Black Panther Leader Announces Plans To Bomb Nurseries To Kill White Babies

i didn't say you said it, i said yoiu make it out...which is the same thing as imply. i didn't see it, perhaps you can point it out for me.

as to a system, white have bent over backwards to reverse the racist system set up in this country. we have a black president and you still feel the "system" is against black people. i think there are a lot of successful black people that would disagree with you. now, that is not to say racism no longer exists. the fact you seemingly dismiss black racism because there was never a "system", only feeds racial tension in this country. with attitudes like yours this country will never heal.
I dont make it out either. Anyone with a brain knows some Black people are racist.

No whites have not bent over backwards. Name one thing whites have done exclusively for Black people to atone for slavery and Jim Crow where they had white AA so whites could get ahead?

Not concerned with what some successful Blacks would say. A few successful Black people does not mean the legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, and modern day methods of the same are still not impacting the Black community. We survive and succeed despite of this but lets not pretend its because of white people.

AA, quotas, hiring only minority firms, desegretation, loving v. virginia, getting rid of white only places....etc.......shit dude, wake the fuck up. what do you want, reparations?

what modern methods are akin so slavery and jim crow?

yeah, white people have done nothing to advance civil rights....:rolleyes:
Dont get angry and emotional. I said exclusively Black people. Everything you mentioned is for everyone not a white male.

Prison system and school districts.

the prison system does appear to be racist, but there is no definitive proof this is some white conspiracy against blacks. school systems?

and i notice yoiu can't bring yourself to admit white people were by and large responsible for ending the racist system, so continuing to whine about white people is really silly.
It doesnt have to be a conspiracy. There is a racist system in place which is a legacy left over from centuries of white racism. If your values and way of thinking are handed down to you then you keep valuing the racist system and making efforts to keep in running.

No whites were not responsible for ending the racist system They just implemented it under a new name. There were always some intelligent whites that fought for the system to be dismantled but a large majority of whites were passive and complicit as the whites in power keep it going.

if it was not for white people ending the racist system, it would not have ended.

so what system is in place now? you've listed two....but not a single one akin to slavery or jim crow.
I dont make out anything. You just claimed I said that because my answer bothered you. Whites are not suffering from any system devised by Black people. We all know Blacks are.

I did condemn what he said about killing white babies. You must have been traumatized if you didnt see that.

i didn't say you said it, i said yoiu make it out...which is the same thing as imply. i didn't see it, perhaps you can point it out for me.

as to a system, white have bent over backwards to reverse the racist system set up in this country. we have a black president and you still feel the "system" is against black people. i think there are a lot of successful black people that would disagree with you. now, that is not to say racism no longer exists. the fact you seemingly dismiss black racism because there was never a "system", only feeds racial tension in this country. with attitudes like yours this country will never heal.
I dont make it out either. Anyone with a brain knows some Black people are racist.

No whites have not bent over backwards. Name one thing whites have done exclusively for Black people to atone for slavery and Jim Crow where they had white AA so whites could get ahead?

Not concerned with what some successful Blacks would say. A few successful Black people does not mean the legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, and modern day methods of the same are still not impacting the Black community. We survive and succeed despite of this but lets not pretend its because of white people.

AA, quotas, hiring only minority firms, desegretation, loving v. virginia, getting rid of white only places....etc.......shit dude, wake the fuck up. what do you want, reparations?

what modern methods are akin so slavery and jim crow?

yeah, white people have done nothing to advance civil rights....:rolleyes:

Yeah, but don't say White people. Liberal White people would be a better response. Most White "conservatives", like YOU, fought to keep civil rights FROM advancing!
Yeah...they were democrats.

Yep, just like those "conservative" Democrats in Ferguson! Republicans don't hold a monopoly on the new "conservatism" you know. The key word is "conservatism" regardless of party affiliation.
I dont make it out either. Anyone with a brain knows some Black people are racist.

No whites have not bent over backwards. Name one thing whites have done exclusively for Black people to atone for slavery and Jim Crow where they had white AA so whites could get ahead?

Not concerned with what some successful Blacks would say. A few successful Black people does not mean the legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, and modern day methods of the same are still not impacting the Black community. We survive and succeed despite of this but lets not pretend its because of white people.

