Blacks and plagerism


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
Time and again we see blacks in high office thanks to affirmative action....and seems that many blacks if not most with high level degrees engaged in plagerism....from MLK on down...mlk was never held accountable though it was proven he plagerized in order to get his degree...he was excused.

It appears that only when they get involved in high profile cases and the spotlight is put on them is it 'suddenly' discoverd they are plagerists....of course these prestigious universities knew that already but it is their policy to excuse blacks guilty of it....only when the spotlight is on these phonies does the elite schools take action and only because they are forced to aka the recent case of the Black President of Harvard forced out because of plagerism.

Why is Plagiarism Such a Big Deal?​

Plagiarism is essentially theft and fraud committed simultaneously. It is considered theft because the writer takes ideas from a source without giving proper credit to the author. It is considered fraud because the writer represents the ideas as her or his own.

Plagiarism is cheating, a serious form of academic dishonesty punishable by the university.

Plagiarism can be illegal, and a violation of Unites States copyright laws.
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Time and again we see blacks in high office thanks to affirmative action....and seems that many blacks if not most with high level degrees engaged in plagerism....from MLK on down...mlk was never held accountable though it was proven he plagerized in order to get his degree...he was excused.

It appears that only when they get involved in high profile cases and the spotlight is put on them is it 'suddenly' discoverd they are plagerists....of course these prestigious universities knew that already but it is their policy to excuse blacks guilty of it....only when the spotlight is on these phonies does the elite schools take action and only because they are forced to aka the recent case of the Black President of Harvard fired because of plagerism.

Yeah.... that site seems credible.... :laugh:
Not a good look when you mis-spell words in your title.

I think that many Black academics and government officials got their degrees in "bullshit" subjects (e.g., Ethnic Studies, Education, Sociology, Communications, etc.), where the demand for academic rigor is not high. Much of the text of "learned" literature in those areas is just a jumble of bullshit words intended to make the writer sound smart without saying anything of substance. In that context, plagiarism is difficult to detect if you are not actually looking for it. [As WE all know, plagiarism can be identified immediately using Google].

But once these people come into positions of significant authority, antagonists start looking at their papers and find the plagiarism.
Not a good look when you mis-spell words in your title.

I think that many Black academics and government officials got their degrees in "bullshit" subjects (e.g., Ethnic Studies, Education, Sociology, Communications, etc.), where the demand for academic rigor is not high. Much of the text of "learned" literature in those areas is just a jumble of bullshit words intended to make the writer sound smart without saying anything of substance. In that context, plagiarism is difficult to detect if you are not actually looking for it. [As WE all know, plagiarism can be identified immediately using Google].

But once these people come into positions of significant authority, antagonists start looking at their papers and find the plagiarism.
With students today using AI to write their papers for them, plagiarism is a thing of the past.
Write a paper on late 18th century romantic poets …..Done
That's what happens when you give someone a position they aren't qualified for.

If you have someone that can't get a posistion on their own, and then say "well we're going to give you the position because of your skin color" you're still getting someone unqualified.

"Oh you can't pass flight school and unable to fly a plane because you lack ambition and intelligence? That's ok, you're black come on in".

What's worse is this kind of action results in even worse people because it emboldens them to think they are black so they can just do anything they want and not worry about it.

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