing me, moron. Your PMs are vile and hateful. Plus, they are seriously moronic on their face. They reflect you well.
I have asked you MANY questions on MANY different occasions throughout this thread and you have ran away from all of them.

READ THE THREAD. Or does the fact that you have been owned by ME, someone you pretend to be superior to, with no real justification, really embarrass you that much?? LOL You went out of your way to attack ME so much in this thread with your lame attempts to tear ME down and all you have accomplished is to do that very thing to yourself. LOL You have shown that you are NOTHING but a dishonest troll who has NOTHING valid to offer and zero credibility. GJ. :clap2:

:lol::lol::lol: You sure have her number!!! I've told her the same thing many times, but she doesn't believe it. She really thinks she's super intelligent and she's as dumb as a bag of rocks. Now watch her call me names and cuss me out. That's another thing. She's so predictable and boring.

Good call on your part!!
Awww. Rinata is pissed off at Si modo because she was ridiculed for her absolute idiocy.

Stop PMing me, moron. Your PMs are vile and hateful. Plus, they are seriously moronic on their face. They reflect you well.

so much logic, and honesty. and science. lol
Doubtless the defense here will be that The One wasn&#8217;t aware of the sexual connotation and therefore had no idea that the term offends tea partiers. Funny thing, though: Offhand, I can&#8217;t recall a single instance of him saying &#8220;teabaggers&#8221; publicly. Not in speeches, not in interviews, not at town halls, not even at that fundraiser a few weeks ago when he goofed on protesters by saying they should be thanking him for cutting their taxes, i.e. for running up gigantic deficits. If he doesn&#8217;t know the term&#8217;s impolitic, how come he hasn&#8217;t innocently used it on camera yet?
He knows. They all know.
In Jonathan Alter&#8217;s &#8220;The Promise: President Obama, Year One,&#8221; President Obama is quoted in an interview saying that the unanimous vote of House Republicans vote against the stimulus bills &#8220;set the tenor for the whole year &#8230; That helped to create the tea-baggers and empowered that whole wing of the Republican Party to where it now controls the agenda for the Republicans.&#8221;

Tea Party activists loath the term &#8220;tea baggers,&#8221; which has emerged in liberal media outlets and elsewhere as a method of mocking the activists and their concerns.​
Now As USUAL, Obama is right and wrong. The stimulus is part of what created the Tea Party. But it wasn't the Republicans being against it, it was the fact it was voted into law DESPITE people like me and you calling our Congressman and Senators and telling them NOT to vote for it, and they voted for it ANYWAY. Jerks!

Typical that Obama has it backwards.

But this is so typically liberals. Out of one side of his mouth he calls for "civility" and two days later calls us "tea baggers."

This reminds me of the liberal op who once demanded of me "in the interests of civility" not to use the word liberal. But not five minutes later, he called conservatives, KKKonservatives.

When I pointed out this hypocrisy, he was furious.

"Civility" to a liberal means YOU can't say anything critical about THEM. It doesn't mean they can't say anything they want about YOU.

After all, THEY, the all high liberal, are the elite and soooooooooooooooooooo above you. It's "uncivil" to criticize them. :eusa_snooty:

YOU, however, are the plebes. You are the proletariat. YOU are the peasants. You can't expect the same civility demanded of YOU towards liberals to be directed back at you YOU. :eusa_snooty:

YOU are a peasant and it's for your own "good" they call you every name in the book. Maybe you will finally see your eeeeeeeeevil ways and become liberal!!!!!! :eusa_snooty:

The arrogance and pompous hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it with a knife.


teapartysamurai, I don't mean to be dense as a door, but why exactly do Tea Baggers find the name "Tea Baggers" offensive? They chose it...where's the insult?

I may be going way out on a limb here, but I bet Obama knows plently of insulting nouns and adjectives he can fling around when he is deliberately trying to offend someone. Why tag the man for addressing folks as they have asked to be addressed?

That kinda sorta seems respectful to me.
Doubtless the defense here will be that The One wasn’t aware of the sexual connotation and therefore had no idea that the term offends tea partiers. Funny thing, though: Offhand, I can’t recall a single instance of him saying “teabaggers” publicly. Not in speeches, not in interviews, not at town halls, not even at that fundraiser a few weeks ago when he goofed on protesters by saying they should be thanking him for cutting their taxes, i.e. for running up gigantic deficits. If he doesn’t know the term’s impolitic, how come he hasn’t innocently used it on camera yet?
He knows. They all know.
In Jonathan Alter’s “The Promise: President Obama, Year One,” President Obama is quoted in an interview saying that the unanimous vote of House Republicans vote against the stimulus bills “set the tenor for the whole year … That helped to create the tea-baggers and empowered that whole wing of the Republican Party to where it now controls the agenda for the Republicans.”

