Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

There you go again with another pm. I explained above that if you want to stop getting them, then you have to stop sending them, you big cry baby. Guess you like hearing from me.
Nope. No PM. It was a rep.


Enjoy another rep, too, FYI.

Stop PMing me. :lol:

Let me explain this to you again. In the right hand corner at the top of the screen, there is an indicator that says how many private messages have been received. Private messages. Get it??? PM's, you dumb cow. When I open them, there are your stupid messages calling me names and telling me the points that I am losing from your stupid neg rep. NOW do you get it??

Liar. I haven't PMed you except once and that was months ago to tell YOU to stop PMing me, and I posted that. I have repped you.

You can't do a thing about getting reps. You CAN turn off your automated PM notification of reps. YOU choose to receive them.


Stop PMing me. :lol:

Note: This is an automated message.
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Nope. No PM. It was a rep.


Enjoy another rep, too, FYI.

Stop PMing me. :lol:

Let me explain this to you again. In the right hand corner at the top of the screen, there is an indicator that says how many private messages have been received. Private messages. Get it??? PM's, you dumb cow. When I open them, there are your stupid messages calling me names and telling me the points that I am losing from your stupid neg rep. NOW do you get it??

Liar. I haven't PMed you except once and that was months ago to tell YOU to stop PMing me, and I posted that. I have repped you.

You can't do a thing about getting reps. You CAN turn off your automated PM notification of reps. YOU choose to receive them.


Stop PMing me. :lol:

Note: This is an automated message.

Quit playing games, take your meds, and go back to your padded room.
Let me explain this to you again. In the right hand corner at the top of the screen, there is an indicator that says how many private messages have been received. Private messages. Get it??? PM's, you dumb cow. When I open them, there are your stupid messages calling me names and telling me the points that I am losing from your stupid neg rep. NOW do you get it??

Liar. I haven't PMed you except once and that was months ago to tell YOU to stop PMing me, and I posted that. I have repped you.

You can't do a thing about getting reps. You CAN turn off your automated PM notification of reps. YOU choose to receive them.


Stop PMing me. :lol:

Note: This is an automated message.

Quit playing games, take your meds, and go back to your padded room.

Stop PMing me.

Note: This is an automated message. :lol:

I kid you not. The idiot sent me yet another PM.

Moron. :rofl:
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You know Kevin, I am an independent voter. This is the second time IN THIS THREAD that I have told you I am not a big fan of the Tea Bagger revolution. I have provided links to positive articles about Rand Paul as the leader for an effective third party movement.

Recalling my history lessons, the last time this happened was in the 1850s when the Republican Party was born as the Whig party declined. To have a move like that again reshuffles the political deck for America. Can't I simply share and enjoy the excitement of the moment as history is being made without the usual put downs from the political right?


Nobody's putting you down. I'm merely pointing out that there is no serious movement to have Rand run for President.

And, I am supplying links to indicate there is talk of Rand Paul as a Presidential candidate.
Why so sensitive, I should think you would support a Rand Paul Presidential candidacy.

[ame=]YouTube - Rand Paul To Democrats: "Please, Please Bring President Obama To Kentucky"[/ame]
In this clip, Rand Paul is baiting President Barack Obama to come to Kentucky. Sounds like a Presidential candidate to me!

He's baiting Obama to come and campaign on behalf of his Democratic opponent in the Kentucky Senate race, not to come campaign against Rand for President. Yes, I would support Rand for President, but I think there's better candidates. His father for starters, and Gary Johnson. Both have the political experience, whereas Rand has never held elected office. I also think they're both better on the issues, in general, than Rand.
Nobody's putting you down. I'm merely pointing out that there is no serious movement to have Rand run for President.

And, I am supplying links to indicate there is talk of Rand Paul as a Presidential candidate.
Why so sensitive, I should think you would support a Rand Paul Presidential candidacy.

[ame=]YouTube - Rand Paul To Democrats: "Please, Please Bring President Obama To Kentucky"[/ame]
In this clip, Rand Paul is baiting President Barack Obama to come to Kentucky. Sounds like a Presidential candidate to me!

He's baiting Obama to come and campaign on behalf of his Democratic opponent in the Kentucky Senate race, not to come campaign against Rand for President. Yes, I would support Rand for President, but I think there's better candidates. His father for starters, and Gary Johnson. Both have the political experience, whereas Rand has never held elected office. I also think they're both better on the issues, in general, than Rand.

Momentum is building in the Tea Bagger revolution. It is probably premature, but it would not surprise me to see Rand Paul and Sarah Palin as the 2012 candidates of both the Repulbican and Tea Bagger Partys. It makes sense in terms of attracting voters, and after John McCain the Republicans need "hot" candidates like Paul and Palin.

I think the Republican Party through it's eight years of arogance coupled with bland politics needs someone to draw attention from the colorful Obama/Biden package. As an Indy, I would love strong choices in 2012.

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And, I am supplying links to indicate there is talk of Rand Paul as a Presidential candidate.
Why so sensitive, I should think you would support a Rand Paul Presidential candidacy.

YouTube - Rand Paul To Democrats: "Please, Please Bring President Obama To Kentucky"
In this clip, Rand Paul is baiting President Barack Obama to come to Kentucky. Sounds like a Presidential candidate to me!

He's baiting Obama to come and campaign on behalf of his Democratic opponent in the Kentucky Senate race, not to come campaign against Rand for President. Yes, I would support Rand for President, but I think there's better candidates. His father for starters, and Gary Johnson. Both have the political experience, whereas Rand has never held elected office. I also think they're both better on the issues, in general, than Rand.