AA, quotas, hiring only minority firms, desegretation, loving v. virginia, getting rid of white only places....etc.......shit dude, wake the fuck up. what do you want, reparations?

what modern methods are akin so slavery and jim crow?

yeah, white people have done nothing to advance civil rights....:rolleyes:
Dont get angry and emotional. I said exclusively Black people. Everything you mentioned is for everyone not a white male.

Prison system and school districts.

the prison system does appear to be racist, but there is no definitive proof this is some white conspiracy against blacks. school systems?

and i notice yoiu can't bring yourself to admit white people were by and large responsible for ending the racist system, so continuing to whine about white people is really silly.
It doesnt have to be a conspiracy. There is a racist system in place which is a legacy left over from centuries of white racism. If your values and way of thinking are handed down to you then you keep valuing the racist system and making efforts to keep in running.

No whites were not responsible for ending the racist system They just implemented it under a new name. There were always some intelligent whites that fought for the system to be dismantled but a large majority of whites were passive and complicit as the whites in power keep it going.

if it was not for white people ending the racist system, it would not have ended.

so what system is in place now? you've listed two....but not a single one akin to slavery or jim crow.

There you go again, making it seem there was a national referendum to end slavery or Jim Crow. There wasn't. The majority of the electorate were decidedly against giving blacks anything but a ticket out of the country! Only a few religious abolitionists and an even sparser group of Supreme Court Justices with backbone were able to make a Constitutional stand
that ended AMerican Apartheid. Don't give me that crap about "White people" ended slavery and Jim Crow. Every thing Blacks have accomplished in this nation, with the exception of getting Obama elected, has been an uphill struggle against popular White anger and rejection. The few White men who did get the laws changed were the exception, not the rule.
AA, quotas, hiring only minority firms, desegretation, loving v. virginia, getting rid of white only places....etc.......shit dude, wake the fuck up. what do you want, reparations?

what modern methods are akin so slavery and jim crow?

yeah, white people have done nothing to advance civil rights....:rolleyes:
Dont get angry and emotional. I said exclusively Black people. Everything you mentioned is for everyone not a white male.

Prison system and school districts.

the prison system does appear to be racist, but there is no definitive proof this is some white conspiracy against blacks. school systems?

and i notice yoiu can't bring yourself to admit white people were by and large responsible for ending the racist system, so continuing to whine about white people is really silly.
It doesnt have to be a conspiracy. There is a racist system in place which is a legacy left over from centuries of white racism. If your values and way of thinking are handed down to you then you keep valuing the racist system and making efforts to keep in running.

No whites were not responsible for ending the racist system They just implemented it under a new name. There were always some intelligent whites that fought for the system to be dismantled but a large majority of whites were passive and complicit as the whites in power keep it going.

if it was not for white people ending the racist system, it would not have ended.

so what system is in place now? you've listed two....but not a single one akin to slavery or jim crow.

There you go again, making it seem there was a national referendum to end slavery or Jim Crow. There wasn't. The majority of the electorate were decidedly against giving blacks anything but a ticket out of the country! Only a few religious abolitionists and an even sparser group of Supreme Court Justices with backbone were able to make a Constitutional stand
that ended AMerican Apartheid. Don't give me that crap about "White people" ended slavery and Jim Crow. Every thing Blacks have accomplished in this nation, with the exception of getting Obama elected, has been an uphill struggle against popular White anger and rejection. The few White men who did get the laws changed were the exception, not the rule.

yeah...screw lincoln....screw the civil rights act....

Is it true?

Did the Black Panther leader(s) make such suggestions?

If "No", then - never mind.

If "Yes", then - can he/they be charged with Hate Speech?
New Black Panther s Graphic Charge We Need to Kill White Babies by Bombing Nurseries

video, but really just the audio, at link, couldn't embed...said it 3 years ago....apparently

And how long ago did "they" say they were gonna kill cracker ass gz?

How many Blacks have been killed by other cracker ass slime like the ^^^OP and the ^^^drunken dog bather?
Not nearly as many blacks that have killed other blacks. We know your not worried about that.
Are YOU worried about THAT ISSUE?
I think it sucks, but liberals caused the problem. So you're kind should fix it. Of course Obama and Sharpton are making it worse. Again, you're kind.
:lol: Just because I abhor racist you doesn't mean I am a liberal. Just because I know the difference between your and you' doesn't mean I need to fix anything. You and your ilk are the ones always bringing it up and you and your ilk are ignorant of what is actually happening.

