black unemployment has risen

No ray it is not that simple and black businesses are in that area.

Not many and the ones that are here are nail salons, cell phone places, convenience stores, places where the owners can keep an eye on their customers or have nothing they can steal. However no major stores in our area. They all had to close up.
If you stop illegals from coming into the country you also stop the flow of drugs. They don't walk over the border by itself.
That's just it genius most drugs don't walk over the border, they come through ports of entry.

"The facts are, the majority of opioids and all kinds of other things that are connected to the opioids are coming through the point of entry," she said. "They’re not coming with an individual person, maybe some are. But they’re coming in trucks, they’re coming in cars, they’re coming right through the point of entry." She added later: "The fence, the wall, the concrete wall that the president is talking about, from most of the experts, doesn’t make a difference."
That's just it genius most drugs don't walk over the border, they come through ports of entry.

"The facts are, the majority of opioids and all kinds of other things that are connected to the opioids are coming through the point of entry," she said. "They’re not coming with an individual person, maybe some are. But they’re coming in trucks, they’re coming in cars, they’re coming right through the point of entry." She added later: "The fence, the wall, the concrete wall that the president is talking about, from most of the experts, doesn’t make a difference."

How would they know? The only reason they know about the point of entry is because they bust people there. If the drug cartels setup a safe way to bring them here over the border, they usually make it through with no problem and nobody knows what they are bringing with them.
How would they know? The only reason they know about the point of entry is because they bust people there. If the drug cartels setup a safe way to bring them here over the border, they usually make it through with no problem and nobody knows what they are bringing with them.
Are they catching a lot of folks crossing the border with drugs? Isn't that how they would know.
oooook..sorry I offended you by posting bad news about your Dear Leader

I have no dear leader. Our current POTUS is terrible, as I knew he would be. That is why I made a bet with my wife he would not be POTUS in 2023.

And that has nothing to do with the pages worth of lies you told about me.
Are they catching a lot of folks crossing the border with drugs? Isn't that how they would know.

Not really because so many get away and never get caught. Those drug cartels have it figured all out unfortunately.

I'll save you reading the report unless you really want to:

Our ruling

Portman said that heroin is coming to the United States primarily from Mexico. He hasn’t been studying drug facts for nothing.

We rate this claim True.
Not really because so many get away and never get caught. Those drug cartels have it figured all out unfortunately.
So you are saying the majority is being carried across and not through ports of entry, tell us how you come to that conclusion.

I'll save you reading the report unless you really want to:

Our ruling

Portman said that heroin is coming to the United States primarily from Mexico. He hasn’t been studying drug facts for nothing.

We rate this claim True.
Wait, so you do agree they are coming across in ports of entry.
So you are saying the majority is being carried across and not through ports of entry, tell us how you come to that conclusion.

Wait, so you do agree they are coming across in ports of entry.

Of course I agree with that. They have the arrests to show it's happening. But remember that as technology advances, new training for drug canines, it gets harder and harder all the time to get drugs through legal ports. Less and less people want to take that chance. However some people would nearly kill to sneak into this country and either sell their kids, agree to smuggle drugs, or agree to participate in human smuggling for the cartels help.
Of course I agree with that. They have the arrests to show it's happening. But remember that as technology advances, new training for drug canines, it gets harder and harder all the time to get drugs through legal ports. Less and less people want to take that chance. However some people would nearly kill to sneak into this country and either sell their kids, agree to smuggle drugs, or agree to participate in human smuggling for the cartels help.
That is a small minority, how many parents are actually willing to sell their kids. People want to get into the country, but many are not willing to risk being caught with drugs and destroy their opportunity. Technology is also their to catch folks sneaking across the border as well.
That is a small minority, how many parents are actually willing to sell their kids. People want to get into the country, but many are not willing to risk being caught with drugs and destroy their opportunity. Technology is also their to catch folks sneaking across the border as well.

It was when Trump was in charge, but Dementia put a halt to the wall being built. Why would he do that if not for making it easier on illegals to enter the country?

Dementia's policy change was that the US will accept any and all children with or without an adult. Parents send their kids here as an anchor for them to eventually be allowed to move here legally. Many don't make it as they are murdered along the way. Mothers stuff their 11 year old girls pockets with birth control pills for the expected multiple rapes they are likely to face on their trip to the border. What mother would do a thing like that?

In any case our border is now flooded with kids and has been since the Biden policies went into place. That means our border patrol has to spend more of their time baby sitting these kids than protecting the border. We only have so many agents. Biden it putting those children in retrofitted containers just like the ones you see on those dozens of boats off the shores of California that are trying to dock to unload.

Now, we have no idea what the inside of these containers look like since Dementia will not allow any reporters or cameras in them, but what I do know is I've been in plenty of containers myself and in the summer, those things are like ovens, and agents have to monitor all those kids in those containers.
It was when Trump was in charge, but Dementia put a halt to the wall being built. Why would he do that if not for making it easier on illegals to enter the country?

Dementia's policy change was that the US will accept any and all children with or without an adult. Parents send their kids here as an anchor for them to eventually be allowed to move here legally. Many don't make it as they are murdered along the way. Mothers stuff their 11 year old girls pockets with birth control pills for the expected multiple rapes they are likely to face on their trip to the border. What mother would do a thing like that?

In any case our border is now flooded with kids and has been since the Biden policies went into place. That means our border patrol has to spend more of their time baby sitting these kids than protecting the border. We only have so many agents. Biden it putting those children in retrofitted containers just like the ones you see on those dozens of boats off the shores of California that are trying to dock to unload.

Now, we have no idea what the inside of these containers look like since Dementia will not allow any reporters or cameras in them, but what I do know is I've been in plenty of containers myself and in the summer, those things are like ovens, and agents have to monitor all those kids in those containers.
Do you have anything to back any of that short story up.
Do you have anything to back any of that short story up.

Before I take the time to do that, just one question: Are you going to read them or just stay they are full of shit and the sources don't please you? If you're actually going to take the time to at least review a few of them, that's fine.

But one more thing about an earlier statement you made: You made a comment about how much heroin and fentanyl actually cross the border. Okay, let's say they found 30%. Given all the problems these drugs are causing in our society, and yes, especially the black society, the tens of thousands of OD deaths, wouldn't it make sense to spend money to not only stop that 30%, but to also stop illegals from crossing at the same time?
Before I take the time to do that, just one question: Are you going to read them or just stay they are full of shit and the sources don't please you? If you're actually going to take the time to at least review a few of them, that's fine.

But one more thing about an earlier statement you made: You made a comment about how much heroin and fentanyl actually cross the border. Okay, let's say they found 30%. Given all the problems these drugs are causing in our society, and yes, especially the black society, the tens of thousands of OD deaths, wouldn't it make sense to spend money to not only stop that 30%, but to also stop illegals from crossing at the same time?
How did you come to 30%?

Of course it is worth stopping, but building a wall won't do it. Get rid of the demand and there is no need for the supply.

Building a barrier has worked every place it's tried either here or around the world. It's why they use them. Democrats are scared to death of the wall because they do work, not because they don't. If they didn't work, the Democrats would welcome it with open arms.

You see what happened this past election, don't you? Trump instituted several policies including the wall that were very successful, but once the commies took over, Dementia reversed nearly all of them. Even the courts had to step in and stop some of his reversals. That's why we have such a problem today. So when they get power, this is what they do. However you can't reverse a wall. Once it's up, it's staying there no matter who the President is, and the Democrats are scared of that. If they ever spent our tax dollars taking down the wall, they'd lose leadership for years afterwards because it would be proof to the entire country how open borders they were.

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