black unemployment has risen

I did not make it about me,
You just can't stop. :)
you all made it about me.
I have no idea who "you all" are, but your narcissism is telling.
I asked a very simple question,
You asked a question born of denial & steeped in refusal to address your issues.
and instead of answering that very simple question
See above.
you all choose to make it all about me.
No; you did this as you frequently do; it has nothing to do with "you all."
Personally I would say it is because you are too embarrassed to put the truth into words, but I guess I could be mistaken
You're mistaken.
Do not get me wrong, I am not complaining,
Narcissists love attention of any kind, yes.
if you all want to talk about me instead of the topic of the thread then I am cool with that as well.
You're more than cool with it - you live for it.

But since you MUST make the thread about you, you've provided the example you requested.

People who espouse liberal values are MUCH more inclined to have mental health issues, in this case, pronounced narcissism.
In case you joined the thread late:
  • Biden gets no credit for lowering the black unemployment rate this year
  • Biden gets all the blame for a one month negative number that is second lowest measure in two years
  • Biden apparently should not be using federal government resources to help black Americans gain employment anyway but it’s still his fault
  • Racist post about black people not working trickling in when you ask righties what we should do

You are caught up.
Most Black people are employed and doing the things that every American should be doing.
Don't broadbrush, leave that to the left wingnuts on this board
Thank you. A lot of folks who are "black" work hard and play by the rules. Some of these folks are the amoung the harder workers I know. some are not. Some play the race and victim card in attempts to advance themselves or to escape responsibility, some do not.

Amoung the most disgusting co workers I had over the course of my rather long career are both white and back workers. Perhap one the of the hardest workers I ever met was an old black man. He despised illegal aliens and lazy black people and he truly hated the white people who were openly racist against him, which I witnessed myself. But he said, "you do what you are supposed to do because thats what you can control. You cannot control what other people decide to do or decide to be."

He was a hardened man only a fool would cross, but worthy of trust and respect. Our racial probems in our world today are made worse by those who are pretending to be fighting to make things better. And they know they are making them worse.
When I get in line at the grocery store I look for the one with a white cashier.The line moves faster and they don't fuck up like the blacks.
500,000 of you did not die to free us.

I have never received food stamps.
Had slavery expanded into the north, it would have encroached upon the white labor force.

Slavery was counterproductive to
modernizing America. In other words, it became obsolete, like the horse and buggy and kerosene lamps.

The Civil War or "War for States Rights" was not fought for a so called humanitarian effort of "freeing" slaves.

It was about building a new and improved nation.

Former slaves were promptly kept in check by Jim Crow segregation for 100 years after slavery was abolished.
You just can't stop. :)

I have no idea who "you all" are, but your narcissism is telling.

You asked a question born of denial & steeped in refusal to address your issues.

See above.

No; you did this as you frequently do; it has nothing to do with "you all."

You're mistaken.

Narcissists love attention of any kind, yes.

You're more than cool with it - you live for it.

But since you MUST make the thread about you, you've provided the example you requested.

People who espouse liberal values are MUCH more inclined to have mental health issues, in this case, pronounced narcissism.

You are so much fun!

In case you joined the thread late:
  • Biden gets no credit for lowering the black unemployment rate this year
  • Biden gets all the blame for a one month negative number that is second lowest measure in two years
  • Biden apparently should not be using federal government resources to help black Americans gain employment anyway but it’s still his fault
  • Racist post about black people not working trickling in when you ask righties what we should do

You are caught up.

Oh, and do not forget 7 pages of attacking me for daring to ask a single question.

But at least these people are consistent in their denials and entertaining.
  • Thanks
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Correct. Businesses are hiring them instead of Americans. How can you say that's not hurting anybody in this country? Two million more this year. Do you think they are not going to take jobs Americans should be working?
Business owners are making a CHOICE. So then boycott businesses that hire illegal immigrantss get your right wing congressmen to punish businesses that hire illegal immigrants and shut the fuck up with the race baitung and stupid ass claims about democrats letting people in.
It also went down lower under President Trump than any time in American history
No, trump was handed a record setting economy with full employment.

Obama dropped black unemployment by 10 percent and it was droppong when trump took office. trump didn't do anything but repeat percentages knowing most people would not bother to check if he was right for taking credit.
Blacks had the lowest unemployment rate in history under Trump. Do you know what he did specifically for blacks? Nothing. He did something Democrats would never dream of doing, and that is providing opportunity for all Americans which some blacks took advantage of. He treated blacks like any other group of Americans which is unheard of in the Democrat party. Outside of prison reform and signing a bill that restored federal money to black historical colleges (that DumBama cutoff) he didn't treat blacks anymore special than he treated anybody else, and they did better than anytime under Democrats.

If you enjoy being treated like the kid on the short school bus, that's fine. But for those more blacks aggressive about getting ahead in life, all they need are the same opportunities that everybody else has.
Again, trump did not make that happen. He provided no opportunities for all and he didn't give a fuck about black people. You have been shown this time after time. What you believe is a lie and you really need to quit telling it.
I'll reply to anything that doesn't look like it was written by a 9 year old. Everybody else can reply in a paragraph or two, why can't you, because you are black? :badgrin:
Then you should not be posting. Your posts are infantile.
You can’t win a debate because you have no ideas. Here is the trend of black and white. While on a downward trajectory it’s not low enough. The big issue is how high it is not what rate was reported in November. It needs to be lower. What would you like to see done?

View attachment 585667
Thank you.
There is nothing we can do but offer jobs to all Americans and hope blacks take advantage of the opportunities. It's an individual choice, not a government policy or social choice. Employers are hiring anybody willing to do the work.
This is not about blacks taking opportunity. This is about a consistent refusal of white businesses to hire black people. It makes NO sense for black unemployment to be double that of whites no matter what. There can be only 1 cause for this.

Do you get stupider as the day moves on or what? Do you think an employer tells any black "I would have hired you but I found an illegal instead!" Or the department of labor calls employers and asks "How many illegals did you hire instead of blacks?"

As I asked, do you think all 2 million new invaders of our country this year are going to live here with no income? That's just this year alone. Estimates go as high as 40 million are living in this country right now. And as I pointed out, they hurt all Americans, not just blacks. But don't for a minute think that Democrats have black interests in mind when they do stupid shit like allowing all these people to come here because they don't. You are last on their list of concerns because the Democrat party knows no matter what they do to blacks, they will be right back voting for them next elections.
Estimates from white supremacist websites aren't going to be accurate. Democrats are allowing shit. There were coming her during trump and during other republican presidents.
Yet you keep posting that bullshit with nothing to back it up other than your dumbass opinion. I don't know any black folks who claim they can't get a job or lost a job because of illegal immigrants.
Neither do I. That crap is just a white dude trying to race baity.
Do you think an employer tells any black "I would have hired you but I found an illegal instead!"
Do you think an employer is telling blacks we don't hire black people? Or do you keep lying to yourself about what's really going on?

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

“Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid "affirmative action" hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity" demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”
Of course they do, all the time. In essence they tell us blacks are too stupid to get an ID to vote, and blacks don't get insulted by this. They vote for them every election
I'm black, white boy. I think I can say that Democrats aren't telling us anything with 100 percent certainty.
Better think again.

What I said was true.
Not per capita. Whites are six times the size of population of blacks in our country. Of course we will lead in any category of crime. But per capita blacks lead in almost every crime in this country, especially violent crime.
Fuck per capita. I use real numbers. Whites lead in crime based on the number of people in the population who commit crimes.

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