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Black Republican: Don’t Equate Black Rights And Gay Rights

Holy Shit... Your Anger is Agitating your Retardation, Gangsta...

You are going to tell me that since 2000 you have NEVER called Bush "Dubya", "W" "Baby Bush", "Junior" or any other thing aside from the President Bush?...

Pure shit, GT. :lol:



I will tell you on my baby's life I never called Bush "Dubya," "W," "Baby Bush," or "Junior." Anything but Bush.

On my baby's life.

Now, who's the liar again?

ypou don't want to bet board names, now do you?

:lol: fuggin mullet always takin the "L"

Wow... Baby's Life?... Really?...



"Courage of one's convictions" is what it's called. Baby's life is never at risk b/c father is not lying. I never mocked Bush's name, EVER. I find that shit to be corny.And on this, I find YOU to be a LIAR.
Pages and pages and still no valid reason to keep me from legally marrying my non-familial, consenting adult life partner. Makes it clear why these anti-gay laws keep losing in court.

Goldwater stated many years ago that these are non issues.
He stood up in the well of the Senate many a moon ago supporting open service in the military for gays and lesbians.
Marriage? Go ahead and have it, no problem for me.
Allows you to be as miserable as the rest of us!!:razz:

Now stop that or I'm gonna tell your wife you said that. ;)
I will tell you on my baby's life I never called Bush "Dubya," "W," "Baby Bush," or "Junior." Anything but Bush.

On my baby's life.

Now, who's the liar again?

ypou don't want to bet board names, now do you?

:lol: fuggin mullet always takin the "L"

Wow... Baby's Life?... Really?...



"Courage of one's convictions" is what it's called. Baby's life is never at risk b/c father is not lying. I never mocked Bush's name, EVER. I find that shit to be corny.And on this, I find YOU to be a LIAR.

Wow... Baby's Life?... Really?...



You are the one frustrated over the sex lives of others.
My disagreement with you is not from anger.
Your anger is over your lack of control over those that disagree with you.
All of that comes from your fear.
Your weaknesses are predictable.

I am at Odds with Laws being Changed to calls something Equal to something that it is NOT and to do so in an Exclusionary and Patently Unconstitutional way.

I don't want Homsoexuality Outlawed?...

Sodomy Laws were a Joke...

As is passing a Law that says that Homosexual Coupling is Equal to Heterosexual Coupling in Marriage.

It simply Physically, Naturally and Factually is NOT.

You can continue getting Angry at the Fact that Homosexuals are Designed and Equipped Physically by Natural Design to ProCreate with the Opposite Sex, but it Remains a Fact.

Why they Defy it, be it Defect or Choice, I don't Care.

The Law doesn't have to Change to call it Equal to what it is not Equal to.

Enjoy do it, you are Free to...

But don't Expect Society to Embrace it in Law as Equal when it simply is not.



mal, where is it in The Constitution banning gay marriage?
I believe you are really on the same page as me but do not know it.
Honestly, mal, I have no problems with homosexuals but YOU do not have to like them to know that the Constitution does not ban them from getting married.
So why bother?
Why waste your time on this non issue? Why not have a big tent GOP, accept gays for who they are as they seem like good folk mal, and focus on the fiscal issues that are sinking us?

There's nothing in the Constitution about Marriage being a Right Specifically...

There is only Loving v...

As for my Position... Same as Barry's... True Story.

I've made my case over and over again... I'm not repeating it.

Take issue with it where I posted it.


does it really matter what people today say? the issue of gay rights is gonna play out the same way that women's rights, black's rights or interracial marriage played out. it just takes time.

Perhaps, however…

A Constitutional right delayed is a right denied.

The same was said to Blacks during the Civil Rights Era: Be patient, just wait; society will slowly change and eventually ‘give you your rights.’ Blacks didn’t accept such a ‘solution’ then as gays shouldn’t now.

And that the gay experience with regard to intolerance and discrimination wasn’t as horrendous as that of blacks doesn’t mitigate the discriminatory practices experienced by gays today.

Any injustice – great or small – is equally offensive to the Constitution and the principle of the rule of law.

Blacks didn't choose to be black.

The Court has ruled that homosexuals are a class of persons entitled to 14th Amendment equal protection of, and equal access to, all laws. See: Romer, Governor of Colorado, et al. v. Evans et al., 517 U.S. 620 (1996). and LAWRENCE V. TEXAS

What aggravates me about the goofy gays in this country is their constant whining. They chose the life they're leading they should just shut the hell up and deal with the consequences of their actions.

The same thing aggravates me about goofy conservatives.

Marriage is defined as a civil union between one man and one woman. If you do not fit this definition then you cannot be married. Why is that so difficult to understand?

