Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

The whole purpose of this thread is based on a fabrication.

I'm not gonna defend this guy nor defend his beliefs.

He's not a leader in the Tea-party movement.

The reason I can say so is there really is no real leader.

It's a gathering of concerned individuals.

I'm not gonna stand by and allow some Liberal to designate some nut-case as a leader just because they're an easy target.

Fine by me, expect for the part where you label me a "Liberal". My political views cannot be pidgeon-holed and as it happens, I've been a card-carrying Republican all my adult life. I happen to fully endorse fiscal conservatism in government, though my views are somewhat more nuanced than that slogan suggests.

I don't WANT anyone to "stand idly by". I want to see some outrage and condemnation of Mark Williams who at least credibly claims to be the Chief Tea Bagger In Charge.

Got any, mudwhistle?

Nuance? No nuances allowed! You are either for big government or small government, choose your size, that is all!
When EXACTLY did Biden use hate Speech? Who the fuck are Bo and Rev. Wright? Isn't the President's DOG named Bo? Are you accusing his DOG of pandering to and formenting Hate?

How the fuck does someone else's evil excuse evil acts committed by YOU?

BO is Barak Obama :lol:

Rev. Wright - BO's Pastor for 20 years

Someone else already told you who Harry Reid is

Tell me the Evil I committed

This is better than Saturday Night Live, if you dealt with a 20million Dollar Services, then I doubt you are stupid, but why are you acting Ignorant, or have you been hiding from Political Events for the last few years:eusa_whistle:
The whole purpose of this thread is based on a fabrication.

I'm not gonna defend this guy nor defend his beliefs.

He's not a leader in the Tea-party movement.

The reason I can say so is there really is no real leader.

It's a gathering of concerned individuals.

I'm not gonna stand by and allow some Liberal to designate some nut-case as a leader just because they're an easy target.

Fine by me, expect for the part where you label me a "Liberal". My political views cannot be pidgeon-holed and as it happens, I've been a card-carrying Republican all my adult life. I happen to fully endorse fiscal conservatism in government, though my views are somewhat more nuanced than that slogan suggests.

I don't WANT anyone to "stand idly by". I want to see some outrage and condemnation of Mark Williams who at least credibly claims to be the Chief Tea Bagger In Charge.

Got any, mudwhistle?

I'll say it again:

"Damn, I am good."

The teabaggers are so decentralized that they can simply disavow anyone or position which makes them look bad.

It's a lame extension of the "No True Scotsman" argument.
the whole purpose of this thread is based on a fabrication.

I'm not gonna defend this guy nor defend his beliefs.

He's not a leader in the tea-party movement.

The reason i can say so is there really is no real leader.

It's a gathering of concerned individuals.

I'm not gonna stand by and allow some liberal to designate some nut-case as a leader just because they're an easy target.

fine by me, expect for the part where you label me a "liberal". My political views cannot be pidgeon-holed and as it happens, i've been a card-carrying republican all my adult life. I happen to fully endorse fiscal conservatism in government, though my views are somewhat more nuanced than that slogan suggests.

I don't want anyone to "stand idly by". I want to see some outrage and condemnation of mark williams who at least credibly claims to be the chief tea bagger in charge.

Got any, mudwhistle?

nuance? No nuances allowed! You are either for big government or small government, choose your size, that is all!

Maybe he has read from the Quran and read the passages where Muhammad is a Pedophile. marrying a 6 Year old girl and consummation the marriage of her at age 9, Muhammad said it was OK, because she did not resist. Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62
the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old.

SAHIH BUKHARI, BOOK 62: Wedlock, Marriage (Nikaah)

I admit using monkey god was crude, but when you learn about some of the perverseness and radical nature of their beliefs, sometimes people go to far in using perceived racist remarks

Besides, you cannot judge a whole movement by one person mis-speech

"Samar'ia shall bear her guilt, because she has rebelled against her God; they shall fall by the sword, their little ones shall be dashed in pieces, and their pregnant women ripped open."

Hosea 13:16

"Behold the day of the Lord is coming, when the spoil taken from you will be divided in the midst of you. For I will gather the nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city shall be taken and the houses plundered and the women ravished..."

bible god-Zechariah 14:1

5. "Behold, I will corrupt your seed and spread dung upon your faces..."

bible god-Malachi 2:3

"...they have rejected the word of the Lord, and what wisdom is in them? Therefore I will give their wives to others..."

bible god-Jeremiah 8:9

"When men fight with one another, and the wife of one draws near to rescue her husband from the hand of him who is beating him, and puts out her hand and seizes him by the private parts, then you shall cut off her hand; your eye shall have no pity."

bible god-Deuteronomy 25:11

"Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man by lying with him. But all the young girls who have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves."

