Bombshell: Collusion Between Defendant Papadopoulos And Russia

Wow. All this media hyped Manafort Papadopulous going to court has nothing to do with Trump. Meanwhile fake news agents are still spinning with no facts that Trump did anything. But Crooked H still has Benghazi emails. And especially the uranium cash. Sad!

Don't worry. She'll get hers. And Obama, and Loretta Lynch, and Eric Holder, and Debbie Schultz.

When this whole idiotic "Russian collusion" thing is over, I look forward to the Trump administration going full-retard on the Obama-era holdouts, the sympathizers, the leakers, and the entire swamp. We seriously need a purge. We need to see people lined up against the walls or at the least, sentenced to long prison terms.
Fox producers worked overtime today trying to find news other than the indictments being handed out.
“ There has to be some other news we can talk about.”
This is why each and every day I relate some fact about Trump that the T sheep ask for a link.
Their media outright lies or lies from omission keeping them the dumbest people on earth..
Who the hell is "Papadopoulos'" and why the hell should I care? After all this time and money you morons have wasted, where is the evidence that Trump "colluded" with the Russians?

Seriously, you ignoramuses got nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Nichts.
Here's an idea.


I put it right there in the OP where even a tard like you can't miss it!

"But it's longer than a tweet! I can't handle it!"

I don't have to read a single word. You still have no proof that President Trump had any help whatsoever, to win the election.

Hillary on the other hand....
Didn’t she collude with the Russians for about 20% of our uranium the proceeds of which went into her bank account?

That was only scratching the surface. I hope to see Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and several others behind bars before this is all over with.


You think treason is funny? Do you seriously think Hillary is going to get off scott free for her crimes? Let me remind you: her husband Bill was impeached. Do you seriously think she's smarter that Bill was?

You're just whistling past the graveyard.
During the course of the interview, defendant PAPADOPOULOS made numerous false statements and omitted material facts regarding the conduct and communications described above, and, in particular, lied about the extent, timing, and nature of his communications with the Professor, the Female Russian National, and the Russian MFA Connection.

False Statement: PAPADOPOULOS Met the Professor and Learned About Russian "Dirt " Before He Joined The Campaign

During his interview with the FBI, defendant PAPADOPOULOS acknowledged that he met the Professor and that the Professor told him the Russians had "dirt" on then candidate Clinton in the form of "thousands of emails," but defendant PAPADOPOULOS stated multiple times that those communications occurred prior to when he joined the Campaign. Defendant PAPADOPOULOS told the FBI: "This isn't like he [the Professor]'s messaging me while I'm in April with Trump"; " I wasn't even on the Trump team, that wasn't even on the radar"; " I wasn't even on Trump's orbit[] at this time"; and "This was a year ago, this was before I even got with Trump." He also said it was a "very strange coincidence'' to be told of the "dirt" before he started working for the Campaign.

In truth and in fact, however, and as set forth above, defendant PAPADOPOULOS met the Professor for the first time on or about March 14, 2016, after defendant PAPADOPOULOS had already learned he would be a foreign policy advisor for the Campaign; the Professor showed interest in defendant PAPADOPOULOS only after learning of his role on the Campaign; and the Professor told defendant PAPADOPOULOS about the Russians possessing "dirt" on then-candidate Clinton in late April 2016, more than a month after defendant PAPADOPOULOS had joined the Campaign.
Jake! You did it!! This'll put Hillary in the White House
Wow. All this media hyped Manafort Papadopulous going to court has nothing to do with Trump. Meanwhile fake news agents are still spinning with no facts that Trump did anything. But Crooked H still has Benghazi emails. And especially the uranium cash. Sad!

Don't worry. She'll get hers. And Obama, and Loretta Lynch, and Eric Holder, and Debbie Schultz.

When this whole idiotic "Russian collusion" thing is over, I look forward to the Trump administration going full-retard on the Obama-era holdouts, the sympathizers, the leakers, and the entire swamp. We seriously need a purge. We need to see people lined up against the walls or at the least, sentenced to long prison terms.
There won’t be anyone left in the White House, including the orange anus when Mueller wraps everything up.
It’s hystetical your obsession with private citizen HRC but dont care or even want to know if your president is a crook.

Why should I read anything you wrote? You leftists are notorious liars.
I didn't write it, you unbelievable stupid little man! :lol:

Doesn't matter if you wrote it or not. By parroting a lie, you are just as much a liar as the original author. You have no credibility here.

You refuse to read the OP link, and then decide it is a lie WITHOUT READING IT.

You just get dumber by the second! :lol:

I don't read propaganda or obvious lies. Why should I?

Your credibility factor is zero. You have nothing to add, nothing to bring to the table. I might as well block you now.


JGalt What about reading the confession?

