Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

I don't even know who the fuck Harry Reid IS. Yet you assume I have evaluated his hate speech and I'm all good with it? Fuck you. I've been as clear as a bell. ZERO hate speech or I am not your fan, and certainly not your brother in arms against governmental waste.

If you think I am a Liberal who is drinking anyone's kool aid, wise up. Most people reach an opinion on an issue after some examination of the facts and debate...not because their Fearless Leader instructs them on what to think. I happen to agree government spending threatens our future and I was quasi-sympathetic to the Tea Baggers' Movement UNTIL now.

Because if respect for all the various subcultures and religions to be found in the US is not your core value, we DEFINATELY have nothing in common. Mutual respect and tolerance of those in the minority who are different is ESSENTIAL to the sort of nation I hope my grandchildren will enjoy. And if I had to choose, I'd encumber them with heavy taxes before I encumbered them with Hate.

Does it EVER cross anyone's mind that Muslim Americans might some of them be afraid when your leaders hate on them this way? Or that some Muslim Americans might also identify with the Tea Bagger's Movement a la fiscal conservation but be afraid to approach you in groups because they are not certain how they will be received? We were not attacked by Americans -- not Muslim Americans and not by the Entire Muslim Faithful. We were attacked by Osama Bin Laden and his followers, period. Hating on 22% of the humans on Planet Earth for the actions of a single conspiracy is ridiculous, dishonest and childish.

I will NEVER be a party to this -- and I think your silence towards Mark Williams marks YOU as a supporter of his Hate Speech. Either throw him out of the Tea Baggers Movement or get out yourself, if Hate Speech repels you. Anything less, and I don't want to hear your bullshit excuses.

Harry Reid is the Democratic Senator from Nevada, and the President pro Tempore of the Senate of the United States of America. That makes him pretty high up in a political party that is actually organized, instead of just a self proclaimed chairman of a group that claims to be affiliated with the Tea Party, which doesn't really exist. Yet you want to tar and feather everyone who supports the goals of Taxed Enough Already simply because the media, which hires people who have been kicked out of their local Tea Party for being racist, had not reported that he has been denounced by every single Tea Party member.

What exactly is bullshit about my excuse again?

From what I gather, Mark Williams made his Hateful Remarks during a radio broadcast yesterday. Why wasn't it YOU who alerted us to the offensive speech? Why isn't it YOU out here condemning racial and religious intolerance?

He's not even my guy. It was not my day to watch him. And yet I did, I told you about it and as a result, the only person I see you condemning on this thread is ME.

Are folks like me supposed to look the other way when Leaders of the Tea Baggers Movement use hate speech? If so, tough shit, I ain't doing it.

Grow a pair and condemn MARK WILLIAMS, if you do.


I have not condemned you anywhere, you have as much right to be wrong as Williams does.

Perhaps the reason I didn't point out what he says is that I tend to ignore idiots who spout stupid words. If you find his speech so objectionable why are you contributing to his miniscule ratings, and thus how much money he earns?
So, hate speech is acceptable in some circumstances?


What religious or racial minority have I insulted Immie? Where's the "hate speech" you think I am guilty of? Someone asked me to "mind my manners" and I declined to do so. I frequently respond in that manner and just as frequently receive such requests..

What's the problem here exactly? No, I will not pander to some supercilious bullshit. Did you really think I would?

Are you saying hate speech is limited along racial or religious lines?

When you use terms like tea baggers knowing that it is considered insulting, isn't that hateful?

Are you not intending to be insulting? If you intend to be insulting then that is hate speech in my books.

Note: I'm not saying I never do it. I've been guilty myself... recently even.


Immie, if I sue my employer because the restroom I am assigned to is known as "the women's room" and not "the ladies room", do I have a case? Or am I just being a super-sensitive, controlling asshole?
I was raised Catholic and some of my family still believe. By your logic, they need to rent billboards to condemn pedophilia by Catholic clergy before they themselves would be immune from your Hatred Of All Catholics.

This is bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. You hate Muslims. Why try and pretty that up?

You don't condemn hate speech? Fine by me...but "racist-friendly people" are called RACISTS. Letting Mark Williams carry your water does not repeat NOT immunize YOU from the evil he does on your behalf UNLESS you disclaim it.

That is actually your logic, not mine. You are the one demanding that people going around condemning what someone is saying. I, on the other hand, am asking them to condemn murder and terrorism. My belief is that most Catholics condemn the actions of those priests, if I am wrong I would be happy to add them to my "hate speech" list.
No. I get into my fair share of confrontations though. I cannot abide this kind of evil. Not at all. And I have NEVER supported a candidate that committed this unpardonable sin.

