Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

Repeating that false claim over and over again does not make it true anymore that it did the last few times that you repeated that LIE.

Points have been made you just can't handle the truth and can only attack in lieu of presenting a real argument.

at this point in time, my point is that you are and were wrong and even admitted to that fact.
You claimed I responded "weeks after" the original debate when that is a LIE.
You claimed I parroted ALL of my arguments and that is a LIE.
You claimed I didn't ask questions in response to a thread that had several questions within it and that is a LIE.

and those are just a few of the lies that you have told in thsi thread. FACT is that you are big on making claims but when push comes to shove you present NOTHING of substance to support your claims and can only attack because you have NOTHING valid to offer.

Sooooo, you still have no point.

Aw, more of your limited wit as you prove my point by ignoring facts that you don't like. How typical.

Again, Do you read your own posts?? They are full of hate and personal attacks for those who disagree with you and your warped biased and hypocritical OPINIONS while you fail to substantiate your claims.

The other poster who you try to call out for hate was merely returning what you were trying to dish out. If you can't take the heat then stay out of the kitchen and don't come whining and crying about "hate" coming back at you after that is all you seem to be capable of presenting.
Oh, I guess I can't take the heat because I keep running away.


Nope you "can't take the heat" because posting nonresponsive personal attacks as you avoid proving your own claims IS running away from the debate.
If you can't prove your own claims then why make them??

Yet, you keep demonstrating that you have no point. That's not heat, that's just funny.
Among a people generally corrupt liberty cannot long exist.
Edmund Burke

May 13

Late Friday afternoon, as Maine's Republican State Convention fanned out from the Portland Expo to county caucuses at nearby King Middle School, GOP loyalists from Knox County found themselves directed to Classroom 110 – the domain of eighth-grade social studies teacher Paul Clifford.

Now this, in case you haven't heard by now, was no ordinary county delegation.

The insurgent Knox County conservatives, heavily steeped in the Tea Party Movement, would manage by the time the convention was over to replace a run-of-the-mill party platform with a new set of planks imported from, well, another political planet.

It's a place where all of the borders are sealed, global warming is a myth (and a potentially illegal one at that), health care is by no means a right, Austrian economics rule and you will never, ever witness the creation of "a one world government."

It's also a place where, according to Section V, item k, "It is immoral to steal property rightfully earned by one person, and give it to another who has no claim or right to its benefits."
Portland Press Herald

The Republican State Convention was held at the Portland Exposition Building, which is on Park Avenue, near the middle school. Party members from Knox County caucused in a classroom used by eighth-grade social studies teacher Paul Clifford.

When Clifford returned to school on Monday, he found that a favorite poster about the U.S. labor movement had been taken and replaced with a bumper sticker that read, "Working People Vote Republican."

Later, Clifford learned that his classroom had been searched. Republicans who had attended the convention called Principal Mike McCarthy to complain about "anti-American" things they saw there, including a closed box containing copies of the U.S. Constitution that were published by the American Civil Liberties Union.
The Kennebec Journal, Augusta, ME
copies of the U.S. Constitution anti-American? :evil:

Among a people generally corrupt liberty cannot long exist.
Edmund Burke

May 13

Late Friday afternoon, as Maine's Republican State Convention fanned out from the Portland Expo to county caucuses at nearby King Middle School, GOP loyalists from Knox County found themselves directed to Classroom 110 – the domain of eighth-grade social studies teacher Paul Clifford.

Now this, in case you haven't heard by now, was no ordinary county delegation.

The insurgent Knox County conservatives, heavily steeped in the Tea Party Movement, would manage by the time the convention was over to replace a run-of-the-mill party platform with a new set of planks imported from, well, another political planet.

It's a place where all of the borders are sealed, global warming is a myth (and a potentially illegal one at that), health care is by no means a right, Austrian economics rule and you will never, ever witness the creation of "a one world government."

