Black Lives Matter

Stop killing us v Make America White Again
Hmmm,going to have to give that some thought.

I am sure everyone will agree that in at least 95-98% of the cases of a black being killed by a police officer at a legal stop occurred due to the victim refusing to comply with legitimate orders from the officer.

In the other cases, do you deny that the offending officer was arrested and charged? Of course, you do, with no supporting evidence.

What's that got to do with all these shootings , on video , of unarmed black People . With the result of the justice system letting them walk .

How many of those black people refused to comply with basic, simple, lawful instructions?
Ive never quite understood the antipathy to these people.

"Stop killing us" seems to be quite a reasonable proposition to me.

Why the hate ?

What acts of terrorism can be linked to this organisation ?
The Dallas police assassinations....

The live newscast murder of the reporters....

Why do you hate white nationalists when their message is literally "white people have the right to exist"?

Remember their chant:

What do we want?
Dead cops.
When do when want that?
Right now.

Show me a video with faces uttering theae words. Then tell me who the people are. Prove that the words were said by anyone leading BLM .

It was more of the ANTIFA that were starting havoc. But Colin Kaepernick is in relationship with a member of the BLM, and which he did not want to play for any racist country. But all of a sudden, he wants to play for a racist country again. That fool was paid to bring to attention to the movement by Soros. But when he had spent all of his money on drugs, he wants to make some more money so that he can have some more wild drug parties. He claims that reason why he wants to play for a racist country again. It is because his purpose was served. But now the white racist people whom he claimed to be, will not re-hire him. But he said that his purpose was served. At least that they can give him a job as a towel boy. But he begging for his job back and having other members to help him to get his job back. And so why and the hell did he had taken that stand in the first place, knowingly that he will be begging for his job back? He needs to show some dignity, and show that he rather work for a small time Black mom and pop stores in the ghettos. But no, that he still wants to still work for the White man. .To me, he sound like he is on crack. Because, with all of that money he had made, he should of had been started his business in the ghettos, like Magic Johnson, instead of begging for a job..

In the report, a woman claims to have been drinking and using drugs with the players before leaving for a separate room with Kaepernick. She alleges Kaepernick left her there naked and recalled the two other players peeking into the room. She says she cannot remember anything that happened afterwards, but awoke in a hospital bed. Part of the incident report reads as follows: Miami Police Investigate Colin Kaepernick 'Incident'

Ive never quite understood the antipathy to these people.

"Stop killing us" seems to be quite a reasonable proposition to me.

Why the hate ?

What acts of terrorism can be linked to this organisation ?

Oh for Chrissakes, as far as the UK goes you are MONUMENTALLY stupider than your loathsome, tracksuit-wearing, rodent-featured, gibberish-accented chav inbreds I watch on your Jeremy Kyle oh-so-intellectual show. It is a FACT, you horse's ass, that our black, hate-filled crybabies are the most RECORD-BREAKING VIOLENT CRIME EPIDEMIC in American history. With a widespread murderous, hate-crime-epidemic FILTH against whites! Why can't a CRETIN like you understand what a violent, failed race of utter HATE our black crybabies are??? And since you are in Wales, why can't you MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS????????????? You don't have 40 million black savages in your country and the CONSTANT murderous bloodbath EVERYWHERE this genetically defective race of utter hatemonger MORONS go! You're just looking for an excuse to look down your nose at us "white seppos" you treasonous Islam human condom!!! I've been dealing with western Eurocoward American-hating FILTH of my race for 13 fucking years! I've SEEN the sickly, diseased manner in which a Eurotrash brain works!

"you treasonous Islam human condom!!!"

Best and most accurate description of Tommy-girl I've ever heard. :clap2:
I believe that he received this in his first six months in office.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons. The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 to President Barack Obama - Press Release

Actually, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama had been in office for TWO WEEKS when the decision was made. Could that have been because he was black/white or because he brought peace to the Middle East, North Korea and wherever else?

I believe that he received this in his first six months in office.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons. The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 to President Barack Obama - Press Release

Actually, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama had been in office for TWO WEEKS when the decision was made. Could that have been because he was black/white or because he brought peace to the Middle East, North Korea and wherever else?


Well it could of have been for a numerous of reasons.



Ive never quite understood the antipathy to these people.

"Stop killing us" seems to be quite a reasonable proposition to me.

Why the hate ?

What acts of terrorism can be linked to this organisation ?
The Dallas police assassinations....

The live newscast murder of the reporters....