T'aint like there's various ways to "hear" what this man said. He hates Muslims. That's enough for me to want to kick his ass...why aren't YOU angry?

If he had been hating on a group YOU identify with might that have tripped your switch?

Given that Muslims HATE US, are we obligated to love them?

Typical left-wing, anti-white delusions.

Fuckwhittery? Already?

Okay, last reply before I Ignore you. Muslims do not have one heart and brain. They do not emote simultaneously. My Muslim coworker is the only such person I have met, and she certainly did not hate me or any other American. She was actually one of the gentlest people I've ever known.

She'd have been too gentle to say what I am about to:

You jack booted thugs have been waiting for this since 9/11. The election of a black man as president has led you to believe that America has finally ripened into such a place as so that the race war you have wet dreamed all your life about will finally occur.

You're a frustrated Nazi, and to be hated by YOU is my pleasure, priviledge and honor.

You write everything in giant blue font, but I'm the one who's frustrated?

I prefer arguing with JILLIAN.

I can't believe I said that.
Fine, remain passive. That's an endorsement of Williams' Hate Speech and you damn well know it, mudwhistle. Me, if I were in a conspiracy to rob Fort Knox and my safe cracker said what Williams' said, I'd boot his ass out. No matter the goal, advancement through Hate is evil and I will never do it.

I think we can agree, at this point, neither of us gives a flying fuck what the other's opinion of his or her character may be.

We're all done sorting now?


So if I don't start raising hell about some shit-head I'm endorsing him? doesn't work that way.

What he says may be wrong but he still has the right to say what he wants.

You however have no right to claim that he represents the Tea-party nor do you have the right to blame his stupid program on them ether.

Just because he has Tea-party in the name he uses it doesn't mean anything.

He's an asshole. And because you can't tell the difference so are you. You're simply making shit up as you go. You are also a fucken liar.

So sorry if it hurts your feelings but you need to get a clue.....and get a life.
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What religious or racial minority have I insulted Immie? Where's the "hate speech" you think I am guilty of? Someone asked me to "mind my manners" and I declined to do so. I frequently respond in that manner and just as frequently receive such requests..

What's the problem here exactly? No, I will not pander to some supercilious bullshit. Did you really think I would?

Are you saying hate speech is limited along racial or religious lines?

When you use terms like tea baggers knowing that it is considered insulting, isn't that hateful?

Are you not intending to be insulting? If you intend to be insulting then that is hate speech in my books.

Note: I'm not saying I never do it. I've been guilty myself... recently even.


Immie, if I sue my employer because the restroom I am assigned to is known as "the women's room" and not "the ladies room", do I have a case? Or am I just being a super-sensitive, controlling asshole?

Is this one of those, "I'm damned no matter how I answer that question", type of questions?

I have a feeling that I will be in trouble no matter how I answer that so here's my answer:

&)* w%$ h$(jy w e*_$%-e$je(^(g$ f)j^%)pp(jy e#$$^u$w%^.

Now, by the time you have deciphered that, I will be well out of range and safe... I hope!

Fine, remain passive. That's an endorsement of Williams' Hate Speech and you damn well know it, mudwhistle. Me, if I were in a conspiracy to rob Fort Knox and my safe cracker said what Williams' said, I'd boot his ass out. No matter the goal, advancement through Hate is evil and I will never do it.

I think we can agree, at this point, neither of us gives a flying fuck what the other's opinion of his or her character may be.

We're all done sorting now?


So if I don't start raising hell about some shit-head I'm endorsing him? doesn't work that way.

What he says may be wrong but he still has the right to say what he wants.

You however have no right to claim that he represents the Tea-party nor do you have the right to blame his stupid program on them ether.

Just because he has Tea-party in the name he uses it doesn't mean anything.

He's an asshole. And because you can't tell the difference so are you. You're simply making shit up as you go. You are also a fucken liar.

So sorry if it hurts your feelings but you need to get a clue.....and get a life.

Yes, because Mark Wiliams is a media huckster who claims to lead this Tea Bagger Movement you are involved in, mudwhistle, you cannot allow him to speak for you and then disclaim his speech unless you act to condemn it.

BTW, what statement of fact have I made that was untrue?
Are you saying hate speech is limited along racial or religious lines?