Momentum is building in the Tea Bagger revolution. It is probably premature, but it would not surprise me to see Rand Paul and Sarah Palin as the 2012 candidates of both the Repulbican and Tea Bagger Partys. It makes sense in terms of attracting voters, and after John McCain the Republicans need "hot" candidates like Paul and Palin.

I think the Republican Party through it's eight years of arogance coupled with bland politics needs someone to draw attention from the colorful Obama/Biden package. As an Indy, I would love strong choices in 2012.


Rand Paul will not a be a Presidential candidate in 2012.
He's baiting Obama to come and campaign on behalf of his Democratic opponent in the Kentucky Senate race, not to come campaign against Rand for President. Yes, I would support Rand for President, but I think there's better candidates. His father for starters, and Gary Johnson. Both have the political experience, whereas Rand has never held elected office. I also think they're both better on the issues, in general, than Rand.

Momentum is building in the Tea Bagger revolution. It is probably premature, but it would not surprise me to see Rand Paul and Sarah Palin as the 2012 candidates of both the Repulbican and Tea Bagger Partys. It makes sense in terms of attracting voters, and after John McCain the Republicans need "hot" candidates like Paul and Palin.

I think the Republican Party through it's eight years of arogance coupled with bland politics needs someone to draw attention from the colorful Obama/Biden package. As an Indy, I would love strong choices in 2012.


Rand Paul will not a be a Presidential candidate in 2012.

Are you speaking as an officer in the RNC, or a Tea Bagger?

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Momentum is building in the Tea Bagger revolution. It is probably premature, but it would not surprise me to see Rand Paul and Sarah Palin as the 2012 candidates of both the Repulbican and Tea Bagger Partys. It makes sense in terms of attracting voters, and after John McCain the Republicans need "hot" candidates like Paul and Palin.

I think the Republican Party through it's eight years of arogance coupled with bland politics needs someone to draw attention from the colorful Obama/Biden package. As an Indy, I would love strong choices in 2012.


Rand Paul will not a be a Presidential candidate in 2012.

Are you speaking as an officer in the RNC, or a Tea Bagger?

I am speaking as someone with common sense. Call it a bold prediction, if you'd like.
I really liked how he said it was "unamerican" to hold BRITISH PETROLEUM responsible for their major fuck up.

I also liked how he wants a constitutional declaration of war against Afghanistan. Too bad we are not at war with Afghanistan.

It should be unsettling that Rand Paul does not understand the concept of negligence with regard to BP and does not understand the U.S. Constitution with regard to Afghanistan. And yet it's not unsettling for lots of people. That is even more unsettling.

What is going on with Kentucky's educational system that the state's residents could vote in droves for this hack?
I really liked how he said it was "unamerican" to hold BRITISH PETROLEUM responsible for their major fuck up.

I also liked how he wants a constitutional declaration of war against Afghanistan. Too bad we are not at war with Afghanistan.

It should be unsettling that Rand Paul does not understand the concept of negligence with regard to BP and does not understand the U.S. Constitution with regard to Afghanistan. And yet it's not unsettling for lots of people. That is even more unsettling.

What is going on with Kentucky's educational system that the state's residents could vote in droves for this hack?

Which isn't what he said regarding BP.

If we're not at war with Afghanistan our troops should probably be getting out of there.
I really liked how he said it was "unamerican" to hold BRITISH PETROLEUM responsible for their major fuck up.

I also liked how he wants a constitutional declaration of war against Afghanistan. Too bad we are not at war with Afghanistan.

It should be unsettling that Rand Paul does not understand the concept of negligence with regard to BP and does not understand the U.S. Constitution with regard to Afghanistan. And yet it's not unsettling for lots of people. That is even more unsettling.

What is going on with Kentucky's educational system that the state's residents could vote in droves for this hack?

Well, Phreethought, consider if the Tea Baggers and/or conservatives left the Republican Party. It would be very difficult to win an election for either a Tea Bagger or a Republican. Do you think maybe the moderate Republicans might take their party back? And, politically what would happen to the blue Dems and their wishy-washy politics? When you think about it, who would have the most to gain if the Tea Baggers split off into a third party, the Democrats or the Independents? :happy-1:
Which isn't what he said regarding BP.

Yes it is.

"What I don't like from the president's administration is this sort of, 'I'll put my boot heel on the throat of BP,'" Paul said in an interview with ABC's "Good Morning America.""I think that sounds really un-American in his criticism of business."
Which isn't what he said regarding BP.

Yes it is.

"What I don't like from the president's administration is this sort of, 'I'll put my boot heel on the throat of BP,'" Paul said in an interview with ABC's "Good Morning America.""I think that sounds really un-American in his criticism of business."

Holding BP responsible is not the same as saying you're going to keep your boot on their throat, so no Rand didn't say what Phreethought said he said.
Rand Paul, the Tea Party/Bagger new star, is he White House material?

Has the Tea Party become a political party? Is Rand Paul the Tea Party candidate for President in 2012?

Rand Paul and the Tea Party


Rand Paul, the Tea Party/Bagger new star, is he White House material?

A Rand Paul, Sarah Palin ticket in 2012 could be the answer for Republicans and Tea Baggers alike.

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Kevin, he said it was "unamerican" for Obama to criticize BP. It's been rather widely reported.

Do you agree with him?

No, he said it was unamerican to say that we're going to keep our boots on BP's throat, and no I don't think it's the government's place to say such nonsense.

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