Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

Not only that, he also obviously wants an audience for his performances with sweaty male balls.

There are websites that will help him with that, but USMB is not one of them.

You must really be desperate to knock me down. I don't get it. A third party movement is developing to make the savior of the Tea Party/Bagger movement President of the United States, and you are tearing me down. I am trying to be even-handed here. It is exciting. How long has it been since America had a third party movement that could put a leader like Rand Paul in the White House?


Actually no, there is no movement to make Rand Paul the next President of the U.S. There is a movement to make him the next Senator from the Commonwealth of Kentucky, but the only people seriously talking about him running for President are people opposed to him.
Not only that, he also obviously wants an audience for his performances with sweaty male balls.

There are websites that will help him with that, but USMB is not one of them.

You must really be desperate to knock me down. I don't get it. A third party movement is developing to make the savior of the Tea Party/Bagger movement President of the United States, and you are tearing me down. I am trying to be even-handed here. It is exciting. How long has it been since America had a third party movement that could put a leader like Rand Paul in the White House?


Actually no, there is no movement to make Rand Paul the next President of the U.S. There is a movement to make him the next Senator from the Commonwealth of Kentucky, but the only people seriously talking about him running for President are people opposed to him.

Look, I am no big fan of the Tea Party/Bagger movement, but articles like this one are showing up in the national media. Rand Paul, (endorsed for the U. S. Senate by Sarah Palin), Tea Baggers, and a 2012 Presidential run are being discussed. Check out Google, and think again about what the reality of a Rand Paul OR Paul/Palin ticket could mean to the Tea Bagger political party! After all, why should the new generation of American politics be dragged down with the bagage of the failed Republican Party? The Tea Bagger Party!!! It simply boggles the mind! :cool:

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You must really be desperate to knock me down. I don't get it. A third party movement is developing to make the savior of the Tea Party/Bagger movement President of the United States, and you are tearing me down. I am trying to be even-handed here. It is exciting. How long has it been since America had a third party movement that could put a leader like Rand Paul in the White House?


Actually no, there is no movement to make Rand Paul the next President of the U.S. There is a movement to make him the next Senator from the Commonwealth of Kentucky, but the only people seriously talking about him running for President are people opposed to him.

Look, I am no big fan of the Tea Party/Bagger movement, but articles like this one are showing up in the national media. Rand Paul, (endorsed for the U. S. Senate by Sarah Palin), Tea Baggers, and a 2012 Presidential run are being discussed. Check out Google, and think again about what the reality of a Ron Paul OR Palin/Paul ticket could mean to the Tea Bagger political party! It simply boggles the mind! :cool:

Are you confusing Ron Paul for Rand Paul? Because yes, many of us would like to see Ron Paul run for President again, but no Rand Paul supporters are seriously putting him up to run for President.
Actually no, there is no movement to make Rand Paul the next President of the U.S. There is a movement to make him the next Senator from the Commonwealth of Kentucky, but the only people seriously talking about him running for President are people opposed to him.

Look, I am no big fan of the Tea Party/Bagger movement, but articles like this one are showing up in the national media. Rand Paul, (endorsed for the U. S. Senate by Sarah Palin), Tea Baggers, and a 2012 Presidential run are being discussed. Check out Google, and think again about what the reality of a Ron Paul OR Palin/Paul ticket could mean to the Tea Bagger political party! It simply boggles the mind! :cool:

Are you confusing Ron Paul for Rand Paul? Because yes, many of us would like to see Ron Paul run for President again, but no Rand Paul supporters are seriously putting him up to run for President.

