Bill Would Require State Approval to Homeschool

Hummmm...... If this is so, why is it necessary to pull the child out of the public school system? Couldn't they allow their sons and daughters to attend school and then take a couple of hours to supplement their educations at home? Why does it have to be either 'home schooling' or 'public schooling?' Educatiors have long maintained that children learn best when their parents are involved with their child's education.
Because in most families there isn't enough time. In 59% of the families both parents work. For a family with 3 kids, typically there's soccer, basketball, dental appointments, orthodontist, doctor appointments, boy scouts, cub scout, girl scouts, etc... Even elementary school kids have homework nearly every school night. There just is not enough time. Between school, work, extra curricular actives, and homework, most parents are lucky if they spend 10 mins a day with each child.
Well said, Flopper. Well said!!!!
About 1.7% of the students in US are home schooled. 77% are white. The most common reason parents give for homeschooling is to provide religious and moral education (36%). The second most common reason is dissatisfaction with academic instruction (21%). Most home schooled students are in elementary grades.

Homeschooling curriculum, is usually based on local public school curriculum. The recommend hours of instruction is 6 hours a day however the parent can usually work in other duties during this time. In addition, the parent must create a lesson plan, tests, document the students progress, meet with schools district personnel, arrange for social interaction with other children of the same age, field trips, an extracurricular activities.

There are two major problems parents have. One is time. The parent must dedicate most of their day to the job of teaching which means the parent must forego a full time job. Second, is qualifications. The parent has to understand the subject matter and know how to present it. In most states, the parent can't just teach whatever they like because the students are required to take standardize tests annually. For parents, who are able to home school, the results can be significantly better than either public are private school because the student has all the teachers time. Typically, a teacher's time is shared between 20 to 30 students.

Fast Facts
How Many Hours a Day Does it Take to Homeschool? | Raising Arrows
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You silly anarchist: if you are home schooling, that will be regulated by the state. No ifs, ands, or buts. Don't abuse your children and you don't have anything to worry about.

Yes, we've already seen the world according to Fakey. Now go back to your games so the adults can talk.

You are an anarchist, so no one cares what you think, my friend. Home schools are state regulated. Some states need to do more.
That's certainly true. There is a huge disparity between states in laws pertaining to home schooling. However there's one thing that is in almost all states laws. The district superintendent of schools is responsible for the education of all children in the district. That includes public, private, and home schools which is why most school districts provide a lot of services to home schools as well as private schools. For example, parents in most districts who home school, can send their kids to public school for selected classes that they are not capable of teaching.
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So you're saying that you wouldn't mind having your kids rub elbows all day with other kids who are doing and selling drugs?

Yeah, right.

I rubbed elbows with kids who did and sold drugs when I went to school. My kids did the same. The key is developing life skills to know how to deal with these situations without having your parents hovering over you 24/7

You cannot protect your kids their whole lives. Sooner or later they will have to learn to deal with individuals who were not preselected by their parents

You can protect your kids while they are living at home, and then they will develop the habits and values that will keep them out of trouble later in life. When kids are in Jr. high school and high school, the don't have the knowledge or emotional maturity required to resist social pressure from the wrong kind of classmates. If they did, then why would we give parents the authority to make their decisions for them? Hell, if we are going to accept your advice, why not just let them mix with juvenile delinquents when they are in Kindergarten?

It takes a special kind of stupidity or naiveté to believe that the drugs, criminality and violence that are an intrinsic feature of government schools aren't a threat to your children. That is the ultimate in denial.

Your theories about child rearing are obvious horseshit.
Unfortunately, home schooling High School and even Middle School is much more difficult that in elementary school because teaching becomes specialized. If your going to teach your kid at home at a High School, you better be proficient in subjects such as Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry, Precalculus, AP Calculus, Biology, Chemistry Physics, Natural Science, Genetics / Biotech, Physiology, (AP) Biology, (AP) Chemistry, (AP) Physics, English, American Literature, Composition, Journalism, Public Speaking, World History, American History, Government and Politics, Economics etc....

This is why most people that home school do so only in elementary school. Those that home school in high school usually depend heavily on the local school district for classes they can not teach.
I rubbed elbows with kids who did and sold drugs when I went to school. My kids did the same. The key is developing life skills to know how to deal with these situations without having your parents hovering over you 24/7

You cannot protect your kids their whole lives. Sooner or later they will have to learn to deal with individuals who were not preselected by their parents

You can protect your kids while they are living at home, and then they will develop the habits and values that will keep them out of trouble later in life. When kids are in Jr. high school and high school, the don't have the knowledge or emotional maturity required to resist social pressure from the wrong kind of classmates. If they did, then why would we give parents the authority to make their decisions for them? Hell, if we are going to accept your advice, why not just let them mix with juvenile delinquents when they are in Kindergarten?

