black unemployment has risen

No excuse. There is 6 times more of you but the NBA is 80 percent black.

Your asses lead in the amount of people committing crimes. You don't get to commit more crimes because there are more of you. There are more white people, that means the probability of a crime being committed by somebody white is greater than that of anyone else.

By using population you learn nothing about any group of people. When this was a white neighborhood, I could sleep in the summer time with my door open. At times I've left the house unlocked. You can't do that now because the blacks moved in. Wait a minute! But whites are a larger population! So what? It means nothing. You can't identify the problems of any group of people by using the entire population. By your claims, my property would have been in more jeopardy when it was all white, but it wasn't. See how flawed your theory is?

When this was a white neighborhood we were flooded with good quality stores that closed down after the blacks moved in. I have to clean all the garbage off my tree lawns before I can cut it which never happened when it was a white community. It's difficult to sleep at night with barking dogs, ghetto music blaring so you can hear it six houses away, and people walking around yelling at 2:00 am on a work night that never happened when it was a white community.

So your calculations are completely flawed. You can only identify problems by per capita.
Disagreeing with a leftist or bringing up statistics is not racism by definition in any dictionary. I know that's what the left told you to believe, but trust me when I tell you there is no truth to it.
Hmmm, your argument makes no sense for the simple fact that I have shown you that black folks do better financially, in education, in business, etc. when a Democrat is in the WH as compared to a Republican and none of you can bring anything to refute that.
Trump fought to have his Stay in Mexico policy. He told Mexico if they want to continue to get US aid, they had better stop the flow of illegals from their bordering countries getting to ours. Mexico sent out their military to their southern border to make sure those people stayed out of Mexico. He created the apply at your US embassy policy. If you want asylum, fine. Go to the US embassy in your country and apply for it. Don't come here and do it. If you do somehow make it to our border and we find out you were offered asylum in another country such as Mexico and refused it, you will be automatically disqualified from getting US asylum. If you are a pregnant woman applying for a VISA, forget about it. You're not coming here to drop anchor babies.

However those were his polices he fought all the way to the Supreme Court to get. He had others which they didn't allow. No matter what policy Trump came up with, the commies fought him all the way. What they couldn't stop, their commie judges least temporarily.
How many illegals did Trump remove from the country?

How many of Trump's businesses used illegal labor?

How is it that these border crisis only popped up when Trump was caught up in something. There is a crisis at the border, then all of a sudden POOF crisis just disappears.
It was the continuation of a trend that started 7 years before Trump took office.

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The problem is lowering unemployment is a no brainer when unemployment is high. Much more difficult to lower when it's low. In April of 2020 unemployment was 14.7%. By the end of that year unemployment dropped to 6.7%. That means unemployment was cut by 8% in 8 months. Was that some sort of miracle by President Trump? No, it was that unemployment was so high it easily dropped by itself. What goes up must come down.

The problem is lowering unemployment is a no brainer when unemployment is high. Much more difficult to lower when it's low. In April of 2020 unemployment was 14.7%. By the end of that year unemployment dropped to 6.7%. That means unemployment was cut by 8% in 8 months. Was that some sort of miracle by President Trump? No, it was that unemployment was so high it easily dropped by itself. What goes up must come down.

I get that, but UE for both blacks and in general trended down for 10 straight years till COVID, only 3 of which were Trump's. If you are going to give Trump all the credit for those 3 years you need to be consistent with the other 7.
How many illegals did Trump remove from the country?

How many of Trump's businesses used illegal labor?

How is it that these border crisis only popped up when Trump was caught up in something. There is a crisis at the border, then all of a sudden POOF crisis just disappears.

It has nothing to do with how many were deported, it has more to do with how many are being let in. Every illegal allowed into this country is provided a court hearing before they can be deported. No president has any control over that. Trump tried to deport them immediately, but was stopped by the courts. The deportation hearings are backed up a year or so. That means in the future no matter who is President, we now have 2 million more illegals gumming up the system, and the Democrats are quite aware of that.
I get that, but UE for both blacks and in general trended down for 10 straight years till COVID, only 3 of which were Trump's. If you are going to give Trump all the credit for those 3 years you need to be consistent with the other 7.

I'll give anybody credit for job creation that had actual policies that created those jobs. I can site several by Trump, but Dementia never did anything responsible for any new jobs today. Those jobs have been there for months, but because government was paying people more to stay home, they went unfilled until late last year when the government money stopped.

That brings us to DumBama. What job policies did he create? Raising taxes on our businesses? Burdening them with Commie Care including fines and limitations of 50 or less employees?
It has nothing to do with how many were deported, it has more to do with how many are being let in. Every illegal allowed into this country is provided a court hearing before they can be deported. No president has any control over that. Trump tried to deport them immediately, but was stopped by the courts. The deportation hearings are backed up a year or so. That means in the future no matter who is President, we now have 2 million more illegals gumming up the system, and the Democrats are quite aware of that.
Tell us why Pres. Obama was allowed to deport so many, but Trump's hands were tied. Why are so many illegals coming here? If there were no jobs or opportunities they wouldn't come. Who is hiring these folks? Why is it that when a plant is raided the only folks removed are the illegals, why is it we never see any plant managers, CEOs, Presidents, etc. coming out in handcuffs when they are the ones hiring these illegals.
Wrong again. I live in 2022 and am reading racist bullshit posted by people like you.