The father, Ron Paul, is not the one making news headlines with huge bags of Tea Bagger cash flowing to propel him into the United States Senate. It is the son, RAND PAUL. Check out Rand Paul's Wiki bio is in post #5 of this thread. Doesn't this sound like the ideal leader/presidential candidate for the Tea Bagger Party revolution? What an exciting moment, an American third party candidate with 18% of the vote more than two years before the election! The possibilities are overwhelming!
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Look, I am no big fan of the Tea Party/Bagger movement, but articles like this one are showing up in the national media. Rand Paul, (endorsed for the U. S. Senate by Sarah Palin), Tea Baggers, and a 2012 Presidential run are being discussed. Check out Google, and think again about what the reality of a Ron Paul OR Palin/Paul ticket could mean to the Tea Bagger political party! It simply boggles the mind! :cool:

Are you confusing Ron Paul for Rand Paul? Because yes, many of us would like to see Ron Paul run for President again, but no Rand Paul supporters are seriously putting him up to run for President.

The father, Ron Paul, is not the one making news headlines with huge bags of Tea Bagger cash flowing to propel him into the United States Senate. It is the son, RAND PAUL. Check out Rand Paul's Wiki bio in post #

I'm aware of the differences between Ron and Rand Paul, but it's you creating the specter of a Rand Paul Presidential run just so that you can try to knock it down.
Are you confusing Ron Paul for Rand Paul? Because yes, many of us would like to see Ron Paul run for President again, but no Rand Paul supporters are seriously putting him up to run for President.

The father, Ron Paul, is not the one making news headlines with huge bags of Tea Bagger cash flowing to propel him into the United States Senate. It is the son, RAND PAUL. Check out Rand Paul's Wiki bio in post #

I'm aware of the differences between Ron and Rand Paul, but it's you creating the specter of a Rand Paul Presidential run just so that you can try to knock it down.

You know Kevin, I am an independent voter. This is the second time IN THIS THREAD that I have told you I am not a big fan of the Tea Bagger revolution. I have provided links to positive articles about Rand Paul as the leader for an effective third party movement.

Recalling my history lessons, the last time this happened was in the 1850s when the Republican Party was born as the Whig party declined. To have a move like that again reshuffles the political deck for America. Can't I simply share and enjoy the excitement of the moment as history is being made without the usual put downs from the political right?

The father, Ron Paul, is not the one making news headlines with huge bags of Tea Bagger cash flowing to propel him into the United States Senate. It is the son, RAND PAUL. Check out Rand Paul's Wiki bio in post #

I'm aware of the differences between Ron and Rand Paul, but it's you creating the specter of a Rand Paul Presidential run just so that you can try to knock it down.

You know Kevin, I am an independent voter. This is the second time IN THIS THREAD that I have told you I am not a big fan of the Tea Bagger revolution. I have provided links to positive articles about Rand Paul as the leader for an effective third party movement.

Recalling my history lessons, the last time this happened was in the 1850s when the Republican Party was born as the Whig party declined. To have a move like that again reshuffles the political deck for America. Can't I simply share and enjoy the excitement of the moment as history is being made without the usual put downs from the political right?


Nobody's putting you down. I'm merely pointing out that there is no serious movement to have Rand run for President.
Is this one of those, "I'm damned no matter how I answer that question", type of questions?

I have a feeling that I will be in trouble no matter how I answer that so here's my answer:

&)* w%$ h$(jy w e*_$%-e$je(^(g$ f)j^%)pp(jy e#$$^u$w%^.

Now, by the time you have deciphered that, I will be well out of range and safe... I hope!


Immie, you (usually) do not have to agree with me to be safe with me. I (usually) allow for the possibility that someone just as terrific as me but in possession of different facts or life experience may have a different POV from mine.

Occassionally, I am just another intolerant asshole.

If I get that way I expect my friends to jerk my collar.

Ain't that what friends are for?

That is okay, I was just yanking your chain anyway.

Did you break the code?


Sure did Immie. It's a date. You bring the monkey, I'll bring the spray cheese.

I have asked you MANY questions on MANY different occasions throughout this thread and you have ran away from all of them.