It takes a special kind of stupidity or naiveté to believe that the drugs, criminality and violence that are an intrinsic feature of government schools aren't a threat to your children. That is the ultimate in denial.

Your theories about child rearing are obvious horseshit.
Unfortunately, home schooling High School and even Middle School is much more difficult that in elementary school because teaching becomes specialized. If your going to teach your kid at home at a High School, you better be proficient in subjects such as Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry, Precalculus, AP Calculus, Biology, Chemistry Physics, Natural Science, Genetics / Biotech, Physiology, (AP) Biology, (AP) Chemistry, (AP) Physics, English, American Literature, Composition, Journalism, Public Speaking, World History, American History, Government and Politics, Economics etc....

This is why most people that home school do so only in elementary school. Those that home school in high school usually depend heavily on the local school district for classes they can not teach.

nothing is difficult.
there are plenty of schools for homeschooling and even more separate programs. Plus the education material is awesome.

there are public online home schooling programs and there are plenty of private as well.
My son was in BOTH. Simultaneously. One grade level for one type of school, the other grade level - for the other.
There is nothing better than to skip the middle public school - that is the time when the kid actually learns THE MOST and the most time is needed fro learning, not stupidity distraction.
and the main reason for pulling him from the public school magnet system was convenience.
Public school is extremely inconvenient if your main goal is to teach the skills of learning and the subjects you intend to teach.
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You can protect your kids while they are living at home, and then they will develop the habits and values that will keep them out of trouble later in life. When kids are in Jr. high school and high school, the don't have the knowledge or emotional maturity required to resist social pressure from the wrong kind of classmates. If they did, then why would we give parents the authority to make their decisions for them? Hell, if we are going to accept your advice, why not just let them mix with juvenile delinquents when they are in Kindergarten?

It takes a special kind of stupidity or naiveté to believe that the drugs, criminality and violence that are an intrinsic feature of government schools aren't a threat to your children. That is the ultimate in denial.

Your theories about child rearing are obvious horseshit.
Unfortunately, home schooling High School and even Middle School is much more difficult that in elementary school because teaching becomes specialized. If your going to teach your kid at home at a High School, you better be proficient in subjects such as Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry, Precalculus, AP Calculus, Biology, Chemistry Physics, Natural Science, Genetics / Biotech, Physiology, (AP) Biology, (AP) Chemistry, (AP) Physics, English, American Literature, Composition, Journalism, Public Speaking, World History, American History, Government and Politics, Economics etc....

This is why most people that home school do so only in elementary school. Those that home school in high school usually depend heavily on the local school district for classes they can not teach.

nothing is difficult.
there are plenty of schools for homeschooling and even more separate programs. Plus the education material is awesome.

there are public online home schooling programs and there are plenty of private as well.
My son was in BOTH. Simultaneously. One grade level for one type of school, the other grade level - for the other.
There is nothing better than to skip the middle public school - that is the time when the kid actually learns THE MOST and the most time is needed fro learning, not stupidity distraction.
and the main reason for pulling him from the public school magnet system was convenience.
Public school is extremely inconvenient if your main goal is to teach the skills of learning and the subjects you intend to teach.
It can certainly be done if the parents are committed. In the school district I worked in there were always home school students in classes such as chemistry, biology, and the AP courses.
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Hummmm ..... "I have clearly shown the public school system has failed." Each year milllions of students graduate from high schools. Many with honors or even high honors. After graduation hundreds of thousands go on to college or the university. Sometimes they go to the best schools in the nation. Schools like MIT, Harvard, Yale, Notre Dame, Stanford, Michigan State, and on, and on, and on. Other hundreds of thousands go on to community colleges or schools teaching special skills. This is where we get our mechanics, nurses, and assorted other professions. Still others apprentice as plumbers, electricians, and carpenders. No, our schools are not failing but like many things in America they can be improved. The truth of this is in the fact that the the vast majority of high school graduates move on to become productive citizens.
Oh, and one other fact you may not be aware of, the graduation rate for high school students has hit a 40 year high. This rate does not take into acccount the thousands of students who then continue their eduacations to earn GED's. The schools must be doing something right.

If students are being passed on to attend high school with no more than a 5th grade reading comprehension level, what makes you so certain their skills have improved? Your graduation numbers are just that, numbers. Sorry to say your link speaks nothing in terms of the actual "quality level" of education they have received once they graduated high school. That's the central discussion behind this thread, and not how many students we can push out the door in order to maintain a high graduating percentage and become someone else's problem.

Here is what public school has accomplished for its graduates:

Annual results of the exam, released Monday by the College Board, reveal that just 43 percent of university-bound students are prepared for the world of higher education. Fifty-seven percent failed to clear the test’s 1550-point college and career readiness benchmark, meaning they’re far less likely to maintain at least a B-minus average during their first year of college classes.

