Black Americans demand to know what ‘Black jobs’ are after Trump debate comment

Can I say UNBELIEVABLE, lol.

Let us really have an update------------>BLACK Americans want to know 2 things........

1. Why they have suffered under Biden when they supported him; up to and allowing ILLEGALS to take the jobs their teenage children should have, and.....

2. Why Biden and the Dems believe Black people are so damn dumb! (Maybe partially because IM is such an ass kiss, they think all Black people kiss that a**! Surprise IM, unlike you, they DO NOT!)

Unlike IM..............who some people believe is a white guy trying to spin as a Black Leftist........most of us believe that Black and Hispanic folks, may not love DJT, but they know Biden is going to screw the country with his AOC/Tahlib/ and total squad nonsense.

Americans..........or enough of them have figured your stuff out.

Dude......or is it dud Dette, it is OVER! Go ahead, waste your time while we laugh. You got SQUAT, and the best thing is...........we didn't have to pump and grind to prove how much you lied, YOUR OWN CANDIDATE.........Joe Frickin Biden, proved it for us, and with his own words no less; or should I say..........lack of words he could articulate!

This whole debate is OVER! If we win, your done.........and I mean DONE for more than 8 years. If you win, we are done for 20, and probably more, and if we ever come back, there will be nothing left to save.

Up to the American people now, and I do not believe they are dumb enough to buy into your sides nonsense! Could be wrong, but people I know from both sides of the spectrum are saying.........JOE HAS GOT TO GO!
I'm black. So don't tell me what blacks want to know when you are white. Explain to me how illegals are taking black jobs when Biden had black unemployment the lowest in American history white man.

And it would behoove you to stop isteningto those some people because the picture yu see on the left is me. And I am a black man. Younow the grup who is runningt trump in recird nyumbers because he is selling gld tennis shoes amd has taken a mug shot. The nonsense is on your sde. Trump lied for 90 minutes. Fact checkers have found at least 30, yet yu realy thinkm Trump did something.

Yeah, if Trump wins, we go back to Jim Crow. And you aren't going to like trying that. I'm telling you racists this right now, because you are going to be up against over 100 million Americans who will die before they are taken back to Jim Crow and no rights for women. White men are only 31 percent of the population, and you should take that into consderation before you elect Donald Trump.
I have not used extremely racist comments towards whites. But whites have posted extremely racist threads here about blacks frequently. You think any criticism against whites is racist.

OK Texas, the fact is that whites don't have what they do today without the government. I have shown that consistently. So you can take that coon comment and shove it up your ass. Go study public policy you stupid motherfucker.
I called Texas out for his comment, so now I’m calling you out as well. You are out of line with that language.
Large urban cities are majority white. So they will impact whites just as much, if not more.
Not all of them: Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans, Memphis, and many smaller cities are majority black. Atlanta and DC are about an even split. Illegals are hurting blacks in all these cities.
Let me repeat,


So what black jobs were taken?
of course he didn't.....what makes you think Racial Jungle Joe cares about blacks having jobs? He doesn't. In fact the UE for african-Americans youths is double digits under his watch
Let me repeat,

Once again Donald Trump showed hs racism during this debate. Trump clanmed that immigrants wwre taking black jobs. What are black jobs?

Black Americans demand to know what ‘Black jobs’ are after Trump debate comment​

Black Americans are demanding to know what “Black jobs” are after former President Trump used the phrase in Thursday’s debate with President Biden in Atlanta.

In response to the first 2024 general election debate’s only question on Black voters, Trump took a shot at Biden’s immigration stance.

“The fact is that his big kill on the Black people is the millions of people that he’s allowed to come in through the border,” Trump said. “They’re taking Black jobs now and it could be 18, it could be 19 and even 20 million people. They’re taking Black jobs, and they’re taking Hispanic jobs, and you haven’t seen it yet, but you’re gonna see something that’s going to be the worst in our history.”

Black social media users immediately demanded an explanation of what constitutes a “Black job.”

“What exactly are Black and Hispanic Jobs!?!” the NAACP posted to X.

I was disappointed that Biden didn't jump on that line, but apparently something was wrong with Biden last night. One of Trump's goons probably slipped Biden a 'Mickey'.

According to Mussolini Fascist philosophy (i.e. Trump's belief system), there should be no changes allowed to the socio-economic order in a society. People who are born into wealth deserve to be wealthy just for being wealthy. People who are born poor should stay poor. Personal achievement should not be allowed. Everyone should take the place of their father, except women who should be homemakers only.

In Trump's fascist belief system, non-white people belong at the bottom of the socio-economic system. So 'Black Jobs' are the low paying labor intensive jobs. Trump does not believe that Black Americans - whose ancestors have been here for centuries - should ever be allowed to improve their status.

This was the essence of Mussolini's philosophy - when liberals, progressives & socialists were overwhelmingly elected to the Italian parliament - he professed that anyone who wanted changes in the old feudal socio-economic order of Italian society was Anti-Italian and a traitor. He used Italian nationalism to gain support for his seizure of power.

Trump basically holds the same beliefs and tries to use phony American Nationalism to gain power. If he succeeds, it will not go well for non-white or liberal Americans. Be very afraid!
  • Brilliant
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On the Black Star Network.
That group commenting on the debate afterward was interesting, TY.

Let me repeat,

It’s about were trump had it, who hit that mark first.

But, that’s not what I spoke about, I specifically mentioned youth.
I'm black. So don't tell me what blacks want to know when you are white. Explain to me how illegals are taking black jobs when Biden had black unemployment the lowest in American history white man.

