black unemployment has risen

Who could have foreseen this thread descending into a complete shit show?

After all, it started out as a complete shit show, and I think we all had great hopes for it as such.

You are of "community". As per your posts. You are of Group. Not individuals. But individuals of the group you are interested in. Communittee! Watch everything government or monopoly derived. From Hospitals to Government mandates to Government employees and more. That is what you are. Please...become someone who creates tens of millions of jobs as a tech giant or industrial giant Where are you at? The best of you! For what I pay in taxes as a peasant I can have an extras 20 per cent easily in living but for you.
Fuck that. We all are of group. Americans, that's a group. I pay taxes too. Stop pretending that only whites pay taxes.
I don't have a business, I'm a landlord. It's a business but I don't have employees. My handyman is black, my exterminator was black but I think he went out of business, and I've had black tenants. When I need repairs I can't do or no longer do, I don't care what race the person is. If they can do the job for a reasonable price, that's all I care about. I will hire them over a higher priced white guy.

You do need to understand what systemic means. Systemic's root word is system, and racial discrimination is not in our system in the US. We have dozens of laws against it. Will there be some who still practice discrimination, yes, but again, that's not part of the system.
I know what systemic means and don't need some racist to explain it to me. Systemic racism is a problem in this country. You don't face racism because you participate in it. Laws are not being followed or they are being subverted. Racial discrimination is well imbedded in our system.
Making claims you or others in the black community cannot get ahead because every white person is racist is an excuse. This is especially true given how many other blacks did just fine by making the right decisions in life or taking advantage of a talent they have. The plight of the black community is one they brought on themselves, not some white racist.

Bottom line is everybody makes mistakes, but if you blame other people for those mistakes, you learn nothing and will never get ahead that way. Even when I did have obstacles in my life such as my health, it was up to me to find a way around them. I lived by my own motto that I don't have problems, I have challenges. A problem is a challenge that has no solution no matter who has the same challenge. If I know other people can find away around any challenges I had, then there is no reason I can't.
Nobody black is making that claim. You racists conflate it, lie, then repeat that lie over and over. White racism is the root cause of our problem. That is the mistake. I said white racism, not white people. There is a difference that intelligent people understand. Whites who are not racists don't seem to misunderstand this. Whites have 15 times more wealth and that is not due to blacks making bad choices or not taking advantage of talents. It is time your white ass shut the fuck up and listened. Out of 47 million people there are only 36,000 blacks worth at least a million. There are not 10 black billionaires in this country.

Whites like you like to trot out examples of 2-3 blacks then start barking. Shut the fuck up because you don't know what you are talking about.
Because you're lying. Go to the first page and read my first post, Then go to the other posts in this thread posted my me.
Then I would like you to come back and apologize to me. But, I know you don't have that kind of integrity, SBB
Sincerest apologies there Meister if I pegged you wrong, there does that make you feel much better.
Trying to talk to you is like trying to talk to a wall. We give you the information you want and yet further down the thread, you ask for it again. Here, this is what took place under DumBama, and it's from a very left-leaning source so you have nothing to bitch about.

And as for Trump:

Now, I gave you all the information you asked for. Don't ask again. Write down this post number and keep it by your computer when you have this question again.

It's funny how when you post something it is so supposed to be taken as the Law of the Land, but when hit with the real facts you come back with excuses about how it isn't accurate or true.

U.S. District Judge Edward Chen ruled that the administration may have side-stepped federal rule-making guidelines, imposed undue political pressure on staffers, and violated the Equal Protection Clause by basing its decision "on animus against non-white, non-European immigrants."

See Ray, you have to follow the Laws this country is governed by Laws. You don't just make up the Laws as you go.

Your second link was to move judges to speed up the process, so I am not sure what you are whining about.

Are you saying this report is false?

It's funny how when you post something it is so supposed to be taken as the Law of the Land, but when hit with the real facts you come back with excuses about how it isn't accurate or true.

U.S. District Judge Edward Chen ruled that the administration may have side-stepped federal rule-making guidelines, imposed undue political pressure on staffers, and violated the Equal Protection Clause by basing its decision "on animus against non-white, non-European immigrants."

See Ray, you have to follow the Laws this country is governed by Laws. You don't just make up the Laws as you go.

Your second link was to move judges to speed up the process, so I am not sure what you are whining about.

Are you saying this report is false?

Your link supported mine in that the change in definition was mostly responsible for the so-called record deportations. Commie judges ruling in favor of their party doesn't make them correct, it makes them partisan.

But you questioned what Trump did or try to do to stop the immigration flow, and that's why I posted those links. President Trump made more policies to stop illegals from coming to this country than the last four Presidents combined before him. Now this clown got into the White House and immediately stopped the wall from being built. Did he do that to stop more illegals coming into the country? How much is it costing us to have guards protect those walls that are now just laying on the ground instead of being erected.

It's so bad that the Mexican drug cartel took over the illegal fentanyl entering our country since it was so easy to get in. The result? Record OD"s of fentanyl.
Nobody black is making that claim. You racists conflate it, lie, then repeat that lie over and over. White racism is the root cause of our problem. That is the mistake. I said white racism, not white people. There is a difference that intelligent people understand. Whites who are not racists don't seem to misunderstand this. Whites have 15 times more wealth and that is not due to blacks making bad choices or not taking advantage of talents. It is time your white ass shut the fuck up and listened. Out of 47 million people there are only 36,000 blacks worth at least a million. There are not 10 black billionaires in this country.

Whites like you like to trot out examples of 2-3 blacks then start barking. Shut the fuck up because you don't know what you are talking about.

So where does white racism come from, pink people with pokadots? Of course you blame white people; not all white people but white people in general. But no white ever stopped you from going to school. No white ever stopped you from learning a trade or securing a career. No white made you have kids you couldn't afford. No white ever stopped you from investing your money or opening up your own business.

So yes, I stand by my statement that the black community brought this on themselves, not white people or white racism. 60 or 70 years ago, different story. In my suburb property values were cut in half, all the major stores had to close, we went from 1 murder every 15 years or so to 3 to 5 a year, the last one being a 12 and 13 year old gunning down a 14 year old. Did this all happen because of white racism?
Your link supported mine in that the change in definition was mostly responsible for the so-called record deportations. Commie judges ruling in favor of their party doesn't make them correct, it makes them partisan.

But you questioned what Trump did or try to do to stop the immigration flow, and that's why I posted those links. President Trump made more policies to stop illegals from coming to this country than the last four Presidents combined before him. Now this clown got into the White House and immediately stopped the wall from being built. Did he do that to stop more illegals coming into the country? How much is it costing us to have guards protect those walls that are now just laying on the ground instead of being erected.

It's so bad that the Mexican drug cartel took over the illegal fentanyl entering our country since it was so easy to get in. The result? Record OD"s of fentanyl.
What policies did Trump put in place to stop the drugs at border crossings?
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well yeah they are to busy making up protests and burning shit so they can terrorize people. they do not think they have to work. they think they are owned everything. smash and grab.

That's by design. American Marxism, aka Bidenism, relies on a permanent underclass to serve as their electoral base.

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