blm founder threating riots in new york again

Just read the news.

Well at least you admitted some are self-inflicted. Now we are getting somewhere. What have low-income blacks done to themselves that have created their own problems?
We do read the news. Those were blacks that beat up that Jewish man in Florida. And blacks didn't commit the holocaust.

The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racist. Everything else springs from there.

“Bryant-Davis and Ocampo (2005) noted similar courses of psychopathology between rape victims and victims of racism. Both events are an assault on the personhood and integrity of the victim. Similar to rape victims, race-related trauma victims may respond with disbelief, shock, or dissociation, which can prevent them from responding to the incident in a healthy manner. The victim may then feel shame and self-blame because they were unable to respond or defend themselves, which may lead to low self-concept and self-destructive behaviors. In the same study, a parallel was drawn between race-related trauma victims and victims of domestic violence. Both survivors are made to feel shame over allowing themselves to be victimized. For instance, someone who may have experienced a racist incident may be told that if they are polite, work hard, and/or dress in a certain way, they will not encounter racism. When these rules are followed yet racism persists, powerlessness, hyper vigilance, and other symptoms associated with PTSD may develop or worsen (Bryant-Davis & Ocampo, 2005).”

“On occasion, the emotional weight of racism can lead African Americans to engage in maladaptive coping, such as remaining in denial, engaging in substance use, aggression, self-blame – even in extreme cases suicide (i.e., Black Lives Matter activist Marshawn McCarrel) and terrorism (i.e., Dallas shooter Micah Xavier Johnson). These responses are harmful and lead to negative, long-term consequences.”

Findings from large-scale national studies indicate that, while African Americans have a lower risk for many anxiety disorders, they have a 9.1% prevalence rate for PTSD, compared to 6.8% in Whites (Himle et al, 2009). That means that almost one in ten Black people becomes traumatized, and I think these rates may actually be higher since diagnosticians are usually not considering the role of racism in causing trauma (Malcoun, Williams, & Bahojb-Nouri, 2015).

“Racism and associated trauma and violence contribute to mental health disorders, particularly depression, anxiety and PTSD, and chronic health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, maternal mortality/infant mortality and morbidity in African Americans. Racism is considered a fundamental cause of adverse health outcomes for racial/ethnic minorities and racial/ethnic inequities in health. The primary domains of racism - structural/institutional racism, cultural racism, and individual-level discrimination— are linked to mental and physical health outcomes. Racism and violence targeting a specific community is increasingly associated with complex trauma and intergenerational trauma, all of which have physical and behavioral health consequences.”

Ryan C.T. DeLapp, MA, and Monnica T. Williams, Ph.D., “Proactively Coping With Racism, Getting back to our lives in the aftermath of racial violence in the media.”, July 18, 2016, www.psychologytoday,com

Dennis R. Upkins, Denying Racism And Other Forms Of Gaslighting, Aug 24, 2016, Mental Health Matters, derived from: Denying Racism And Other Forms Of Gaslighting - MHM

Mayo Clinic-Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - Symptoms and causes

Trauma, Racism, Chronic Stress and the Health of Black Americans, Compilation by the SAMHSA Office of Behavioral Health Equity, June 3, 2020, SAMHSA OBHE 6.3.20.pdf

Geronimus, A. T., Hicken, M., Keene, D., & Bound, J. (2006). "Weathering" and age patterns of allostatic load scores among blacks and whites in the United States. American journal of public health, 96(5), 826–833. The American Journal of Public Health (AJPH) from the American Public Health Association (APHA) publications

Lukachko, Alicia & Hatzenbuehler, Mark & Keyes, Katherine. (2014). Structural racism and myocardial infarction in the United States. Social science & medicine (1982). 103. 42-50. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2013.07.021.
We are working on solving blacks’ problems committing a disproportionate amount of violent crime. We have all seen the stats, so don’t play stupid.

Hint: there is ONE change blacks could make that would easily reduce their problems by half in 20 years. Care to wager a guess?
Yes we have and that's why you can't show them.
Yes we have and that's why you can't show them.
See the problem is, she follows the right wing talking points. Once you take those away she is left with nothing, because she doesn't research nothing for herself, she is just regurgitating what she heard on Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson or one of those other clowns.
Uh the correct answer would be, WHITES. How many black families do you know of personally that are not intact?
I don’t have to know them personally. Statistically, 73% of black babies are born out of wedlock. Or at you going to insist that there is no problem with the lack of intact black families, and that alone correlates with the higher crime rate?