There is no such thing as black victimhood.

Learn that. Because the only whiny ass victims are you right wing whites. You're no different than horselightning. He is an overt racist, you practice laissez faire racism.
Provide proof that I'm a racist, IM2....go ahead.

Any post you post is with racist hatred.
You're such an AH, you can't even recognize it.
Incorrect. I have presented evidence of white racism and you can't handle it. So you whine about me being a racist despite the fact that whites are here saying the same things I am.
Dude, I'm open to the fact that there are White racists, and White racists on this board.
There is no doubt about that.
I am also aware that there are Black racists, and Black racists on this board.
There is no doubt about that.

You are such a knucklehead, you can't even see that because of your hatred.
That's on you, dude....nobody else.
Dude, I'm open to the fact that there are White racists, and White racists on this board.
There is no doubt about that.
I am also aware that there are Black racists, and Black racists on this board.
There is no doubt about that.

You are such a knucklehead, you can't even see that because of your hatred.
That's on you, dude....nobody else.
Why is that when black folks point out white privilege, white racism, etc. it is our hatred. Now you see plenty of white racist post on this forum and I have NEVER heard you call out any of that hatred. Why is that?
Why is that when black folks point out white privilege, white racism, etc. it is our hatred. Now you see plenty of white racist post on this forum and I have NEVER heard you call out any of that hatred. Why is that?
Because you're lying. Go to the first page and read my first post, Then go to the other posts in this thread posted my me.
Then I would like you to come back and apologize to me. But, I know you don't have that kind of integrity, SBB
Tell us why Pres. Obama was allowed to deport so many, but Trump's hands were tied. Why are so many illegals coming here? If there were no jobs or opportunities they wouldn't come. Who is hiring these folks? Why is it that when a plant is raided the only folks removed are the illegals, why is it we never see any plant managers, CEOs, Presidents, etc. coming out in handcuffs when they are the ones hiring these illegals.

Trying to talk to you is like trying to talk to a wall. We give you the information you want and yet further down the thread, you ask for it again. Here, this is what took place under DumBama, and it's from a very left-leaning source so you have nothing to bitch about.

And as for Trump:

Now, I gave you all the information you asked for. Don't ask again. Write down this post number and keep it by your computer when you have this question again.
How many illegals did Trump remove from the country?

How many of Trump's businesses used illegal labor?

How is it that these border crisis only popped up when Trump was caught up in something. There is a crisis at the border, then all of a sudden POOF crisis just disappears.
I guess you missed the GW years.
I grew up in a slum and I ain't living in a slum.
Thankfully, most of the Black Towns in Nassau County have grown up with good schools with dress codes and their home are being renovated left and right.
That's Nassau county.
Tax cuts have nothing to do with what a person makes, only the individual does. If you want to smoke dope, work a minimum wage job because you can't quit (which is more prevalent in our society than many think) then that's a choice you made, not government, not your employer, nobody. There are plenty of jobs around today where people can make better money if they make better decisions in life. Nobody is keeping you down but yourself. To expect an employer to pay you great money for making french fries is pure stupidity. You are not worth anything to any employer.

As I already stated, what did I get or do that blacks can't? What I did just about anybody can do of any race. What keeps blacks down is not various programs or things that happened before we were born, what keeps blacks down are having children they could never afford in the first place. If you have children before you can make money to support them, you will always be poor.

As for myself I never had any kids. I too was not sure if I could support a family so I made sure I didn't have any, and I'm white as snow. The CDC estimates that raising a child today costs a parent(s) $244,000. Two kids? I hope you make a half-mil in 20 years time just to support them. Now......if you chose to take that half-mil and better your economic future as I did, you can do okay. If you choose to spend that money on kids, that's okay too, but don't expect economic freedom unless you have a college degree in a field in dire need of educated workers.
The vulture chart proves you are wrong. And the reason you do not produce a countering argument to the centers for tax policy, because the indicators are the same. Tax cuts have everything to do with what a person makes. Corporations control politicians, and as a result, they control us and our wages. That's why wages have changed little in the last fifty years.

The rest of your post is a collection of rambling nonsense, that explains nothing, and fixes less.
The vulture chart proves you are wrong. And the reason you do not produce a countering argument to the centers for tax policy, because the indicators are the same. Tax cuts have everything to do with what a person makes. Corporations control politicians, and as a result, they control us and our wages. That's why wages have changed little in the last fifty years.

The rest of your post is a collection of rambling nonsense, that explains nothing, and fixes less.

Wages have changed little because automation and foreign competition. If we both had widget factories, and I'm paying my workers $10.00 an hour, and you're paying your workers $20.00 an hour, my company will put yours out of business in less than a year. You have to charge more for your widgets than I do therefore have less or no customers because stores will always buy a product that's lower in price.

It's the same thing with foreign competition. If it costs you $10.00 to produce a widget, but vendors can buy Chinese widgets for $8.00 each, they are going to buy those Chinese widgets. How are you going to pay your employees more money?
White boys trying to get us to join a party that supports the confederacy need to understand that it is not going to happen. What we see is the republican party is the new jim crow. A black man leads the democratic party son.
^ The aforementioned tragedy; like the Jews getting on the boxcars in Germany... :(

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