Blow Job Bill Clinton May Backfire As Hillary’s ‘Secret Weapon’..

If the choice was between Clinton and Reagan, I'd take the guy who lied under oath about a sexual affair than the guy who lied about selling weapons to Iran.

If the choice was between Clinton and Bush, I'd take the guy who lied under oath about a sexual affair rather than the guy who started a war under false pretenses.

If the choice was between Hillary and Trump, I'd take the candidate who is married to a man who lied under oath about sex, than a man who lacks the minimum policy knowledge to be president of the United States.

Yup, Bill Clinton has low character, and that would disqualify him from just about everything but a presidential contest where his competition comes from a political party that has turned lying and dirty politics into an art form.

A republican voter complaining about character is like a turd complaining about the smell of shit. That dog don't hunt.

"If the choice was between Clinton and Reagan, I'd take the guy who lied under oath about a sexual affair than the guy who lied about selling weapons to Iran."

Reagan didn't lie, and you left out the fact that the weapons were brokered by Israel.

"If the choice was between Clinton and Bush, I'd take the guy who lied under oath about a sexual affair rather than the guy who started a war under false pretenses."

You might have a case if you would blame Bush, the US Congress, the UN and all of the members of the coalition including Tony Blair in you nonsensical claim of false pretenses.

"If the choice was between Hillary and Trump, I'd take the candidate who is married to a man who lied under oath about sex, than a man who lacks the minimum policy knowledge to be president of the United States."

Trump has negotiated more and better deals with foreign countries in a year than the clueless Clinton did in 4 years a Sec of State.

You passing judgement on what a Republican stands for is not worthy of discussion, but you did notice that Bill Clinton has a low character so you got one right.
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Ya' Think?....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: ^ | January 1
The presidential campaign has taken an ugly turn, with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton exchanging pointed barbs about whether the Republican hopeful or her husband, the former president, is the bigger sexist. And this may be only the beginning, as Bill Clinton's mixed record now becomes part of the campaign. One of the keys to Trump's success in attracting support is that he refuses to follow the rules of political decorum, such as they are. So when Hillary Clinton accused him of being sexist, he didn't blink an eye in citing Bill's reputation as a sexual predator as a reason...

Well, you've been trying to hang him over that blow job for 30 years, I guess you can try one more time. After all, your politicians have only voted to kill healthcare a few more than 50 times.

Nope.......he is a rapist and sexual guys use the oral sex to hide his actual crimes...and you are vile for doing it.
Ya' Think?....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: ^ | January 1
The presidential campaign has taken an ugly turn, with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton exchanging pointed barbs about whether the Republican hopeful or her husband, the former president, is the bigger sexist. And this may be only the beginning, as Bill Clinton's mixed record now becomes part of the campaign. One of the keys to Trump's success in attracting support is that he refuses to follow the rules of political decorum, such as they are. So when Hillary Clinton accused him of being sexist, he didn't blink an eye in citing Bill's reputation as a sexual predator as a reason...

Well, you've been trying to hang him over that blow job for 30 years, I guess you can try one more time. After all, your politicians have only voted to kill healthcare a few more than 50 times.

Proving that Clown face here, a DemoRAT operative has no morals, ethics and principles....Damn, SO MANY of these DemoRAT scum bags don't have ethics, morals or principles....
Bill visits his friends Epstein's Lolita Island simply to minster to the 16 year old sex slaves, right?
If the choice was between Clinton and Reagan, I'd take the guy who lied under oath about a sexual affair than the guy who lied about selling weapons to Iran.

If the choice was between Clinton and Bush, I'd take the guy who lied under oath about a sexual affair rather than the guy who started a war under false pretenses.

If the choice was between Hillary and Trump, I'd take the candidate who is married to a man who lied under oath about sex, than a man who lacks the minimum policy knowledge to be president of the United States.

Yup, Bill Clinton has low character, and that would disqualify him from just about everything but a presidential contest where his competition comes from a political party that has turned lying and dirty politics into an art form.