When you use terms like tea baggers knowing that it is considered insulting, isn't that hateful?

Are you not intending to be insulting? If you intend to be insulting then that is hate speech in my books.

Note: I'm not saying I never do it. I've been guilty myself... recently even.


Immie, if I sue my employer because the restroom I am assigned to is known as "the women's room" and not "the ladies room", do I have a case? Or am I just being a super-sensitive, controlling asshole?

Is this one of those, "I'm damned no matter how I answer that question", type of questions?

I have a feeling that I will be in trouble no matter how I answer that so here's my answer:

&)* w%$ h$(jy w e*_$%-e$je(^(g$ f)j^%)pp(jy e#$$^u$w%^.

Now, by the time you have deciphered that, I will be well out of range and safe... I hope!


Immie, you (usually) do not have to agree with me to be safe with me. I (usually) allow for the possibility that someone just as terrific as me but in possession of different facts or life experience may have a different POV from mine.

Occassionally, I am just another intolerant asshole.

If I get that way I expect my friends to jerk my collar.

Ain't that what friends are for?
Fine, remain passive. That's an endorsement of Williams' Hate Speech and you damn well know it, mudwhistle. Me, if I were in a conspiracy to rob Fort Knox and my safe cracker said what Williams' said, I'd boot his ass out. No matter the goal, advancement through Hate is evil and I will never do it.

I think we can agree, at this point, neither of us gives a flying fuck what the other's opinion of his or her character may be.

We're all done sorting now?


So if I don't start raising hell about some shit-head I'm endorsing him? doesn't work that way.

What he says may be wrong but he still has the right to say what he wants.

You however have no right to claim that he represents the Tea-party nor do you have the right to blame his stupid program on them ether.

Just because he has Tea-party in the name he uses it doesn't mean anything.

He's an asshole. And because you can't tell the difference so are you. You're simply making shit up as you go. You are also a fucken liar.

So sorry if it hurts your feelings but you need to get a clue.....and get a life.

Yes, because Mark Wiliams is a media huckster who claims to lead this Tea Bagger Movement you are involved in, mudwhistle, you cannot allow him to speak for you and then disclaim his speech unless you act to condemn it.

BTW, what statement of fact have I made that was untrue?
Lumping this guy in with the Tea-party is untrue. Claiming he is one of their leaders in untrue. Claiming that I am responsible for what he says is untrue.

Look....I didn't know who this trouser-snake was before you mentioned him.

Guys like him tend to burn out so I figure he's gonna hang himself eventually. Air-America was nothing but Liberal hate-speech and it went under. To me he's inconsequential because he doesn't have much of a voice nor much of a following. He does give the rest of us a bad name and give folks like you a forum to bitch about the movement....unfairly I might add. This is the face of the Tea-party folks like you want to paint...but it's no more true then claiming that all Muslims are on a violent Jihad.

Like I mentioned before...the troublemaker I have to worry about the most is that skinny prick in the White House.
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Remember how the left came to the rescue of the Obama about him sitting in that hating Jeremiah Wrights church for 20 YEARS.

oh because he sat through the hate sermons, that doesn't mean he agrees with them or even HEARD them.
And we weren't suppose to "judge" the Obama by the people he knew.

lefties-liberals are nothing but
friggen two faced hypocrites.:lol:

Stephanie, be upfront with your hate. Don't pussyfoot around, I can't stand that. You hate minorities? People whose political beliefs are different than yours? Adherents of faiths other than yours? Urp it up, fuckwhitted bitch. Don't try and hide behind a book on table manners.[/IMG]

you should know all about hate, that is all you've spewed in this entire thread.
and don't pretend you know me, because you don't. and I'm glad of that.
So if I don't start raising hell about some shit-head I'm endorsing him? doesn't work that way.

What he says may be wrong but he still has the right to say what he wants.

You however have no right to claim that he represents the Tea-party nor do you have the right to blame his stupid program on them ether.

Just because he has Tea-party in the name he uses it doesn't mean anything.

He's an asshole. And because you can't tell the difference so are you. You're simply making shit up as you go. You are also a fucken liar.

So sorry if it hurts your feelings but you need to get a clue.....and get a life.

Yes, because Mark Wiliams is a media huckster who claims to lead this Tea Bagger Movement you are involved in, mudwhistle, you cannot allow him to speak for you and then disclaim his speech unless you act to condemn it.

BTW, what statement of fact have I made that was untrue?
Lumping this guy in with the Tea-party is untrue. Claiming he is one of their leaders in untrue. Claiming that I am responsible for what he says is untrue.

