Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

Nobody's putting you down. I'm merely pointing out that there is no serious movement to have Rand run for President.

And, I am supplying links to indicate there is talk of Rand Paul as a Presidential candidate.
Why so sensitive, I should think you would support a Rand Paul Presidential candidacy.!

He's baiting Obama to come and campaign on behalf of his Democratic opponent in the Kentucky Senate race, not to come campaign against Rand for President. Yes, I would support Rand for President, but I think there's better candidates. His father for starters, and Gary Johnson. Both have the political experience, whereas Rand has never held elected office. I also think they're both better on the issues, in general, than Rand.

You're giving Rand alot of credit for crafting a political fish trap for Obama.

Frankly, I doubt his intent was t do anymore than speak for a constituancy that is chaffing under government regulations who have evolved well beyond their original intent. The spirit of federal statues designed to protect minorities has been bastardised, e.g., NATIONAL BORDERS cannot be protected if we identify illegal migrants as a minority.

Sadly, Rand seems to have inherited his father's curse for being able to insert his foot into his mouth, and then pushing it in up past the knee. Given this, his chances for running for office needing a wide constituancy are slim.

What interests me is the growing concern (Anxiouty?) that some in the media have about the effect of the Tea Party's influance on an election still more than 2 years away. They clearly see Obama as standing on VERY thin ice.
Can you get to your point, please?

*filing nails and yawning*

My point was made, you are and were wrong and even admitted to that FACT. That is all that needs to be said. LOL

Nah, you made no point. You parroted the points of others.

Do you have any point to make? (Note that verb tense.) Or, you just have to get your fix of bandwidth again?

Repeating that false claim over and over again does not make it true anymore that it did the last few times that you repeated that LIE.

Points have been made you just can't handle the truth and can only attack in lieu of presenting a real argument.

at this point in time, my point is that you are and were wrong and even admitted to that fact.
You claimed I responded "weeks after" the original debate when that is a LIE.
You claimed I parroted ALL of my arguments and that is a LIE.
You claimed I didn't ask questions in response to a thread that had several questions within it and that is a LIE.

and those are just a few of the lies that you have told in thsi thread. FACT is that you are big on making claims but when push comes to shove you present NOTHING of substance to support your claims and can only attack because you have NOTHING valid to offer.
Lefty liberal Democrats are the perfect goosestepping Progressives tools.

I guess they got tired of going after Rush, Beck, Palin, Fox news..

they now have a NEW TARGET their masters told them to go after..:lol:

By this-time-next-year they'll be afraid to fall asleep because Feddy Krugar may decide to run for president on a Tea Party Ticket.
He is a "target" because his ideas made him a target.

He has crack pot views that the American voter will never vote for.

Those views should hit the light of day.

There is not one fucking thing wrong with learnign about what a candidate believes.

You people are soo devoted to failed ideas you turn your morals into pretzels.
My point was made, you are and were wrong and even admitted to that FACT. That is all that needs to be said. LOL

Nah, you made no point. You parroted the points of others.

Do you have any point to make? (Note that verb tense.) Or, you just have to get your fix of bandwidth again?

Repeating that false claim over and over again does not make it true anymore that it did the last few times that you repeated that LIE.

Points have been made you just can't handle the truth and can only attack in lieu of presenting a real argument.

at this point in time, my point is that you are and were wrong and even admitted to that fact.
You claimed I responded "weeks after" the original debate when that is a LIE.
You claimed I parroted ALL of my arguments and that is a LIE.
You claimed I didn't ask questions in response to a thread that had several questions within it and that is a LIE.

and those are just a few of the lies that you have told in thsi thread. FACT is that you are big on making claims but when push comes to shove you present NOTHING of substance to support your claims and can only attack because you have NOTHING valid to offer.

Sooooo, you still have no point.
He is a "target" because his ideas made him a target.

He has crack pot views that the American voter will never vote for.

Those views should hit the light of day.

There is not one fucking thing wrong with learnign about what a candidate believes.

You people are soo devoted to failed ideas you turn your morals into pretzels.

He is a "target" because his ideas made him a target.

I wasn't aware he was a "target," but it is telling that in America you can become a "target" because of your "ideas."