What do you think about the confession?
Fox producers worked overtime today trying to find news other than the indictments being handed out. “There has to be some other news we can talk about.”.
If there is other news happening, and no doubt there is, I'd like to know about it.

I don't need non-stop coverage that includes 2 minutes of actual news coupled with 58 minutes of worthless "pundits" babbling about it, belching out transparently ideologically-based conjecture, rumor-mongering, wild guesses, hyperbole and shallow theory.

Anyone who does is most likely consumed by partisanship. A majority of us are not.
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Must make that far left so upset that there are still charges of collusion..

Then again the far lelft media did a snow job and voter suppression campaign by trying convenience everyone that Hilary was the winner so need to go out and vote!

Of course there is also this the far left will ignore:

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Actual collusion!

Kosh hasn't read the confession either.
Wow. All this media hyped Manafort Papadopulous going to court has nothing to do with Trump. Meanwhile fake news agents are still spinning with no facts that Trump did anything. But Crooked H still has Benghazi emails. And especially the uranium cash. Sad!

Don't worry. She'll get hers. And Obama, and Loretta Lynch, and Eric Holder, and Debbie Schultz.

When this whole idiotic "Russian collusion" thing is over, I look forward to the Trump administration going full-retard on the Obama-era holdouts, the sympathizers, the leakers, and the entire swamp. We seriously need a purge. We need to see people lined up against the walls or at the least, sentenced to long prison terms.
There won’t be anyone left in the White House, including the orange anus when Mueller wraps everything up.
It’s hystetical your obsession with private citizen HRC but dont care or even want to know if your president is a crook.

Rosie O'donnel, is that you? Don't lose a circuit once justice can really lock her up.
Wow. All this media hyped Manafort Papadopulous going to court has nothing to do with Trump. Meanwhile fake news agents are still spinning with no facts that Trump did anything. But Crooked H still has Benghazi emails. And especially the uranium cash. Sad!

Don't worry. She'll get hers. And Obama, and Loretta Lynch, and Eric Holder, and Debbie Schultz.

When this whole idiotic "Russian collusion" thing is over, I look forward to the Trump administration going full-retard on the Obama-era holdouts, the sympathizers, the leakers, and the entire swamp. We seriously need a purge. We need to see people lined up against the walls or at the least, sentenced to long prison terms.
Nope. Never happened. Sessions, Ryan and McConnell all are Establishment rats out to get Trump. They could have ended the entire Democrat Party over Obamas Benghazi Jihad arming fiasco, but they let it slide even with 4 dead Americans. Trump has about a month to go full Corelone Baptist on them or he's finished
Must make that far left so upset that there are still charges of collusion..

Then again the far lelft media did a snow job and voter suppression campaign by trying convenience everyone that Hilary was the winner so need to go out and vote!

Of course there is also this the far left will ignore:

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Actual collusion!

Kosh hasn't read the confession either.

Once again the far left shows they have nothing, no collusion. Not eve close to the level of the far left media and Clinton during the campaign. That is real and true collusion. But the far left would much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!

As I said before at the end of the day Trump will still be president!
Wow. All this media hyped Manafort Papadopulous going to court has nothing to do with Trump. Meanwhile fake news agents are still spinning with no facts that Trump did anything. But Crooked H still has Benghazi emails. And especially the uranium cash. Sad!

Don't worry. She'll get hers. And Obama, and Loretta Lynch, and Eric Holder, and Debbie Schultz.

When this whole idiotic "Russian collusion" thing is over, I look forward to the Trump administration going full-retard on the Obama-era holdouts, the sympathizers, the leakers, and the entire swamp. We seriously need a purge. We need to see people lined up against the walls or at the least, sentenced to long prison terms.
There won’t be anyone left in the White House, including the orange anus when Mueller wraps everything up.
It’s hystetical your obsession with private citizen HRC but dont care or even want to know if your president is a crook.

Let me make a prediction here: 20 years from now, you will be a broken down old fuck living in a nursing home. You will still be having nightmares about Donald Trump and he will still be living in your head, rent-free. Your last dying words will be some incoherent muttering about "Donald Trump", but none of the orderlies or nurses on duty will know what the fuck you're talking about. You'll go to your grave still believing that he should have been impeached, convicted, or some other such bullshit.

How sad it is to be you. Sad but funny in a dark kinda way.
During the course of the interview, defendant PAPADOPOULOS made numerous false statements and omitted material facts regarding the conduct and communications described above, and, in particular, lied about the extent, timing, and nature of his communications with the Professor, the Female Russian National, and the Russian MFA Connection.