Moses-Numbers 31:17

I am sorry, what were you saying?
Madeline, you mentioned you are not with any Party. No offense, but I can see why.

Think about it, there are Racists and Bigots in Every Party, shoot, there are probably some at the grocery store you shop at, your work, are you going to be a hermit because there are still stupid people in this world?

No. I get into my fair share of confrontations though. I cannot abide this kind of evil. Not at all. And I have NEVER supported a candidate that committed this unpardonable sin.

T'aint like there's various ways to "hear" what this man said. He hates Muslims. That's enough for me to want to kick his ass...why aren't YOU angry?

If he had been hating on a group YOU identify with might that have tripped your switch?

Given that Muslims HATE US, are we obligated to love them?

Typical left-wing, anti-white delusions.

Fuckwhittery? Already?

Okay, last reply before I Ignore you. Muslims do not have one heart and brain. They do not emote simultaneously. My Muslim coworker is the only such person I have met, and she certainly did not hate me or any other American. She was actually one of the gentlest people I've ever known.

She'd have been too gentle to say what I am about to:

You jack booted thugs have been waiting for this since 9/11. The election of a black man as president has led you to believe that America has finally ripened into such a place as so that the race war you have wet dreamed all your life about will finally occur.

You're a frustrated Nazi, and to be hated by YOU is my pleasure, priviledge and honor.
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TWENTY TWO percent of all humans on Planet Earth are Muslim. When exactly did you poll all of them as to their alleged tolerance for murder, Quantum Windbag?

Can't you see this for what it is?

"All Jews......"

"All Catholics........"

"All Blacks......".

"All women......"

It's HATE. Naked, unadulterated HATE. Sleep with it under your pillow and your grandchildren will wake up in Hell on Earth. How the hell many times must we learn this?

First, I did not say all, I said most.

[ame=""]YouTube - ? Crash Politics ? MSA Member publicly calls for another Holocaust promotes Hitler Youth Week[/ame]

If you are right and I am wrong it should be pretty easy to prove it. All you have to do is post something where Muslims speak up condemning this attitude, without getting killed.

FUCK YOU. You KNOW god-damned good and well that speech like this is EVIL. Spreading hate towards a minority is vile and un-American. I worked along side a Muslim lady in September of 2001. She had converted and it just had never come up in the workplace as to why. That sort of thing is rather personal.

By October she was afraid to come to work. Do you think that is right? Do you think we are a nation built on the values that lead people to leave anonymous notes on the desks of their coworkers to such a degree that security has to escort that person into and out of a building where they work?

It is YOU who does not belong. You who are un-American, a traitor and a coward. You who have betrayed us all. You who undermines the very thing that makes this nation great.

Look in the mirror and ask yourself, how many Muslim American parents have read your words on USMB and gone into their kids room at night just for a moment's peace that they are safe? By what right do you attempt to afflict anyone else with your perversity and crippling, ignorant HATE?

FUCK OFF. You are trying to "get back" the Third Reich, not the USA, you fucking TRAITOR.

Saying that most of the slave owners in the US were white is not hate speech, it is truth. Saying that the Church used the Inquisition to gain political power and eliminate their enemies is not hate speech, it is truth. Saying that the Khmer Rouge instituted ethnic cleansing is not hate speech, it is truth.

Speaking the truth about a group of people is not hate speech. Stating that Muslims need to step up and eliminate those who preach hate in their religion is truth.

Condemning Hezbollah for calling for the extermination of Israel is not hate speech.

You really need to calm down and remember that people have a right to whatever opinion they want to have, as long as they do not act on them. I might abhor hate speech, but I will not condemn it, I condemn actions.
I must say, this thread is much fun for me. I feel as I would had I decided to host a pig roast, and pigs kept showing up volunteering to be the roastee.

Anyone else want to prod me to insult them because they have a bad character and hate minorities, or enjoy the company of those that do?

I'd insult boedicca, but she's fallen below my Ignore Line. So I'll be around if there are any more volunteers.

As far as I am concerned he is free to have insulting opinions about Jesus and
Moses, and he can express them publicly if he wants. The major difference is that if he limits his opinions to attacks on Christians and Jews no one will kill him for it.

In my view, if all your friends are assholes, you are shit. I'm judging you by the hatred you tolerate and I find you Tea Baggers reprehensible un-American bullshit artists and I am done contemplating EVER joining you.

I'd ruther we bankrupt ourselves than become a nation of haters. Been there, done that, got the tee shirt.