Why do you hate white nationalists when their message is literally "white people have the right to exist"?

None of those deaths were done by back lives matter. Whites already exist. That's not their message.
Folks on welfare need mandatory sterilization. Logical compensation for free rent and free food and free medical.
Ferguson, Baltimore, cop killings. You're kidding, right?

You are just accusing BLM with anything that happens in the black community. BLM did not do all these things.

I disagreed with some people who identified as BLM members calling for violence. Nobody called me Hitler. Fool.

How do you become a member? Who signs the membership cards? Who's president of Black Lives Matter?

You ask as if you think there is no formal BLM organization with leaders and a spokesperson. This tells me that you have been talking out of your ass.

Here is their web site. They name their leaders. They have by-laws. Check them out. Fuckhead.
6 pages - no links- case closed.
I've long since given up providing links for "proof" here, because I found that, invariably, the person asking for proof was going to deny that anything I provided was "good enough". If you want to maintain that the group has done nothing wrong, that's fine, and you'll fit in with many others here. Just as there are many who would pretend that some right wing group has done nothing wrong.

The standard, obtuse "What? Huh? I don't see anything". I know how the game is played. Hence my sig - the two ends are very similar in their behaviors.

The internet is an amazing place, for better and worse. I just went onto Google and entered "Black Lives Matter", and easily pulled up several credible examples of how the group has gone too far, including a piece by a former civil rights activist (a black woman, she must be a Tom) who refuses to support BLM because of its tactics. Plenty of material out there, if you're really curious.

If you're really curious, the proof you seek won't be hard to find. If you're not, that proof will be easy to avoid.
Ive never quite understood the antipathy to these people.

"Stop killing us" seems to be quite a reasonable proposition to me.

Why the hate ?

What acts of terrorism can be linked to this organisation ?
The Dallas police assassinations....

The live newscast murder of the reporters....

Why do you hate white nationalists when their message is literally "white people have the right to exist"?

Remember their chant:

What do we want?
Dead cops.
When do when want that?
Right now.

Show me a video with faces uttering theae words. Then tell me who the people are. Prove that the words were said by anyone leading BLM.

6 pages - no links- case closed.
I've long since given up providing links for "proof" here, because I found that, invariably, the person asking for proof was going to deny that anything I provided was "good enough". If you want to maintain that the group has done nothing wrong, that's fine, and you'll fit in with many others here. Just as there are many who would pretend that some right wing group has done nothing wrong.

The standard, obtuse "What? Huh? I don't see anything". I know how the game is played. Hence my sig - the two ends are very similar in their behaviors.

The internet is an amazing place, for better and worse. I just went onto Google and entered "Black Lives Matter", and easily pulled up several credible examples of how the group has gone too far, including a piece by a former civil rights activist (a black woman, she must be a Tom) who refuses to support BLM because of its tactics. Plenty of material out there, if you're really curious.

If you're really curious, the proof you seek won't be hard to find. If you're not, that proof will be easy to avoid.

What the man is saying is there is no comparison between Black Lives Matter and these white supremacist groups. Whites are protesting some shit they imagine. You show me where whites have lost anything, much less their so called country.
6 pages - no links- case closed.
I've long since given up providing links for "proof" here, because I found that, invariably, the person asking for proof was going to deny that anything I provided was "good enough". If you want to maintain that the group has done nothing wrong, that's fine, and you'll fit in with many others here. Just as there are many who would pretend that some right wing group has done nothing wrong.

The standard, obtuse "What? Huh? I don't see anything". I know how the game is played. Hence my sig - the two ends are very similar in their behaviors.

The internet is an amazing place, for better and worse. I just went onto Google and entered "Black Lives Matter", and easily pulled up several credible examples of how the group has gone too far, including a piece by a former civil rights activist (a black woman, she must be a Tom) who refuses to support BLM because of its tactics. Plenty of material out there, if you're really curious.

If you're really curious, the proof you seek won't be hard to find. If you're not, that proof will be easy to avoid.

What the man is saying is there is no comparison between Black Lives Matter and these white supremacist groups. Whites are protesting some shit they imagine. You show me where whites have lost anything, much less their so called country.
The hardcore right is certainly contributing to the problem. That's how it works. Both ends of the spectrum are making the environment far worse on virtually every issue.

But nothing is improved until we inject some intellectual honesty into the conversation, and not until both "ends" stop pointing the finger and start looking in the mirror.

Or we can all just keep pretending we don't see anything.

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