READ THE THREAD. Or does the fact that you have been owned by ME, someone you pretend to be superior to, with no real justification, really embarrass you that much?? LOL You went out of your way to attack ME so much in this thread with your lame attempts to tear ME down and all you have accomplished is to do that very thing to yourself. LOL You have shown that you are NOTHING but a dishonest troll who has NOTHING valid to offer and zero credibility. GJ. :clap2:

:lol::lol::lol: You sure have her number!!! I've told her the same thing many times, but she doesn't believe it. She really thinks she's super intelligent and she's as dumb as a bag of rocks. Now watch her call me names and cuss me out. That's another thing. She's so predictable and boring.

Good call on your part!!
Awww. Rinata is pissed off at Si modo because she was ridiculed for her absolute idiocy.

Stop PMing me, moron. Your PMs are vile and hateful. Plus, they are seriously moronic on their face. They reflect you well.

I never pm you unless I am responding to a pm that you sent to me. So quit whining and grow up. If you can't take it, then don't send me your nasty pm's. Is that too difficult for you to understand??? And remember that the tone of the response you get is going to match the tone of what you say. Do you think you're going to call people vicious names and they are going to respond with, "How you doing"?? Damn, you're stupid.
60 motherfucking pages of whining and whinging because the Tea Baggers don't like their party's name. Meanwhile, very little on the bombing of a Florida Mosque, and almost nothing on the anti-American remarks Obama made just last week.

Talk about self-involved and self-important. And all because Tea Baggers resent the dual definition of the name of their group; they don't want to share that noun with a term for a gay sex practice.

This certainly shouts "I'm a patriot and care about my nation's future" to me.

Sooooo, I participated in a debate with thinking posters weeks ago, you parroted points made weeks ago, and I avoided debating you in a debate that already happened weeks ago. And, now you're upset about it and say I'm running away from something in which I participated weeks ago.

Got it.


NOPE but nice rehash of your spin and avoidance tactics. I was there when that debate occured. The debate began on the 5th (I was here in this thread before that, during it and after that) and carried over into the 6th and I posted on the 6th as I read the thread. In response you chose to attack me and have been doing so since claiming that everything I have said in this thread was "parroted" which is a LIE and has been proven to be a lie several times over.
How is my response one day later into a debate equal to me "parroting points made weeks ago" or weeks after a debate? Your avoidance of that debate and other points that you would rather not deal with as well as your baseless personal attacks began "weeks ago" and have continued but that's about all that you have offered since being proven WRONG by your own link and video clip. LOL

Furthermore I have made MANY points other than the ONE debate that you seem obsessed with as you try to claim that I parroted that and therefore must have parroted everything else I have said. Fact is that you have used that one debate that you lost, after you provided the evidence that countered your own spin, to hide behind as you applied your unsubstantied claim that i parroted all of my arguments.
Face it once again you have been shown to be dishonest and therefore you LOSE again.

Sooooo, still nothing original and/or of any consequence, eh?

I'm not running away yet.

WOW so that's the best that you could come up with as a response after being shown to be a dishonest trolling hack? LOL read the bold type as it shines a light onto your dishonest tactics. LOL

Fact is that I read the thread from front to back like any normal person would do and responded to the posts in this thread as I came to them. I then did my own research and came up with my own responses and because you couldn't deal with the fact that you were shown to be wrong and then admitted that you were WRONG you started attacking me while lying about when I posted my responses. I didn't post them "weeks later" and that FACT proves you WRONG, AGAIN.

Then even when I presented other arguments that had nothing to do with your false maddow claims, you LIED once again and tried to claim that I parroted everything I said and then failed to substantiate your claims when asked to do so.

The sad thing is that you have even been so desperate that you have attacked me for quoting you and proving you wrong and dishonest.

You were WRONG and attacking me as you run away from the content of my post because it exposes your dishonesty will not change that fact.
I have asked you MANY questions on MANY different occasions throughout this thread and you have ran away from all of them.

