Black Americans demand to know what ‘Black jobs’ are after Trump debate comment

Yes. I am well aware of what comes if Trump is elected. And a return to Jim Crow will not be tolerated. Some of these very people who are sucking trumps dick the most will wonder what is going on as they see their rights being taken away. One of these idiots used what Lyndon Johnson said about how you can screw the lowest white man as long as you make them feel superor to the negro. That is exactly what Trump is doing and they are falling for it.
They're too stupid to realize that once a tyrant has solidified his power - he eats his own.
of course he didn't.....what makes you think Racial Jungle Joe cares about blacks having jobs? He doesn't. In fact the UE for african-Americans youths is double digits under his watch
Racial, jungle, Joe? What you really want to say is---------->the WHITE GUY who called Black people, SUPER PREDATORS!

And IM sits here with a straight face, and tells Black people to support the SUPER PREDATOR white guy!

If you take IM as serious, honestly......there is something wrong with YOU!

Any of us, can claim ANYTHING we want, lie........and shame on us for lying to the American people.

But, are YOU as any color American, Black, White, Hispanic, Asian...etc.........going to accept that YOU should buy into someone, that called minority's "SUPER PREDATORS," when it was convenient for him?

Look, IM is a phony-e-baloney, that is a given. The question you have to ask yourself as an American is----------->do you buy into the illegal immigration? Do you love them so much, you want to pay for them? How badly do you hate Trump, and are you willing to throw the whole damn country under the bus along with Khamala, just because you HATE Trump!

Want to know why this country is divided?

Because you want to screw everyone because of 1 person, and we want to screw you, because you think you have made enough people HATE him, that you are going to win.

You might win.........lord I hope not.........but if you lose..........I support him.............and the government, hosing the lot of you.

Yep, that makes us a banana republic, thanks to all of you, and us.

Ummm, you started unless we want to bow down, you get exactly what YOU deserve.

In closing Dems.....from Mac to IM, you better win! Not because you are screwed, but rather because........the whole nonsense of how everything works will come forth. Many Conservatives are going to be hosed. Many Leftists will also.

Like me...........if you really want a have to throw ideology under the bus.
I'm black. So don't tell me what blacks want to know when you are white. Explain to me how illegals are taking black jobs when Biden had black unemployment the lowest in American history white man.

And it would behoove you to stop isteningto those some people because the picture yu see on the left is me. And I am a black man. Younow the grup who is runningt trump in recird nyumbers because he is selling gld tennis shoes amd has taken a mug shot. The nonsense is on your sde. Trump lied for 90 minutes. Fact checkers have found at least 30, yet yu realy thinkm Trump did something.

Yeah, if Trump wins, we go back to Jim Crow. And you aren't going to like trying that. I'm telling you racists this right now, because you are going to be up against over 100 million Americans who will die before they are taken back to Jim Crow and no rights for women. White men are only 31 percent of the population, and you should take that into consderation before you elect Donald Trump.
You are sooo damn phony!

You are Black? You Sure you aren't a phony Leftist playing Black while being white?

Look people on this board who are even close to moderates---------------->this IM type person, IS THE PROBLEM! He/she really is.

He/she/it wants to take something from 50 ago and make it relevant today.

How many of you have seen mixed marriages!? Black marries white, regardless if white/black man or white/Black woman.

This is what IM and friends have to stop!

You all tell me------------>how do you HATE the color of someone's skin, when you and your children are marrying into it?

IM may NOT be the biggest phony, but he IS a phony! He/she is trying to sell you a bill of goods, that no longer exists.

If YOU buy anything close to his nonsense, then you are actually part of the problem.

Ask yourself, is he accurate, or is he/she full of sh**! When you answer that, then IM and his ILK go away-)

What it makes you is on an even keel. IM no lika dat, but I bet you do -)
The first thing that popped up when I did search for what black media was saying about the debate didn't concern Trump but rather CNN...

“This afternoon we learned that CNN has credentialed 800 members of the media for the first presidential debate of the election cycle. Not one represents a Black-owned media outlet. CNN’s exclusion of Black-owned media represents an egregious oversight and is totally unacceptable... Black-owned media provides a critical, trusted source of information to our communities and their role in our democracy must be respected and honored by CNN.” Ebony

Which gives credence to this: Black Americans’ mistrust of the U.S. news media

I'm black. So don't tell me what blacks want to know when you are white. Explain to me how illegals are taking black jobs when Biden had black unemployment the lowest in American history white man.

And it would behoove you to stop isteningto those some people because the picture yu see on the left is me. And I am a black man. Younow the grup who is runningt trump in recird nyumbers because he is selling gld tennis shoes amd has taken a mug shot. The nonsense is on your sde. Trump lied for 90 minutes. Fact checkers have found at least 30, yet yu realy thinkm Trump did something.

Yeah, if Trump wins, we go back to Jim Crow. And you aren't going to like trying that. I'm telling you racists this right now, because you are going to be up against over 100 million Americans who will die before they are taken back to Jim Crow and no rights for women. White men are only 31 percent of the population, and you should take that into consderation before you elect Donald Trump.
Why do you think inner city Black people are so pissed at their Democrat Leaders? The immigrants are taking their resources AND THEIR JOBS. That is what Trump meant, but you knew that. You are a phony shill for Al Sharpton.
I REALLY enjoyed Roland giving his niece a chance to speak via video feed. That took a lot of integrity knowing she does not support Biden.

Her views mirror Briahna Joy Gray, whose podcast I really enjoy. :113:
They're too stupid to realize that once a tyrant has solidified his power - he eats his own.

Actually it is Democrats that are too stupid to realize that they are being used to undermine this country by foreign influences with the help of the MSM. How can they be so naive as not to see that the Democratic policies are meant to destroy American, not help it?

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