Black unemployment is at its lowest level in 17 years..."thank you Brother Donald"

Obama gets a Nobel Peace Prize for being Black. Meanwhile, Trump gets the Black unemployment rate down to record levels. It's nice to finally have a real President in office.
So, who thinks that a president can be in charge for a few months, and have such an impact on unemployment?
The economy took off when business knew it was no longer in Obama's unqualified hands.

Please, please tell me you don't actually think that this is true.

I'd ask you to provide evidence that this is the case, but I know you won't, because you can't.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Do you see unemployment going down and down and down from 2009/2010? Yeah, throughout the whole of the Obama administration it was going down. And this isn't even Obama, this was simply because after a recession these things GO DOWN as long as you don't end up with an idiot controlling things to prevent this from happening.

Under the same theory as yours you'd have had unemployment plummeting under Bush W too. It went from 4.2 the month he got in to 5.7 a year later. Er... go figure.

In fact, in the mini recession in 2003/2004 unemployment went down from that point on from 6.3 down to 4.4 in 2007, about what it is now.


This looks pretty similar to the other chart I presented, doesn't it?

Trump has had almost no impact on the economy so far. But hey, you're a partisan hack and anything Trump does is fucking amazing, and if Obama does the very same thing it's a disaster... go figure.
Obama gets a Nobel Peace Prize for being Black. Meanwhile, Trump gets the Black unemployment rate down to record levels. It's nice to finally have a real President in office.

Down to record levels? Unemployment is at 4.3, May and June 1953 there was unemployment of 2.5, how is 4.3 a record level?

Oh, let me guess, Obama's in office and the unemployment rates are too low, Trump's in office and they're too high for the real figures.....
Obama did nothing for blacks except lip service. Trump is THE OPPOSITE.

Black Unemployment at Lowest Level in 17 Years - Breitbart

So, who thinks that a president can be in charge for a few months, and have such an impact on unemployment?

/----- If the UE rate was climbing at a steady rate would you blame Pres Trump?

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Well, that would depend on whether I though Trump had anything to do with it.

For example Bush W, the first mini recession wasn't much to do with him, it was coming. The second, larger recession was all about him. Obama wasn't the reason unemployment went down. As president he can only help the situation along, he could have made it worse, but he didn't, so he was a stabilizing factor in it happening, but it didn't happen because of him.
Do you see unemployment going down and down and down from 2009/2010? Yeah, throughout the whole of the Obama administration it was going down.
For several reasons. First, the economy CRASHED when Obama was elected.

Yes, the economy SORT OF recovered during his long 8 years, but unemployment dropped as TENS OF MILLIONS left the labor force and were no longer counted.

The economy never REALLY recovered under his administration.

Fracking helped fight those deadly Obama years.
Do you see unemployment going down and down and down from 2009/2010? Yeah, throughout the whole of the Obama administration it was going down.
For several reasons. First, the economy CRASHED when Obama was elected.

Yes, the economy SORT OF recovered during his long 8 years, but unemployment dropped as TENS OF MILLIONS left the labor force and were no longer counted.

The economy never REALLY recovered under his administration.

Fracking helped fight those deadly Obama years.

The economy didn't crash because Obama got elected. The economy crashed for reasons that people were pointing out long before it did crash.

It would only take you two minutes to learn the reality of a situation, instead of making stuff up to suit your partisan blinkered view.

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Obama was elected in November 2008.

This article is from January 23rd 2008. This is a full 9 months before Obama got elected.

The worst market crisis in 60 years"

"The current financial crisis was precipitated by a bubble in the US housing market. In some ways it resembles other crises that have occurred since the end of the second world war at intervals ranging from four to 10 years."

It was written by George Soros. Hardly small fish in knowing a crisis is coming.
liberals see racism where it doesn't exist, fabricate it when they can't find it, and ignore it within their own ranks!
Do you see unemployment going down and down and down from 2009/2010? Yeah, throughout the whole of the Obama administration it was going down.
For several reasons. First, the economy CRASHED when Obama was elected.

Yes, the economy SORT OF recovered during his long 8 years, but unemployment dropped as TENS OF MILLIONS left the labor force and were no longer counted.

The economy never REALLY recovered under his administration.

Fracking helped fight those deadly Obama years.

The economy didn't crash because Obama got elected. The economy crashed for reasons that people were pointing out long before it did crash.

It would only take you two minutes to learn the reality of a situation, instead of making stuff up to suit your partisan blinkered view.

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Obama was elected in November 2008.

This article is from January 23rd 2008. This is a full 9 months before Obama got elected.

The worst market crisis in 60 years"

"The current financial crisis was precipitated by a bubble in the US housing market. In some ways it resembles other crises that have occurred since the end of the second world war at intervals ranging from four to 10 years."

It was written by George Soros. Hardly small fish in knowing a crisis is coming.
Why do you waste your precious valuable time trying to relay facts to these mindless morons? Its like waiting on paint to dry under water......they are never gonna except facts. Dude, stop wasting your time with the idiots here, they're not worth it!!
Trump has to enact policies other than what Obama had in place for Trump to have an effect on the economy. What's not to get? :dunno:

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