black unemployment has risen

Slavery, Jim Crow, section 8, affirmative action, segregation, have all been reasons Blacks were left out of the socio-economic experiment for over 400 years. The reasons for low black unemployment during Trump and Biden, have nothing to do with either one. That's more Obama than the other two, even though Biden was Obamas VP. The stimulus is what made Obama, Trump, and Biden look good when it came to job growth, in the last ten/twelve years.

But, what keeps wages down, is corporate control and their tax cuts. This has been going on for over forty years. The vulture chart has proven this.
Obama stimulated minimum wage jobs for Blacks.
Minimum wage guarantees living in a slum.
You are so much fun!

You're certainly welcome.

I notice you're pretending I didn't answer your question, which is what I'd said would happen.

You're an utter dupe for the Democrats, and a troll for them to boot.

But by making yourself the subject of the thread & refusing to interact in an adult manner, you've demonstrated how dangerous and deluded the Democrat dupe is, and how intractable.

This always has value.

You're certainly welcome.

I notice you're pretending I didn't answer your question, which is what I'd said would happen.

You're an utter dupe for the Democrats, and a troll for them to boot.

But by making yourself the subject of the thread & refusing to interact in an adult manner, you've demonstrated how dangerous and deluded the Democrat dupe is, and how intractable.

This always has value.

GG is a Libertarian aka selfish asshole who wants everything for free.
I don't know that he even did this.

HORRIBLE president, and belongs in front of a firing squad.
Obama's run for 2nd term included getting rid of the Indians and Mexicans that were taking jobs from US minorities.
For the 1st 3 months of his 2nd term he sent OSHA to major cities as stated and many Blacks got jobs at Home Depot, Walmart and in food service.
Bullshit. I'm 61 years old and back in the 60's blacks were discriminated against. By the 70's that was pretty much over. So for 50 years blacks had every opportunity in the world to make advancements. Some did, many didn't and still don't today.

I went to a public school in my later teen years and blacks attended the same school. I had the opportunity to attend college or trade school and blacks the same. I got a job when I graduated school and blacks had the same opportunity. I pursued a career and blacks could do the same. I invested the money I made and blacks could have done the same, but many decided they wanted a bunch of kids they couldn't afford instead.
No, it was never over. You see what your lying eyes want them to see, then you conveniently see no more. After civil rights and the voting rights, we had section 8. That didn't do anything but segregate Blacks again, putting them over "THERE." Do you know where "THERE" is? No fucking where, but out of the way from the norms of economic stability and advancement. After that, we had affirmative action, which was nothing but a conspiracy. White control and power knew it was created to fail. It's like hiring a conductor to drive a train, and the person has never been on a train before.

So no, there is no empirical evidence blacks have had this "every opportunity" you talk about. If blacks can't sing, dance, or play ball, most get left out.

I went to public school just as you, and blacks were there. Guess where they all lived? In government run housing, while I lived in a middle class white neighborhood. I watched the segregation and the racism unfold before my very eyes on a daily basis. And make no mistake, the whites wanted nothing to do with them. And they still don't to this day. Fifty years later, and it's the same old good ole boy white privilege system it has always been. The local banks do business with the white businesses, and give out loans for nice homes to whites. The white businesses are doing as they always have. Hire white friends and family to keep family business traditions going. It's always been this way all across the deep south where I am from. The racism and the segregation runs deep and it's all across the south.
No, it was never over. You see what your lying eyes want them to see, then you conveniently see no more. After civil rights and the voting rights, we had section 8. That didn't do anything but segregate Blacks again, putting them over "THERE." Do you know where "THERE" is? No fucking where, but out of the way from the norms of economic stability and advancement. After that, we had affirmative action, which was nothing but a conspiracy. White control and power knew it was created to fail. It's like hiring a conductor to drive a train, and the person has never been on a train before.

So no, there is no empirical evidence blacks have had this "every opportunity" you talk about. If blacks can't sing, dance, or play ball, most get left out.