It's also a place where, according to Section V, item k, "It is immoral to steal property rightfully earned by one person, and give it to another who has no claim or right to its benefits."
Portland Press Herald

The Republican State Convention was held at the Portland Exposition Building, which is on Park Avenue, near the middle school. Party members from Knox County caucused in a classroom used by eighth-grade social studies teacher Paul Clifford.

When Clifford returned to school on Monday, he found that a favorite poster about the U.S. labor movement had been taken and replaced with a bumper sticker that read, "Working People Vote Republican."

Later, Clifford learned that his classroom had been searched. Republicans who had attended the convention called Principal Mike McCarthy to complain about "anti-American" things they saw there, including a closed box containing copies of the U.S. Constitution that were published by the American Civil Liberties Union.
The Kennebec Journal, Augusta, ME

Republicans who had attended the convention"...complained about"anti-American" things " "copies of the U.S. Constitution that were published by the American Civil Liberties Union."
The Kennebec Journal, Augusta, ME
i wonder if i go break into a bank and steal money ...will the headline robbed

or pagan/witch robs bank...come on people....nutters are just that...nutters....some latch on to causes that the causes fault...or just a plain nutter fact?
one can say that the causes are seducing or making the impluses uncontrolable.....let me remind y ou that is what peddies say....they were seduced by a 3 yr old blah blah blah
Sooooo, you still have no point.

Aw, more of your limited wit as you prove my point by ignoring facts that you don't like. How typical.

Oh, I guess I can't take the heat because I keep running away.


Nope you "can't take the heat" because posting nonresponsive personal attacks as you avoid proving your own claims IS running away from the debate.
If you can't prove your own claims then why make them??

Yet, you keep demonstrating that you have no point. That's not heat, that's just funny.

I have proven my points and restated them several times for your benefit and you keep avoiding them which further proves ONE of my points and that is that you are nothing but a dishonest trolling hack. It's ok keep running away from the facts, you only serve to prove me right, AGAIN. LOL
Aw, more of your limited wit as you prove my point by ignoring facts that you don't like. How typical.

Nope you "can't take the heat" because posting nonresponsive personal attacks as you avoid proving your own claims IS running away from the debate.
If you can't prove your own claims then why make them??

Yet, you keep demonstrating that you have no point. That's not heat, that's just funny.

I have proven my points and restated them several times for your benefit and you keep avoiding them which further proves ONE of my points and that is that you are nothing but a dishonest trolling hack. It's ok keep running away from the facts, you only serve to prove me right, AGAIN. LOL

Read and note the verb tense; you have no point. And you continue to demonstrate that you have no point.
Yet, you keep demonstrating that you have no point. That's not heat, that's just funny.

I have proven my points and restated them several times for your benefit and you keep avoiding them which further proves ONE of my points and that is that you are nothing but a dishonest trolling hack. It's ok keep running away from the facts, you only serve to prove me right, AGAIN. LOL

Read and note the verb tense; you have no point. And you continue to demonstrate that you have no point.

Take your own advice and just READ THE THREAD. LOL
Your baseless claims, once again, show that you are a troll.

Oh and posting for the sake of posting in a moronic attempt to claim that you are not running away, when you have ignored and avoided and claimed that I have asked no questions or made no points or have no point when I do, just further shows how lame and dishonest you truly are. LOL

You keep avoiding my points which further proves ONE of my points and that is that you are nothing but a dishonest trolling hack (current point).
I have proven my points and restated them several times for your benefit and you keep avoiding them which further proves ONE of my points and that is that you are nothing but a dishonest trolling hack. It's ok keep running away from the facts, you only serve to prove me right, AGAIN. LOL

Read and note the verb tense; you have no point. And you continue to demonstrate that you have no point.

Take your own advice and just READ THE THREAD. LOL
Your baseless claims, once again, show that you are a troll.

Oh and posting for the sake of posting in a moronic attempt to claim that you are not running away, when you have ignored and avoided and claimed that I have asked no questions or made no points or have no point when I do, just further shows how lame and dishonest you truly are. LOL

You keep avoiding my points which further proves ONE of my points and that is that you are nothing but a dishonest trolling hack (current point).