And it would behoove you to stop isteningto those some people because the picture yu see on the left is me. And I am a black man. Younow the grup who is runningt trump in recird nyumbers because he is selling gld tennis shoes amd has taken a mug shot. The nonsense is on your sde. Trump lied for 90 minutes. Fact checkers have found at least 30, yet yu realy thinkm Trump did something.

Yeah, if Trump wins, we go back to Jim Crow. And you aren't going to like trying that. I'm telling you racists this right now, because you are going to be up against over 100 million Americans who will die before they are taken back to Jim Crow and no rights for women. White men are only 31 percent of the population, and you should take that into consderation before you elect Donald Trump.
Black people love Trump
Roland is wrong, Biden DID strongly imply that he was only going to serve for one term. He has a very short memory, or is gaslighting his round table. He should not have been chastising his round table so harshly on this issue, IMO.



  • May 3, 2020Updated 7:18 p.m. ET

“I view myself as a transition candidate,” Mr. Biden said during an online fund-raiser last week, likening his would-be presidential appointments to an athletic team stocking its roster with promising talent: “You got to get more people on the bench that are ready to go in — ‘Put me in coach, I’m ready to play.’ Well, there’s a lot of people that are ready to play, women and men.”

The ramifications of Mr. Biden’s choice will be profound. Even if he loses in November, his decision will all but anoint a woman as the party’s next front-runner, and potentially shape its agenda for the next decade, depending on if she is a centrist or someone more progressive.

“Joe being 77, I think people are going to look to see who is the person who could be the next president,” said Harry Reid, the Democratic former Senate majority leader, calling Mr. Biden’s decision the most significant “in any election cycle I’ve seen.”


Mr. Biden has been careful to avoid providing a definitive signal on whether he would seek re-election should he win this year. But his references to serving as a transitional figure in the party, and the yearslong public health and economic recovery that the virus may require, have left many Democrats with the belief that, at age 82 in 2024, he would pass the party’s torch to his vice president.

“I don’t want to wish ill on anyone, and I love Joe Biden, but we’d be electing somebody in his late 70s,” said former Senator Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, referring to the November election. She said of the vice-presidential competition: “This is really auditioning to be the next leader of the Democratic Party.”

During the 2020 race, Joe continually implied that he was only going to serve one term, to the king makers behind the scene. This was implicitly understood. He never flat out stated it, because it would have made him a, "lame-duck," right out the starting gate, but it was well known from the start.

There is a lot of media coverage on this, go look it up.

Now? Ego and greed have made him & his family try something he is physically and mentally unfit for.
I was disappointed that Biden didn't jump on that line, but apparently something was wrong with Biden last night. One of Trump's goons probably slipped Biden a 'Mickey'.

According to Mussolini Fascist philosophy (i.e. Trump's belief system), there should be no changes allowed to the socio-economic order in a society. People who are born into wealth deserve to be wealthy just for being wealthy. People who are born poor should stay poor. Personal achievement should not be allowed. Everyone should take the place of their father, except women who should be homemakers only.

In Trump's fascist belief system, non-white people belong at the bottom of the socio-economic system. So 'Black Jobs' are the low paying labor intensive jobs. Trump does not believe that Black Americans - whose ancestors have been here for centuries - should ever be allowed to improve their status.

This was the essence of Mussolini's philosophy - when liberals, progressives & socialists were overwhelmingly elected to the Italian parliament - he professed that anyone who wanted changes in the old feudal socio-economic order of Italian society was Anti-Italian and a traitor. He used Italian nationalism to gain support for his seizure of power.

Trump basically holds the same beliefs and tries to use phony American Nationalism to gain power. If he succeeds, it will not go well for non-white or liberal Americans. Be very afraid!
Yes. I am well aware of what comes if Trump is elected. And a return to Jim Crow will not be tolerated. Some of these very people who are sucking trumps dick the most will wonder what is going on as they see their rights being taken away. One of these idiots used what Lyndon Johnson said about how you can screw the lowest white man as long as you make them feel superor to the negro. That is exactly what Trump is doing and they are falling for it.
It’s about were trump had it, who hit that mark first.

But, that’s not what I spoke about, I specifically mentioned youth.
It was lower than trumps and trump didn't create the black unemploymemt since black unemployment was dropping when trump took offce. Youth work mostly part time and trump didn't do any better with black youth.
I know I'm right, because if they are taking black jobs, they are taking white jobs.

I agree.

Jobs are jobs and in America you have as much choice of jobs as any country I can think of.

I don't like either Trump or Biden but do not think that what Trump said was either malicious or intended to be racist.

By "Black jobs" I suspect that Trump did mean "entry level" jobs / manual labor jobs so I'm not surprised that the opposition will use the poor word choice as "proof" that Trump is a racist.

Maybe he is, maybe he isn't but the topic is America's dismal immigration problem under the Biden administration, not politicized semantics.

Finally, I don't think that there is such thing as a "Black job" except for my job as a blacksmith but that's another story.

I have not used extremely racist comments towards whites. But whites have posted extremely racist threads here about blacks frequently. You think any criticism against whites is racist.

OK Texas, the fact is that whites don't have what they do today without the government. I have shown that consistently. So you can take that coon comment and shove it up your ass. Go study public policy you stupid motherfucker.

You're a liar, I would post what you said if they still existed, but they don't. And we don't live in the past, deal with it.

It was lower than trumps and trump didn't create the black unemploymemt since black unemployment was dropping when trump took offce. Youth work mostly part time and trump didn't do any better with black youth.
Well xiden didn’t either, since it was dropping under trump, then they went back to work after Covid.

Thanks for highlighting that for us.

What xiden wasn’t able to get back to pre Covid levels was youth black UE…largely due to his open borders and racist dems hiring cheap illegals instead of black kids in places like Cali

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