READ THE THREAD. Or does the fact that you have been owned by ME, someone you pretend to be superior to, with no real justification, really embarrass you that much?? LOL You went out of your way to attack ME so much in this thread with your lame attempts to tear ME down and all you have accomplished is to do that very thing to yourself. LOL You have shown that you are NOTHING but a dishonest troll who has NOTHING valid to offer and zero credibility. GJ. :clap2:

:lol::lol::lol: You sure have her number!!! I've told her the same thing many times, but she doesn't believe it. She really thinks she's super intelligent and she's as dumb as a bag of rocks. Now watch her call me names and cuss me out. That's another thing. She's so predictable and boring.

Good call on your part!!
Awww. Rinata is pissed off at Si modo because she was ridiculed for her absolute idiocy.

Stop PMing me, moron. Your PMs are vile and hateful. Plus, they are seriously moronic on their face. They reflect you well.

LOL Have you ever bothered to read your posts on this board?? You describe yourself pretty well or did you happen to miss that??
Now As USUAL, Obama is right and wrong. The stimulus is part of what created the Tea Party. But it wasn't the Republicans being against it, it was the fact it was voted into law DESPITE people like me and you calling our Congressman and Senators and telling them NOT to vote for it, and they voted for it ANYWAY. Jerks!

Typical that Obama has it backwards.​

But this is so typically liberals. Out of one side of his mouth he calls for "civility" and two days later calls us "tea baggers."​

This reminds me of the liberal op who once demanded of me "in the interests of civility" not to use the word liberal. But not five minutes later, he called conservatives, KKKonservatives.​

When I pointed out this hypocrisy, he was furious.​

"Civility" to a liberal means YOU can't say anything critical about THEM. It doesn't mean they can't say anything they want about YOU.​

After all, THEY, the all high liberal, are the elite and soooooooooooooooooooo above you. It's "uncivil" to criticize them. :eusa_snooty:

YOU, however, are the plebes. You are the proletariat. YOU are the peasants. You can't expect the same civility demanded of YOU towards liberals to be directed back at you YOU. :eusa_snooty:

YOU are a peasant and it's for your own "good" they call you every name in the book. Maybe you will finally see your eeeeeeeeevil ways and become liberal!!!!!! :eusa_snooty:

The arrogance and pompous hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it with a knife.​


teapartysamurai, I don't mean to be dense as a door, but why exactly do Tea Baggers find the name "Tea Baggers" offensive? They chose it...where's the insult?

I may be going way out on a limb here, but I bet Obama knows plently of insulting nouns and adjectives he can fling around when he is deliberately trying to offend someone. Why tag the man for addressing folks as they have asked to be addressed?

That kinda sorta seems respectful to me.

Yeah nice try at liberal spin but when conservatives say tea party, they think of the Boston Tea Party and of the Founding Fathers.

When liberals think of it, the closest they could come to patriotism is thinking about a perverse disgusting homosexual sex act that no one had ever heard of (except disgusting liberals, of course).

It speaks volumes about the difference between liberalism and conservatism.

Conservatives think of prayer, the Founding Fathers, and the Boston Tea Party.

Liberals think about disgusting homosexual sex acts.

Give liberals a little rope and they will tell you EXACTLY who and WHAT they are.

Uh in case you missed it, proof has already been shown that tea partiers knew the alternate meaning and used it in reference to their own movement even before it was aired on rachel maddow's program in April, thanks again for the link Si modo. LOL

Furthermore, when I think of things I don't use such a narrow and limited scope as you try to spin. I think of all possible meanings don't you do the same??

This debate over the term "tea bagger" and it's use by both groups has NOTHING to do with patriotism and the only thing that your spin speaks volumes about is your own desperate need to try and frame others as being unpatriotic merely because they disagree with you.
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:lol::lol::lol: You sure have her number!!! I've told her the same thing many times, but she doesn't believe it. She really thinks she's super intelligent and she's as dumb as a bag of rocks. Now watch her call me names and cuss me out. That's another thing. She's so predictable and boring.

Good call on your part!!
Awww. Rinata is pissed off at Si modo because she was ridiculed for her absolute idiocy.