I went to public school just as you, and blacks were there. Guess where they all lived? In government run housing, while I lived in a middle class white neighborhood. I watched the segregation and the racism unfold before my very eyes on a daily basis. And make no mistake, the whites wanted nothing to do with them. And they still don't to this day. Fifty years later, and it's the same old good ole boy white privilege system it has always been. The local banks do business with the white businesses, and give out loans for nice homes to whites. The white businesses are doing as they always have. Hire white friends and family to keep family business traditions going. It's always been this way all across the deep south where I am from. The racism and the segregation runs deep and it's all across the south.
I grew up in a slum and I ain't living in a slum.
Thankfully, most of the Black Towns in Nassau County have grown up with good schools with dress codes and their home are being renovated left and right.
GG is a Libertarian aka selfish asshole who wants everything for free.
He's a narcissistic dupe for Democrat propaganda as well.

He's quite similar to a mentally ill individual I know who claims to have been a conservative libertarian until he allegedly became a communist - true story - and who was utterly duped by the TDS narrative, seeing Nazis behind every corner.

Liberal ideation and mental illness are closely linked, in this case via extreme narcissism.
Obama's run for 2nd term included getting rid of the Indians and Mexicans that were taking jobs from US minorities.
For the 1st 3 months of his 2nd term he sent OSHA to major cities as stated and many Blacks got jobs at Home Depot, Walmart and in food service.
Deporter in chief some called him, but this wasn't for Blacks; Obama was a deranged conservative, and the massive net surplus of illegals continued to damage Black communities.

This OSHA business I'm not familiar with.

But Obama unquestionably belongs in front of a firing squad - HORRIBLE president and despicable human being.
No, it was never over. You see what your lying eyes want them to see, then you conveniently see no more. After civil rights and the voting rights, we had section 8. That didn't do anything but segregate Blacks again, putting them over "THERE." Do you know where "THERE" is? No fucking where, but out of the way from the norms of economic stability and advancement. After that, we had affirmative action, which was nothing but a conspiracy. White control and power knew it was created to fail. It's like hiring a conductor to drive a train, and the person has never been on a train before.

So no, there is no empirical evidence blacks have had this "every opportunity" you talk about. If blacks can't sing, dance, or play ball, most get left out.

I went to public school just as you, and blacks were there. Guess where they all lived? In government run housing, while I lived in a middle class white neighborhood. I watched the segregation and the racism unfold before my very eyes on a daily basis. And make no mistake, the whites wanted nothing to do with them. And they still don't to this day. Fifty years later, and it's the same old good ole boy white privilege system it has always been. The local banks do business with the white businesses, and give out loans for nice homes to whites. The white businesses are doing as they always have. Hire white friends and family to keep family business traditions going. It's always been this way all across the deep south where I am from. The racism and the segregation runs deep and it's all across the south.

I'm sure there are a lot of southerners that disagree with you. I know business. I talked with many business owners. I have several in my family. What I learned is they do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The person(s) that make the owner the most green is that employers favorite employee.

Yes affirmative action is still part of our economic system. They discriminate against Asians and favor people of color in college entry exams. They do the same with most government jobs. It's not as widespread as it used to be, but it's still there.

Section 8 housing is destroying neighborhood after neighborhood and it's still going on today. I don't want to support these people, but if I have to, I want to support them over there, not over here. Inserting lowlifes into good areas only destroys them as they did mine, and other places I've lived. I've seen it first hand, so I don't know where you get this idea that HUD puts people where they want. They give applicants a voucher, and that applicant can use that voucher wherever they desire. If they can come up with the cash to live in a nice suburb, that is where they're going to live. In fact I have a HUD house right next door to me. They lived here about three years. I've had to call the police on them nearly a dozen times. The landlord told one of my tenants they destroyed the place (good for him) and I hope he doesn't rent to them anymore. If he does, I will once again have to keep the police station in my frequently called list.
Slavery, Jim Crow, section 8, affirmative action, segregation, have all been reasons Blacks were left out of the socio-economic experiment for over 400 years. The reasons for low black unemployment during Trump and Biden, have nothing to do with either one. That's more Obama than the other two, even though Biden was Obamas VP. The stimulus is what made Obama, Trump, and Biden look good when it came to job growth, in the last ten/twelve years.

