Bill Would Require State Approval to Homeschool

“The very fact that parents would want to deny their children the enriching experience of a public school education raises a ‘red flag,’” Cafaro declared. “It makes one wonder what other risks of neglect or abuse might be present in the home environment. Rather than supinely wait for tragedies to occur it is incumbent upon the government to intercede ahead of time.”

the CORRECT text should be :

“The very fact that parents would want to impose on their children the "enriching" experience of a public school education raises a ‘red flag. It makes one wonder what other risks of neglect or abuse might be present in the home environment. ”

True. Sending your kids to government schools is a form of child abuse.
After reading all the rabble rousing nuts' outcries about home schooling, obviously, yes, home schools need to registered, regulated, and visited regularly.
Well it the far left wants the government to come into your home and regulate what you can do or say.

Here's another question you can dodge:

What percent of our state and school district governments are controlled by the far left?

Give us a ballpark figure.

All of them. The NEA and the NTA run the Democrat party. Something like half the delegates to the Democrat convention are teachers.
And your proof for this unsupported statement is ........... ?
Libtruds have always hated home schooling because they can't stand the idea that not every child is subjected to government brainwashing. This is just one of the numerous attempts they have made to quash homeschooling and force all children into the government indoctrination mills.

Bill Would Require State Approval to Homeschool | The Arizona Conservative

Ohio State Senator Capri Cafaro (D-Hubbard) has introduced legislation to boost state regulation of homeschooling. Senate Bill 248 would require that parents be investigated and approved before being allowed to homeschool their children.

“The very fact that parents would want to deny their children the enriching experience of a public school education raises a ‘red flag,’” Cafaro declared. “It makes one wonder what other risks of neglect or abuse might be present in the home environment. Rather than supinely wait for tragedies to occur it is incumbent upon the government to intercede ahead of time.”

Cafaro hypothesized that “overt signs of excessive religious fervor, gun ownership, or the presence of books and magazines that denigrate progressive values and undermine loyalty to and faith in the efforts of the government to better people’s lives would demonstrate an anti-social environment that is unfit for children.”

The Senator acknowledged that “there are likely too many anti-social home environments for us to take the most appropriate remedy of removing the afflicted children. We should at least insist that the children attend public schools as a way of counterbalancing these pernicious influences on their education and development.”
The bill has my complete approval. We currently have all the brain dead shit eating red neck scum bags we need. Why manufacture more?

HOME-SCHOOLING: Outstanding results on national tests - Washington Times
"Five areas of academic pursuit were measured. In reading, the average home-schooler scored at the 89th percentile; language, 84th percentile; math, 84th percentile; science, 86th percentile; and social studies, 84th percentile. In the core studies (reading, language and math), the average home-schooler scored at the 88th percentile.

The average public school student taking these standardized tests scored at the 50th percentile in each subject area.
The shit eating, brain dead scum bags are all in the government schools. You're obviously one of them.
If you want units that can pass tests and be indoctrinated into ONLY your way of thinking then home schooling is the way to go. However, even though you will refuse to acknowledge it, schools provide other benefits that home schooling cannot or will not provide. They give the student the chance to learn how to interact with others. There is no grade for this but the ability work with a wide variety of people is important to achieving success. The also give the students opportunities to see various viewpoints and to test new ideas. This allows the student to CHOOSE FOR THEMSELVES what they believe. Public schooling helps to produce a well rounded individual capable of being able to work with a variety of people and ideas.
On the other hand, if you wish to create little red necked copies of yourself, home schooling is clearly the way to go. Obviously you are scared of allowing your children to see that there is an alternative to your way of thinking. Maybe, just maybe <gasp> <gasp> they might accept beliefs that you disagree with <gasp>! Better to keep that kind of knowledge away from them.
All schooling that receives some form of state certification can be regulated by the state.

Anarchists' feelings should be taken into account then dismissed.

Leave it to big government mainstream progressive liberal Jake to support Governments monopoly on degrees.

If we looked at education as a system of value like we do our currency, we oddly see the same effects of devaluation and inflation. Due to the poor quality of Government education caused by the monopoly and regulations making it hard to pride privet education one needs college certifications to gain the same level of education once provided years and years ago. As time rolls on one needs 2 then 4- then 6 years of college just to make up for the pointless degrees and diplomas they received in the past.

Governments reason for over regulating privet education is to lower competition. Without competition no one will be questioning the degrading quality of education they or their children are forced to endure.

And again it's not a shock on any level that jake feels Government control of education is perfectly understandable... We were all meant to be lemmings and incapable to thinking differently than others around us, just think how dangerous it would be having people resist the borg.
The bill has my complete approval. We currently have all the brain dead shit eating red neck scum bags we need. Why manufacture more?

HOME-SCHOOLING: Outstanding results on national tests - Washington Times
"Five areas of academic pursuit were measured. In reading, the average home-schooler scored at the 89th percentile; language, 84th percentile; math, 84th percentile; science, 86th percentile; and social studies, 84th percentile. In the core studies (reading, language and math), the average home-schooler scored at the 88th percentile.

