Bloomberg gonna try to rescue the Democrats by entering the race?

If you win the House, entire state legislatures, and red state Governor’s seats by losing your shit...I hope the DEMS keep on losing their shit....LOL
LOL losing seats in blue states like Connecticut,Massachusetts,Minnesota,Losing a seat you have held for SEVENTY YEARS in Kentucky is a good thing? BARELY MAYBE managed to beat literally the most unpopular governor in the country....
If you win the House, entire state legislatures, and red state Governor’s seats by losing your shit...I hope the DEMS keep on losing their shit....LOL
LOL losing seats in blue states like Connecticut,Massachusetts,Minnesota,Losing a seat you have held for SEVENTY YEARS in Kentucky is a good thing? BARELY MAYBE managed to beat literally the most unpopular governor in the country....

nice spin....
Does he see an opening. It would appear he does. Clearly thinks the wackos running are unelectable so he intends to rescue them?

Mike Bloomberg is preparing to enter the Democratic presidential primary
WHY NOT look at all the things he's not
it ain't fair. Trumpf has skeletons in every direction: dodged the draft, married several times cheated on all of his wives, bankrupted several companies, cheated contractors, lost billions of dollars, says he molests women when he feels like it, calls everyone names he doesn't like, talks stupid, generally behaves like a childish teenager. He's the antithesis of presidential. And he gets a pass on all that shit.

You've got a point, ed...

He'll never beat HIllary.

Well Trump lost the Popular vote... That is all they have...

As for Bloomberg, well he will only make himself look foolish... He has no chance...

all your crap came out long before the 2016 election, and he STILL got elected.

Why don't YOU take a hint.

Find someone that can beat him.

(HINT: that person hasn't announced yet)
You want to support a shithead ,,,be my guest I was taught better than supporting a POS like trump is


I didn't vote for him in 2016, I won't vote for him in 2020.

But, even YOU should be bright enough to see there is no one running currently able to beat him in the next election .
I think Biden has a good chance Anyone else I won't vote

I know better.

As long as someone in the race has a D behind their name, you'll vote for them.

You proved that in 2016
IDIOT I voted for GWB in 2000 and up till then I was a lifelong republican You've proved lots of things since I've known you None that prove you're too smart

Bull poo. You are a progressive through and through. And you always have been.
You want to support a shithead ,,,be my guest I was taught better than supporting a POS like trump is


I didn't vote for him in 2016, I won't vote for him in 2020.

But, even YOU should be bright enough to see there is no one running currently able to beat him in the next election .
I think Biden has a good chance Anyone else I won't vote

I know better.

As long as someone in the race has a D behind their name, you'll vote for them.

You proved that in 2016
IDIOT I voted for GWB in 2000 and up till then I was a lifelong republican You've proved lots of things since I've known you None that prove you're too smart

Bull poo. You are a progressive through and through. And you always have been.
you once again don't know what you're talking about
Does he see an opening. It would appear he does. Clearly thinks the wackos running are unelectable so he intends to rescue them?

Mike Bloomberg is preparing to enter the Democratic presidential primary
WHY NOT look at all the things he's not
it ain't fair. Trumpf has skeletons in every direction: dodged the draft, married several times cheated on all of his wives, bankrupted several companies, cheated contractors, lost billions of dollars, says he molests women when he feels like it, calls everyone names he doesn't like, talks stupid, generally behaves like a childish teenager. He's the antithesis of presidential. And he gets a pass on all that shit.

You've got a point, ed...

He'll never beat HIllary.

Well Trump lost the Popular vote... That is all they have...

As for Bloomberg, well he will only make himself look foolish... He has no chance...

Given the contenders, I would say he has just as good of a chance as any least for the Democrat nominee. Against Trump, you are correct, he can't hold a candle to him. But then again, who can?

I suspect the DNC is behind this some way. Russia collusion was a failure, so was attacking Kavanaugh his nominee. They don't talk much about quid pro quo's, so now it's bribery, which of course has no merit.