A republican voter complaining about character is like a turd complaining about the smell of shit. That dog don't hunt.
The shit you're smelling is the sorry ass sack of shit Bill Clinton... I would not trust a child molester/rapist for anything, his party buddy Jeffrey Epstein. There's only one reason to have association with that guy, look it up. Child trafficking comes to mind
Ya' Think?....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: ^ | January 1
The presidential campaign has taken an ugly turn, with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton exchanging pointed barbs about whether the Republican hopeful or her husband, the former president, is the bigger sexist. And this may be only the beginning, as Bill Clinton's mixed record now becomes part of the campaign. One of the keys to Trump's success in attracting support is that he refuses to follow the rules of political decorum, such as they are. So when Hillary Clinton accused him of being sexist, he didn't blink an eye in citing Bill's reputation as a sexual predator as a reason...

Well, you've been trying to hang him over that blow job for 30 years, I guess you can try one more time. After all, your politicians have only voted to kill healthcare a few more than 50 times.

they haven't figured out yet that the only ones who care are rightwingnut loons who wouldn't vote for a democrat if they were the second coming.

so no one cares what they think.
If the choice was between Clinton and Reagan, I'd take the guy who lied under oath about a sexual affair than the guy who lied about selling weapons to Iran.

If the choice was between Clinton and Bush, I'd take the guy who lied under oath about a sexual affair rather than the guy who started a war under false pretenses.

If the choice was between Hillary and Trump, I'd take the candidate who is married to a man who lied under oath about sex, than a man who lacks the minimum policy knowledge to be president of the United States.

Yup, Bill Clinton has low character, and that would disqualify him from just about everything but a presidential contest where his competition comes from a political party that has turned lying and dirty politics into an art form.

A republican voter complaining about character is like a turd complaining about the smell of shit. That dog don't hunt.
The shit you're smelling is the sorry ass sack of shit Bill Clinton... I would not trust a child molester/rapist for anything, his party buddy Jeffrey Epstein. There's only one reason to have association with that guy, look it up. Child trafficking

again, haven't you figured out yet that the only ones who care are wingers? :cuckoo:
If it was only one blow job...

Hildabeast has tried to harpoon all of them, what's the official count 15?

It's really clear where she stands on women's rights...

But her followers miss the forest for the trees as they do many things...
please enlighten us
Ya' Think?....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: ^ | January 1
The presidential campaign has taken an ugly turn, with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton exchanging pointed barbs about whether the Republican hopeful or her husband, the former president, is the bigger sexist. And this may be only the beginning, as Bill Clinton's mixed record now becomes part of the campaign. One of the keys to Trump's success in attracting support is that he refuses to follow the rules of political decorum, such as they are. So when Hillary Clinton accused him of being sexist, he didn't blink an eye in citing Bill's reputation as a sexual predator as a reason...

Well, you've been trying to hang him over that blow job for 30 years, I guess you can try one more time. After all, your politicians have only voted to kill healthcare a few more than 50 times.

they haven't figured out yet that the only ones who care are rightwingnut loons who wouldn't vote for a democrat if they were the second coming.

so no one cares what they think.

HillBillyJilly has her pair of MONICA KNEE PADS on!

Ya' Think?....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: ^ | January 1
The presidential campaign has taken an ugly turn, with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton exchanging pointed barbs about whether the Republican hopeful or her husband, the former president, is the bigger sexist. And this may be only the beginning, as Bill Clinton's mixed record now becomes part of the campaign. One of the keys to Trump's success in attracting support is that he refuses to follow the rules of political decorum, such as they are. So when Hillary Clinton accused him of being sexist, he didn't blink an eye in citing Bill's reputation as a sexual predator as a reason...

Well, you've been trying to hang him over that blow job for 30 years, I guess you can try one more time. After all, your politicians have only voted to kill healthcare a few more than 50 times.

they haven't figured out yet that the only ones who care are rightwingnut loons who wouldn't vote for a democrat if they were the second coming.

so no one cares what they think.

HillBillyJilly has her pair of MONICA KNEE PADS on!

A slut for a intern young enough to be his granddaughter an old man who happened to be president who has infinity for raping and molesting young women, younger the better, what can you not love about the story. Much better than any Hollywood movie....
Well, you've been trying to hang him over that blow job for 30 years, I guess you can try one more time. After all, your politicians have only voted to kill healthcare a few more than 50 times.
You don't do math I see. Are you black?