False Statement: PAPADOPOULOS Met the Professor and Learned About Russian "Dirt " Before He Joined The Campaign

During his interview with the FBI, defendant PAPADOPOULOS acknowledged that he met the Professor and that the Professor told him the Russians had "dirt" on then candidate Clinton in the form of "thousands of emails," but defendant PAPADOPOULOS stated multiple times that those communications occurred prior to when he joined the Campaign. Defendant PAPADOPOULOS told the FBI: "This isn't like he [the Professor]'s messaging me while I'm in April with Trump"; " I wasn't even on the Trump team, that wasn't even on the radar"; " I wasn't even on Trump's orbit[] at this time"; and "This was a year ago, this was before I even got with Trump." He also said it was a "very strange coincidence'' to be told of the "dirt" before he started working for the Campaign.

In truth and in fact, however, and as set forth above, defendant PAPADOPOULOS met the Professor for the first time on or about March 14, 2016, after defendant PAPADOPOULOS had already learned he would be a foreign policy advisor for the Campaign; the Professor showed interest in defendant PAPADOPOULOS only after learning of his role on the Campaign; and the Professor told defendant PAPADOPOULOS about the Russians possessing "dirt" on then-candidate Clinton in late April 2016, more than a month after defendant PAPADOPOULOS had joined the Campaign.
Wow. So he learned Russia had dirt.
Now exactly what law was broken again?

Finally! Are we about to finally see Trump fan boys say collusion is ok? I think i hear them unstrapping the velcro on their goalposts already.
Wow. All this media hyped Manafort Papadopulous going to court has nothing to do with Trump. Meanwhile fake news agents are still spinning with no facts that Trump did anything. But Crooked H still has Benghazi emails. And especially the uranium cash. Sad!

Don't worry. She'll get hers. And Obama, and Loretta Lynch, and Eric Holder, and Debbie Schultz.

When this whole idiotic "Russian collusion" thing is over, I look forward to the Trump administration going full-retard on the Obama-era holdouts, the sympathizers, the leakers, and the entire swamp. We seriously need a purge. We need to see people lined up against the walls or at the least, sentenced to long prison terms.
Nope. Never happened. Sessions, Ryan and McConnell all are Establishment rats out to get Trump. They could have ended the entire Democrat Party over Obamas Benghazi Jihad arming fiasco, but they let it slide even with 4 dead Americans. Trump has about a month to go full Corelone Baptist on them or he's finished
He's not if our VP backs him the most. And he is establishment. I think Trump can help unite the republican party. Mccain looking bad being sour towards Trump while he's sick. Isn't a good image for those one percent of establishments. But that itself can get the republican party more together once he leaves his seat open.
Wow. All this media hyped Manafort Papadopulous going to court has nothing to do with Trump. Meanwhile fake news agents are still spinning with no facts that Trump did anything. But Crooked H still has Benghazi emails. And especially the uranium cash. Sad!

Don't worry. She'll get hers. And Obama, and Loretta Lynch, and Eric Holder, and Debbie Schultz.

When this whole idiotic "Russian collusion" thing is over, I look forward to the Trump administration going full-retard on the Obama-era holdouts, the sympathizers, the leakers, and the entire swamp. We seriously need a purge. We need to see people lined up against the walls or at the least, sentenced to long prison terms.
There won’t be anyone left in the White House, including the orange anus when Mueller wraps everything up.
It’s hystetical your obsession with private citizen HRC but dont care or even want to know if your president is a crook.

If people like JGalt were not sure that TrumpleThinSkin is guilty, they would be demanding a thorough investigation. Constantly trying to deflect to Hillary, as we are seeing the orange moron do, is proof they're running scared.
Wow. All this media hyped Manafort Papadopulous going to court has nothing to do with Trump. Meanwhile fake news agents are still spinning with no facts that Trump did anything. But Crooked H still has Benghazi emails. And especially the uranium cash. Sad!

Don't worry. She'll get hers. And Obama, and Loretta Lynch, and Eric Holder, and Debbie Schultz.

When this whole idiotic "Russian collusion" thing is over, I look forward to the Trump administration going full-retard on the Obama-era holdouts, the sympathizers, the leakers, and the entire swamp. We seriously need a purge. We need to see people lined up against the walls or at the least, sentenced to long prison terms.
Nope. Never happened. Sessions, Ryan and McConnell all are Establishment rats out to get Trump. They could have ended the entire Democrat Party over Obamas Benghazi Jihad arming fiasco, but they let it slide even with 4 dead Americans. Trump has about a month to go full Corelone Baptist on them or he's finished
He's not if our VP backs him the most. And he is establishment. I think Trump can help unite the republican party. Mccain looking bad being sour towards Trump while he's sick. Isn't a good image for those one percent of establishments. But that itself can get the republican party more together once he leaves his seat open.

McCain needs to die already. The only honorable thing he ever did was to get shot down over North Vietnam and even then, there's speculation that he ratted out some of the other prisoners.

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