Bonzi - Just Ask Me!

Why do you talk about sex so much when you don't like it?

that might be exactly why. It's not natural to "not" like sex.
I don't hate sex. I actually enjoy intimacy, but, I guess what I mean is I don't like sex in the way that most others do, for the sheer physical pleasure. Not that it is not physically pleasurable to me, but for me it's more emotional. If that part is there, then the physical pleasure becomes more .... Frenzied passion/lust that is nearly unrestrainable or any high emotional state.....
So no questions about my being a bored housewife?
Why I am a Christian but talk about sexual things?

I mean, I answered all that stuff, it has been said it doesn't add up? But, in what way?
Because I don't fit the mold you think I SHOULD?

To quote one of my favorite songs:

But I'm a million different people
from one day to the next
I can't change my mold......
Why do you care what anyone thinks of your endless questions and threads? Some are interesting. Some not so much. But the question is...why do you care?

I'm curious - I like hearing what people's opinions are - it's a learning experience for me.
Each person is a unique individual and I like learning the differences and similarities.
To ME, it's a fun exercise, and excuse to have some random conversation that my lead off into other interesting tangents.

Care? Well I like people. If I say "well I really don't care" - that's not true. The being said, what people say and their opinions of me or what I have to say (on here) won't impact my "real life" one way or the other - UNLESS it's something someone says that makes me think about things I do and perhaps look at things in a different perspective....... This actually happened the other day with someone one.

You can always learn something new not only about others but about yourself, no matter how old you get.

Not sure if that answers your question. If not let me know.....
Would be interested in a neck kissing encounter?

With your history of ass worship I would advise Bonzi against it...just sayin.

everyone eats ASS

No....everyone wants theirs eaten. But nobody wants to belly up to the butthole except you.

Oh FFS - would you guys get a room?

Go fuck yourself.
That was a public service announcement as well as a warning for Bonzi.

I'm good ... I have a hubby and weaponry to protect myself :)
Why do you talk about sex so much when you don't like it?

that might be exactly why. It's not natural to "not" like sex.
I don't hate sex. I actually enjoy intimacy, but, I guess what I mean is I don't like sex in the way that most others do, for the sheer physical pleasure. Not that it is not physically pleasurable to me, but for me it's more emotional. If that part is there, then the physical pleasure becomes more .... Frenzied passion/lust that is nearly unrestrainable or any high emotional state.....
Why do so many Christian women feel that way? And do y'all realize how frustrated that makes your husbands when they want a little more than a romance session? When I was a Christian I heard it from the guys a lot, and gals. Divorce is also sky high in Christianity.
Why do you talk about sex so much when you don't like it?

that might be exactly why. It's not natural to "not" like sex.
I don't hate sex. I actually enjoy intimacy, but, I guess what I mean is I don't like sex in the way that most others do, for the sheer physical pleasure. Not that it is not physically pleasurable to me, but for me it's more emotional. If that part is there, then the physical pleasure becomes more .... Frenzied passion/lust that is nearly unrestrainable or any high emotional state.....
Why do so many Christian women feel that way? And do y'all realize how frustrated that makes your husbands when they want a little more than a romance session? When I was a Christian I heard it from the guys a lot, and gals. Divorce is also sky high in Christianity.

I felt this way as an atheist/agnostic..... it has nothing to do with my Christianity.
God wants me to be a passionate unrestrained sexual being for my husband.
This issue is mine alone.
Why do you talk about sex so much when you don't like it?

that might be exactly why. It's not natural to "not" like sex.
I don't hate sex. I actually enjoy intimacy, but, I guess what I mean is I don't like sex in the way that most others do, for the sheer physical pleasure. Not that it is not physically pleasurable to me, but for me it's more emotional. If that part is there, then the physical pleasure becomes more .... Frenzied passion/lust that is nearly unrestrainable or any high emotional state.....
Why do so many Christian women feel that way? And do y'all realize how frustrated that makes your husbands when they want a little more than a romance session? When I was a Christian I heard it from the guys a lot, and gals. Divorce is also sky high in Christianity.