Marriage is between equals, no longer defined by gender. As the court noted in Perry:

The marital bargain in California (along with other states) traditionally required that a woman’s legal and economic identity be subsumed by her husband’s upon marriage under the doctrine of coverture; this once-unquestioned aspect of marriage now is regarded as antithetical to the notion of marriage as a union of equals. FF 26-27, 32. As states moved to recognize the equality of the sexes, they eliminated laws and practices like coverture that had made gender a proxy for a spouse’s role within a marriage. FF 26-27, 32. Marriage was thus transformed from a male-dominated institution into an institution recognizing men and women as equals. Id. Yet, individuals retained the right to marry; that right did not become different simply because the institution of marriage became compatible with gender equality.

Plaintiffs do not seek recognition of a new right. To characterize plaintiffs’ objective as “the right to same-sex marriage” would suggest that plaintiffs seek something different from what opposite-sex couples across the state enjoy —— namely, marriage. Rather, plaintiffs ask California to recognize their relationships for what they are: marriages.

"Courage of one's convictions" is what it's called. Baby's life is never at risk b/c father is not lying. I never mocked Bush's name, EVER. I find that shit to be corny.And on this, I find YOU to be a LIAR.

Wow... Baby's Life?... Really?...




It's not that hard when telling the truth.

It's an Illustration that you may need to step the Fuck away from the Interwebs and Messageboards for a while there, Champ... :thup:


No, it's an indication that you're a lying fuck, and I'd stand behind my word with everything I've got. Strange world, huh mullet? You're used to people who are scared of their convictions, like, oh I dunno........YOURSELF.
No, it's an indication that you're a lying fuck, and I'd stand behind my word with everything I've got. Strange world, huh mullet? You're used to people who are scared of their convictions, like, oh I dunno........YOURSELF.

Your Baby's Life over an Internet Messageboard challenge?...

And you persist... :lmao:


He's right. By no measure have gays suffered more than blacks have. It took a civil war, three constitutional amendments, and several landmark pieces of legislation and Supreme Court rulings to undo the legal underpinnings of black inequality. Gays have created A Movement around wanting to marry and act like every gay pride parade might as well be the March on Selma.

Brilliant post. Erudite as well. I agree 100%. The sad thing about this, is the masses without reason, tend to side with any and all "poor me" side of the program, since we as a nation tend to want to help another. there is little thought behind it at first knee jerk reaction.

Really good point you have made and so true.

Gay marriage is not a civil right.

No one said it was.

In fact, there’s no such thing as ‘gay marriage,’ as all marriage is the same.

But equal access to the law, in this case marriage law, is a right.
No, it's an indication that you're a lying fuck, and I'd stand behind my word with everything I've got. Strange world, huh mullet? You're used to people who are scared of their convictions, like, oh I dunno........YOURSELF.

Your Baby's Life over an Internet Messageboard challenge?...

And you persist... :lmao:



I've not risked my baby's life, you dumb mullet. I've not issued a challenge, you dumb mullet.

What I did was - point out that your mullet was telling a lie.
I am at Odds with Laws being Changed to calls something Equal to something that it is NOT and to do so in an Exclusionary and Patently Unconstitutional way.

I don't want Homsoexuality Outlawed?...

Sodomy Laws were a Joke...

As is passing a Law that says that Homosexual Coupling is Equal to Heterosexual Coupling in Marriage.

It simply Physically, Naturally and Factually is NOT.

You can continue getting Angry at the Fact that Homosexuals are Designed and Equipped Physically by Natural Design to ProCreate with the Opposite Sex, but it Remains a Fact.

Why they Defy it, be it Defect or Choice, I don't Care.

The Law doesn't have to Change to call it Equal to what it is not Equal to.

Enjoy do it, you are Free to...

But don't Expect Society to Embrace it in Law as Equal when it simply is not.



mal, where is it in The Constitution banning gay marriage?
I believe you are really on the same page as me but do not know it.
Honestly, mal, I have no problems with homosexuals but YOU do not have to like them to know that the Constitution does not ban them from getting married.
So why bother?
Why waste your time on this non issue? Why not have a big tent GOP, accept gays for who they are as they seem like good folk mal, and focus on the fiscal issues that are sinking us?

There's nothing in the Constitution about Marriage being a Right Specifically...

There is only Loving v...

As for my Position... Same as Barry's... True Story.

I've made my case over and over again... I'm not repeating it.

Take issue with it where I posted it.



No, there isn't only Loving. There is:

Loving v Virginia (1967)
Zablocki v Wisconsin (1978)
Turner v Safley (1987)

You have not case which is why your position keeps losing in court.
Gay marriage is not a civil right.

No one said it was.

In fact, there’s no such thing as ‘gay marriage,’ as all marriage is the same.

But equal access to the law, in this case marriage law, is a right.

That's not quite true (IMHO) and is the problem with using just the term "marriage" as all inclusive. "Marriage" exists in two realms: Religious Marriage and Civil Marriage.