Perhaps even more troubling than the college readiness number are the 2012 reading scores. The average score on the SAT’s reading portion fell this year to 496 out of a possible 800, its lowest mark since 1972 and down from last year’s 497.

Data: High school students aren?t ready for college - Washington Times

See also: SAT, ACT: Most high school kids lack skills for college ?

Marc Tucker, president of the National Center on Education and the Economy said, "This shows that our community colleges have shockingly low expectations of the students entering their institutions, because many-perhaps most-of our future nurses, EMT's, and auto mechanics haven't mastered middle school mathematics and cannot read much of the material in their first year college text books-even though they are only written at the 11th and 12th grade levels-and a large fraction of our future four-year college students have a very hard time writing a simple report that requires students to make and argument and support it with facts. If the United States doesn't fix this and fast, its citizens will face a bleak economic future."

To read the full report visit: NCEE » What Does It Really Mean to Be College and Work Ready?
Deny it....go ahead

Nobody is buying it

Honestly, is it any surprise when Rightwinger can no longer defend public schools he has to try and push the race phobia crap. Even though he can't provide proof for any of it, he's hoping at least SOMEONE might be sympathetic enough to buy into it. I can't begin to count the number of times racism is brought in when the left no longer feels they can win an argument on just facts alone.


Why of course not

Why I'm sure each and every one of those homeschool kids hangs out with any public school kid he wants after school let's out. Black kids, Hispanics, poor kids, atheists....even liberals

Because home school parents want their children exposed to kids from all walks of life

I'm quite sure you will find parents who allow their kids to hang out with their neighborhood friends, sign up as part of a community soft ball or soccer league, have their daughter's attend dance, all without the need to have such activities only tied to a public school. It might come as a shock for you to learn, a parent can allow their child to become a highly social participant in whatever activity they so choose for them.
Hummmm...... If this is so, why is it necessary to pull the child out of the public school system? Couldn't they allow their sons and daughters to attend school and then take a couple of hours to supplement their educations at home? Why does it have to be either 'home schooling' or 'public schooling?' Educatiors have long maintained that children learn best when their parents are involved with their child's education.
Because in most families there isn't enough time. In 59% of the families both parents work. For a family with 3 kids, typically there's soccer, basketball, dental appointments, orthodontist, doctor appointments, boy scouts, cub scout, girl scouts, etc... Even elementary school kids have homework nearly every school night. There just is not enough time. Between school, work, extra curricular actives, and homework, most parents are lucky if they spend 10 mins a day with each child.

That makes no sense whatsoever. If a parent doesn't have the time to "supplement" their children's learning at school, they sure as hell don't have time to home school their children.

That's because the left can't conceive of two highly educated parents, possibly going as far as to have achieved a masters degree, coming to the decision of allowing one to stay home in order to take on the role of raising and educating their children. Perhaps even establish a home group among friends, who all share the same concerns towards their kids having a strong educational foundation. Some parents may even feel that a smaller student environment is more beneficial, in ensuring their children are each given all the educational attention they require. There are solutions to home schooling for those who are not happy with the "quality" the public system provides, and truly value the best for their children.
Schoolteachers in NY undergo background checks before they are hired. Why should a parent who wants to be a schoolteacher get preferential treatment?

Because they are teaching their own children and, regardless of what libs say, people should still be the authority on their own lives. It would be different if they were teaching other people's children and were being paid with tax dollars.

Public school teachers can be really good or can really suck and the government will not differentiate between the two. Parents generally want what is best for their own children and that desire isn't always shared by strangers who teach.

I suppose it's only a matter of time before all parents have their homes inspected so they have to meet the same standards as daycare centers. I believe there are already laws against having a family member babysit full time. The nanny government thinks no one is capable of making decisions that are best for them or their children.

Well you will always see some rich politician (Democrats very much included) make the choice of doing what they feel is best for their child's education. Why should a party who has the ability to choose what form of education to raise their children in, fight so hard to take those very same opportunities away from "middle class" parents? To often their actions speak of 'do as I say, and not as I do', yet they want to turn around and talk about "opportunity" and "give everyone their fair share". Apparently those opportunities where everyone is given their fair share to choose for themselves public, private (through vouchers), or homeschool, is just empty rhetoric that sounds appealing ..... enough to get you elected, that is.
Because in most families there isn't enough time. In 59% of the families both parents work. For a family with 3 kids, typically there's soccer, basketball, dental appointments, orthodontist, doctor appointments, boy scouts, cub scout, girl scouts, etc... Even elementary school kids have homework nearly every school night. There just is not enough time. Between school, work, extra curricular actives, and homework, most parents are lucky if they spend 10 mins a day with each child.