Look....I didn't know who this trouser-snake was before you mentioned him.

Guys like him tend to burn out so I figure he's gonna hang himself eventually. Air-America was nothing but Liberal hate-speech and it went under. To me he's inconsequential because he doesn't have much of a voice nor much of a following. He does give the rest of us a bad name and give folks like you a forum to bitch about the movement....unfairly I might add. This is the face of the Tea-party folks like you want to paint...but it's no more true then claiming that all Muslims are on a violent Jihad.

Like I mentioned before...the troublemaker I have to worry about the most is that skinny prick in the White House.

You misjudge me, mudwhistle. I never HOPED that the Tea Bagger Movement would prove to be infected with Hate. I HOPED that it would be all about the money; that it would ripen into the political party that shoved the GOP into its grave. I hoped that I'd be able to work with like-minded people towards goals such as reducing the government to a manageable size.

More workers in America work for government than work for private industry. Government pays better. The benefits packages are richer. But no nation on Earth can divert more than half of its labor force into jobs that produce NOTHING and yet remain economically viable. And that is only ONE of several alarming factoids about the existing burden government creates for us. The future burdens are terrifying enough to make me pee myself.

I would be a great ally. I will clean up after banquets and all that other busywork that is usually so hard to get done because it isn't glamorous. I have experience in getting folks elected, as well as in getting them recalled from elected office. I have talents and energies to offer.

But I ain't sharing a banquet hall with Hate, Hate Speech or Haters. NEVER. I feel bad I'm not gonna get to go. It's lonely out here for us disenfranchised folks, but I dun need new friends badly enough to make them with people who are comfy with what Mark Williams said.

I ain't never been THAT lonely in my entire life, and I never will be. HATE IS WRONG.

From the thread "Tea Party Sweeps Election."

Tea Party Sweeps the Elections.

To all the backbiting naysayer Liberals and Democrats, the Tea Party and their putative leader Sarah Palin have given the back of their hand across the chops.

Tea Party backed Rand Paul has now been declared the winner of the Republican nomination for Senate in Kentucky by a 2 to 1 majority defeating the establishment in both parties. Rand Paul, son of Ron Paul, who ran for President, ran with the full endorsement of the Tea Party, plus the early and repeated endorsement of Sarah Palin. Rand Paul has said repeatedly that the Tea Party will help him beat the Democrat in November and he is right.

The Tea Party, after knocking off left leaning establishment-MSM Senator Bennett in Utah, has spun across the length and breadth of the nation and impacted the outcome in hundreds of races even at this early date in the off year elections.

Specter, another long time target of the Tea Party, is fighting for his life and is projected to lose his nomination battle in Pennsylvania where Obama has poured in his political capital. But should Specter survive to face the Republican in November, the Tea Party will redouble their efforts to defeat him there with good prospects of doing so.

Then there is the horrible Liberal anti-military Democrat Congressman Murtha, the guy that God took out recently. It looks like his old "safe" seat will go to another Conservative Republican supported by the Tea Party, and so it goes everywhere.

Does the Tea Party have legs? Yes. Does it have staying power for the long haul? Yes! It it going to be a king and Queen maker in November, and in 2012? Yes. Has it got its finger in Obama's eye? Yes!

We have now entered a new era in American political life, and Sarah Palin is at the center of it that is setting the pace that others in both parties are having to struggle to match.

Everyone wants to know, on every subject, what does Sarah have to say, and she always has something to say. This is real power, and the Republican nomination is therefore hers to lose.

In short, Obama is being crushed by this Tea Party-Sarah Palin avalanche. He is now caving in on another Tea Party demand that he send the army to the Arizona border, which will give Arizona, Sarah and TP a validation of their strategy.
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Not only that, he also obviously wants an audience for his performances with sweaty male balls.

There are websites that will help him with that, but USMB is not one of them.
Yes, because Mark Wiliams is a media huckster who claims to lead this Tea Bagger Movement you are involved in, mudwhistle, you cannot allow him to speak for you and then disclaim his speech unless you act to condemn it.

BTW, what statement of fact have I made that was untrue?
Lumping this guy in with the Tea-party is untrue. Claiming he is one of their leaders in untrue. Claiming that I am responsible for what he says is untrue.

Look....I didn't know who this trouser-snake was before you mentioned him.