Perhaps he should be sent to a "Re-education Camp?"
Rand Paul, the Tea Party/Bagger new star, is he White House material?

Has the Tea Party become a political party? Is Rand Paul the Tea Party candidate for President in 2012?

Rand Paul and the Tea Party


Rand Paul, the Tea Party/Bagger new star, is he White House material?

Is that a halo?
Maher is pothead that caters, not to an elite of intelligence as he would like to believe, but to a cheering bunch of imbecils, who never traveled outside the USA, so they know very little. He hates Texas and calls Texans stupid. Why then Texas thrives and California is bankrupt? Where do the idiots live?

He could be funny if he was not so obviously vicious.
Stainmuster, why are you so afraid of Rand Paul?

i doubt that anyone is 'afraid' of him. i'm fairly sure that most of us think he's naive and assume he'll continue to make himself look out of touch with reality.
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Stainmuster, why are you so afraid of Rand Paul?

i doubt that anyone is 'afraid' of him. i'm fairly sure that most of us think he's naive and assume he'll continue to make himself look out of touch with reality.

As an open-minded independent, I am not afraid of Rand Paul. I think it is exciting that the Republican Party, (what is left of it), would split. I welcome the idea of Rand Paul, Sarah Palin, and the Tea Baggers getting together to offer "a new approach," to American Government. It would be so much easier to get all those 'like thinking' Tea Baggers in one place, and hold them responsible like other American political parties.

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And you said that with a straight face. But I'm not buying your bullshit, I think you're an idiot liberal.
And you said that with a straight face. But I'm not buying your bullshit, I think you're an idiot liberal.

You bet I can say that with a straight face. You act as if I care what you think about me.

"Idiot Liberal," you say??????? What exactly would that be? Please express yourself freely, as an Indy I am always hanging on the words of some USMB member to help me understand myself better. After all, Lonestar_Logic, where else is there to turn for advice besides you?

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So who began wearing sidearms to political rallies first? The BAGGERS are desperate!
Actually, the kind of hate from Democrats that I just quoted.

When I want you to speak for me, I'll let you know.

Unintended irony. :lol:

Again, Do you read your own posts?? They are full of hate and personal attacks for those who disagree with you and your warped biased and hypocritical OPINIONS while you fail to substantiate your claims.

The other poster who you try to call out for hate was merely returning what you were trying to dish out. If you can't take the heat then stay out of the kitchen and don't come whining and crying about "hate" coming back at you after that is all you seem to be capable of presenting.
Oh, I guess I can't take the heat because I keep running away.


Nope you "can't take the heat" because posting nonresponsive personal attacks as you avoid proving your own claims IS running away from the debate.
If you can't prove your own claims then why make them??
Nah, you made no point. You parroted the points of others.

Do you have any point to make? (Note that verb tense.) Or, you just have to get your fix of bandwidth again?

Repeating that false claim over and over again does not make it true anymore that it did the last few times that you repeated that LIE.

Points have been made you just can't handle the truth and can only attack in lieu of presenting a real argument.

at this point in time, my point is that you are and were wrong and even admitted to that fact.
You claimed I responded "weeks after" the original debate when that is a LIE.
You claimed I parroted ALL of my arguments and that is a LIE.
You claimed I didn't ask questions in response to a thread that had several questions within it and that is a LIE.

and those are just a few of the lies that you have told in thsi thread. FACT is that you are big on making claims but when push comes to shove you present NOTHING of substance to support your claims and can only attack because you have NOTHING valid to offer.

Sooooo, you still have no point.

Aw, more of your limited wit as you prove my point by ignoring facts that you don't like. How typical.
Nothing works in the Tea Baggers' favor more than an artificial, homophobic, self-induced, 1000% bullshit, super-sensitivity over the name they freaking picked for their own group. I am just DYING to meet people who foam at the mouth over dipshit like this.

Yes, I have always wanted to begin collecting prissy hand-wringers as political allies. No doubt we have so MUCH in common.

[ame=]YouTube - Bill Maher on the Tea Baggers Pining for the 1950s[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Befuddled Teabaggers at Cleveland Tea Party[/ame]

You Tea Baggers have somewhat bigger problems, if you EVER want to mature into a viable political party.

Get. Over. It. You're. Not. 12. Year. Olds.

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