That makes no sense whatsoever. If a parent doesn't have the time to "supplement" their children's learning at school, they sure as hell don't have time to home school their children.

That's because the left can't conceive of two highly educated parents, possibly going as far as to have achieved a masters degree, coming to the decision of allowing one to stay home in order to take on the role of raising and educating their children. Perhaps even establish a home group among friends, who all share the same concerns towards their kids having a strong educational foundation. Some parents may even feel that a smaller student environment is more beneficial, in ensuring their children are each given all the educational attention they require. There are solutions to home schooling for those who are not happy with the "quality" the public system provides, and truly value the best for their children.
Home schooling is certainly not a solution to our education problems. In nearly 60% of families in the US, both parents work leaving precious little time for parenting much less the hours required for homeschooling.

Most parents don't even make the effort to see that their kids do their homework let alone home schooling them. When I taught school in Florida, about half or less of the parents would show up for parent teacher conference. You might be shocked at how little real interest parents have in their kids schooling. At home, it's often, a "How was school today and have you got your homework done? I know when I met with parents and discussed what we were doing in the classroom, most parents seem to have no idea what their kids were learning.

I think homeschooling can be very beneficial if it's done right but there are a lot of considerations which are in the link below which I think is very good. One of those considerations is whether the child is a candidate for home schooling. Often slow learners and kids with high IQ's do well in a home schooling environment. However, some children need the competitive environment of the classroom and do not do well in the non-structured environment typical of most home schooling.

Homeschooling - Inspired Children - Part 1
I want rednecks to be home schooled. It takes their kids out of competition for jobs. Not all competition. Just the competition against everyone but illegal immigrants.
Yea, let's see.

Who works harder?

Illegal immigrants?




Rednecks playing in mud?
Home schooling is certainly not a solution to our education problems. In nearly 60% of families in the US, both parents work leaving precious little time for parenting much less the hours required for homeschooling.

Most parents don't even make the effort to see that their kids do their homework let alone home schooling them. When I taught school in Florida, about half or less of the parents would show up for parent teacher conference. You might be shocked at how little real interest parents have in their kids schooling. At home, it's often, a "How was school today and have you got your homework done? I know when I met with parents and discussed what we were doing in the classroom, most parents seem to have no idea what their kids were learning.

I think homeschooling can be very beneficial if it's done right but there are a lot of considerations which are in the link below which I think is very good. One of those considerations is whether the child is a candidate for home schooling. Often slow learners and kids with high IQ's do well in a home schooling environment. However, some children need the competitive environment of the classroom and do not do well in the non-structured environment typical of most home schooling.

Homeschooling - Inspired Children - Part 1

It all comes down to importance and priorities. If a parent is very concerned with the level of education they are seeing in the public school, they will find the time to take an active role - to include homeschool. There ARE parents who pushed themselves to attain a college degree or masters, and want to push to see a better life for their children. That is, after all, the mindset of a much older generation who understood and lived the hardships of life and were driven to PROVIDE something more. That is until government stepped in and turned hard work, and a driven desire to leave behind a hard work ethic to follow, with an "entitled" supplied mentality.
I rubbed elbows with kids who did and sold drugs when I went to school. My kids did the same. The key is developing life skills to know how to deal with these situations without having your parents hovering over you 24/7

You cannot protect your kids their whole lives. Sooner or later they will have to learn to deal with individuals who were not preselected by their parents

You can protect your kids while they are living at home, and then they will develop the habits and values that will keep them out of trouble later in life. When kids are in Jr. high school and high school, the don't have the knowledge or emotional maturity required to resist social pressure from the wrong kind of classmates. If they did, then why would we give parents the authority to make their decisions for them? Hell, if we are going to accept your advice, why not just let them mix with juvenile delinquents when they are in Kindergarten?

It takes a special kind of stupidity or naiveté to believe that the drugs, criminality and violence that are an intrinsic feature of government schools aren't a threat to your children. That is the ultimate in denial.

Your theories about child rearing are obvious horseshit.
Unfortunately, home schooling High School and even Middle School is much more difficult that in elementary school because teaching becomes specialized. If your going to teach your kid at home at a High School, you better be proficient in subjects such as Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry, Precalculus, AP Calculus, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Natural Science, Genetics / Biotech, Physiology, (AP) Biology, (AP) Chemistry, (AP) Physics, English, American Literature, Composition, Journalism, Public Speaking, World History, American History, Government and Politics, Economics etc....

This is why most people that home school do so only in elementary school. Those that home school in high school usually depend heavily on the local school district for classes they can not teach.

And how many high schools do not require (or even OFFER) most of those classes? Offhand, the school I went to offered less than half of them.
I want rednecks to be home schooled. It takes their kids out of competition for jobs. Not all competition. Just the competition against everyone but illegal immigrants.

No, it doesn''re stupid again (still...)

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