Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

Nonsense? Do you believe BP was not negligent?

Well we don't know what happened yet, so I'm willing to hold off on my criticism until the facts are known. It's not the job of the President or the administration to talk about keeping their boots on anybody's throat, especially before we have any of the facts.
Rand Paul, the Tea Party/Bagger new star, is he White House material?

Has the Tea Party become a political party? Is Rand Paul the Tea Party candidate for President in 2012?

Rand Paul and the Tea Party


Rand Paul, the Tea Party/Bagger new star, is he White House material?

How many blacks do you think would vote for him now?
Here are just a few questions for you guys:

Where was BP's containment barge and response crew?

Why was the containment boom laid so damn late, too late and too little?

Why is it that the US Navy is hauling in 12 miles of rubber boom and fielding seven skimmers, instead of BP?
Here are just a few questions for you guys:

Where was BP's containment barge and response crew?

Why was the containment boom laid so damn late, too late and too little?

Why is it that the US Navy is hauling in 12 miles of rubber boom and fielding seven skimmers, instead of BP?

Because BP obviously thought it'd be in their best interest to pour hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil into the ocean everyday.
The oil company told the Energy and Commerce subcommittee on oversight privately that the well failed a key pressure test just hours before it exploded on April 20. The test indicated pressure was building up in the well, which could indicate oil or gas was seeping in and could lead to an explosion, said Waxman. "Yet it appears the companies did not suspend operations, and now 11 workers are dead and the Gulf faces an environmental catastrophe," he said, asking why work wasn't stopped on the well.

But how dare our government take a strong anti-business position such as demanding accountability!
The oil company told the Energy and Commerce subcommittee on oversight privately that the well failed a key pressure test just hours before it exploded on April 20. The test indicated pressure was building up in the well, which could indicate oil or gas was seeping in and could lead to an explosion, said Waxman. "Yet it appears the companies did not suspend operations, and now 11 workers are dead and the Gulf faces an environmental catastrophe," he said, asking why work wasn't stopped on the well.

But how dare our government take a strong anti-business position such as demanding accountability!

They weren't demanding accountability, they said they're going to "keep their boots on BP's throat." That's something the mob would say, which I guess fits the government.
Nonsense? Do you believe BP was not negligent?

I believe BP was not negligent.

Can you tell me what DOI, OSHA, EPA, or any other precautions they ignored?

Mine Tragedy Raises Questions About Bush Administration’s Lack of Safety Enforcement
January 05, 2006

Jan. 5—The Sago coal mine in Upshur County, W.Va., where 12 miners were killed after a Jan. 3 explosion more than two miles from the mine mouth has a history of serious safety violations. Yet, according to government records, the mine’s owners have escaped significant fines.

Since taking office in 2001, the Bush administration has cut funding and staff at the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), the federal agency in charge of enforcing the nation’s mine safety laws. The Bush administration has eliminated 170 jobs at MSHA and proposed to cut the MSHA budget in fiscal year 2006 by some $4.9 million in real dollar terms

AFL-CIO News: Mine Tragedy Raises Questions About Bush Administration’s Lack of Safety Enforcement

A little more than a year after taking office, the Obama administration and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis have taken significant steps to repair the damage to workplace safety and health left behind after eight years of the Bush administration.

For eight years under the Bush Administration, corporate officials and management representatives headed the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA). Bush’s first MSHA head, David Lauriski, was chief safety officer at Emery Mining’s Wilberg, Utah, mine in 1984 when an explosion killed 27 coal miners. The blast, says Kaplan, “was later attributed to numerous violations at the mine.”

Today’s Workplace After 8 Years of Bush Neglect, Job Safety Gets New Boost from Obama, Solis

April 18, 2002
New Workplace Safety Policy Urges Voluntary Compliance
By Katrina C. Arabe
The Bush administration has created a stir with its new workplace safety policy. Whether you cheer or jeer depends upon which side of the workplace coin you're on.

The Bush administration recently announced its new workplace safety policy, which is creating controversy by emphasizing the voluntary effort of employers to curb work-related injuries. Business advocates and Republicans believe the policy is a fair one since it will not put undue financial strain on business owners.

Near the end of its term, the Clinton administration had put forth an ergonomic safety policy that was later repealed by Congress under the early Bush administration.

New Workplace Safety Policy Urges Voluntary Compliance : IMT Industry Market Trends

EPA's Voluntary Compliance is a Government Shell Game

The level of pollution clouding the EPA's focus was made abundantly clear by Congressional testimony submitted November 8th, 2007, by Stephen L. Johnson, the Bush-appointed director of the Agency. In his testimony, Johnson argued that the EPA should not have to regulate CO2 emissions as pollutants, even though a recent court decision classified CO2 emissions from automobiles as a regulated pollutant under existing law.

EPA's Voluntary Compliance is a Government Shell Game - Associated Content -

-------Hey, don't look at me. These aren't my words. I didn't say a thing.
Oh call the waaahmulance. Obama used some unsavory words. Sweet platform, Rand! Get America back on track by coming out against metaphors. I mean, it's clear Obama was really sending a signal to his henchmen to off some BP execes.
Oh call the waaahmulance. Obama used some unsavory words. Sweet platform, Rand! Get America back on track by coming out against metaphors. I mean, it's clear Obama was really sending a signal to his henchmen to off some BP execes.