All Civil Marriages, under the principle of equal protection under the law, should be treated equally but currently they are not.

All Religious Marriages are not equal depending on the doctrine of the religious organization involved. Which is fine, religious organizations can view Religious Marriages differently because they are not a government entity and therefore protected by the 1st Amendment.

mal, where is it in The Constitution banning gay marriage?
I believe you are really on the same page as me but do not know it.
Honestly, mal, I have no problems with homosexuals but YOU do not have to like them to know that the Constitution does not ban them from getting married.
So why bother?
Why waste your time on this non issue? Why not have a big tent GOP, accept gays for who they are as they seem like good folk mal, and focus on the fiscal issues that are sinking us?

There's nothing in the Constitution about Marriage being a Right Specifically...

There is only Loving v...

As for my Position... Same as Barry's... True Story.

I've made my case over and over again... I'm not repeating it.

Take issue with it where I posted it.



No, there isn't only Loving. There is:

Loving v Virginia (1967)
Zablocki v Wisconsin (1978)
Turner v Safley (1987)

You have not case which is why your position keeps losing in court.

My Position hasn't Lost in THE Court yet... :thup:

Currently, "Fundamental to our Very Existence and Survival" does NOT Apply to Homosexuals according to the Court...


And in Fact, unless the Species Evolves and Homosexuals begin ProCreating for the first time in Human History... It won't.


No, it's an indication that you're a lying fuck, and I'd stand behind my word with everything I've got. Strange world, huh mullet? You're used to people who are scared of their convictions, like, oh I dunno........YOURSELF.

Your Baby's Life over an Internet Messageboard challenge?...

And you persist... :lmao:



I've not risked my baby's life, you dumb mullet. I've not issued a challenge, you dumb mullet.

What I did was - point out that your mullet was telling a lie.

You're an Emotionally Driven Idiot with a Limited Vocabulary who uses his Baby Girl to Illustrate his Arrogance in a MESSAGEBOARD discussion...

Give it some Thought, Vanilla Ice. :thup:


Your Baby's Life over an Internet Messageboard challenge?...

And you persist... :lmao:



I've not risked my baby's life, you dumb mullet. I've not issued a challenge, you dumb mullet.

What I did was - point out that your mullet was telling a lie.

You're an Emotionally Driven Idiot with a Limited Vocabulary who uses his Baby Girl to Illustrate his Arrogance in a MESSAGEBOARD discussion...

Give it some Thought, Vanilla Ice. :thup:



You've emoted over and over in posts where you call others emotional.

I sincerely think that you hate yourself, deep down.

You can keep skirting that you lied, too, but Mal - you lied.

You are open to googling until you're fucking blue in the face to prove that you're not a liar, but there's one problem: you did lie. Plain.



mullet :lol:
Gay marriage is not a civil right.

Of course it's not...

And only because the Supreme Court said that Marriage was, is this Discussion even happening...

But Homosexuals aren't Denied Marriage, their Defiance of their Natural Design and Equipment Denies them Marriage.

Even if they Win in the Supreme Court and a Simple Majority of 9 in the "Despotic Branch" calls Homosexual Coupling Equal to Heterosexual Coupling, it won't make it anymore True than when they Denied Blacks basic Civil Rights in Dred/Scott.

The Court can be and has been Wrong.

It has been Motivated by Popular Culture instead of Fact, Nature and Reality.

When the Court basically said that Blacks were Less than Human, they were DEAD Wrong...

Any Court that Denied a Black Man and a White Woman Marriage, was DEAD Wrong... Because Obama is an Example of Interacial Marriage in Practice.

As for Deviant Coupling that Defies our Natural Design and Equipment...

It's simply NOT Equal... The Act... The Coupling...

NOT the People.

Homosexuals are NOT Denied a Single Right today, instead have Special Laws in the form of "Hate Crimes" that make doing something to a Homosexual Worse than to a Heterosexual, so those who are going to Compare the Homosexual "struggle" for Marriage in Law in 2012 to the 1950s or the 1850s for Blacks can...

Suck a Dick. :thup:


I've not risked my baby's life, you dumb mullet. I've not issued a challenge, you dumb mullet.

What I did was - point out that your mullet was telling a lie.

You're an Emotionally Driven Idiot with a Limited Vocabulary who uses his Baby Girl to Illustrate his Arrogance in a MESSAGEBOARD discussion...

Give it some Thought, Vanilla Ice. :thup:



You've emoted over and over in posts where you call others emotional.

I sincerely think that you hate yourself, deep down.

You can keep skirting that you lied, too, but Mal - you lied.

You are open to googling until you're fucking blue in the face to prove that you're not a liar, but there's one problem: you did lie. Plain.



mullet :lol:

^He'd put his Baby Daughter's Life on it... :lmao:

The Internet is Serious Bittness, B-Boy. :thup:



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