Guys like him tend to burn out so I figure he's gonna hang himself eventually. Air-America was nothing but Liberal hate-speech and it went under. To me he's inconsequential because he doesn't have much of a voice nor much of a following. He does give the rest of us a bad name and give folks like you a forum to bitch about the movement....unfairly I might add. This is the face of the Tea-party folks like you want to paint...but it's no more true then claiming that all Muslims are on a violent Jihad.

Like I mentioned before...the troublemaker I have to worry about the most is that skinny prick in the White House.

You misjudge me, mudwhistle. I never HOPED that the Tea Bagger Movement would prove to be infected with Hate. I HOPED that it would be all about the money; that it would ripen into the political party that shoved the GOP into its grave. I hoped that I'd be able to work with like-minded people towards goals such as reducing the government to a manageable size.

More workers in America work for government than work for private industry. Government pays better. The benefits packages are richer. But no nation on Earth can divert more than half of its labor force into jobs that produce NOTHING and yet remain economically viable. And that is only ONE of several alarming factoids about the existing burden government creates for us. The future burdens are terrifying enough to make me pee myself.

I would be a great ally. I will clean up after banquets and all that other busywork that is usually so hard to get done because it isn't glamorous. I have experience in getting folks elected, as well as in getting them recalled from elected office. I have talents and energies to offer.

But I ain't sharing a banquet hall with Hate, Hate Speech or Haters. NEVER. I feel bad I'm not gonna get to go. It's lonely out here for us disenfranchised folks, but I dun need new friends badly enough to make them with people who are comfy with what Mark Williams said.

I ain't never been THAT lonely in my entire life, and I never will be. HATE IS WRONG.

You're starting to make some sense now.

Hate is wrong. But there's always gonna be hate on this Earth.

The hard part is trying to get along with those who hate you.

It can sometimes be a rewarding experience.
Rand Paul
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Born January 7, 1963 (1963-01-07) (age 47)
Lake Jackson, Texas
Nationality American
Occupation Ophthalmologist
Known for Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Kentucky
Religion Presbyterian[1]
Rand Paul 2010 | U.S. Senate
Randal Howard "Rand" Paul (born January 7, 1963) is an American ophthalmologist and politician who describes himself as a "constitutional conservative".[2] He is the third child of Republican Congressman Ron Paul of Texas. Paul is the chairman and founder of Kentucky Taxpayers United.

Paul is currently the Republican party candidate for one of Kentucky's United States Senate seats.

Early life and education
Randal Howard Paul was born in Lake Jackson, Texas, to Carol Wells Paul and Ron Paul, a US Air Force flight surgeon, in 1963. In 1976, Rand Paul's father was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. Paul's parents married in 1957, and Paul was born six years later and baptized Episcopalian.[3] He has four siblings: Ronnie, Lori, Robert, and Joy.[3][4] As a child, his family moved from Pittsburgh to San Antonio in 1965, eventually settling in Surfside Beach, Texas in 1968. He attended Baylor University in Waco, Texas, and obtained an M.D. at his father's alma mater, Duke University School of Medicine.[5]

Medical career
Paul currently owns a private ophthalmology practice in Bowling Green, Kentucky. He first worked at the Graves-Gilbert Clinic in Kentucky, but eventually established his own clinic in December 2007.[6][7] Paul specializes in corneal transplants, glaucoma surgery, and LASIK,[7] and began offering sutureless DSEK corneal transplantation in 2007.[8]

As a member of the Bowling Green Noon Lions Club,[9] Paul founded the Southern Kentucky Lions Eye Clinic to help provide eye surgery and exams for those with no health insurance coverage, or who are living on a minimum wage.[9][10] He is a regular presenter at the annual Men's Health and Safety Day conference held by The Medical Center of Bowling Green since 1998.[11]

As founder and chairman of the anti-tax organization Kentucky Taxpayers United (KTU) since 1994, Paul regularly presents "taxpayers' friend" awards to state legislators. KTU, which regards itself as nonpartisan, but ideological and conservative,[12][13] examines legislator records on taxation and spending to inform voters where their own lawmakers stand on the issues.[14] Paul's editorial commentary on behalf of KTU has been published and recognized in the Kentucky Post.[15]

KTU sponsors the Taxpayer's Pledge of Americans for Tax Reform, encouraging politicians to pledge publicly to vote uniformly against tax raises.[15] Nine of fifteen Northern Kentucky legislators signed the pledge,[16] such as Senator Dick Roeding[15] and Representative Royce Adams in 1996.[17] In 2000, these legislators considered a hotel room tax hike (favored by Governor Paul Patton for helping expand the Dr. Albert B. Sabin Convention Center in nearby Cincinnati), even though the increase might "incur the wrath of Paul's group," as two newspapers put it.[16][18]