LOL, and I suppose you would consider this post a love letter to all those "HATERS" who don't even know who this person is, but yet that makes us alllllllllllll, like him.
good grief..:cuckoo::lol::lol:

Read my Op again, Stephanie. I hadn't heard of Mark Williams before either. I did not SAY everyone who claims to be a Tea Bagger is a racist or racist-friendly person -- I ASKED. If you consider yourself a Tea Bagger and his speech offended you as much as it did me, then SAY SO.

Don't be trying to annoy me for condemning Hate Speech and asking if the Tea Bagger Movement as a whole rejects haters. I get to ask...if you have an answer, let's hear it.
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Remember how the left came to the rescue of the Obama about him sitting in that hating Jeremiah Wrights church for 20 YEARS.

oh because he sat through the hate sermons, that doesn't mean he agrees with them or even HEARD them.
And we weren't suppose to "judge" the Obama by the people he knew.

lefties-liberals are nothing but
friggen two faced hypocrites.:lol:

Stephanie, be upfront with your hate. Don't pussyfoot around, I can't stand that. You hate minorities? People whose political beliefs are different than yours? Adherents of faiths other than yours? Urp it up, fuckwhitted bitch. Don't try and hide behind a book on table manners.

Hate is UGLY and no amount of doilies will ever pretty it up. As they say, using nice manners whilst hating is like lipstick on a pig.

Hey dumbass, this is one man's perspective that happens to be part of a movement. Its no different then Overbite preaching his hate message daily as the sole representation of liberalism.

Bottom line is the tea party is about ending over taxation, reign in spending and making America a more competitive place to do business in the global market!
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First, I am not a member of the Tea Party.
Second, that was just as hateful and judgmental as what he said.
Third, Harry Reid is a bona fide racist, and you have no problem with him. Does that make you a hypocrite?

I don't even know who the fuck Harry Reid IS. Yet you assume I have evaluated his hate speech and I'm all good with it? Fuck you. I've been as clear as a bell. ZERO hate speech or I am not your fan, and certainly not your brother in arms against governmental waste.

If you think I am a Liberal who is drinking anyone's kool aid, wise up. Most people reach an opinion on an issue after some examination of the facts and debate...not because their Fearless Leader instructs them on what to think. I happen to agree government spending threatens our future and I was quasi-sympathetic to the Tea Baggers' Movement UNTIL now.

Because if respect for all the various subcultures and religions to be found in the US is not your core value, we DEFINATELY have nothing in common. Mutual respect and tolerance of those in the minority who are different is ESSENTIAL to the sort of nation I hope my grandchildren will enjoy. And if I had to choose, I'd encumber them with heavy taxes before I encumbered them with Hate.

Does it EVER cross anyone's mind that Muslim Americans might some of them be afraid when your leaders hate on them this way? Or that some Muslim Americans might also identify with the Tea Bagger's Movement a la fiscal conservation but be afraid to approach you in groups because they are not certain how they will be received? We were not attacked by Americans -- not Muslim Americans and not by the Entire Muslim Faithful. We were attacked by Osama Bin Laden and his followers, period. Hating on 22% of the humans on Planet Earth for the actions of a single conspiracy is ridiculous, dishonest and childish.

I will NEVER be a party to this -- and I think your silence towards Mark Williams marks YOU as a supporter of his Hate Speech. Either throw him out of the Tea Baggers Movement or get out yourself, if Hate Speech repels you. Anything less, and I don't want to hear your bullshit excuses.

OBL and his followers were just one group that has been attacking us since 79'.

Mark Williams is not officially a leader of the Tea-party. Saying he an outright lie.

Not "officially" the Leader of the Tea Bagger Movement? WTF does THAT mean? I am a tremendous supporter of Dennis Kucinich, a US Congressman from my area. Just exactly how fucking long do you think it'd take me to decide to condemn HIM, if he had said "Muslims worship a Monkey God"?

What Mark Williams SAID was Hate Speech. What you have DONE in consequence is excuse it. So if I judge you by your actions, I find you to be a FUCKING RACIST TRAITOR.

I do believe I have now clarified my POV. Let's see if you can clarify yours, shall we?
I don't even know who the fuck Harry Reid IS.


Harry Reid is Nancy Pelosi's twin :lol::lol:

Nancy Pelosi is a traitor. And a fuckwhit.

I call 'em as I see 'em. No one gets a free pass on the need to protect Arizonians etc. from me. No one.

That is how adults are supposed to act. If a level of patriotism is a prerequisite of yours for all your elected officials, then treason should outrage you even when it comes from someone whose politics sometimes line up with yours.