You need a new argument, racist teaper.
Conservatives support school vouchers, liberals don't. That is a great step in educating minorities. You know a great step in getting minorities out of poverty. Liberals can't have that, you would lose voters.
Dont get angry and emotional. I said exclusively Black people. Everything you mentioned is for everyone not a white male.

Prison system and school districts.

the prison system does appear to be racist, but there is no definitive proof this is some white conspiracy against blacks. school systems?

and i notice yoiu can't bring yourself to admit white people were by and large responsible for ending the racist system, so continuing to whine about white people is really silly.
It doesnt have to be a conspiracy. There is a racist system in place which is a legacy left over from centuries of white racism. If your values and way of thinking are handed down to you then you keep valuing the racist system and making efforts to keep in running.

No whites were not responsible for ending the racist system They just implemented it under a new name. There were always some intelligent whites that fought for the system to be dismantled but a large majority of whites were passive and complicit as the whites in power keep it going.

if it was not for white people ending the racist system, it would not have ended.

so what system is in place now? you've listed two....but not a single one akin to slavery or jim crow.

There you go again, making it seem there was a national referendum to end slavery or Jim Crow. There wasn't. The majority of the electorate were decidedly against giving blacks anything but a ticket out of the country! Only a few religious abolitionists and an even sparser group of Supreme Court Justices with backbone were able to make a Constitutional stand
that ended AMerican Apartheid. Don't give me that crap about "White people" ended slavery and Jim Crow. Every thing Blacks have accomplished in this nation, with the exception of getting Obama elected, has been an uphill struggle against popular White anger and rejection. The few White men who did get the laws changed were the exception, not the rule.

yeah...screw lincoln....screw the civil rights act....

Lincoln wanted the union to stay together. The civil rights act was a concession to stop people like Malcolm X from taking over from the peaceful MLK. Both were done unwillingly.
I dont make it out either. Anyone with a brain knows some Black people are racist.

No whites have not bent over backwards. Name one thing whites have done exclusively for Black people to atone for slavery and Jim Crow where they had white AA so whites could get ahead?

Not concerned with what some successful Blacks would say. A few successful Black people does not mean the legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, and modern day methods of the same are still not impacting the Black community. We survive and succeed despite of this but lets not pretend its because of white people.

AA, quotas, hiring only minority firms, desegretation, loving v. virginia, getting rid of white only places....etc.......shit dude, wake the fuck up. what do you want, reparations?

what modern methods are akin so slavery and jim crow?

yeah, white people have done nothing to advance civil rights....:rolleyes:
Dont get angry and emotional. I said exclusively Black people. Everything you mentioned is for everyone not a white male.

Prison system and school districts.

the prison system does appear to be racist, but there is no definitive proof this is some white conspiracy against blacks. school systems?

and i notice yoiu can't bring yourself to admit white people were by and large responsible for ending the racist system, so continuing to whine about white people is really silly.
It doesnt have to be a conspiracy. There is a racist system in place which is a legacy left over from centuries of white racism. If your values and way of thinking are handed down to you then you keep valuing the racist system and making efforts to keep in running.

No whites were not responsible for ending the racist system They just implemented it under a new name. There were always some intelligent whites that fought for the system to be dismantled but a large majority of whites were passive and complicit as the whites in power keep it going.

if it was not for white people ending the racist system, it would not have ended.

so what system is in place now? you've listed two....but not a single one akin to slavery or jim crow.
BS It hasnt ended. You just asked what system was in place and then said there were two. You sound confused. I notice you still havent come up with one thing whites have done exclusively for Black people to remedy the effects of slavery and Jim Crow.
Dont get angry and emotional. I said exclusively Black people. Everything you mentioned is for everyone not a white male.

Prison system and school districts.

the prison system does appear to be racist, but there is no definitive proof this is some white conspiracy against blacks. school systems?

and i notice yoiu can't bring yourself to admit white people were by and large responsible for ending the racist system, so continuing to whine about white people is really silly.
It doesnt have to be a conspiracy. There is a racist system in place which is a legacy left over from centuries of white racism. If your values and way of thinking are handed down to you then you keep valuing the racist system and making efforts to keep in running.