Tea Party activists loath the term “tea baggers,” which has emerged in liberal media outlets and elsewhere as a method of mocking the activists and their concerns.
Now As USUAL, Obama is right and wrong. The stimulus is part of what created the Tea Party. But it wasn't the Republicans being against it, it was the fact it was voted into law DESPITE people like me and you calling our Congressman and Senators and telling them NOT to vote for it, and they voted for it ANYWAY. Jerks!

Typical that Obama has it backwards.​

But this is so typically liberals. Out of one side of his mouth he calls for "civility" and two days later calls us "tea baggers."​

This reminds me of the liberal op who once demanded of me "in the interests of civility" not to use the word liberal. But not five minutes later, he called conservatives, KKKonservatives.​

When I pointed out this hypocrisy, he was furious.​

"Civility" to a liberal means YOU can't say anything critical about THEM. It doesn't mean they can't say anything they want about YOU.​

After all, THEY, the all high liberal, are the elite and soooooooooooooooooooo above you. It's "uncivil" to criticize them. :eusa_snooty:

YOU, however, are the plebes. You are the proletariat. YOU are the peasants. You can't expect the same civility demanded of YOU towards liberals to be directed back at you YOU. :eusa_snooty:

YOU are a peasant and it's for your own "good" they call you every name in the book. Maybe you will finally see your eeeeeeeeevil ways and become liberal!!!!!! :eusa_snooty:

The arrogance and pompous hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it with a knife.​


teapartysamurai, I don't mean to be dense as a door, but why exactly do Tea Baggers find the name "Tea Baggers" offensive? They chose it...where's the insult?

I may be going way out on a limb here, but I bet Obama knows plently of insulting nouns and adjectives he can fling around when he is deliberately trying to offend someone. Why tag the man for addressing folks as they have asked to be addressed?

That kinda sorta seems respectful to me.

Yeah nice try at liberal spin but when conservatives say tea party, they think of the Boston Tea Party and of the Founding Fathers.

When liberals think of it, the closest they could come to patriotism is thinking about a perverse disgusting homosexual sex act that no one had ever heard of (except disgusting liberals, of course).

It speaks volumes about the difference between liberalism and conservatism.

Conservatives think of prayer, the Founding Fathers, and the Boston Tea Party.

Liberals think about disgusting homosexual sex acts.

Give liberals a little rope and they will tell you EXACTLY who and WHAT they are.
Now As USUAL, Obama is right and wrong. The stimulus is part of what created the Tea Party. But it wasn't the Republicans being against it, it was the fact it was voted into law DESPITE people like me and you calling our Congressman and Senators and telling them NOT to vote for it, and they voted for it ANYWAY. Jerks!

Typical that Obama has it backwards.​

But this is so typically liberals. Out of one side of his mouth he calls for "civility" and two days later calls us "tea baggers."​

This reminds me of the liberal op who once demanded of me "in the interests of civility" not to use the word liberal. But not five minutes later, he called conservatives, KKKonservatives.​

When I pointed out this hypocrisy, he was furious.​

"Civility" to a liberal means YOU can't say anything critical about THEM. It doesn't mean they can't say anything they want about YOU.​

After all, THEY, the all high liberal, are the elite and soooooooooooooooooooo above you. It's "uncivil" to criticize them. :eusa_snooty:

YOU, however, are the plebes. You are the proletariat. YOU are the peasants. You can't expect the same civility demanded of YOU towards liberals to be directed back at you YOU. :eusa_snooty:

YOU are a peasant and it's for your own "good" they call you every name in the book. Maybe you will finally see your eeeeeeeeevil ways and become liberal!!!!!! :eusa_snooty:

The arrogance and pompous hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it with a knife.​


teapartysamurai, I don't mean to be dense as a door, but why exactly do Tea Baggers find the name "Tea Baggers" offensive? They chose it...where's the insult?

I may be going way out on a limb here, but I bet Obama knows plently of insulting nouns and adjectives he can fling around when he is deliberately trying to offend someone. Why tag the man for addressing folks as they have asked to be addressed?

That kinda sorta seems respectful to me.

Yeah nice try at liberal spin but when conservatives say tea party, they think of the Boston Tea Party and of the Founding Fathers.

When liberals think of it, the closest they could come to patriotism is thinking about a perverse disgusting homosexual sex act that no one had ever heard of (except disgusting liberals, of course).

It speaks volumes about the difference between liberalism and conservatism.

Conservatives think of prayer, the Founding Fathers, and the Boston Tea Party.

Liberals think about disgusting homosexual sex acts.

Give liberals a little rope and they will tell you EXACTLY who and WHAT they are.

hey, look. it's teabagsamurai! back with idiocy and lies!

Give liberals a little rope and they will tell you EXACTLY who and WHAT they are.
Yup. And while giving them the rope, it's a great time to mind fuck with them. :lol:

here is your chance to display some honesty. tell teabagsamurai what you learned days ago.
Oh, we're playing the implicit assumptions game again.