Thanks for the correction. You've only been after him for the blowjob for closer to 20 years. You've been after him and Hillary for almost three decades, but the blowjob came a little later than your first efforts.

Correction, lying under oath and pointing his finger in our collective faces and lying his ass off. Just a BJ, would never have been a problem. Serial sexual assault, that should be a problem, but the left doesn't think women in those situation should be heard or believed, regardless of what Mrs. Clinton says.

I don't think it is any of your or my business regardless of how much you whine.

I am not whining I am pointing out the depravity of your position. You on the left pretend to care about people but you could give a shit less. Winning and whining is what the left wing is all about.

Clinton lied under oath, period, the reason is not important. Live with it.

You're right. The entire situation was and is unimportant.
Really, so get me the list of parents who would want him teaching their kids, or being their boss or being their father?

What you confuse here is we have sacrificed moral integrity to legitimize someone who benefits our pocket book, hence the problems we have today. The two don't mix, I could careless if he was a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green Party, etc...

If he was the CEO of Chick Fil A it would be front page news until he was fired, since he is a former Democrat POTUS it's irrelevant, hypocrisy is your first, middle and last name...

Try selling your kids this theory, if they agree they're as morally bankrupt as you...

Oh puh-leeeeze. Don't get hurt falling off that high horse, or a nose bleed up on that mountain of moral superiority.

What US presidents allegedly had affairs, in or out of office?

Answers below mention, in order of presidency:
  • Thomas Jefferson allegedly with his slave, Sally Hemings.
  • Grover Cleveland had an illegitimate child.
  • Warren Harding with Carrie Phillips and Nan Britton.
  • Franklin Roosevelt with Lucy Mercer.
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower and his chauffeur, Kay Summersby.
  • Lyndon Johnson had numerous affairs. Serially unfaithful.
  • John F. Kennedy allegedly with Marilyn Monroe (actor) and Judith Exner and many others.
  • George H.W. Bush allegedly with Jennifer Fitzgerald.
  • Bill Clinton with Monica Lewinsky.
(My footnote: Barack Obama - none.)
Can you imagine the hookers Trump would bring to the White House?
Well, you've been trying to hang him over that blow job for 30 years, I guess you can try one more time. After all, your politicians have only voted to kill healthcare a few more than 50 times.
Slick willy is a child molester/rapist

That's nice. Now go play.
slick willy is a sorry sack of shit, now go hide...

Uh-uh. Nooooo, don't you run off now. I want you to post the proof of his child molestation and rape allegations. I'm letting you off easy. I'm not asking for actual charges and arrests or convictions. So don't be lazy now like all the rest of the uni-browed idiots on the right. Put up or shut up.
Why do you think he's called slick willy... The douche bag has a way of, getting his way.
You ever here of Jeffrey Epstein?? Only one reason for that sorry sack of shit to have any contact with that guy... Take a guess what that is??

You ever meet someone who did something wrong? Did that make you guilty of what ever they did?
Ya' Think?....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: ^ | January 1
The presidential campaign has taken an ugly turn, with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton exchanging pointed barbs about whether the Republican hopeful or her husband, the former president, is the bigger sexist. And this may be only the beginning, as Bill Clinton's mixed record now becomes part of the campaign. One of the keys to Trump's success in attracting support is that he refuses to follow the rules of political decorum, such as they are. So when Hillary Clinton accused him of being sexist, he didn't blink an eye in citing Bill's reputation as a sexual predator as a reason...

Well, you've been trying to hang him over that blow job for 30 years, I guess you can try one more time. After all, your politicians have only voted to kill healthcare a few more than 50 times.

Nope.......he is a rapist and sexual guys use the oral sex to hide his actual crimes...and you are vile for doing it.

You're an idiot with a hyper active imagination.
Ya' Think?....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: ^ | January 1
The presidential campaign has taken an ugly turn, with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton exchanging pointed barbs about whether the Republican hopeful or her husband, the former president, is the bigger sexist. And this may be only the beginning, as Bill Clinton's mixed record now becomes part of the campaign. One of the keys to Trump's success in attracting support is that he refuses to follow the rules of political decorum, such as they are. So when Hillary Clinton accused him of being sexist, he didn't blink an eye in citing Bill's reputation as a sexual predator as a reason...

