Zone1 Black culture holds back black people.

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I met a black lawyer from a Carribean country and all her brothers and sisters were doctors and lawyers.

She did not understand why our client, an American born black boy, was standing by the side of a road throwing rocks at the windshields of passing cars.
I have met many black lawyers and doctors who were born in America. So again, your opinion is bs. Your anecdote doesn't prove anything. I have met many black professors and other professionals from Africa/Carribean who wondered why whites are so racist here in America.
I have met many black lawyers and doctors who were born in America. So again, your opinion is bs. Your anecdote doesn't prove anything. I have met many black professors and other professionals from Africa/Carribean who wondered why whites are so racist here in America.
Right, but you hate Clarence Thomas.
And rightfully so. I don't like Unce Toms and every black professional is not an Uncle Tom.
The usage of the term "Uncle Tom" to refer to a black man is a racist thing to say.

It's like calling a man a "******."
The usage of the term "Uncle Tom" to refer to a black man is a racist thing to say.

It's like calling a man a "******."
I'm black, so I can't believe I am superior to another black man based on his race.

“The concept of an “Uncle Tom” as that term is used in the Black community-is a slave who is given prestige & comfort by the master, using his position to tread on the slaves abused by the master."

That is basically what Thomas has done and it's not like calling him anything but what he is. But a white person like you will defend Thomas while denigrating blacks who have actually done positive things for black people.
I'm black, so I can't believe I am superior to another black man based on his race.

“The concept of an “Uncle Tom” as that term is used in the Black community-is a slave who is given prestige & comfort by the master, using his position to tread on the slaves abused by the master."

That is basically what Thomas has done and it's not like calling him anything but what he is. But a white person like you will defend Thomas while denigrating blacks who have actually done positive things for black people.
Black people can be MORE racist than whites because they insult each other constantly in racist ways.

"Uncle Tom" and "******" are just two examples of blacks insulting their own.
No, that is not what we are taught. Blacks who come here from other parts of the world face the same things blacks here face.
Wrong again. There is no really no victimhood mentality in the black community unless you want to try quoting a black person who says there is, then you are quotng a black person with that victim mentality. The history of this country and continued racism is real and it is that which breeds animosity along with contempt for the opinions of whites such as yourself who actually believe you can speak to how blacks see things. It's time whites like you got rid of your psychosis.
And that is why many blacks fail. They reject the notion that anyone other a black person can assess what is wrong within the black community. Victimhood (feeling sorry for oneself while rejecting any notion of actual analysis of their lives) isn't a black thing. It's an immaturity mindset. The difference is afflicted blacks raise the racism flag to silence legitimate criticism -- which eventually renders a substantial percentage of white America tone deaf to legitimate cries on the subject. Blacks like yourself will never be part of the solution because any concern you feel for "your race" will always be dwarfed by your seething, how-dare-you hostility you direct at whites. Racism will probably always exist in America because stupidity and immaturity will almost certainly be human traits. Your smugness and dismissiveness are character flaws to be pitied. You could use your obvious intellect for a greater good. Instead, you shackle it an embittered soul.
I'm black, so I can't believe I am superior to another black man based on his race.

“The concept of an “Uncle Tom” as that term is used in the Black community-is a slave who is given prestige & comfort by the master, using his position to tread on the slaves abused by the master."

That is basically what Thomas has done and it's not like calling him anything but what he is. But a white person like you will defend Thomas while denigrating blacks who have actually done positive things for black people.
I'm black, so I can't believe I am superior to another black man based on his race.

“The concept of an “Uncle Tom” as that term is used in the Black community-is a slave who is given prestige & comfort by the master, using his position to tread on the slaves abused by the master."

That is basically what Thomas has done and it's not like calling him anything but what he is. But a white person like you will defend Thomas while denigrating blacks who have actually done positive things for black people.

The word 'racism' is like ketchup. It can be put on practically anything - and demanding evidence makes you a 'racist.'

Thomas Sowell
Black people can be MORE racist than whites because they insult each other constantly in racist ways.

