'BLAMER And Chief' Blames MEDIA For Empowering ISIS

"The Obama White House is giving ISIS a 45 minute warning before bombing their oil tankers by dropping leaflets advising potential jihadists to flee before air strikes in Syria.

White House Gave ISIS 45 Minute Warning Before Bombing Oil Tankers

Obama warning his brothers in Jihad


The US government would notify the NORTH VIETNEMESE ATC Controllers when bombers were coming north, what airspaces / air routes they were using, and in what area their targets were. Of course, as a result, by the time the bombers got there they bombed empty spots on the ground.

Hey Barry, the 1960s & 70s called - they want their policies and war strategies back!

The Pentagon admitted Obama supports ISIS and Jihad
Link? Oh right, you made that up of course.

No, the Pentagon said so

“...there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist Principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran).”

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it as many times as it takes for the naive, largely aloof American public to catch on: the quote excerpted above is the smoking gun when it comes to Washington’s ISIS “strategy.”

Note that no tin foil hats or conspiracy theories are needed. The passage shown above is from a 2012 declassified Pentagon report on the situation in Syria (you can read it in full here). What it says is that US intelligence was well aware of the possibility that Sunni extremists working to destabilize the Assad government might move to establish a proto-state in eastern Syria based around orthodox, ultra-conservative, Sunni Islam. It also says “the supporting powers to the opposition” (i.e. the US, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey) would be delighted with such an outcome as it would “isolate” Assad on the way to dealing a strategic death blow to Iran’s Shiite crescent (i.e. Tehran’s regional ambitions). That’s the only possible interpretation of the quote shown above and it’s completely consistent with the information contained in a leaked diplomatic cable sent in 2006 by acting Deputy Chief of Mission in Syria William Roebuck which contained the following “advice” on how to go about destabilizing the Assad government:

PLAY ON SUNNI FEARS OF IRANIAN INFLUENCE: There are fears in Syria that the Iranians are active in both Shia proselytizing and conversion of, mostly poor, Sunnis. Though often exaggerated, such fears reflect an element of the Sunni community in Syria that is increasingly upset by and focused on the spread of Iranian influence in their country through activities ranging from mosque construction to business. Both the local Egyptian and Saudi missions here, (as well as prominent Syrian Sunni religious leaders), are giving increasing attention to the matter and we should coordinate more closely with their governments on ways to better publicize and focus regional attention on the issue. "

ISIS Coverup: US Centcom Accused Of Lying To President, Congress, Public About Airstrikes, Ground Fight | Zero Hedge

Time to reorder those Hope N Change kneepads, Fluffer
Exactly what part of this did you miss? Oh right, all of it.

ISIS Coverup: US Centcom Accused Of Lying To President, Congress, Public About Airstrikes, Ground Fight | Zero Hedge
Let's, for the sake of argument, suggest global warming is real. What is a bigger threat to people, one that is an immediate threat? Or a threat that might possibly show up decades down the line?

This seems like a no brainer. Especially considering the global warming threat was supposed to have occurred multiple times by now with no results. We're there coastal flooding in the 90s? We're they flooded by 2010 after they were revised?

How long do we wait for this coming apocalypse before we recognize it's not coming?
4. The United States recognizes the sovereign right of the Government of Iraq to request the departure of the United States Forces from Iraq at any time The Government of Iraq recognizes the sovereign right of the United States to withdraw the United States Forces from Iraq at any time.


It is an agreement between ALLIES, not an 'occupier' and the 'occupied'. It says Iraq, as a sovereign nation, has the right to ask the US to withdraw all of its troops and to leave should they want the US to do so, no matter what they had agreed to previously. It also means despite having promised / guaranteed it would keep forces in country, the US could pull out - withdraw - its forces at any time.
had we left the Iraqi government alone and minded our own business rather than overthrowing Saddam, ISIS would have never had the opportunity to form, much less grow.

like Powell said "you'll own it"
Except Iraq was Liberated....by the blood and sacrifice of our military.
The War was WON - Obama said so and began to withdraw our troops.
He was entrusted with a victory and a liberated Iraq...and F*ed it UP!
He FAILED to safeguard what was entrusted to him.
Obama ARMED ISIS from Benghazi.
Obama spent MILLIONS on supplying, arming, and even TRAINING terrorists for ISIS.
He made excuses for them ('JV Team') then did NOTHING while they flowed into Iraq and took over much of the country our military had liberated.

And after his HUMILIATING WORLD-WIDE EMBARASSING COWARDLY BACKING DOWN of his infamous SYRIAN RED LINE that he tried to blame on the whole world (a world that laughed at him for trying to do so) that STUCK IN HIS CRAW, Obama has been OBSESSED with ASSAD!