But, what keeps wages down, is corporate control and their tax cuts. This has been going on for over forty years. The vulture chart has proven this.

Tax cuts have nothing to do with what a person makes, only the individual does. If you want to smoke dope, work a minimum wage job because you can't quit (which is more prevalent in our society than many think) then that's a choice you made, not government, not your employer, nobody. There are plenty of jobs around today where people can make better money if they make better decisions in life. Nobody is keeping you down but yourself. To expect an employer to pay you great money for making french fries is pure stupidity. You are not worth anything to any employer.

As I already stated, what did I get or do that blacks can't? What I did just about anybody can do of any race. What keeps blacks down is not various programs or things that happened before we were born, what keeps blacks down are having children they could never afford in the first place. If you have children before you can make money to support them, you will always be poor.

As for myself I never had any kids. I too was not sure if I could support a family so I made sure I didn't have any, and I'm white as snow. The CDC estimates that raising a child today costs a parent(s) $244,000. Two kids? I hope you make a half-mil in 20 years time just to support them. Now......if you chose to take that half-mil and better your economic future as I did, you can do okay. If you choose to spend that money on kids, that's okay too, but don't expect economic freedom unless you have a college degree in a field in dire need of educated workers.
Blacks don't want to work? Shocking! wait. It isn't.

This is what happens when democrats allow blacks to have excuses for being lazy criminals that are dumb as fuck.

Correct, another huge problem for the black community. As I said earlier, BWK should go to the library and ask the librarian to show him where all the books are written by successful excuse makers. He wouldn't be able to find one. All excuse makers are failures no matter what they do. If you are convinced your plight is due to some excuse or another, you will never succeed in life because you have the support of people making the excuses for you. All you have to do is use one or more of them and sit back hoping the government takes care of you the rest of your life.

well yeah they are to busy making up protests and burning shit so they can terrorize people. they do not think they have to work. they think they are owned everything. smash and grab.

And why do they think this? Perhaps it's because they've been treated so badly, had ghettos made for them, been pushed away from integrating into the other society. And then the people who did it to them, blame the black people for it.
Then how did blacks have the lowest unemployment rate since records started being kept?

It was the continuation of a trend that started 7 years before Trump took office.

I notice you're pretending I didn't answer your question, which is what I'd said would happen.

You did not answer the question, nobody has done so. Facts are facts even if you do not like them.
But by making yourself the subject of the thread & refusing to interact in an adult manner, you've demonstrated how dangerous and deluded the Democrat dupe is, and how intractable.

It is literally impossible for me to make the thread all about me, only you all can do that by making your every post about me instead of the topic of the thread.

And the fun part is that it is not just your replies to me that you have made about me, but even your replies to other people in the thread are all about me.

All this just to avoid answering one inconvenient question.
GG is a Libertarian aka selfish asshole who wants everything for free.

That is again only half true, I do not want anything for free. Libertarians do not want everything for free

That is why I am so against deficit spending and our massive debt. I think it is immoral and borderline criminal to leave such a huge amount of debt to our future generations. This is the number one reason I left the GOP and why I have also left the duopoly. Neither will do anything about because you people keep voting them into office.

That would make you all the ones that are the free loaders.
It is literally impossible for me to make the thread all about me, only you all can do that by making your every post about me instead of the topic of the thread.

And the fun part is that it is not just your replies to me that you have made about me, but even your replies to other people in the thread are all about me.

All this just to avoid answering one inconvenient question.

Democrats went criminally insane in 2016, and their dupes as well.

They may be too far gone to ever come back to reality...

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