Are ya feeling me yet, Gremlin-USA?
LOL, and I suppose you would consider this post a love letter to all those "HATERS" who don't even know who this person is, but yet that makes us alllllllllllll, like him.
good grief..:cuckoo::lol::lol:

I know you are intellectually deficient....

hence your conservative leanings....

but TRY to understand this.....

if a guy gives a speech to tea baggers
and in that speech there is OBVIOUS lies and hate
and the audience of tea baggers
hearing the lies and the hate
all CHEER and CLAP and say..."YES! WE AGREE!"
my ignorant little moron
it is quite easy to ASSUME that they are all likeminded

I must have missed the part where he gave a speech full of racist remarks to a Tea Party meeting. When and where was that?

Mark Williams is a radio show commentator. Presumably, he has listeners.
I know you are intellectually deficient....

hence your conservative leanings....

but TRY to understand this.....

if a guy gives a speech to tea baggers
and in that speech there is OBVIOUS lies and hate
and the audience of tea baggers
hearing the lies and the hate
all CHEER and CLAP and say..."YES! WE AGREE!"
my ignorant little moron
it is quite easy to ASSUME that they are all likeminded

I must have missed the part where he gave a speech full of racist remarks to a Tea Party meeting. When and where was that?

Mark Williams is a radio show commentator. Presumably, he has listeners.

So, presumably, does Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman. Hell, they supposedly have viewers. Do you condemn their hate speech?

Williams apologized to the Hindu's he offended who do worship a monkey god, so he is not as hateful as you are trying to say.
First, I am not a member of the Tea Party.
Second, that was just as hateful and judgmental as what he said.
Third, Harry Reid is a bona fide racist, and you have no problem with him. Does that make you a hypocrite?

I don't even know who the fuck Harry Reid IS. Yet you assume I have evaluated his hate speech and I'm all good with it? Fuck you. I've been as clear as a bell. ZERO hate speech or I am not your fan, and certainly not your brother in arms against governmental waste.

If you think I am a Liberal who is drinking anyone's kool aid, wise up. Most people reach an opinion on an issue after some examination of the facts and debate...not because their Fearless Leader instructs them on what to think. I happen to agree government spending threatens our future and I was quasi-sympathetic to the Tea Baggers' Movement UNTIL now.

Because if respect for all the various subcultures and religions to be found in the US is not your core value, we DEFINATELY have nothing in common. Mutual respect and tolerance of those in the minority who are different is ESSENTIAL to the sort of nation I hope my grandchildren will enjoy. And if I had to choose, I'd encumber them with heavy taxes before I encumbered them with Hate.

Does it EVER cross anyone's mind that Muslim Americans might some of them be afraid when your leaders hate on them this way? Or that some Muslim Americans might also identify with the Tea Bagger's Movement a la fiscal conservation but be afraid to approach you in groups because they are not certain how they will be received? We were not attacked by Americans -- not Muslim Americans and not by the Entire Muslim Faithful. We were attacked by Osama Bin Laden and his followers, period. Hating on 22% of the humans on Planet Earth for the actions of a single conspiracy is ridiculous, dishonest and childish.

I will NEVER be a party to this -- and I think your silence towards Mark Williams marks YOU as a supporter of his Hate Speech. Either throw him out of the Tea Baggers Movement or get out yourself, if Hate Speech repels you. Anything less, and I don't want to hear your bullshit excuses.

Harry Reid is the Democratic Senator from Nevada, and the President pro Tempore of the Senate of the United States of America. That makes him pretty high up in a political party that is actually organized, instead of just a self proclaimed chairman of a group that claims to be affiliated with the Tea Party, which doesn't really exist. Yet you want to tar and feather everyone who supports the goals of Taxed Enough Already simply because the media, which hires people who have been kicked out of their local Tea Party for being racist, had not reported that he has been denounced by every single Tea Party member.

What exactly is bullshit about my excuse again?

From what I gather, Mark Williams made his Hateful Remarks during a radio broadcast yesterday. Why wasn't it YOU who alerted us to the offensive speech? Why isn't it YOU out here condemning racial and religious intolerance?

He's not even my guy. It was not my day to watch him. And yet I did, I told you about it and as a result, the only person I see you condemning on this thread is ME.

Are folks like me supposed to look the other way when Leaders of the Tea Baggers Movement use hate speech? If so, tough shit, I ain't doing it.

Grow a pair and condemn MARK WILLIAMS, if you do.

How on Earth do you Tea Baggers expect to ever attract moderates or people like me........

Well, many of us have been making this point for a long time.

Now, expect the "teabagger shuffle" to commence. It goes like this:

1.) They will go into a snit because you used the term "teabagger".
2.) You will be accused of not being a moderate, but a liberal plant.
3.) (aka "The World Famous Teabag Three Card Monty) You will be informed that "there is no leader of the tea party movement" and they will claim this guy doesn't represent the tea party or it's goals (which remain a mystery).

I could have just read this post and almost no others, because that is EXACTLY what has been happening.


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