As far as most crime being from whites, DUH….whites are the majority. But you will continue to have a real problem if you can’t acknowledge that about 7% of the population is committing half of all violent crime.
See the problem is, she follows the right wing talking points. Once you take those away she is left with nothing, because she doesn't research nothing for herself, she is just regurgitating what she heard on Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson or one of those other clowns.
Oh, and the high OOW birthrate among blacks is a right-wing talking point? It’s actually the major cause of problems among low-income blacks. Your denial of the facts isn’t going to help your brethren.
I don’t have to know them personally. Statistically, 73% of black babies are born out of wedlock. Or at you going to insist that there is no problem with the lack of intact black families, and that alone correlates with the higher crime rate?
Let me educate you a little bit Lisa, I see you are young and don't have a clue to some things that are going on. Do you know that if the mother and father aren't married, but the father lives in the household with the mother and children the Gov't still list the family as a single mother family. Did you know that? See in many cases the father lives in the home, they are a family, they just aren't married. So be careful when you throw that statistic out there.
As far as most crime being from whites, DUH….whites are the majority.
Hmmm, so they commit the most crime.
But you will continue to have a real problem if you can’t acknowledge that about 7% of the population is committing half of all violent crime.
7% of the population is not committing half of the violent crime, your numbers are false.
Damn Lisa what happened? I thought you were going to show us the statistics.
Excuuuuuse me, but I was busy with something else this evening.

OK, I came across the source that, while perhaps rubbing you the wrong way because it is titled “white privilege isn’t real,” does provide charts from reliable official sources. If you look at it, you will note two vital points:

1) That blacks commit violent crimes at 3x the rate they “should,” based on their percentage in the population. (Since they are 13% of the population, they “should” commit 13% of the crime, but it’s triple that.)

2) This high crime rate is attributed to the breakdown in the black family unit, in which 72% of black babies are born to a single mother. This is correlated with lower incomes, which in turn is correlated with higher crime.

It is a VERY reasonable conclusion that if blacks were to reduce the high OOW rate, we would see massive improvements in educational attainment, incomes, and crime (all three of which are related).

NOW…..try to debate like a mensch (look it up if you don’t know) and refrain from the usual liberal tactics of insults.

Excuuuuuse me, but I was busy with something else this evening.

OK, I came across the source that, while perhaps rubbing you the wrong way because it is titled “white privilege isn’t real,” does provide charts from reliable official sources. If you look at it, you will note two vital points:

1) That blacks commit violent crimes at 3x the rate they “should,” based on their percentage in the population. (Since they are 13% of the population, they “should” commit 13% of the crime, but it’s triple that.)

2) This high crime rate is attributed to the breakdown in the black family unit, in which 72% of black babies are born to a single mother. This is correlated with lower incomes, which in turn is correlated with higher crime.

It is a VERY reasonable conclusion that if blacks were to reduce the high OOW rate, we would see massive improvements in educational attainment, incomes, and crime (all three of which are related).

NOW…..try to debate like a mensch (look it up if you don’t know) and refrain from the usual liberal tactics of insults.

exactly black on black crim is the worse.
Excuuuuuse me, but I was busy with something else this evening.

OK, I came across the source that, while perhaps rubbing you the wrong way because it is titled “white privilege isn’t real,” does provide charts from reliable official sources. If you look at it, you will note two vital points:

1) That blacks commit violent crimes at 3x the rate they “should,” based on their percentage in the population. (Since they are 13% of the population, they “should” commit 13% of the crime, but it’s triple that.)

2) This high crime rate is attributed to the breakdown in the black family unit, in which 72% of black babies are born to a single mother. This is correlated with lower incomes, which in turn is correlated with higher crime.

It is a VERY reasonable conclusion that if blacks were to reduce the high OOW rate, we would see massive improvements in educational attainment, incomes, and crime (all three of which are related).

NOW…..try to debate like a mensch (look it up if you don’t know) and refrain from the usual liberal tactics of insults.

the black one fought the cops and whiteo ne is showing blacks how complying with the law works.
On top of that, I would add that

1) posting an example of one of the relatively rare instances in which cops were excessive (and, as you pointed out, it almost always happens because the black man is being defiant) is no answer to the fact that blacks are committing violent crime at 3x the rate of whites

2) and that they could go a long way to reversing that if they would stop the excessIve illegitimate birth rate - which cannot be blamed on racism
white racists always get a pass, just like George Floyd "died of fentanyl" overdose.

Dylann Roof was exhausted after 16 hours on the run.
black racist are getting passes with blm to destroy cities all th etine, and that due was niot on the run, he fought the copd by the store he ws illegaly break t he law buy,. the other is a leanring lesson it showe how you comply. taker good look it is a lesson learned.

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