The time to take down Assad was RIGHT THEN....but he F*ed up and lost his chance. He has waited until Russia / Putin stepped in, built a base, brought in thousands of troops, planes, and weapons. He has waited until Iran sent troops into Syria to protect Assad. He waited until after Putin / Russia destroyed the 'rebels' with whom he was waging his proxy war against Assad.

While focusing on Assad (and facilitating Illegal Immigration at home):
ISIS moved into Iraq
20 US Embassies were simultaneously attacked, 4 overrun
4 Americans were killed abroad
Americans were repeatedly attacked and killed at home

While he patted himself on the back and praised his (FAILED 'incomplete') foreign policy and strategy of 'containing' ISIS - and after proclaiming he had done so - over 150 people were murdered in Paris and almost as many were wounded. From somewhere deep within his own reality, Obama responded to these attacks by calling them a 'set-back', mock the American people's valid concerns, and vows to continue what, only in HIS mind' he considers a 'winning strategy' against ISIS WHILE pursuing what HE feels to be the REAL threat - a very well protected Assad.

Despite reality, 'Don Quixote' Obama has decided Assad is his 'windmill', and nothing is going to change it.

If the war was won, why did President Bush have to sign a SOFA with the Iraqis before the end of 2008 that left no doubt as to when our military had to leave?

When punishment for Syrian's use of Chemical weapons was on the table, how many Republican's voted for strikes against them?

Like Japan during WWII in desperation using suicide bombers, ISIS is losing ground and will continue to lose ground and the only thing they will be able to do is strike at soft targets and kill innocent people with radically stupid people willing to kill themselves.
W allowed Obabble a shot at being a tough negotiator. Wrong.
This alone shows that you are not qualified for rational debate.
One can kill hundreds, and the other hundreds of millions. It's math, dumbass.
One is real. The other...a theory.
Both are real, deal with it.

This is why you are unqualified for rational debate. There is a higher chance of the demon Moloch rising from the netherworld than global warming.
The vast majority of scientists, with minds far more rational than yours, disagree. Just because you cannot imagine or deal with the future doesn't mean the rest of us are that stupid.

And here's a rationality test for you. ISIS captures you and your 12-year-old twins, a son and a daughter. You must pick a child to go free or all of you are prisoners for life. The son they will likely work to death in a year, and the daughter they will rape daily but promise to release in two years. Pick one?

kill the captors and free my children rather then play their sick games.

That's the problem with asking for rational responses from false dichotomies, going along with the false choice, by definition, is irrational.

The very fact that you need to appeal to fallacies reinforces my point, you aren't qualified for rational debate.
"The Obama White House is giving ISIS a 45 minute warning before bombing their oil tankers by dropping leaflets advising potential jihadists to flee before air strikes in Syria.

“Get out of your trucks now, and run away from them. Warning: air strikes are coming. Oil trucks will be destroyed. Get away from your oil trucks immediately. Do not risk your life,” the leaflet reads."

White House Gave ISIS 45 Minute Warning Before Bombing Oil Tankers

Obama warning his brothers in Jihad
I saw this on the news. Obama really is a pantywaist and a complete moron.
One can kill hundreds, and the other hundreds of millions. It's math, dumbass.
One is real. The other...a theory.
Both are real, deal with it.

This is why you are unqualified for rational debate. There is a higher chance of the demon Moloch rising from the netherworld than global warming.
The vast majority of scientists, with minds far more rational than yours, disagree. Just because you cannot imagine or deal with the future doesn't mean the rest of us are that stupid.

And here's a rationality test for you. ISIS captures you and your 12-year-old twins, a son and a daughter. You must pick a child to go free or all of you are prisoners for life. The son they will likely work to death in a year, and the daughter they will rape daily but promise to release in two years. Pick one?

kill the captors and free my children rather then play their sick games.

That's the problem with asking for rational responses from false dichotomies, going along with the false choice, by definition, is irrational.

The very fact that you need to appeal to fallacies reinforces my point, you aren't qualified for rational debate.
As expected, you lack the ability to be rational.
One is real. The other...a theory.
Both are real, deal with it.

This is why you are unqualified for rational debate. There is a higher chance of the demon Moloch rising from the netherworld than global warming.
The vast majority of scientists, with minds far more rational than yours, disagree. Just because you cannot imagine or deal with the future doesn't mean the rest of us are that stupid.

And here's a rationality test for you. ISIS captures you and your 12-year-old twins, a son and a daughter. You must pick a child to go free or all of you are prisoners for life. The son they will likely work to death in a year, and the daughter they will rape daily but promise to release in two years. Pick one?

kill the captors and free my children rather then play their sick games.

That's the problem with asking for rational responses from false dichotomies, going along with the false choice, by definition, is irrational.