So how do we beat this billionaire businessman? We'll run our own billionaire businessman.
He may be rescuing the country. Trump has been a mess and most don't want to go way left.

If Trump has been a mess, let's all pray this country gets messier. Unfortunately, you leftists are unfamiliar with the old adage, if it's not broke--don't fix it.

all your crap came out long before the 2016 election, and he STILL got elected.

Why don't YOU take a hint.

Find someone that can beat him.

(HINT: that person hasn't announced yet)
You want to support a shithead ,,,be my guest I was taught better than supporting a POS like trump is


I didn't vote for him in 2016, I won't vote for him in 2020.

But, even YOU should be bright enough to see there is no one running currently able to beat him in the next election .
I think Biden has a good chance Anyone else I won't vote

I know better.

As long as someone in the race has a D behind their name, you'll vote for them.

You proved that in 2016
IDIOT I voted for GWB in 2000 and up till then I was a lifelong republican You've proved lots of things since I've known you None that prove you're too smart

Says the poster ignorant of punctuation.......
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—The former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg upended the 2020 Presidential race on Friday by offering Donald J. Trump ten billion dollars to leave the White House by the end of the day.

“I will deposit ten billion dollars into your account in Moscow, Riyadh, or wherever you do your banking these days,” Bloomberg announced. “All you have to do is go.”

In addition to the ten-billion-dollar offer, Bloomberg told Trump that he would cover the moving expenses of Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Kellyanne Conway, and any other associates “that you haven’t already gotten rid of.”

On Capitol Hill, congressional Democrats expressed sadness that Bloomberg’s offer, if successful, would eliminate the need for impeachment, which many of them had been looking forward to.

But Representative Adam Schiff of California struck a more philosophical note. “If ten billion dollars gets rid of Donald Trump, that’s a quid pro quo I’m okay with,” he said.

So sad. If the only way you can win a race is to think you can buy it, you belong to the most pathetic party on the planet.
He will make little noise. The question is, who is he trying to siphon votes from to ensure Biden wins?
How could the establishment still want to run Biden at this point? Do you really think they want trump up there grilling Biden about hunter and Ukraine? None of these people in the field are going to be the nominee, unless they’re able to get tulsi up. But she is a poor debater. Yeah she’ll say unconventional things to get noticed but she doesn’t speak well. She’s weak and trump would destroy her. The only one that I think could at least make a viable opponent would be Michelle. She’d be able to hold her own on the debate stage. But it still wouldn’t be enough.

Maybe, but politics aside, I think Tulsi is hot. These days, that might be enough for her to be a contender.
Bloomberg entering would make a way for Hillary to enter the race later down the road. If Bloomberg enters he will take Warren down a notch, but get nowhere in rallying a base, he's boring and unlike TRUMP he will not be interested in doing the hard work 24/7 that running as an outsider takes.

What could very easily happen is Bloomberg causes a big enough shift in the polls without gaining any traction, to justify Hillary entering the race.

They were talking about Blooming idiot on Fox the other night. It was said that he only has Friday to enter the race. After Friday, all bets are off. So the same applies to Hillary.

It's either shit or get off the pot as far as election rules are concerned.
Does he see an opening. It would appear he does. Clearly thinks the wackos running are unelectable so he intends to rescue them?

Mike Bloomberg is preparing to enter the Democratic presidential primary

I honestly am not impressed with Bloomberg. I prefer Elizabeth Warren and Bernie. I even would prefer Hillary, who I voted for last election, over Bloomberg. He doesn't seem to support socialized medicine or the Wealth Tax. I would even prefer Joe Biden over Bloomberg, Biden wants to improve upon Obamacare. I always thought Obamacare was a good stepping stone toward socialized medicine.
Does he see an opening. It would appear he does. Clearly thinks the wackos running are unelectable so he intends to rescue them?

