Black Americans demand to know what ‘Black jobs’ are after Trump debate comment

So you agree that the orange bag O' shit saying 'Black jobs/Hispanic jobs' is stupid and could be seen as a racist thing to say, correct?
No, as I said, they are going to urban areas which as I said is more cosmopolitan.

What would be racist would be to provide economic advantages and/or based on race rather than broad socio-economic need.
Yes. I am well aware of what comes if Trump is elected. And a return to Jim Crow will not be tolerated. Some of these very people who are sucking trumps dick the most will wonder what is going on as they see their rights being taken away. One of these idiots used what Lyndon Johnson said about how you can screw the lowest white man as long as you make them feel superor to the negro. That is exactly what Trump is doing and they are falling for it.
Lyndon Johnson also said Democrats would be able to keep stupid blacks on the Dimwinger Plantation with his War on Poverty.

He was correct. How does it feel to be such a dupe, white Boi?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
The first thing that popped up when I did search for what black media was saying about the debate didn't concern Trump but rather CNN...

“This afternoon we learned that CNN has credentialed 800 members of the media for the first presidential debate of the election cycle. Not one represents a Black-owned media outlet. CNN’s exclusion of Black-owned media represents an egregious oversight and is totally unacceptable... Black-owned media provides a critical, trusted source of information to our communities and their role in our democracy must be respected and honored by CNN.” Ebony

Which gives credence to this: Black Americans’ mistrust of the U.S. news media

:oops8: :oops8: :oops8: :oops8: :oops8:
Oh the libtard cope and tears are delicious. Stop trying to distract from your boy being a vegetable.
No, as I said, they are going to urban areas which as I said is more cosmopolitan.
That's completely irrelevant to my question.
What would be racist would be to provide economic advantages and/or based on race rather than broad socio-economic need.
You're wasting my time. :rolleyes: If you're not going to address the comment, just say so.
That's completely irrelevant to my question.

You're wasting my time. :rolleyes: If you're not going to address the comment, just say so.

He specified black and hispanic workers because it was outreach. He could have said ALL Americans. Just as CNN moderators could have said "all citizens are disappointed in your presidency" but instead they specified "black voters".

Welcome to a divided America. Trump understands that he has to replicate the same outreach Dems do simply by mentioning their demographic.

U.S political rules not mine.
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What a completely assinine, backpedalling argument. These aren't 'rules'. These are the words of a con man and willful manipulator to me.

Worry about Canada.
Sure, pretend you don't know how it works, I've seen it enough the last few years.

Dems in particular exploit black voters and divide them from America. You are one America but politicians can't operate that way anymore.
Maybe Canada can take our magaturds before rational Americans have to stomp the crap out of them.
Why are you so violent? I'd never physically attack someone for their physical beliefs but you want to physically assault someone.

Win on the issues. Biden had an easy job and he allowed and open border, signed the I.R.A and Paris Accord. This is the main reason for so much of Americas pain today.

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