Stop PMing me, moron. Your PMs are vile and hateful. Plus, they are seriously moronic on their face. They reflect you well.

I never pm you unless I am responding to a pm that you sent to me. So quit whining and grow up. If you can't take it, then don't send me your nasty pm's. Is that too difficult for you to understand??? And remember that the tone of the response you get is going to match the tone of what you say. Do you think you're going to call people vicious names and they are going to respond with, "How you doing"?? Damn, you're stupid.

Nope. You are not responding to a PM I sent you. LMAO! I sent you ONE PM months ago to tell you to stop PMing me. I even posted that PM. YOU keep sending ME PMs when you get a rep from me. I only rep you. I don't PM you.

Damn, you are dense.

Stop PMing me, moron. :rofl:
NOPE but nice rehash of your spin and avoidance tactics. I was there when that debate occured. The debate began on the 5th (I was here in this thread before that, during it and after that) and carried over into the 6th and I posted on the 6th as I read the thread. In response you chose to attack me and have been doing so since claiming that everything I have said in this thread was "parroted" which is a LIE and has been proven to be a lie several times over.
How is my response one day later into a debate equal to me "parroting points made weeks ago" or weeks after a debate? Your avoidance of that debate and other points that you would rather not deal with as well as your baseless personal attacks began "weeks ago" and have continued but that's about all that you have offered since being proven WRONG by your own link and video clip. LOL

Furthermore I have made MANY points other than the ONE debate that you seem obsessed with as you try to claim that I parroted that and therefore must have parroted everything else I have said. Fact is that you have used that one debate that you lost, after you provided the evidence that countered your own spin, to hide behind as you applied your unsubstantied claim that i parroted all of my arguments.
Face it once again you have been shown to be dishonest and therefore you LOSE again.

Sooooo, still nothing original and/or of any consequence, eh?

I'm not running away yet.

WOW so that's the best that you could come up with as a response after being shown to be a dishonest trolling hack? LOL read the bold type as it shines a light onto your dishonest tactics. LOL

Fact is that I read the thread from front to back like any normal person would do and responded to the posts in this thread as I came to them. I then did my own research and came up with my own responses and because you couldn't deal with the fact that you were shown to be wrong and then admitted that you were WRONG you started attacking me while lying about when I posted my responses. I didn't post them "weeks later" and that FACT proves you WRONG, AGAIN.

Then even when I presented other arguments that had nothing to do with your false maddow claims, you LIED once again and tried to claim that I parroted everything I said and then failed to substantiate your claims when asked to do so.

The sad thing is that you have even been so desperate that you have attacked me for quoting you and proving you wrong and dishonest.

You were WRONG and attacking me as you run away from the content of my post because it exposes your dishonesty will not change that fact.

STILL nothing to add? LMAO!

Thanks for saying I run away. :lol:
Sooooo, still nothing original and/or of any consequence, eh?

I'm not running away yet.

WOW so that's the best that you could come up with as a response after being shown to be a dishonest trolling hack? LOL read the bold type as it shines a light onto your dishonest tactics. LOL

Fact is that I read the thread from front to back like any normal person would do and responded to the posts in this thread as I came to them. I then did my own research and came up with my own responses and because you couldn't deal with the fact that you were shown to be wrong and then admitted that you were WRONG you started attacking me while lying about when I posted my responses. I didn't post them "weeks later" and that FACT proves you WRONG, AGAIN.

Then even when I presented other arguments that had nothing to do with your false maddow claims, you LIED once again and tried to claim that I parroted everything I said and then failed to substantiate your claims when asked to do so.

The sad thing is that you have even been so desperate that you have attacked me for quoting you and proving you wrong and dishonest.

You were WRONG and attacking me as you run away from the content of my post because it exposes your dishonesty will not change that fact.

STILL nothing to add? LMAO!

Thanks for saying I run away. :lol:

Why are you asking me when you have shown that you have nothing to add??

BTW thanks for running away. LOL If you weren't such a cowardly dishonest trolling hack I wouldn't have to call you out for it.