"Uncle Tom" and "******" are just two examples of blacks insulting their own.
Wrong. The blacks who are the racists would be the Carence Thomas types who can create laws or change laws to the detriment of blacks. That is what white racism has been. It is far beyond name calling. You need to stop being white thinking you can make these claims. Because you don't know what you're talking about and you are only looking for an excuse to defend your own personal racism.
The opinion you have ignores the damage created by white raciusm that cannot be solved by enacting colorblind measures. Your third sentence is not why whites have what they do. Whites control the alcohol and drug trades, they have sex outside of wedlock, they commit crimes. So until you turn black and live stop thinking you can tell someone black what the issue is. Work to end white racism. That is your issu

The opinion you have ignores the damage created by white raciusm that cannot be solved by enacting colorblind measures. Your third sentence is not why whites have what they do. Whites control the alcohol and drug trades, they have sex outside of wedlock, they commit crimes. So until you turn black and live stop thinking you can tell someone black what the issue is. Work to end white racism. That is your issu
The opinion you have ignores the damage created by white raciusm that cannot be solved by enacting colorblind measures. Your third sentence is not why whites have what they do. Whites control the alcohol and drug trades, they have sex outside of wedlock, they commit crimes. So until you turn black and live stop thinking you can tell someone black what the issue is. Work to end white racism. That is your issue.
Individual perseverance is the best response to any adversity. Failure is a lifetime achievement, not the result of a single event. Analyzing failure within Black America is easy, to wit: Insincere black men/boys making black babies, then making tracks. Black women/girls rejecting self-respect, giving the milk away for free and not even caring that no one buys the cow. Thinking up African-sounding names for their babies and spending less time actually raising them. Tearing down statues and thinking that graduation rates will skyrocket. Killing each other in droves over trivialities. Rejecting sincerity because it's perception as a sign of weakness -- or acting white. Championing criminals like George Floyd, focusing solely on the circumstances of his death while ignoring his wretched life. The solution to "black problems" is the same solution applied by every responsible person -- regardless of race.
And that is why many blacks fail. They reject the notion that anyone other a black person can assess what is wrong within the black community. Victimhood (feeling sorry for oneself while rejecting any notion of actual analysis of their lives) isn't a black thing. It's an immaturity mindset. The difference is afflicted blacks raise the racism flag to silence legitimate criticism -- which eventually renders a substantial percentage of white America tone deaf to legitimate cries on the subject. Blacks like yourself will never be part of the solution because any concern you feel for "your race" will always be dwarfed by your seething, how-dare-you hostility you direct at whites. Racism will probably always exist in America because stupidity and immaturity will almost certainly be human traits. Your smugness and dismissiveness are character flaws to be pitied. You could use your obvious intellect for a greater good. Instead, you shackle it an embittered soul.
EWrong again. Once again, you are white and until yu face what we do, your commentary wil be inaccurate. There is no black victimhood and whatever mindset your white opinion has created is due to actual continuing racism by whites. Whates like you reject this fact.

Blacks like me have been successful because we take on the white racism you practice. Your gaslighting desn't stop us. Racism does not have to exist and it would not exist if whites were facing it nstead of doing it. You guys whined forever about how AA was racist even as whites contnued to be the majority in everything in America and you kept crying about it until you could get a court that would end the policy. So don't lecture me white man, The root cause if any problem we have is white racism. That is a fact that has been proven correct by studies in almost every field of endeavor. So spare me your opinon because its a load of white rght wing bs.
Individual perseverance is the best response to any adversity. Failure is a lifetime achievement, not the result of a single event. Analyzing failure within Black America is easy, to wit: Insincere black men/boys making black babies, then making tracks. Black women/girls rejecting self-respect, giving the milk away for free and not even caring that no one buys the cow. Thinking up African-sounding names for their babies and spending less time actually raising them. Tearing down statues and thinking that graduation rates will skyrocket. Killing each other in droves over trivialities. Rejecting sincerity because it's perception as a sign of weakness -- or acting white. Championing criminals like George Floyd, focusing solely on the circumstances of his death while ignoring his wretched life. The solution to "black problems" is the same solution applied by every responsible person -- regardless of race.
Again, spare me your opinion. Every word you post here is an inaccurate description of how things go. Whites like you need to shut up, because you have not done one thing that you preach to others to get what you have. If we want to be like whites, we make laws excluding whites from participating in society for 346 years. Then we enact a half ass policy and don't follow it while claiming that we are given whites equal opportunity. So again, shut up and move on.
EWrong again. Once again, you are white and until yu face what we do, your commentary wil be inaccurate. There is no black victimhood and whatever mindset your white opinion has created is due to actual continuing racism by whites. Whates like you reject this fact.

Blacks like me have been successful because we take on the white racism you practice. Your gaslighting desn't stop us. Racism does not have to exist and it would not exist if whites were facing it nstead of doing it. You guys whined forever about how AA was racist even as whites contnued to be the majority in everything in America and you kept crying about it until you could get a court that would end the policy. So don't lecture me white man, The root cause if any problem we have is white racism. That is a fact that has been proven correct by studies in almost every field of endeavor. So spare me your opinon because its a load of white rght wing bs.
If you don't want my opinion, then don't read my comments. AA MAY have been necessary to get over the first few hurdles. I'm not certain on that point. Thankfully, it was put out of its misery as it so richly deserved. It had become nothing more than a pandering to the neer-do-wells trying to ride the coattails of the meritorious. Unfortunately, it has been replaced by something truly insidious -- DEI. But it'll die because society will refuse to accept inclusion at the expense of merit. Dumbing down society won't be accepted as the price America has to pay for "social justice".
Many American blacks are smothered by a lack of diversity in terms of opinions within the black community about American culture. And those who do dominate "preach" in a manner (or simply omit non-conforming ideas) that breeds contempt, mistrust, animosity, and even hatred for that culture. Blacks who articulate opinions that don't reinforce a victimhood mentality are ostracized, usually using race-infused characterizations.
Absolutely! And IM2 is the perfect example of that - calling any black who promotes the idea that blacks are responsible for their own decisions and outcomes an “Uncle Tom.” Ask him what he thinks about Thomas Sowell, a brilliant and accomplished man from a disadvantaged background, as just one example.
The opinion you have ignores the damage created by white raciusm that cannot be solved by enacting colorblind measures. Your third sentence is not why whites have what they do. Whites control the alcohol and drug trades, they have sex outside of wedlock, they commit crimes. So until you turn black and live stop thinking you can tell someone black what the issue is. Work to end white racism. That is your issue.
Why should Atlas work to end racism among whites when he himself isn’t racist? Maybe he has other priorities.

You are constantly telling us that you can’t be held responsible for the high out-of-wedlock black crime rate, so why should individual whites be expected to do something about whites who have racist attitudes?
And that is why many blacks fail. They reject the notion that anyone other a black person can assess what is wrong within the black community. Victimhood (feeling sorry for oneself while rejecting any notion of actual analysis of their lives) isn't a black thing. It's an immaturity mindset. The difference is afflicted blacks raise the racism flag to silence legitimate criticism -- which eventually renders a substantial percentage of white America tone deaf to legitimate cries on the subject. Blacks like yourself will never be part of the solution because any concern you feel for "your race" will always be dwarfed by your seething, how-dare-you hostility you direct at whites. Racism will probably always exist in America because stupidity and immaturity will almost certainly be human traits. Your smugness and dismissiveness are character flaws to be pitied. You could use your obvious intellect for a greater good. Instead, you shackle it an embittered soul.
I once dared suggest that blacks in the inner-cities, mired in poverty, would do better by following the example of impoverished Jews who arrived here around the turn of the century - poor and uneducated - as they fled antisemitism in Europe. Their children, just one generation later, were primarily college graduates or small business owners, with starter homes in the suburbs:

1) Emphasize the value of education and make the sacrifices needed to get one, and
2) Do not have children until you are married and can afford them

For that, I was deemed a racist.
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