Zone1 Black culture holds back black people.

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I once dared suggest that blacks in the inner-cities, mired in poverty, would do better by following the example of impoverished Jews who arrived here around the turn of the century - poor and uneducated - as they fled antisemitism in Europe. Their children, just one generation later, were primarily college graduates or small business owners, with starter homes in the suburbs:

1) Emphasize the value of education and make the sacrifices needed to get one, and
2) Do not have children until you are married and can afford them

For that, I was deemed a racist.
Sounds like good advice. Tried and true. Today's quest by many blacks has nothing to do with equality or justice. It's about payback. It's about grinding whites under the heel of a boot -- deliberately trying to instill fear and evoke guilt. I can't imagine being so pathetic.

Sounds like good advice. Tried and true. Today's quest by many blacks has nothing to do with equality or justice. It's about payback. It's about grinding whites under the heel of a boot -- deliberately trying to instill fear and evoke guilt. I can't imagine being so pathetic.
That is what reparations is all about: making whites who were never slaves hand over their hard-earned money money to blacks who were not only never slaves, but if they’re in their 60s or under, enjoyed the benefits of affirmative action.

Digger deeper, that’s what all the anti-white racism being promoted in the liberal-run schools is all about: to indoctrinate children into believing that blacks are “oppressed,” and whites their “oppressors,“ so that in 10 or 15 years when these kids reach voting age, they’ll vote for the revenge pay-back and believe they’re doing the right thing.
That is what reparations is all about: making whites who were never slaves hand over their hard-earned money money to blacks who were not only never slaves, but if they’re in their 60s or under, enjoyed the benefits of affirmative action.

Digger deeper, that’s what all the anti-white racism being promoted in the liberal-run schools is all about: to indoctrinate children into believing that blacks are “oppressed,” and whites their “oppressors,“ so that in 10 or 15 years when these kids reach voting age, they’ll vote for the revenge pay-back and believe they’re doing the right thing.
They are trying to do to America what they do to their own neighborhoods when they riot. They burn everything, then wonder why the middle class leaves and businesses never reopen. And then they complain they have no place to steal -- excuse me -- shop.
Remember when Biden praised Obama as a “clean, articulate black”?
Not only that but Obama was the FIRST mainstream black who was articulate, bright and clean.

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Biden's description of Obama draws scrutiny -

First and apparently LAST since none of these woke diversity hires can articulate like Obama.
Black privilege is not recognizing all the White-European culture black people incorporate.

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