Bill Would Require State Approval to Homeschool

You can protect your kids while they are living at home, and then they will develop the habits and values that will keep them out of trouble later in life. When kids are in Jr. high school and high school, the don't have the knowledge or emotional maturity required to resist social pressure from the wrong kind of classmates. If they did, then why would we give parents the authority to make their decisions for them? Hell, if we are going to accept your advice, why not just let them mix with juvenile delinquents when they are in Kindergarten?

It takes a special kind of stupidity or naiveté to believe that the drugs, criminality and violence that are an intrinsic feature of government schools aren't a threat to your children. That is the ultimate in denial.

Your theories about child rearing are obvious horseshit.
Unfortunately, home schooling High School and even Middle School is much more difficult that in elementary school because teaching becomes specialized. If your going to teach your kid at home at a High School, you better be proficient in subjects such as Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry, Precalculus, AP Calculus, Biology, Chemistry Physics, Natural Science, Genetics / Biotech, Physiology, (AP) Biology, (AP) Chemistry, (AP) Physics, English, American Literature, Composition, Journalism, Public Speaking, World History, American History, Government and Politics, Economics etc....

This is why most people that home school do so only in elementary school. Those that home school in high school usually depend heavily on the local school district for classes they can not teach.

nothing is difficult.
there are plenty of schools for homeschooling and even more separate programs. Plus the education material is awesome.

there are public online home schooling programs and there are plenty of private as well.
My son was in BOTH. Simultaneously. One grade level for one type of school, the other grade level - for the other.
There is nothing better than to skip the middle public school - that is the time when the kid actually learns THE MOST and the most time is needed fro learning, not stupidity distraction.
and the main reason for pulling him from the public school magnet system was convenience.
Public school is extremely inconvenient if your main goal is to teach the skills of learning and the subjects you intend to teach.

A well-explained one side of the coin, but . . . one side of the coin.
Yea, let's see.

Who works harder?

Illegal immigrants?




Rednecks playing in mud?

Does Miley Cyrus pay you to make her look smarter?

Answer the question. Which group works harder?
You can protect your kids while they are living at home, and then they will develop the habits and values that will keep them out of trouble later in life. When kids are in Jr. high school and high school, the don't have the knowledge or emotional maturity required to resist social pressure from the wrong kind of classmates. If they did, then why would we give parents the authority to make their decisions for them? Hell, if we are going to accept your advice, why not just let them mix with juvenile delinquents when they are in Kindergarten?

It takes a special kind of stupidity or naiveté to believe that the drugs, criminality and violence that are an intrinsic feature of government schools aren't a threat to your children. That is the ultimate in denial.

Your theories about child rearing are obvious horseshit.
Unfortunately, home schooling High School and even Middle School is much more difficult that in elementary school because teaching becomes specialized. If your going to teach your kid at home at a High School, you better be proficient in subjects such as Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry, Precalculus, AP Calculus, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Natural Science, Genetics / Biotech, Physiology, (AP) Biology, (AP) Chemistry, (AP) Physics, English, American Literature, Composition, Journalism, Public Speaking, World History, American History, Government and Politics, Economics etc....

This is why most people that home school do so only in elementary school. Those that home school in high school usually depend heavily on the local school district for classes they can not teach.

And how many high schools do not require (or even OFFER) most of those classes? Offhand, the school I went to offered less than half of them.
School vary tremendously in their course offering however courses like these are much more common than you might think The following are high school math courses from the catalog of High School Courses from Howard County Public Schools.

Common Core Algebra I
Algebra I/Data Analysis
Common Core Geometry
Algebra II
Advanced Algebra and Functions
Statistics – AP
Discrete Mathematics
Business Calculus
Differential Equations
Calculus C/Multivariate Calculus

Approved High School Courses - HCPSS
Sigh. Home schools, if well regulated, are fine.

A child's hope for the future trumps parental rights to home school without appropriate regulation.
Sigh. Home schools, if well regulated, are fine.

A child's hope for the future trumps parental rights to home school without appropriate regulation.

That is to be determined by the parents, not government toadies.

Who is more likely to have the child's best interests in mind? The reason this legislation came about is because teacher's unions care more about their employment prospects than they care about children.
I want rednecks to be home schooled. It takes their kids out of competition for jobs. Not all competition. Just the competition against everyone but illegal immigrants.

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe the Republicans are preparing their kids for the new stone age.
Unfortunately, home schooling High School and even Middle School is much more difficult that in elementary school because teaching becomes specialized. If your going to teach your kid at home at a High School, you better be proficient in subjects such as Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry, Precalculus, AP Calculus, Biology, Chemistry Physics, Natural Science, Genetics / Biotech, Physiology, (AP) Biology, (AP) Chemistry, (AP) Physics, English, American Literature, Composition, Journalism, Public Speaking, World History, American History, Government and Politics, Economics etc....