Mike Bloomberg is preparing to enter the Democratic presidential primary

I honestly am not impressed with Bloomberg. I prefer Elizabeth Warren and Bernie. I even would prefer Hillary, who I voted for last election, over Bloomberg. He doesn't seem to support socialized medicine or the Wealth Tax. I would even prefer Joe Biden over Bloomberg, Biden wants to improve upon Obamacare. I always thought Obamacare was a good stepping stone toward socialized medicine.

Yep, and we felt you would at some point grow up and become an independent responsible adult, guess we were wrong.
We need to finish the job and ensure that Trump is defeated — but Mike is increasingly concerned that the current field of candidates is not well positioned to do that
Morning Consult ^ | November 10, 2019 | Eli Yokle

Bloomberg fares about as well as Warren, Sanders and Biden in hypothetical matchup against Trump.

25% of Democratic primary voters express unfavorable views of the billionaire, higher than any of the 15 candidates currently in the race.

A sliver of the Democratic electorate is ready for the presidential candidacy of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, according to a new Morning Consult poll, which found him to be as competitive as the party’s current top candidates against President Donald Trump in a hypothetical matchup.

According to the Nov. 8 poll, 4 percent of Democratic primary voters said the billionaire and former Republican would be their first choice for the party’s nomination to take on Trump next year — placing him above 10 candidates currently in the race.

Bloomberg’s initial entrance would do little to disrupt the current state of play, according to the national survey of 2,225 registered voters who indicated they may vote in the Democratic primary or caucus in their state, which had a margin of error of 2 percentage points. At 31 percent, former Vice President Joe Biden held his spot as the race’s front-runner, while Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), with 20 percent and 18 percent, respectively, continue to vie for second.

Bloomberg had initially ruled out a run for the Democratic nomination, but on Friday filed to be on the party’s primary ballot in Alabama, an initial step that would allow him to compete for one of 2020’s “Super Tuesday” states if he does enter the race.

As reports emerged Thursday that Bloomberg was reconsidering his decision not to run, adviser Howard Wolfson said on Twitter that the former New York City mayor “is increasingly concerned that the current field of candidates is not well positioned” to beat Trump.

The poll found that among voters overall, Bloomberg fares about as well as Warren, Sanders and Biden when matched up against Trump. Forty-three percent of voters nationwide said they would support Bloomberg in a hypothetical election, while 37 percent said they’d vote for the incumbent Republican, a 6-point advantage that matches Warren’s margin over Trump. But, 21 percent of voters said they were undecided, a larger share than in the other general-election matchups. The head-to-head matchups have a 3-point margin of error.

If he were to run, Bloomberg would enter the 2020 Democratic contest with higher name recognition among the party’s electorate than 11 current contenders, including fellow billionaire Tom Steyer of California. But Bloomberg does have baggage, with a quarter of likely Democratic primary voters expressing unfavorable views of him — higher than any of the 15 candidates currently in the race.

Bloomberg’s net favorability — the share of voters who approve of him minus those who disapprove — is worst among the party’s youngest voters (ages 18-29) and those who identify as independents, while it’s best among the oldest Democratic primary voters (ages 65 and older) and those who say they’re conservative, who make up a small share of the overall Democratic party.


4% is better than most of the lower tier candidates! He needs to dig deep. Banning salt shakers, Big Gulps, trans fats and guns is falling short. Maybe fossil fuels, diapers and meat would do it and bring him into the lead.
Wealthy Businessman

While I'd like to see him be successful with this, the fact remains he's starting off in an oh-for-five hole in the party. In its present condition.
If you win the House, entire state legislatures, and red state Governor’s seats by losing your shit...I hope the DEMS keep on losing their shit....LOL
LOL losing seats in blue states like Connecticut,Massachusetts,Minnesota,Losing a seat you have held for SEVENTY YEARS in Kentucky is a good thing? BARELY MAYBE managed to beat literally the most unpopular governor in the country....

nice spin....
You mean presenting the facts? Yeah i'm good at that. Sucks you can't handle that.

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