The very fact that you need to appeal to fallacies reinforces my point, you aren't qualified for rational debate.
As expected, you lack the ability to be rational.

So you think it's irrational to accept a fallacy?

Do you even know what being rational is? By definition using fallacies is the exact opposite of rational thought
Both are real, deal with it.

This is why you are unqualified for rational debate. There is a higher chance of the demon Moloch rising from the netherworld than global warming.
The vast majority of scientists, with minds far more rational than yours, disagree. Just because you cannot imagine or deal with the future doesn't mean the rest of us are that stupid.

And here's a rationality test for you. ISIS captures you and your 12-year-old twins, a son and a daughter. You must pick a child to go free or all of you are prisoners for life. The son they will likely work to death in a year, and the daughter they will rape daily but promise to release in two years. Pick one?

kill the captors and free my children rather then play their sick games.

That's the problem with asking for rational responses from false dichotomies, going along with the false choice, by definition, is irrational.

The very fact that you need to appeal to fallacies reinforces my point, you aren't qualified for rational debate.
As expected, you lack the ability to be rational.

So you think it's irrational to accept a fallacy?

Do you even know what being rational is? By definition using fallacies is the exact opposite of rational thought
There is no fallacy there. It's Sophie's Choice, that you were unable to make. Here's another:

Trolley problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your inability to answer simple questions marks you as irrational. That was not a hard question to answer, for a rational person. The same with option A you save five people and option B, two. Knowing nothing else, do you pick A or B?
Last edited:
had we left the Iraqi government alone and minded our own business rather than overthrowing Saddam, ISIS would have never had the opportunity to form, much less grow.

like Powell said "you'll own it"
Except Iraq was Liberated....by the blood and sacrifice of our military.
The War was WON - Obama said so and began to withdraw our troops.
He was entrusted with a victory and a liberated Iraq...and F*ed it UP!
He FAILED to safeguard what was entrusted to him.
Obama ARMED ISIS from Benghazi.
Obama spent MILLIONS on supplying, arming, and even TRAINING terrorists for ISIS.
He made excuses for them ('JV Team') then did NOTHING while they flowed into Iraq and took over much of the country our military had liberated.

And after his HUMILIATING WORLD-WIDE EMBARASSING COWARDLY BACKING DOWN of his infamous SYRIAN RED LINE that he tried to blame on the whole world (a world that laughed at him for trying to do so) that STUCK IN HIS CRAW, Obama has been OBSESSED with ASSAD!

The time to take down Assad was RIGHT THEN....but he F*ed up and lost his chance. He has waited until Russia / Putin stepped in, built a base, brought in thousands of troops, planes, and weapons. He has waited until Iran sent troops into Syria to protect Assad. He waited until after Putin / Russia destroyed the 'rebels' with whom he was waging his proxy war against Assad.

While focusing on Assad (and facilitating Illegal Immigration at home):
ISIS moved into Iraq
20 US Embassies were simultaneously attacked, 4 overrun
4 Americans were killed abroad
Americans were repeatedly attacked and killed at home

While he patted himself on the back and praised his (FAILED 'incomplete') foreign policy and strategy of 'containing' ISIS - and after proclaiming he had done so - over 150 people were murdered in Paris and almost as many were wounded. From somewhere deep within his own reality, Obama responded to these attacks by calling them a 'set-back', mock the American people's valid concerns, and vows to continue what, only in HIS mind' he considers a 'winning strategy' against ISIS WHILE pursuing what HE feels to be the REAL threat - a very well protected Assad.

Despite reality, 'Don Quixote' Obama has decided Assad is his 'windmill', and nothing is going to change it.

If the war was won, why did President Bush have to sign a SOFA with the Iraqis before the end of 2008 that left no doubt as to when our military had to leave?
Generally at the successful conclusions of wars there is a treaty signed. Or did you miss that one?
Where is Obama's treaty on Afghanistan, btw? You know, the "good war"? The one he committed thousnds of troops to in a surge that mirrored the one Bush did that Obama opposed?
"The Obama White House is giving ISIS a 45 minute warning before bombing their oil tankers by dropping leaflets advising potential jihadists to flee before air strikes in Syria.

“Get out of your trucks now, and run away from them. Warning: air strikes are coming. Oil trucks will be destroyed. Get away from your oil trucks immediately. Do not risk your life,” the leaflet reads."

White House Gave ISIS 45 Minute Warning Before Bombing Oil Tankers

Obama warning his brothers in Jihad
I saw this on the news. Obama really is a pantywaist and a complete moron.

and you're a broken record stuck on stupid ...
It wasn't so much deposing Saddam but the policies implemented (or lack thereof) after he was gone. As the occupying power they failed miserably at governing the country they conquered, leading to the civil war, with porous borders that allowed foreign terrorist in to form al Qaeda in Iraq.