When will you stop being an emotional basketcase and actually think for a change?
Yup. And while giving them the rope, it's a great time to mind fuck with them. :lol:

here is your chance to display some honesty. tell teabagsamurai what you learned days ago.
Oh, we're playing the implicit assumptions game again.


When will you stop being an emotional basketcase and actually think for a change?

maybe tomorrow, or yesterday. i have trouble with time lines, too.
How on Earth do you Tea Baggers expect to ever attract moderates or people like me, who are fiscally conservative but who have ZERO tolerance for hate speech, when your appointed leader runs his mouth claiming that Muslims worship a "Monkey God"?

You want folks like me or you don't. You're all about the money or you're a bunch of racist hoodlums.

Make up your minds, and if you are NOT racists, then kick this Mark Williams — a radio talk show host and the chairman of the Tea Party Express -- to the freaking curb. Because as they say, folks:

"Lips that touch (this sort of fucking hate speech) wine will never touch mine."

Which is it? Hate or money? Pick one and be done with it; I'm sick and tired of all the blithering back and forth from you folks.

Tea Party Leader Says Muslims Worship 'Monkey-God' -


Maybe he has read from the Quran and read the passages where Muhammad is a Pedophile. marrying a 6 Year old girl and consummation the marriage of her at age 9, Muhammad said it was OK, because she did not resist. Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62
the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old.

SAHIH BUKHARI, BOOK 62: Wedlock, Marriage (Nikaah)

I admit using monkey god was crude, but when you learn about some of the perverseness and radical nature of their beliefs, sometimes people go to far in using perceived racist remarks

Besides, you cannot judge a whole movement by one person mis-speech
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Maybe he has read from the Quran and read the passages where Muhammad is a Pedophile. marrying a 6 Year old girl and consummation the marriage of her at age 9, Muhammad said it was OK, because she did not resist. Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62
the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old.

SAHIH BUKHARI, BOOK 62: Wedlock, Marriage (Nikaah)

I admit using monkey god was crude, but when you learn about some of the perverseness and radical nature of their beliefs, sometimes people go to far in using perceived racist remarks

Besides, you cannot judge a whole movement by one person mis-speech

The King James Bible has offensive passages as well. Shall I commence to trashing anyone who follows it?

Nice that you are at least honest: Tea Baggers are really about the Hate.

Why did you bother to waste my time claiming you were all about fiscal conservation? That was twenty minutes of my life I'll never get back, pondering the true nature of the Tea Bagger message.

This is my vision of our country:


If that skins your nose, get bent. Don't bother asking people like me to tolerate or support you again. I am stick-a-fork-in-me-done here. Take your hate speech, your ridiculous political name and the wing nuts you call leaders and get offa my mental windshield.


Maybe he has read from the Quran and read the passages where Muhammad is a Pedophile. marrying a 6 Year old girl and consummation the marriage of her at age 9, Muhammad said it was OK, because she did not resist. Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62
the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old.

SAHIH BUKHARI, BOOK 62: Wedlock, Marriage (Nikaah)

I admit using monkey god was crude, but when you learn about some of the perverseness and radical nature of their beliefs, sometimes people go to far in using perceived racist remarks

Besides, you cannot judge a whole movement by one person mis-speech

One could just as easily cite passages in the bible that would show the christian god to be just as guilty of questionable behavior.

and evangelical christians to be just as radical in the nature of theirr beliefs...

"Besides, you cannot judge a whole movement by one person mis-speech"

unless he or she is a democrat, liberal or muslim
As far as I am concerned he is free to have insulting opinions about Jesus and
Moses, and he can express them publicly if he wants. The major difference is that if he limits his opinions to attacks on Christians and Jews no one will kill him for it.
Maybe he has read from the Quran and read the passages where Muhammad is a Pedophile. marrying a 6 Year old girl and consummation the marriage of her at age 9, Muhammad said it was OK, because she did not resist. Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62
the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old.

SAHIH BUKHARI, BOOK 62: Wedlock, Marriage (Nikaah)

I admit using monkey god was crude, but when you learn about some of the perverseness and radical nature of their beliefs, sometimes people go to far in using perceived racist remarks

Besides, you cannot judge a whole movement by one person mis-speech

"Besides, you cannot judge a whole movement by one person mis-speech"

but you can judge a whole movement if NOBODY in that movement disagreed with the so-called "misquote"
As far as I am concerned he is free to have insulting opinions about Jesus and
Moses, and he can express them publicly if he wants. The major difference is that if he limits his opinions to attacks on Christians and Jews no one will kill him for it.

In my view, if all your friends are assholes, you are shit. I'm judging you by the hatred you tolerate and I find you Tea Baggers reprehensible un-American bullshit artists and I am done contemplating EVER joining you.

I'd ruther we bankrupt ourselves than become a nation of haters. Been there, done that, got the tee shirt.

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