Paul stated that Patton's argument for "revenue recovery" was merely a euphemism for taxes[19] and said that KTU would fight reelection of any pledge-breakers; Adams requested in writing that Paul's group release him from his pledge, stating that it only applied to his first term.[17] By the close of session in April, the tax increase had failed, although Patton had achieved most of his intended budget; Paul stated legislators were pressured to finalize the budget by deadline rather than to "face accusations of shutting down government".[20]

Paul often speaks on his father's behalf,[5][21] and he and his son William attended the third Republican presidential debate of 2007 in New Hampshire, as well as campaigned door-to-door in the state for his father.[22] At a New Hampshire rally with 250 in attendance (plus 30 members of his own family), Paul repeated a campaign meme by pretending to take a call from Rudy Giuliani during his remarks, and joking that Giuliani needed campaigners and wanted to borrow the Paul family.[23]

On December 16, 2007, the 234th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, Paul spoke at Faneuil Hall in favor of small government principles,[24] calling for what CNN termed a "modern day revolution".[25] He continued campaigning across the country for his father in 2008,[6] traveling as far as Montana.[10]

2010 senatorial campaign
See also: United States Senate election in Kentucky, 2010

Rand Paul campaigning in Kentucky.In the beginning of 2009, Paul was the focus of an online grassroots movement to draft him in a bid to replace beleaguered Republican Kentucky senator Jim Bunning. The news of his potential candidacy became a topic of national interest and was discussed in the L.A. Times,[citation needed] on Fox News,[citation needed] and locally in the Kentucky press.[26] Commenting on Paul's possible candidacy, Congressman Ron Paul noted that "Should Senator Bunning decide not to run, I think Rand would make a great U.S. Senator."[27]

On May 1, 2009, Paul officially confirmed that if Senator Bunning, whose fundraising in 2009 has matched his poor numbers in opinion polling for the 2010 election,[28] declined to seek a third term, he would almost certainly stand in the Republican Party primary to succeed him,[29] and formed an exploratory committee soon after, while still promising to stay out of the race if Bunning had ultimately decided to run for re-election. Paul made this announcement on MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show, though the news was first broken by a local Kentucky news site.[30] In celebration of the announcement, a group of Paul's supporters launched a spontaneous grassroots mini-moneybomb for the date of June 1, 2009, specifically citing it as the anniversary of Kentucky's admission to the Union.[31] Over $25,000 was raised in the one-day event.[32]

On July 28, 2009, Senator Bunning announced that he would not run for re-election, after facing insufficient fundraising.[33] This announcement left only Paul and Secretary of State Trey Grayson as the remaining candidates for the seat in the Republican primary,[34] with Paul announcing on August 5, 2009 that he would officially run for the U.S. Senate as a Republican. The announcement was made through a series of national TV events, radio, and other programs, as well as through newspapers in Kentucky.[35][36][37]

Rand Paul campaigning in Frankfort.On August 20, 2009, Paul's grassroots planned a moneybomb to kick off his campaign for United States Senate. The official campaign took in $433,509 in 24 hours.[38] According to Paul,[39] this set a new record in Kentucky's political fundraising history in a 24 hour period.

A second moneybomb was held on September 23, 2009, to counter a D.C. fundraiser being held for primary opponent Trey Grayson, by 23 Republican United States Senators, 17 of whom voted for the bailout.[40] The theme was a UFC "fight" between Paul and "We the People" vs. Trey Grayson and the "D.C. Insiders."[41] The money bomb ended up raising $186,276 for Paul in 24 hours on September 23;[42] bringing Paul's Senate campaign's total raised since its start to over one million. On December 16, 2009, Paul's grassroots held their third major money bomb for Paul, with the theme reflecting the 236th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party.[43] The money bomb raised more than $240,000 for Paul in 24 hours.[44] According to Paul, at that time, this was the second biggest fundraising day for a Kentucky primary candidate in a 24 hour period; with the first being the over $433,000 Paul raised on August 20.[45] This has since been surpassed by another money bomb for Paul on March 23.

