BLM bails out man who attempted to assassinate a political candidate

Alternate facts. No responsible adult supports crime at home, except criminals. Is Kerry still alive? If so, not very relevant. It is a shame you are so afraid.
This is interesting. Do you believe all Democrats what you dead?
I have asked some on social media ...if you could get away with it would you kill or imprison all conservatives? Many have said hell yeah.
I have asked some on social media ...if you could get away with it would you kill or imprison all conservatives? Many have said hell yeah.
Oh, geeze, that proves it. You might try staying off social media...
I knew the outrage was race. Just thought I would give you the benefit of a doubt. I really have not thought this through so this is a good time for me to learn something. Why do we have a bail system? What is the objective of setting bail for a person who has committed a violent crime? Is it to ensure the person will show up for trial, public safety? If a guy that has a job and rich parents that will bail him out more worthy of being out of jail?
Admit it. You're a race baiting criminal lover.
Oh, geeze, that proves it. You might try staying off social media...
It proves nothing other than you are part of the problem. This shooter should have been filled with lead.
Alternate facts. No responsible adult supports crime at home, except criminals. Is Kerry still alive? If so, not very relevant. It is a shame you are so afraid.
Alternate facts? What the hell does that mean?

Translation: We do not take responsibility for anything while at the same time wanting to keep power, much like the press and Biden saying Trump was responsible for all the Covid deaths while he was President and ignoring the deaths from Covid that far exceed the number under Trump while Diaper Joe is President, and that is with a vaccine

I submit that the DNC lives in an alternate universe as voters need to send them there come November.
Not at all, just the ones in politics.D

Did all Germans who voted for Hitler want everyone dead?

That is one of those hard questions to answer, but either way, what does it matter because you have the same outcome?

The 21-year-old activist charged with trying to murder a Kentucky mayoral candidate has been released from jail after his $100,000 bond was posted by a bail fund supported by the local Black Lives Matter chapter.

This is true insurrection, true anti-democracy and not the made up fairy tale land democrats live in, yet the democrats bail him out to kill again.
The Left wants to destroy democracy all in the name of race baiting.
What does this guy have to do with you voting?
I knew the outrage was race. Just thought I would give you the benefit of a doubt. I really have not thought this through so this is a good time for me to learn something. Why do we have a bail system? What is the objective of setting bail for a person who has committed a violent crime? Is it to ensure the person will show up for trial, public safety? If a guy that has a job and rich parents that will bail him out more worthy of being out of jail?
Not enough lawyers or prison cells and, well… money.
You tell me.

They support crime at home as we see from this story.

Trump signs a peace deal in the Middle East that John Kerry said was impossible and seem to foster violence and chaos abroad when they are in power.

They support abortion in every circumstance and want us all to pay for it. In fact, in New York City alone there have been more black abortions than births.

They support encouraging immigrants to make the dangerous journey to the US, while releasing violent felons into sanctuary cities with impunity.

They now teach children about being a different gender as gender confusion has shot up some 4000% since being taught in schools and with suicide rates among children increasing.

They promote reckless spending that has helped cause mass inflation which is hardest on the poor as they then turn a blind eye to the black on black violence in major cities, all run by democrats.

The democrat party is a human wrecking ball of humanity. Do they mean to be or is it intentional?

That is the only question.

When Biden spends 8 trillion like Trump let us know.

The BLM GoFundMe for his bail received a sizable contribution from some guy named Trudeau who lives in Canada.


And gofundme set up a donation for bail for that ape that ran over and killed 6 people at a parade. Remember him?

Remember that ape? The ape's name is darrell brooks.

Oh yeah, and that ape was out on bond for running over his girlfriend.

Darrell Brooks ‘tried to kill’ ex-girlfriend weeks before Waukesha parade
By Emily Crane and Reuven Fenton

November 24, 2021 | 1:14pm

Yes and prosecutor and courts received overwhelming pressure to lower his bail so the ape could be free.

BLM is a violent racist hate group.
The corporations and people who support them should be condemned and boycotted.
NFL, NBA, IBM, Microsoft, Reddit.....and many others
Micah Xavier Johnson who assassinated 5 Dallas policemen was a BLM enthusiast.
Darrell Brooks who is accused of murdering 6 Christmas Day parade marchers is a BLM enthusiast.

Ole' Joe, Cameltoe, and many other senior Democratic leaders are regular donors to the BLM bail release program for these misunderstood victims of society who run over people, murder Asians, and attempt to assassinate politicians.

It's easy to do when you have a crack pipe slush fund to draw from.


No wonder you guys are such cowardly racist. I really, truly just realized this. I always thought racist were afraid of dark people sharing the benefits of our society. I didnt realize they were trying to kill us. You guys are precious.
is the black guy in this story a racist for trying to murder a white person?

GoFundMe and BLM are terrorist organizations funding terrorism at the behest of progressive Democratic politicians.


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