No whites were not responsible for ending the racist system They just implemented it under a new name. There were always some intelligent whites that fought for the system to be dismantled but a large majority of whites were passive and complicit as the whites in power keep it going.

if it was not for white people ending the racist system, it would not have ended.

so what system is in place now? you've listed two....but not a single one akin to slavery or jim crow.

There you go again, making it seem there was a national referendum to end slavery or Jim Crow. There wasn't. The majority of the electorate were decidedly against giving blacks anything but a ticket out of the country! Only a few religious abolitionists and an even sparser group of Supreme Court Justices with backbone were able to make a Constitutional stand
that ended AMerican Apartheid. Don't give me that crap about "White people" ended slavery and Jim Crow. Every thing Blacks have accomplished in this nation, with the exception of getting Obama elected, has been an uphill struggle against popular White anger and rejection. The few White men who did get the laws changed were the exception, not the rule.

yeah...screw lincoln....screw the civil rights act....


Nope, Lincoln freed the slaves as an expediency for ending the war. He wasn't all warm and fuzzy over Black's being freed.
But, he is one of those few white men I gave homage to because he acted decisively and did the deed. The Civil Rights act too, was unpopular. Most White Americans did not want it. Thanks God for the efforts of Dr King who darn near FORCED LBJ into signing it by using the news media as a weapon in broadcasting the events in Selma to the world! The Congress seemed to agree with LBJ... Negroes being beaten, washed off their feet by firehoses and bitten by police dogs was not good for International poli-tricks!
How relevant can these people be they wanted Zimmerman dead or alive.
Let me go on the record here and say that if a Black Panther leader or whatever really suggested he would bomb a nursery to hurt or kill White children, he is no better than the Clansmen who would do the same to a black nursery, given the chance. I condemn such rhetoric and I despise people who speak irresponsibly and jeopardize peace and tranquility even more.
This rabble does not speak for the Black community and,I dare say most Blacks would echo what I have just said.
Let me go on the record here and say that if a Black Panther leader or whatever really suggested he would bomb a nursery to hurt or kill White children, he is no better than the Clansmen who would do the same to a black nursery, given the chance. I condemn such rhetoric and I despise people who speak irresponsibly and jeopardize peace and tranquility even more.
This rabble does not speak for the Black community and,I dare say most Blacks would echo what I have just said.
Nice speech, too bad you refuse to say the same thing about cops. You are a lying hypocrite.
Let me go on the record here and say that if a Black Panther leader or whatever really suggested he would bomb a nursery to hurt or kill White children, he is no better than the Clansmen who would do the same to a black nursery, given the chance. I condemn such rhetoric and I despise people who speak irresponsibly and jeopardize peace and tranquility even more.
This rabble does not speak for the Black community and,I dare say most Blacks would echo what I have just said.
Nice speech, too bad you refuse to say the same thing about cops. You are a lying hypocrite.
And just what is it I that I hope to gain by lying? There is nothing anyone on these boards can do for me or to me! So I have no reason to lie at all.

And why the focus on how I feel about cops? Are all cops good? Are they all White rednecks with badges? No. But the real flaw in your logic is this: Most White people are NOT cops. Even If I don't get google eyed and daffy over cops of any color, I'm still an American who just happens to be an ex-cop and an ex-soldier. I know what I am talking about!

Now, to make a liar out of you, i'll give praise to the cop in Texas who took out those two terrorists the other day. RIGHT ONNNNNN! We need to stage more events like that in places where people are armed and ready, just to draw the terrorist bahs-turds in. Well, I'm letting my conservatism get the better of me now... how uncharacteristic of me ,huh...YOU LIAR.. and you can't deny it heh heh heh!

Sometimes I might be wrong about something but I don't intentionally lie
Well, maybe they will protest about violating of black people's right to kill white babies? Or maybe they will say that all black thugs who were killed and we should respect them, or maybe that Jake Bird was a Jesus? Where's logic?!
I think it's pretty funny how anytime that the Westboro Baptist Church is mentioned, every Conservative comes screaming in yelling about how they're a tiny minority unrepresentative of Christians, yet those same people leap to outrage at any mention of the NBPP.

The NPBB has fewer members than the Westboro Baptist Church does.

I don't believe that is true. Westboro supposedly has fewer than 100 members.

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