Black woman forced to Mental Institution because police didn't believe her

She didn't have her hands on the wheel because she was dancing.

This entire story is dancing.
Well, it DID happen in the Democrats' Utopia of New York...

Ever been to NYC it was worse when the republicans were in office.

Have you ever been to NYC, Daws?

Yes worked there in the 80s on Broadway as a master electrician for the show cats .

My grandparents owned the corner of 96 St. and 3rd Avenue in Manhattan. I stayed part of the time in Manhattan with them as a child. The rest of the time I lived on a private beach in a beach house they owned. (as a small child) My grandfathers tailor dressed JFK. He used to come to my grandfather's building to measure him for his suits. All of his suits were custom made - he dressed beautifully.
(as best I know all of his suits were custom made - he was a very big man! He was very handsome too!)
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What are you talking about, Henry?
He's blowing smoke and making false comparisons that the president is a communist.

ok. Well, I do not think that has anything to do with the story. Do you? The woman was traumatized for no good reason. If American citizens can be forced into a mental institution because they had the music in their car turned up, drive an expensive car and don't have their hands on the wheel at a red light? We've got some serious problems. I think you'd have to agree with me about that, Daws. Seriously. It's just over the top!
What are you talking about, Henry?
He's blowing smoke and making false comparisons that the president is a communist.

ok. Well, I do not think that has anything to do with the story. Do you? The woman was traumatized for no good reason. If American citizens can be forced into a mental institution because they had the music in their car turned up, drive an expensive car and don't have their hands on the wheel at a red light? We've got some serious problems. I think you'd have to agree with me about that, Daws. riously. It's just over the top![/QUOTEriraclules
I agree with you 100%
In the 18th and 19th century it was even worse .
I agree with you 100%
In the 18th and 19th century it was even worse .

Awful, isn't it? This poor girl. She is only 32 yrs. old. For anyone who reads her story and does not feel their heart moved with compassion for her? Something is wrong with them! Seriously wrong.
She said she was dancing ?

I wonder if Michelle knows that Barock is following her ?


That is what you get out of this story? I'm not on Face Book but if you are I'm sure you must have friended someone or gave them a following. Millions of people do it, Digital Drifter. There are people who follow people on this board! I have followers! I checked! Yep. A bunch of them!

About this woman - just imagine if this had been one of your loved ones! How upset you'd be!
She said she was dancing ?

I wonder if Michelle knows that Barock is following her ?


That is what you get out of this story? I'm not on Face Book but if you are I'm sure you must have friended someone or gave them a following. Millions of people do it, Digital Drifter. There are people who follow people on this board! I have followers! I checked! Yep. A bunch of them!

About this woman - just imagine if this had been one of your loved ones! How upset you'd be!

But Obama is following her ?
I realize there must be millions of people who follow Obama on social media (assuming he is on Facebook, Twitter, etc.) but seems a bit odd that Obama would be following a non-celeb, non- politician, etc.

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