Now how about you actually respond to the content of my post instead of avoiding it?? Or is that too much to ask for from you??

You said I responded weeks later when i responded during the debate. You LIED and have nothing valid to offer so you post in the hopes that attacking will replace a valid argument because you have nothing but you know it doesn't. LOL

BTW I think it's hilarious that I called you out for having nothing to add and proved that you have nothing so you started parroting me and claiming that I have nothing, which shows once and for all that you have NOTHING to add. LOL
WOW so that's the best that you could come up with as a response after being shown to be a dishonest trolling hack? LOL read the bold type as it shines a light onto your dishonest tactics. LOL

Fact is that I read the thread from front to back like any normal person would do and responded to the posts in this thread as I came to them. I then did my own research and came up with my own responses and because you couldn't deal with the fact that you were shown to be wrong and then admitted that you were WRONG you started attacking me while lying about when I posted my responses. I didn't post them "weeks later" and that FACT proves you WRONG, AGAIN.

Then even when I presented other arguments that had nothing to do with your false maddow claims, you LIED once again and tried to claim that I parroted everything I said and then failed to substantiate your claims when asked to do so.

The sad thing is that you have even been so desperate that you have attacked me for quoting you and proving you wrong and dishonest.

You were WRONG and attacking me as you run away from the content of my post because it exposes your dishonesty will not change that fact.

STILL nothing to add? LMAO!

Thanks for saying I run away. :lol:

Why are you asking me when you have shown that you have nothing to add??

BTW thanks for running away. LOL If you weren't such a cowardly dishonest trolling hack I wouldn't have to call you out for it.

Now how about you actually respond to the content of my post instead of avoiding it?? Or is that too much to ask for from you??

You said I responded weeks later when i responded during the debate. You LIED and have nothing valid to offer so you post in the hopes that attacking will replace a valid argument because you have nothing but you know it doesn't. LOL

BTW I think it's hilarious that I called you out for having nothing to add and proved that you have nothing so you started parroting me and claiming that I have nothing, which shows once and for all that you have NOTHING to add. LOL

Can you get to your point, please?

*filing nails and yawning*
Awww. Rinata is pissed off at Si modo because she was ridiculed for her absolute idiocy.

Stop PMing me, moron. Your PMs are vile and hateful. Plus, they are seriously moronic on their face. They reflect you well.

I never pm you unless I am responding to a pm that you sent to me. So quit whining and grow up. If you can't take it, then don't send me your nasty pm's. Is that too difficult for you to understand??? And remember that the tone of the response you get is going to match the tone of what you say. Do you think you're going to call people vicious names and they are going to respond with, "How you doing"?? Damn, you're stupid.

Nope. You are not responding to a PM I sent you. LMAO! I sent you ONE PM months ago to tell you to stop PMing me. I even posted that PM. YOU keep sending ME PMs when you get a rep from me. I only rep you. I don't PM you.

Damn, you are dense.

Stop PMing me, moron. :rofl:
Christ, now that moron is stalking you in PM's?

What a fuckin' loser!
I never pm you unless I am responding to a pm that you sent to me. So quit whining and grow up. If you can't take it, then don't send me your nasty pm's. Is that too difficult for you to understand??? And remember that the tone of the response you get is going to match the tone of what you say. Do you think you're going to call people vicious names and they are going to respond with, "How you doing"?? Damn, you're stupid.

Nope. You are not responding to a PM I sent you. LMAO! I sent you ONE PM months ago to tell you to stop PMing me. I even posted that PM. YOU keep sending ME PMs when you get a rep from me. I only rep you. I don't PM you.

Damn, you are dense.

Stop PMing me, moron. :rofl:
Christ, now that moron is stalking you in PM's?

What a fuckin' loser!

Nah, not stalking. That requires more than one brain cell.

She just keeps on PMing me when she gets a rep from me. Of course, her PMs are filled with her trademark vile and hateful rhetoric that she uses in PMs.

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