I felt this way as an atheist/agnostic..... it has nothing to do with my Christianity.
God wants me to be a passionate unrestrained sexual being for my husband.
This issue is mine alone.

(reading "passionate unrestrained sexual being..." woo-hoo! "...for my husband." oh :( hehe
Can you put your legs behind your head?

Not quite. I can get them to where they are just over my head, but not behind it :(
That'll do.

Wow... you're too easy....

I've got some questions for you.

1) Why do you come online and talk about sex with strange men that you don't even know? Do you get a thrill out of it?
2) You claim that you have a job, yet you seem to be here all day long posting threads about sex and dating. What do you do for a living exactly? What is your job title?
3) What does your husband think about you talking to strange men that you don't know and that he doesn't know online about sex and dating?
4) Why does an old lady like you talk about dating so much?
5) Are you here to find someone to have an affair with? If not, what is your purpose of being here? You don't really post in any other section of the forum, and pretty much all of your threads are silly and juvenile and pointless.
6) Does your husband KNOW that you come here and act like an old tired whore?
Can you put your legs behind your head?

Not quite. I can get them to where they are just over my head, but not behind it :(
That'll do.

Wow... you're too easy....

I've got some questions for you.

1) Why do you come online and talk about sex with strange men that you don't even know? Do you get a thrill out of it?
2) You claim that you have a job, yet you seem to be here all day long posting threads about sex and dating. What do you do for a living exactly? What is your job title?
3) What does your husband think about you talking to strange men that you don't know and that he doesn't know online about sex and dating?
4) Why does an old lady like you talk about dating so much?
5) Are you here to find someone to have an affair with? If not, what is your purpose of being here? You don't really post in any other section of the forum, and pretty much all of your threads are silly and juvenile and pointless.
6) Does your husband KNOW that you come here and act like an old tired whore?

1) I enjoy coming on here for a variety of reasons. I like talking and messaging with people. It's fun. The topics I'm interested in are not limited.
2) I have a secretarial job supporting 2 managers. I can do all my work from home on my lap top and phone, and 90% of my work is on my lap top
3) We each do our own thing on the internet. We are married and trust each other
4) It's interesting. I did a lot of dating in my life
5) No. See 1) above.
6) See 3) above.

Thank you for your kind questions
Can you put your legs behind your head?

Not quite. I can get them to where they are just over my head, but not behind it :(
That'll do.

Wow... you're too easy....

I've got some questions for you.

1) Why do you come online and talk about sex with strange men that you don't even know? Do you get a thrill out of it?
2) You claim that you have a job, yet you seem to be here all day long posting threads about sex and dating. What do you do for a living exactly? What is your job title?
3) What does your husband think about you talking to strange men that you don't know and that he doesn't know online about sex and dating?
4) Why does an old lady like you talk about dating so much?
5) Are you here to find someone to have an affair with? If not, what is your purpose of being here? You don't really post in any other section of the forum, and pretty much all of your threads are silly and juvenile and pointless.
6) Does your husband KNOW that you come here and act like an old tired whore?

1) I enjoy coming on here for a variety of reasons. I like talking and messaging with people. It's fun. The topics I'm interested in are not limited.
2) I have a secretarial job supporting 2 managers. I can do all my work from home on my lap top and phone, and 90% of my work is on my lap top
3) We each do our own thing on the internet. We are married and trust each other
4) It's interesting. I did a lot of dating in my life
5) No. See 1) above.
6) See 3) above.

Thank you for your kind questions

I think he would definitely have second thoughts if he read some of your posts. Not to mention, you admit to being a drunk and losing control of yourself.

Are you private messaging with men here too? :D Who are you private messaging with? How many men are you private messaging?
Can you put your legs behind your head?

Not quite. I can get them to where they are just over my head, but not behind it :(
That'll do.

Wow... you're too easy....

I've got some questions for you.

1) Why do you come online and talk about sex with strange men that you don't even know? Do you get a thrill out of it?
2) You claim that you have a job, yet you seem to be here all day long posting threads about sex and dating. What do you do for a living exactly? What is your job title?
3) What does your husband think about you talking to strange men that you don't know and that he doesn't know online about sex and dating?
4) