Black Lives Matter

The Dallas police assassinations....

The live newscast murder of the reporters....

Why do you hate white nationalists when their message is literally "white people have the right to exist"?
Could you link those events to the organisation ?
Can you link your thoughts to an actual brain?

If you haven't seen the Hate from blm then you're a fucking retard who does not belong on a political forum.

Perhaps you could link to it and educate me ?
I've no time for STUPID OLD DUMBFUCKS. Go find a newspaper or use Google, dumbass.
Translated - I got nuttin Tommy.
Why is it you stupid old senile liberals want to rehash the same shit time after time, demanding the same links you've both demanded & been given dozens of times over?

What is the fucking point?

Why don't you go find a bunch of old women in a nursing home, they love to talk about the same shit every day. You'll fit right in.
A New York City police officer was killed in an ambush attack while sitting in a police RV early Wednesday. Police say Officer Miosotis Familia was killed by Alexander Bonds, an ex-convict who ranted online about police getting away with killing people. Authorities say officers fatally shot Bonds after he pulled a gun on them.

Ofc. Familia and her children

A New York City police officer was killed in an ambush attack while sitting in a police RV early Wednesday. Police say Officer Miosotis Familia was killed by Alexander Bonds, an ex-convict who ranted online about police getting away with killing people. Authorities say officers fatally shot Bonds after he pulled a gun on them.

Ofc. Familia and her children

Link ?
Well its past midnight here in Gods country. I am off up the wooden hills now,I would like to think the assembled racist trash on this thread could find one link to BLM wrongdoing but I wont hold my breath. Nos da !
Ive never quite understood the antipathy to these people.

"Stop killing us" seems to be quite a reasonable proposition to me.

Why the hate ?

What acts of terrorism can be linked to this organisation ?

It is a small organization that is being funded by George Soros. They give all the attention to these Black organizations that are under the controll of Whites as if it is the only Black organizations in the world. Soros is trying to make it seems as if all Black people are dumb and Stupid, and that they all thinks alike, and that they all had supported Hillary. Soros doesn't want unity of all races. He wants to control the races by dividing up the races. If all races unites, that he will be unable to toy with their minds through the media. And since he control the majority of the MSM, that we all will not be able to see or hear the truth, since we all are only accustomed to take MSM serious, and the alternatives take not so seriously.. But we are programmed to watch news from broadcasting stations that we were raised by our parents to watch. And so it is hard for others to recondition their minds from the old ways.

But what have BLM done ?

They have done nothing. But if you control the media, you can make anyone into a star. You can make them or break them by you having the control of the media. Look at the other celebs. What have they has done to deserve an Oscar? Everything is a joke, and we are the ones that the joke is being played on.

I believe that he received this in his first six months in office.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons. The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 to President Barack Obama - Press Release

Ive never quite understood the antipathy to these people.

"Stop killing us" seems to be quite a reasonable proposition to me.

Why the hate ?

What acts of terrorism can be linked to this organisation ?
Just understand that everyone who disagrees with BLM about anything ever for any reason is Hitler.

There, now we're up to speed. I'm getting better at this.


I disagreed with some people who identified as BLM members calling for violence. Nobody called me Hitler. Fool.
Ive never quite understood the antipathy to these people.

"Stop killing us" seems to be quite a reasonable proposition to me.

Why the hate ?

What acts of terrorism can be linked to this organisation ?
Your thread is equivalent to throwing a cheeta to the king of the jungle.
This is red meat to the neonazi racists that inhabit this forum.
Ferguson...Hands up don;t shoot...the lie of the decade.

Did u read the Fergeson report ? That place was a bomb ready to blow because of that corrupt police department.

People don't riot for nothing .

People are even more motivated to riot or start riots when they are paid to riot. Modern day riots are funded.
Ive never quite understood the antipathy to these people.

"Stop killing us" seems to be quite a reasonable proposition to me.

Why the hate ?

What acts of terrorism can be linked to this organisation ?
Just understand that everyone who disagrees with BLM about anything ever for any reason is Hitler.

There, now we're up to speed. I'm getting better at this.
You need to give an example Mac. I am a long way away from the action.
It's all anecdotal. Quotes from this rally or that rally, screaming, shouting, accusations, all the regular stuff.

As with most "movements", they have convinced themselves that getting in your face and yelling at you is going to convince you of something.

No doubt it started with hearts in the right place. But America simply isn't thinking clearly right now. Everyone is screaming and accusing and no one is communicating. Sadly, BLM is no different.

More bull.
Ive never quite understood the antipathy to these people.

"Stop killing us" seems to be quite a reasonable proposition to me.

Why the hate ?

What acts of terrorism can be linked to this organisation ?
The Dallas police assassinations....

The live newscast murder of the reporters....

Why do you hate white nationalists when their message is literally "white people have the right to exist"?

Remember their chant:

What do we want?
Dead cops.
When do when want that?
Right now.

Show me a video with faces uttering theae words. Then tell me who the people are. Prove that the words were said by anyone leading BLM.

Comical........ The cops should just put a fence around these inner city ghettos and let those animals kill each other...........
Every fucking time someone mentions that NAZI's and KKK members are pieces of shit, scores of people who claim to not be bigots immediately screams that BLM members are bad people.

Why is that?

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