blm founder threating riots in new york again

Of course you have.

Because all the white racists just disappeared into thin air. Pretty sure most Jewish folks don't feel threatened by black folks. When I was growing up the myth was white women were the target of black men.

Pretty sure most Jewish folks don't feel threatened by black folks.

Are you kidding?

Blacks have murdered and rioted in Jewish neighborhoods, specifically under the provocation of al know, barak obama's good friend...

Are you speaking of Crown Heights?
Pretty sure most Jewish folks don't feel threatened by black folks.

Are you kidding?

Blacks have murdered and rioted in Jewish neighborhoods, specifically under the provocation of al know, barak obama's good friend...

Are you speaking of Crown Heights?

In Williamsburg, there were three separate attacks on Orthodox Jews within the last few days. The article doesn't give a description of the lowlife scumbags, so the odds they are black.

Here’s another attack on Orthodox Jews from November, and once again, the media doesn't give a description of the lowlife.

And who could forget the knock.-out game, in which young blacks targeted Jews?

Well as for the kkk what is left with is in pockets in the south, i been trying to find out today how many is left. by 2016 ther were only 3.000 members and maybe 28 little groups of them. sence it has been 6 years it probably went down to about just over 2000 by now and just 20 groups by now and i would call just a supreme group from what i read they go after anyone dont kiss ther butts . just like blm. the kkk get arrested all the time. the white cops and fbi send it spys all the time and they stop them from trying to burn crossesand kill people. they get lists of who ever is i nthe groups. so they can watch them. if anything black people out to kiss white cops for saving there lives from these fools.

check out this article :

you blacks better be prasing the whiote cops and fbi for saving your asses.
Are you speaking of Crown Heights?

In Williamsburg, there were three separate attacks on Orthodox Jews within the last few days. The article doesn't give a description of the lowlife scumbags, so the odds they are black.

So since they don't say who did it, you AssUMe they are black. White folks would never do anything like that.
So since they don't say who did it, you AssUMe they are black. White folks would never do anything like that.
I said the odds are they are black, and that’s because 1) they only described the assailant as a male, and the media tends to hide the face when the thug is black, and 2) historically, the attacks on Orthodox Jews in NY have been committed by blacks.
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That's a lie, all you have to do is watch the nightly news.

Based on what? Your dumbass opinion.
Please. It’s common knowledge that the elderly Orthodox Jews being attacked are by blacks. Your denial isn’t going to solve the problem.
Show me Lisa how all the attacks on Orthodox Jews have been done by black folks.
I’m not going to spend any more effort to demonstrate that Orthodox Jews are being disproportionately attacked - and viciously - by blacks. It’s simple statistics. Your denying that blacks are committing a disproportionate amount of violent crime - not just against the Jews, but in general - is the type of blinders that keep the problem going.

Grow up and admit that there is a serious problem among lower-income blacks instead of either denying it, or, as Democrats tend to do, blame society.
Please. It’s common knowledge that the elderly Orthodox Jews being attacked are by blacks. Your denial isn’t going to solve the problem.
What is common knowledge is that every year whites commit more assaults and hate crimes as recorded in the UCR.
I’m not going to spend any more effort to demonstrate that Orthodox Jews are being disproportionately attacked - and viciously - by blacks. It’s simple statistics. Your denying that blacks are committing a disproportionate amount of violent crime - not just against the Jews, but in general - is the type of blinders that keep the problem going.
Where did I deny anything and if the statistics are so simple, post them.
Grow up and admit that there is a serious problem among lower-income blacks instead of either denying it, or, as Democrats tend to do, blame society.
Grow up? I am pretty sure I was grown long before you were born judging from your weak ass posts. There are a lot of reasons for the problems among lower-income black folks, some self-inflicted and some not.
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Where did I deny anything and if the statistics are so simple, post them.

Just read the news.

Grow up? I am pretty sure I was grown long before you were born judging from your weak ass posts. There are a lot of reasons for the problems among lower-income black folks, some self-inflicted and some not.

Well at least you admitted some are self-inflicted. Now we are getting somewhere. What have low-income blacks done to themselves that have created their own problems?
I’m not going to spend any more effort to demonstrate that Orthodox Jews are being disproportionately attacked - and viciously - by blacks. It’s simple statistics. Your denying that blacks are committing a disproportionate amount of violent crime - not just against the Jews, but in general - is the type of blinders that keep the problem going.

Grow up and admit that there is a serious problem among lower-income blacks instead of either denying it, or, as Democrats tend to do, blame society.
That is because you can't. And blacks aren't disproportionately committing anything. This racist lie is what keeps the problem going.

Blacks get all the blame for crime and it is not justified. In 2020, Whites were 51 percent of the offenders for all crimes committed in America. 54 percent of the crimes against persons was committed by a white offender. Whites committed most of the property crime (42%) and crimes against society (65%). Seven out of every 10 arrests for crimes in America is on someone white. Whites have a history of criminal behavior that started at the very beginning of this country. Whites have elected numerous criminals to make laws in this country. Whites organized crime and made it a corporate business. Whites control the manufacturing, shipment, and distribution of drugs in this country. Whites made the two of most destructive drugs legal creating millions of addicted citizens, I am talking about alcohol and nicotine. Whites have embezzled and scammed people out of life savings to the tune of trillions in the years America has been a country. Whites control the manufacturing, shipping, sales, and distribution of deadly weapons in this country.

It's time YOU grew up and faced the real problem-white crime and violence.
How about you get somewhere and post those simple statistics.
We are working on solving blacks’ problems committing a disproportionate amount of violent crime. We have all seen the stats, so don’t play stupid.

Hint: there is ONE change blacks could make that would easily reduce their problems by half in 20 years. Care to wager a guess?

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