Well, you've been trying to hang him over that blow job for 30 years, I guess you can try one more time. After all, your politicians have only voted to kill healthcare a few more than 50 times.

Proving that Clown face here, a DemoRAT operative has no morals, ethics and principles....Damn, SO MANY of these DemoRAT scum bags don't have ethics, morals or principles....

What does the right's constant incompetence have to do with my ethics?
Oh puh-leeeeze. Don't get hurt falling off that high horse, or a nose bleed up on that mountain of moral superiority.

What US presidents allegedly had affairs, in or out of office?

Answers below mention, in order of presidency:
  • Thomas Jefferson allegedly with his slave, Sally Hemings.
  • Grover Cleveland had an illegitimate child.
  • Warren Harding with Carrie Phillips and Nan Britton.
  • Franklin Roosevelt with Lucy Mercer.
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower and his chauffeur, Kay Summersby.
  • Lyndon Johnson had numerous affairs. Serially unfaithful.
  • John F. Kennedy allegedly with Marilyn Monroe (actor) and Judith Exner and many others.
  • George H.W. Bush allegedly with Jennifer Fitzgerald.
  • Bill Clinton with Monica Lewinsky.
(My footnote: Barack Obama - none.)
Can you imagine the hookers Trump would bring to the White House?
Slick willy is a child molester/rapist

That's nice. Now go play.
slick willy is a sorry sack of shit, now go hide...

Uh-uh. Nooooo, don't you run off now. I want you to post the proof of his child molestation and rape allegations. I'm letting you off easy. I'm not asking for actual charges and arrests or convictions. So don't be lazy now like all the rest of the uni-browed idiots on the right. Put up or shut up.
Why do you think he's called slick willy... The douche bag has a way of, getting his way.
You ever here of Jeffrey Epstein?? Only one reason for that sorry sack of shit to have any contact with that guy... Take a guess what that is??

You ever meet someone who did something wrong? Did that make you guilty of what ever they did?
It's obvious hes his party buddy, dumbass
And their party is child trafficking on a Caribbean island
Ya' Think?....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: ^ | January 1
The presidential campaign has taken an ugly turn, with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton exchanging pointed barbs about whether the Republican hopeful or her husband, the former president, is the bigger sexist. And this may be only the beginning, as Bill Clinton's mixed record now becomes part of the campaign. One of the keys to Trump's success in attracting support is that he refuses to follow the rules of political decorum, such as they are. So when Hillary Clinton accused him of being sexist, he didn't blink an eye in citing Bill's reputation as a sexual predator as a reason...

Well, you've been trying to hang him over that blow job for 30 years, I guess you can try one more time. After all, your politicians have only voted to kill healthcare a few more than 50 times.

they haven't figured out yet that the only ones who care are rightwingnut loons who wouldn't vote for a democrat if they were the second coming.

so no one cares what they think.

HillBillyJilly has her pair of MONICA KNEE PADS on!


Come on Vagisil, you can do better than that.
Ya' Think?....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: ^ | January 1
The presidential campaign has taken an ugly turn, with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton exchanging pointed barbs about whether the Republican hopeful or her husband, the former president, is the bigger sexist. And this may be only the beginning, as Bill Clinton's mixed record now becomes part of the campaign. One of the keys to Trump's success in attracting support is that he refuses to follow the rules of political decorum, such as they are. So when Hillary Clinton accused him of being sexist, he didn't blink an eye in citing Bill's reputation as a sexual predator as a reason...

Well, you've been trying to hang him over that blow job for 30 years, I guess you can try one more time. After all, your politicians have only voted to kill healthcare a few more than 50 times.

they haven't figured out yet that the only ones who care are rightwingnut loons who wouldn't vote for a democrat if they were the second coming.

so no one cares what they think.

HillBillyJilly has her pair of MONICA KNEE PADS on!

A slut for a intern young enough to be his granddaughter an old man who happened to be president who has infinity for raping and molesting young women, younger the better, what can you not love about the story. Much better than any Hollywood movie....

And your story is further from the truth than most of those Hollywood movies. The right..........cowards with a hyperactive imagination.

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