The point being that it's not his job in the first place.
C'mon, Kevin. You really think our President should stay mum about a preventable disaster that is costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars?

Maybe you shouldn't post while drunk.

Perhaps in the morning when you sober up you can answer my substantive questions about BP's misfeasance.
C'mon, Kevin. You really think our President should stay mum about a preventable disaster that is costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars?

Maybe you shouldn't post while drunk.

Perhaps in the morning when you sober up you can answer my substantive questions about BP's misfeasance.

I see nothing in the Constitution that says it's the President's job to wag his finger when a business has an accident, and it's not BP's fault it's costing taxpayers money. It's the government's fault for getting involved.

I don't drink.
You sure you want to commit to the principle that a president can only do what is affirmatively authorized in the Constitution?
STILL nothing to add? LMAO!

Thanks for saying I run away. :lol:

Why are you asking me when you have shown that you have nothing to add??

BTW thanks for running away. LOL If you weren't such a cowardly dishonest trolling hack I wouldn't have to call you out for it.

Now how about you actually respond to the content of my post instead of avoiding it?? Or is that too much to ask for from you??

You said I responded weeks later when i responded during the debate. You LIED and have nothing valid to offer so you post in the hopes that attacking will replace a valid argument because you have nothing but you know it doesn't. LOL

BTW I think it's hilarious that I called you out for having nothing to add and proved that you have nothing so you started parroting me and claiming that I have nothing, which shows once and for all that you have NOTHING to add. LOL

Can you get to your point, please?

*filing nails and yawning*

My point was made, you are and were wrong and even admitted to that FACT. That is all that needs to be said. LOL
Rand Paul, the Tea Party/Bagger new star, is he White House material?

Has the Tea Party become a political party? Is Rand Paul the Tea Party candidate for President in 2012?

Rand Paul and the Tea Party


Rand Paul, the Tea Party/Bagger new star, is he White House material?

How many blacks do you think would vote for him now?

Correct: He shouldn't be honest in his reply, rather he should pander to each demographic until he's in office, then claim to have "mis-spoken" and apologize for his transgression.
C'mon, Kevin. You really think our President should stay mum about a preventable disaster that is costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars?

Maybe you shouldn't post while drunk.

Perhaps in the morning when you sober up you can answer my substantive questions about BP's misfeasance.

You do realize you're derailing the thread?

Since you're a noob, I'm advising that you could begin a BP thread (among the many that already exist). Otherwise, post something about your opinion regarding the OP.
Why are you asking me when you have shown that you have nothing to add??

BTW thanks for running away. LOL If you weren't such a cowardly dishonest trolling hack I wouldn't have to call you out for it.

Now how about you actually respond to the content of my post instead of avoiding it?? Or is that too much to ask for from you??

You said I responded weeks later when i responded during the debate. You LIED and have nothing valid to offer so you post in the hopes that attacking will replace a valid argument because you have nothing but you know it doesn't. LOL

BTW I think it's hilarious that I called you out for having nothing to add and proved that you have nothing so you started parroting me and claiming that I have nothing, which shows once and for all that you have NOTHING to add. LOL

Can you get to your point, please?

*filing nails and yawning*

My point was made, you are and were wrong and even admitted to that FACT. That is all that needs to be said. LOL

Nah, you made no point. You parroted the points of others.

Do you have any point to make? (Note that verb tense.) Or, you just have to get your fix of bandwidth again?
Democrats love to hate on free speech. :thup:

you mean like excluding people with anti-iraq war t-shirts from bush's speech?

that kind of hate on free speech?
Actually, the kind of hate from Democrats that I just quoted.

When I want you to speak for me, I'll let you know.

Unintended irony. :lol:

Again, Do you read your own posts?? They are full of hate and personal attacks for those who disagree with you and your warped biased and hypocritical OPINIONS while you fail to substantiate your claims.

The other poster who you try to call out for hate was merely returning what you were trying to dish out. If you can't take the heat then stay out of the kitchen and don't come whining and crying about "hate" coming back at you after that is all you seem to be capable of presenting.
you mean like excluding people with anti-iraq war t-shirts from bush's speech?

that kind of hate on free speech?
Actually, the kind of hate from Democrats that I just quoted.

When I want you to speak for me, I'll let you know.

Unintended irony. :lol:

Again, Do you read your own posts?? They are full of hate and personal attacks for those who disagree with you and your warped biased and hypocritical OPINIONS while you fail to substantiate your claims.

The other poster who you try to call out for hate was merely returning what you were trying to dish out. If you can't take the heat then stay out of the kitchen and don't come whining and crying about "hate" coming back at you after that is all you seem to be capable of presenting.
Oh, I guess I can't take the heat because I keep running away.

Lefty liberal Democrats are the perfect goosestepping Progressives tools.

I guess they got tired of going after Rush, Beck, Palin, Fox news..

they now have a NEW TARGET their masters told them to go after..:lol:

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