This is why most people that home school do so only in elementary school. Those that home school in high school usually depend heavily on the local school district for classes they can not teach.

nothing is difficult.
there are plenty of schools for homeschooling and even more separate programs. Plus the education material is awesome.

there are public online home schooling programs and there are plenty of private as well.
My son was in BOTH. Simultaneously. One grade level for one type of school, the other grade level - for the other.
There is nothing better than to skip the middle public school - that is the time when the kid actually learns THE MOST and the most time is needed fro learning, not stupidity distraction.
and the main reason for pulling him from the public school magnet system was convenience.
Public school is extremely inconvenient if your main goal is to teach the skills of learning and the subjects you intend to teach.

A well-explained one side of the coin, but . . . one side of the coin.

as it happens I can compare public schooling and homeschooling, because we did both. And public schools were very good ones, not the inner city ghetto.
home schooling is way above the public school system, if it is organized correctly. Maybe not every kid is going to benefit from it, but the whole majority of smart, intelligent, willing to learn kids, will. Those kids waste time in public schools.
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No, it is determined by We the People, not by mistaken anarchists.

Wrong. "We the people" can butt out. They have no right to interfere in the decisions a parent makes for his child.

Really? So if a parent decides that his/her 10 year old child needs to immediately marry a 50 year old man and consummate said marriage, society has not place to intervene? Wow, you become more and more irrelevant with every day, though increasingly bat shit crazy statements.
No, it is determined by We the People, not by mistaken anarchists.

Wrong. "We the people" can butt out. They have no right to interfere in the decisions a parent makes for his child.

Really? So if a parent decides that his/her 10 year old child needs to immediately marry a 50 year old man and consummate said marriage, society has not place to intervene? Wow, you become more and more irrelevant with every day, though increasingly bat shit crazy statements.

If you have reason to believe someone is abusing their children, by all means, accuse them and prosecute them in court. But that's not what statists want. They want an authoritarian state where we must first ask permission before we can raise our children, or do anything else for that matter, the way we want.

They want to invert the presumption of innocence and base justice on the notion that we must prove the righteousness of our decisions to state authority by default. They want a world where everything we do is subject to '"regulation" by governmental authority that must endorse our actions before they are "allowed".

Fuck. That. That's not freedom. It's what we created this country to avoid.
I'm so glad Mrs. Edison homeschooled her son, Thomas Alva Edison, who lit up the world! (See my signature) :)
Edison began school in Port Huron, Michigan when he was seven. His teacher, the Reverend G. B. Engle considered Thomas to be a dull student. Thomas especially did not like math. And he asked too many questions. The story goes that the teacher whipped students who asked questions. After three months of school, the teacher called Thomas, "addled," which means confused or mixed up. Thomas stormed home.

The next day, Nancy Edison who was a school teacher brought Thomas back to school to talk with Reverend Engle. The teacher told his mother that Thomas couldn't learn. Nancy also became angry at the teacher's strict ways. She took Thomas out of school and decided to home-school him. It appears he briefly attended two more schools. However, his school attendance was not very good. So nearly all his childhood learning took place at home.

Home schooling often works well for people with exceptional abilities. Too often schools, both public and private aren't equipped to educate exceptional students.

Thomas Alva Edison
No, it is determined by We the People, not by mistaken anarchists.

Wrong. "We the people" can butt out. They have no right to interfere in the decisions a parent makes for his child.

Really? So if a parent decides that his/her 10 year old child needs to immediately marry a 50 year old man and consummate said marriage, society has not place to intervene? Wow, you become more and more irrelevant with every day, though increasingly bat shit crazy statements.

Obviously parents can't abuse their children. In other words, they can't commit crimes against their children. Short of that, it's no one else's business.
For a long time the courts declared child labor laws as unconstitutional under the contract provisions of the Constitution. The states still believing the use of child labor was wrong so to beat those decisions, they dreamed up laws making compulsory education mandatory. Now kids had to go to school instead of work. Maybe it's time we dump the mandatory school laws and get kids back into the work force? Child labor is so much cheaper and easier to manage compared to adults and their labor unions, their minimum wages, their strikes and so forth.
If you have reason to believe someone is abusing their children, by all means, accuse them and prosecute them in court.

That is exactly the point.

But that's not what statists want.

But now you're slipping toward intellectual laziness. There are no true answers to be found on the extreme edges of any issue. Going back to my earlier point, "we the people" i.e. the government/society do have a justifiable reason to interfere in a person's choices regarding their children. It's ridiculous to say it doesn't. The correct thing to say is that there are substantial limits to when exercising such power can and should be used.

By the same token, someone suggesting that the government should exercise such power are not necessarily "statists." And for that matter, the idea you are trying to express is not actually statism. It's more akin to totalitarian fascism. Either way, the point is that such a person does not necessarily want or advocate for the government to have complete and total control over the people.

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