On March 23, 2010, Paul's grassroots held a first fiscal quarter money bomb and their fourth major one for Paul to date. The theme was the anniversary of the "Give me Liberty, or give me Death!" speech by Patrick Henry on March 23, 1775.[46] The money bomb ended up raising over $261,000 for Paul's campaign in 24 hours on March 23,[47] making it the second largest online fundraising day in Kentucky political history for a candidate in a primary. On April 19, 2010, a final primary money bomb was held, that raised over $100,000 in 24 hours bringing the four primary money bomb totals to just over 1,000,000 dollars 1/3 of Paul's total fund raising contributions.

Paul has secured endorsements from several public figures and political organizations. They include the Downsize DC Foundation,[48] Concerned Women for America,[49] Gun Owners of America,[50] Steve Forbes,[51] FreedomWorks,[52] Sarah Palin,[53] Jim DeMint,[54] and Jim Bunning.[55]

Primary election results

The counties carried by Paul are in yellow; counties carried by Grayson are in green.On May 18, 2010, Paul won the Republican Senatorial primary by a 23.4% margin.[56] He will face the Democratic nominee, Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway, in the November 2010 general election.[57]

Political views
Abortion and bioethics
Paul believes life begins at conception and the government should play a role in protecting all human beings. He is opposed to abortion without exception and supports a constitutional amendment to completely ban abortion.[58][59] He also opposes federal funding for abortion.[58] In the case of abortion, Rand takes a states rights position. He would overturn Roe vs Wade and allow states to make abortions illegal or legal without federal interference.[60] According to a survey offered by the organization Kentucky Right to Life, Rand is opposed to cloning and supports legislation banning human cloning and the use of embryos for research. He opposes the legalization of euthanasia and would reject an overturning of Kentucky law that prohibits euthanasia. In the case of Terry Schaivo, Rand believes she had the right to receive nutrition and hydration.[61]

Campaign finance reform
Paul opposes the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (McCain-Feingold Act) and considers it a "dangerous piece of legislation".[62] Rand believes that lobbyists and corporations are drawn to Washington because it has so much money and power and provide benefits to their businesses. He opposes legislation limiting the amount of money individuals, corporations, and organizations can give to candidates, and instead regulate the contracts given out by Congress like placing limits on corporations receiving government contracts. Additionally, Rand has proposed "mandating a clause in all federal contracts over $1 million that requires the recipient to pledge not to lobby government or contribute to campaigns during the terms of the contract"[62][63]

Civil liberties
Paul criticized the Bowling Green Daily News on May 30, 2002 for supporting the Fair Housing Act. He explained that "a free society will abide unofficial, private discrimination, even when that means allowing hate-filled groups to exclude people based on the color of their skin."[64] On May 19, 2010, Paul stated that he favors 9 out of 10 titles (parts) of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but opposed Title II of the Act, which prohibits private businesses who provide public accommodations from discriminating on the basis of race, religion, or national origin against their customers, arguing that it infringes upon Constitutionally-enshrined freedoms.[65] These comments stirred controversy,[66][67][68] and brought renewed concern amongst Republican party insiders about his viability in the general election.[67][68] The following day, Paul stated "unequivocally ... that I will not support any efforts to repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1964."[69] Paul has also criticized the Americans with Disabilities Act, characterizing it as an overreach of the federal government.[70] (Note; the Americans with Disabilities Act was an accomplishment of President George Herber Walker Bush).

Economics and tax cuts
Paul has been a longtime opponent of the bank and auto bailouts. Paul believes failed businesses should be allowed to fail instead of propped up by the federal government.

Paul opposes the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the Federal Reserve's control of the nations money supply and interest rates. He wants to allow the free market to regulate interest rates, and supports congresses constitutional role of controlling the money supply. Paul endorses H.R. 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, a bill introduced by Congressman Ron Paul mandating an audit of the Federal Reserve. Although Paul would abolish the Federal Reserve, he supports transparency and accountability of the semi-private institution. Additionally, Paul opposes inflation and supports "restoring the value of the dollar that has devalued by approximately 95% since the Federal Reserve's inception in 1913".[71]

Paul supports tax cuts and a Balanced Budget Amendment, and has criticized both Republicans and Democrats on deficit spending.[72]

Paul supports eliminating the federal Department of Education and returning control of education to local communities and parents. He is a opposed to the government regulating homeschooling and believes in restoring parental rights to education.[73]

Paul supports allowing the free market to compete and choose the best forms of energy to use. He opposes subsidizing energy companies, but would support allowing tax breaks for companies that produce alternative energy such as wind, solar, or geothermal. He believes that subsidizing the energy industry will only add incentive for companies to lobby the federal government.[74]