The average public school student taking these standardized tests scored at the 50th percentile in each subject area.
The shit eating, brain dead scum bags are all in the government schools. You're obviously one of them.
If you want units that can pass tests and be indoctrinated into ONLY your way of thinking then home schooling is the way to go. However, even though you will refuse to acknowledge it, schools provide other benefits that home schooling cannot or will not provide. They give the student the chance to learn how to interact with others. There is no grade for this but the ability work with a wide variety of people is important to achieving success. The also give the students opportunities to see various viewpoints and to test new ideas. This allows the student to CHOOSE FOR THEMSELVES what they believe. Public schooling helps to produce a well rounded individual capable of being able to work with a variety of people and ideas.
On the other hand, if you wish to create little red necked copies of yourself, home schooling is clearly the way to go. Obviously you are scared of allowing your children to see that there is an alternative to your way of thinking. Maybe, just maybe <gasp> <gasp> they might accept beliefs that you disagree with <gasp>! Better to keep that kind of knowledge away from them.

So your answer as to why public educated kids are far dumber than home schooled children is that public education offer social skills that can otherwise not be gained by homeschooling?

So if I home schooled my child and signed them up for privet sports where they learn far more than in public school sports they get no interaction with others in a positive constructive way VS planning what party they will be going to, who they want to fuck there and on what drugs?

I get the feeling your limited education has stunted your ability to logically make a coherent argument against home schooling. You are clearly suffering from some basic levels of bigotry as well... Those "red neck" parents do better at teaching their children than your failing school system and the best you have is to call them "red necks."
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Schoolteachers in NY undergo background checks before they are hired. Why should a parent who wants to be a schoolteacher get preferential treatment?

An adult who teaches the children of other parents does not fall into the same category as an adult parent who teaches their own children. You do understand the distinction, right?

That's a distinction without a difference. But...

Then I guess you wouldn't object to background checks of parents in small group homeschooling scenarios?

There are such things, you know. Sometimes referred to as homeschool cooperatives.

I take it you would have no objection to all of the participating parents in such homeschools undergoing fingerprinting and background checks comparable to those required of teachers in conventional schools?
this should explain why Demonrats are against home schooling and vouchers....the school unions are for nothing more than to maintain their power structure...

[ame=]The Machine: The Truth Behind Teachers Unions - YouTube[/ame]
Your attempt to equate teachers to parents is laughable..... I am guessing you have no children?

I'm equating teachers to teachers.

A public education - or the equivalent - is a child's right and obligation.

A public education at the level of standards set by the federal, state, and school district levels of government is a child's right.

The federal, state, and the school district governments have the right to set the standards.

A parent who wishes to become a teacher therefore should only be allowed to do so if they are qualified to provide the above,

which is the right of their child to receive.

Compulsory education laws apply as much as anything else.

No, you're not. You are comparing a parent, who has a vested interest in their child's education, to a paid teacher who may or may not give a fuck.

Why are you so afraid of home schooling? Are you a teacher?

Why are you accusing me of being afraid of homeschooling? Are you an asshole?
Schoolteachers in NY undergo background checks before they are hired. Why should a parent who wants to be a schoolteacher get preferential treatment?

An adult who teaches the children of other parents does not fall into the same category as an adult parent who teaches their own children. You do understand the distinction, right?

That's a distinction without a difference. But...

Then I guess you wouldn't object to background checks of parents in small group homeschooling scenarios?

There are such things, you know. Sometimes referred to as homeschool cooperatives.

I take it you would have no objection to all of the participating parents in such homeschools undergoing fingerprinting and background checks comparable to those required of teachers in conventional schools?

It is not a distinction without a difference. It is the entire difference. Where would you draw the line? One parent teaching just their own child? One parent teaching the child of only one other parent? Suppose the second parent is the sister of the teacher. So the teacher would be instructing their own child, plus her niece?

State intervention seems like over reach so far.
let's say a man owns a dairy farm and is the father of a bight child. say the child can get a minimum of schooling, say a couple hours a day, work the farm the rest of the time, and still barely pass state exams, or go to a public school, receive a good education, graduate and be exposed to more than just milking cows, and have a brighter future, but that would mean the parent would need to hire an extra farm hand.

where's the interest of the parent lie then?

homeschoolers should be investigated, thoroughly, to make sure they are competent to teach and that they are doing their best to give their children a complete and adequate education.
All schooling that receives some form of state certification can be regulated by the state.

Anarchists' feelings should be taken into account then dismissed.

Leave it to big government mainstream progressive liberal Jake to support Governments monopoly on degrees.

If we looked at education as a system of value like we do our currency, we oddly see the same effects of devaluation and inflation. Due to the poor quality of Government education caused by the monopoly and regulations making it hard to pride privet education one needs college certifications to gain the same level of education once provided years and years ago. As time rolls on one needs 2 then 4- then 6 years of college just to make up for the pointless degrees and diplomas they received in the past.

Governments reason for over regulating privet education is to lower competition. Without competition no one will be questioning the degrading quality of education they or their children are forced to endure.

And again it's not a shock on any level that jake feels Government control of education is perfectly understandable... We were all meant to be lemmings and incapable to thinking differently than others around us, just think how dangerous it would be having people resist the borg.