What a Liberal DONK! When you remain in the country after liberating an until-then 'enslaved' nation AT THE REQUEST OF THAT NATION - asking you to help provide security, training, and help getting on their feet, and going YOU ARE NOT AN 'OCCUPYING POWER', which insinuates you are imposing your will on the host nation! You are ALLIES, partners, WORKING TOGETHER!

See, that's some Barry SENIOR bullshite right there! That's some Barak Hussein Senior Anti-Colonialist BS coming out in your post. Barry Sr, like Barry Jr, believes the US was evil, a 'colonialist' nation - like Britain granted was. He thought the US is ONLY great because we conquered other nations and then pillaged their wealth and resources. That is exactly what is implied by the choice of your words. WORDS MATTER. If you feel the US is evil, that we invaded Iraq to impose or will on them, that we are 'occupiers', speaking on behalf of myself and many of my brothers and sisters who went through some hell over there to help liberate the Iraqi people


We were the occupying power in Germany and Japan too,

Look in to SCR 1483


Noting the letter of 8 May 2003 from the Permanent Representatives of the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the President of the Security Council (S/2003/538) and recognizing the specific authorities, responsibilities, and obligations under applicable international law of these states as occupying powers under unified command (the “Authority”),.

As the occupying power the Bush administration simply didn't fulfill the responsibilities, and obligations necessary to keep Iraq functioning as a country and it descended into a Civil War. The consequences of that war are still with us today.
It wasn't so much deposing Saddam but the policies implemented (or lack thereof) after he was gone. As the occupying power they failed miserably at governing the country they conquered, leading to the civil war, with porous borders that allowed foreign terrorist in to form al Qaeda in Iraq.

What a Liberal DONK! When you remain in the country after liberating an until-then 'enslaved' nation AT THE REQUEST OF THAT NATION - asking you to help provide security, training, and help getting on their feet, and going YOU ARE NOT AN 'OCCUPYING POWER', which insinuates you are imposing your will on the host nation! You are ALLIES, partners, WORKING TOGETHER!

See, that's some Barry SENIOR bullshite right there! That's some Barak Hussein Senior Anti-Colonialist BS coming out in your post. Barry Sr, like Barry Jr, believes the US was evil, a 'colonialist' nation - like Britain granted was. He thought the US is ONLY great because we conquered other nations and then pillaged their wealth and resources. That is exactly what is implied by the choice of your words. WORDS MATTER. If you feel the US is evil, that we invaded Iraq to impose or will on them, that we are 'occupiers', speaking on behalf of myself and many of my brothers and sisters who went through some hell over there to help liberate the Iraqi people


We were the occupying power in Germany and Japan too,

Look in to SCR 1483


Noting the letter of 8 May 2003 from the Permanent Representatives of the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the President of the Security Council (S/2003/538) and recognizing the specific authorities, responsibilities, and obligations under applicable international law of these states as occupying powers under unified command (the “Authority”),.

As the occupying power the Bush administration simply didn't fulfill the responsibilities, and obligations necessary to keep Iraq functioning as a country and it descended into a Civil War. The consequences of that war are still with us today.
Bush was out of office. What did Obama do to fix that? Yeah, nothing. He cut and run. And that is according to 2 Sec Defs.
"The Obama White House is giving ISIS a 45 minute warning before bombing their oil tankers by dropping leaflets advising potential jihadists to flee before air strikes in Syria.

“Get out of your trucks now, and run away from them. Warning: air strikes are coming. Oil trucks will be destroyed. Get away from your oil trucks immediately. Do not risk your life,” the leaflet reads."

White House Gave ISIS 45 Minute Warning Before Bombing Oil Tankers

Obama warning his brothers in Jihad
I saw this on the news. Obama really is a pantywaist and a complete moron.

and you're a broken record stuck on stupid ...
I wonder if ISIS would send Obama a warning note before bombing the WH?
and you're a broken record stuck on stupid ...

Dear Jonathon Gruber, your 15 minutes of fame are up. Despite your and Obama's deepest wish, the American people are not 'stupid', the jig is up, and Obama has been proven to be a lair, failure, and traitor.

The Liberal-Progressive experiment of having an Anti-Colonialis US-hating Muslim-sired, communist-tutored, socialist-studying, racist hate-spewing anti-American 'pastor'-mentored, criminal-associated (Rezco), domestic-terrorist befriending, Islamic Sympathizing, Communit Organizer way over his head as President has ended in corruption, scandal, failure, Constitution/Law-violations and treason.

Don't let the door hit ya, where Allah split ya! Buh-bye!

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