Paul opposes federal government involvement in health care. He would repeal the HMO Act of 1973 that "drives a wedge between the patient and [one's] doctor".[75] He believes that government has driven up the cost of healthcare and causes the quality and coverage to decrease. Paul would support a free market approach to health care including tax deductions for for medical expenses. He opposes federal regulations discouraging businesses from providing coverage. He supports Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and its availability to all Americans.[75]

Illegal immigration
Paul does not support amnesty. Paul believes the United States subsidizes illegal immigration through taxpayer funded welfare and medical care. He has proposed securing the border by an underground electric fence and helicopter stations.[76]

Medical marijuana
Paul supports the legalization of medical marijuana.[77][78]

National defense
Paul believes national defense is the most important role of government. Paul supports eliminating issuance of visas to people from terrorist or rogue nations. He would not vote to close Guantanamo Bay detention camp, and does not support trying terrorists in military tribunals. Paul believes in a responsible and constitutional foreign policy and would close unnecessary military bases.[79]

Same-sex marriage
Paul opposes same-sex marriage.[80]

Second Amendment
Paul supports the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and would oppose all gun control legislation.[81]

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Not only that, he also obviously wants an audience for his performances with sweaty male balls.

There are websites that will help him with that, but USMB is not one of them.

You must really be desperate to knock me down. I don't get it. A third party movement is developing to make the savior of the Tea Party/Bagger movement President of the United States, and you are tearing me down. I am trying to be even-handed here. It is exciting. How long has it been since America had a third party movement that could put a leader like Rand Paul in the White House?

From the thread "Tea Party Sweeps Election."

Tea Party Sweeps the Elections.

To all the backbiting naysayer Liberals and Democrats, the Tea Party and their putative leader Sarah Palin have given the back of their hand across the chops.

Tea Party backed Rand Paul has now been declared the winner of the Republican nomination for Senate in Kentucky by a 2 to 1 majority defeating the establishment in both parties. Rand Paul, son of Ron Paul, who ran for President, ran with the full endorsement of the Tea Party, plus the early and repeated endorsement of Sarah Palin. Rand Paul has said repeatedly that the Tea Party will help him beat the Democrat in November and he is right.

The Tea Party, after knocking off left leaning establishment-MSM Senator Bennett in Utah, has spun across the length and breadth of the nation and impacted the outcome in hundreds of races even at this early date in the off year elections.

Specter, another long time target of the Tea Party, is fighting for his life and is projected to lose his nomination battle in Pennsylvania where Obama has poured in his political capital. But should Specter survive to face the Republican in November, the Tea Party will redouble their efforts to defeat him there with good prospects of doing so.

Then there is the horrible Liberal anti-military Democrat Congressman Murtha, the guy that God took out recently. It looks like his old "safe" seat will go to another Conservative Republican supported by the Tea Party, and so it goes everywhere.

Does the Tea Party have legs? Yes. Does it have staying power for the long haul? Yes! It it going to be a king and Queen maker in November, and in 2012? Yes. Has it got its finger in Obama's eye? Yes!

We have now entered a new era in American political life, and Sarah Palin is at the center of it that is setting the pace that others in both parties are having to struggle to match.

Everyone wants to know, on every subject, what does Sarah have to say, and she always has something to say. This is real power, and the Republican nomination is therefore hers to lose.

In short, Obama is being crushed by this Tea Party-Sarah Palin avalanche. He is now caving in on another Tea Party demand that he send the army to the Arizona border, which will give Arizona, Sarah and TP a validation of their strategy.

If Obama is the new standard Rand Paul is over qualified.
Immie, if I sue my employer because the restroom I am assigned to is known as "the women's room" and not "the ladies room", do I have a case? Or am I just being a super-sensitive, controlling asshole?

Is this one of those, "I'm damned no matter how I answer that question", type of questions?

I have a feeling that I will be in trouble no matter how I answer that so here's my answer:

&)* w%$ h$(jy w e*_$%-e$je(^(g$ f)j^%)pp(jy e#$$^u$w%^.

Now, by the time you have deciphered that, I will be well out of range and safe... I hope!


Immie, you (usually) do not have to agree with me to be safe with me. I (usually) allow for the possibility that someone just as terrific as me but in possession of different facts or life experience may have a different POV from mine.

Occassionally, I am just another intolerant asshole.

If I get that way I expect my friends to jerk my collar.

Ain't that what friends are for?

That is okay, I was just yanking your chain anyway.

Did you break the code?


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