OK. Your point is that you have no point. Got it. :thup:
Read and note the verb tense; you have no point. And you continue to demonstrate that you have no point.

Take your own advice and just READ THE THREAD. LOL
Your baseless claims, once again, show that you are a troll.

Oh and posting for the sake of posting in a moronic attempt to claim that you are not running away, when you have ignored and avoided and claimed that I have asked no questions or made no points or have no point when I do, just further shows how lame and dishonest you truly are. LOL

You keep avoiding my points which further proves ONE of my points and that is that you are nothing but a dishonest trolling hack (current point).

OK. Your point is that you have no point. Got it. :thup:

You keep avoiding my points which further proves ONE of my points and that is that you are nothing but a dishonest trolling hack (current point). LOL

Thanks for proving my current point AGAIN.
Take your own advice and just READ THE THREAD. LOL
Your baseless claims, once again, show that you are a troll.

Oh and posting for the sake of posting in a moronic attempt to claim that you are not running away, when you have ignored and avoided and claimed that I have asked no questions or made no points or have no point when I do, just further shows how lame and dishonest you truly are. LOL

You keep avoiding my points which further proves ONE of my points and that is that you are nothing but a dishonest trolling hack (current point).

OK. Your point is that you have no point. Got it. :thup:

You keep avoiding my points which further proves ONE of my points and that is that you are nothing but a dishonest trolling hack (current point). LOL

Thanks for proving my current point AGAIN.
Liar. I've avoiding nothing. When you have an original point and one that I have yet to address, you let us know.

Until then, I mock you.
OK. Your point is that you have no point. Got it. :thup:

You keep avoiding my points which further proves ONE of my points and that is that you are nothing but a dishonest trolling hack (current point). LOL

Thanks for proving my current point AGAIN.

I kow you are and have proven you to be a liar througout this thread.

I've avoiding nothing.

except for everything as you desperately try to attack me personally and avoid what I actually said.

When you have an original point and one that I have yet to address, you let us know.

and yet i havehad several original points including the one concerning when obama actually called for civility in reference to his use of the term "tea-bagger" and you avoided that point claiming that i parroted it and yet when asked you failed to prove that i parroted it. You merely repeated that false claim over and over again to avoid a debate that you realized that you could never win.

Until then, I mock you.

and yet I am laughing at you. your ignorance and cowardice are quite entertaining.
drsmith's lack of self-awareness is So Amusing.
You keep avoiding my points which further proves ONE of my points and that is that you are nothing but a dishonest trolling hack (current point). LOL

Thanks for proving my current point AGAIN.

I kow you are and have proven you to be a liar througout this thread.

except for everything as you desperately try to attack me personally and avoid what I actually said.

When you have an original point and one that I have yet to address, you let us know.

and yet i havehad several original points including the one concerning when obama actually called for civility in reference to his use of the term "tea-bagger" and you avoided that point claiming that i parroted it and yet when asked you failed to prove that i parroted it. You merely repeated that false claim over and over again to avoid a debate that you realized that you could never win.

Until then, I mock you.

and yet I am laughing at you. your ignorance and cowardice are quite entertaining.
As I said, you have no point. Until you bring up an original point that I have yet to address, I mock you.

I've asked you for pages on end to make your point. You have yet to do so.

And, I mock your idiocy because of that.
Does anybody involved in this verbal clusterfuck even know how many posts one might have to go back to discovery WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT????????


Does anybody involved in this verbal clusterfuck even know how many posts one might have to go back to discovery WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT????????



Dr. has made some points, si modo and boedicca are acting like reactionary fools, and all is normal on the eastern front.
Does anybody involved in this verbal clusterfuck even know how many posts one might have to go back to discovery WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT????????



Dr. has made some points, si modo and boedicca are acting like reactionary fools, and all is normal on the eastern front.
Correction. Smith has parroted and thinks he has added something original and of consequence to the thread.

He has yet to make an original point of significance.

And, I mock him and will continue to mock him for that. I am a patient person that way.

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