Leave it to far right reactionary Avory Suds with his radical anti-American agenda to oppose republican, constitutional government regulation of what (schooling, for instance) affects the public interest.

We the People, through our leges and courts, are telling liberts and anarchs that they are not influential at all.
Libtruds have always hated home schooling because they can't stand the idea that not every child is subjected to government brainwashing. This is just one of the numerous attempts they have made to quash homeschooling and force all children into the government indoctrination mills.

Bill Would Require State Approval to Homeschool | The Arizona Conservative

Ohio State Senator Capri Cafaro (D-Hubbard) has introduced legislation to boost state regulation of homeschooling. Senate Bill 248 would require that parents be investigated and approved before being allowed to homeschool their children.

“The very fact that parents would want to deny their children the enriching experience of a public school education raises a ‘red flag,’” Cafaro declared. “It makes one wonder what other risks of neglect or abuse might be present in the home environment. Rather than supinely wait for tragedies to occur it is incumbent upon the government to intercede ahead of time.”

Cafaro hypothesized that “overt signs of excessive religious fervor, gun ownership, or the presence of books and magazines that denigrate progressive values and undermine loyalty to and faith in the efforts of the government to better people’s lives would demonstrate an anti-social environment that is unfit for children.”

The Senator acknowledged that “there are likely too many anti-social home environments for us to take the most appropriate remedy of removing the afflicted children. We should at least insist that the children attend public schools as a way of counterbalancing these pernicious influences on their education and development.”
The bill has my complete approval. We currently have all the brain dead shit eating red neck scum bags we need. Why manufacture more?

HOME-SCHOOLING: Outstanding results on national tests - Washington Times

"Five areas of academic pursuit were measured. In reading, the average home-schooler scored at the 89th percentile; language, 84th percentile; math, 84th percentile; science, 86th percentile; and social studies, 84th percentile. In the core studies (reading, language and math), the average home-schooler scored at the 88th percentile.

The average public school student taking these standardized tests scored at the 50th percentile in each subject area.

The shit eating, brain dead scum bags are all in the government schools. You're obviously one of them.
i'd like to introduce you to the concepts of causality and correlation.
So how many of you who oppose this are also for more strict standards for teachers in public schools?

Your attempt to equate teachers to parents is laughable..... I am guessing you have no children?

If true, then it is also laughable to equate parents to teachers. Both are laughable, or both are reasonable. I'm not sure which is which. But logically speaking, both are, or both aren't.
I'm equating teachers to teachers.

A public education - or the equivalent - is a child's right and obligation.

A public education at the level of standards set by the federal, state, and school district levels of government is a child's right.

The federal, state, and the school district governments have the right to set the standards.

A parent who wishes to become a teacher therefore should only be allowed to do so if they are qualified to provide the above,

which is the right of their child to receive.

Compulsory education laws apply as much as anything else.

No, you're not. You are comparing a parent, who has a vested interest in their child's education, to a paid teacher who may or may not give a fuck.

Why are you so afraid of home schooling? Are you a teacher?

Why are you accusing me of being afraid of homeschooling? Are you an asshole?

It's obvious you are afraid. Libturds like yourself can't tolerate the thought that some children might not be subject to their government brainwashing.
let's say a man owns a dairy farm and is the father of a bight child. say the child can get a minimum of schooling, say a couple hours a day, work the farm the rest of the time, and still barely pass state exams, or go to a public school, receive a good education, graduate and be exposed to more than just milking cows, and have a brighter future, but that would mean the parent would need to hire an extra farm hand.

where's the interest of the parent lie then?

homeschoolers should be investigated, thoroughly, to make sure they are competent to teach and that they are doing their best to give their children a complete and adequate education.

When public schools are pumping out ignorant morons by the millions, government has no justification for investigating home schoolers who do a far better job.

The motivation for this demand is the desire to shut down home schooling because the government bootlickers feel threatened by people who haven't been brainwashed in the government indoctrination mills.
All schooling that receives some form of state certification can be regulated by the state.

Anarchists' feelings should be taken into account then dismissed.

Leave it to big government mainstream progressive liberal Jake to support Governments monopoly on degrees.

If we looked at education as a system of value like we do our currency, we oddly see the same effects of devaluation and inflation. Due to the poor quality of Government education caused by the monopoly and regulations making it hard to pride privet education one needs college certifications to gain the same level of education once provided years and years ago. As time rolls on one needs 2 then 4- then 6 years of college just to make up for the pointless degrees and diplomas they received in the past.

Governments reason for over regulating privet education is to lower competition. Without competition no one will be questioning the degrading quality of education they or their children are forced to endure.

And again it's not a shock on any level that jake feels Government control of education is perfectly understandable... We were all meant to be lemmings and incapable to thinking differently than others around us, just think how dangerous it would be having people resist the borg.

Leave it to far right reactionary Avory Suds with his radical anti-American agenda to oppose republican, constitutional government regulation of what (schooling, for instance) affects the public interest.

We the People, through our leges and courts, are telling liberts and anarchs that they are not influential at all.

Where does the Constitution give government the authority to regulate home schoolers?

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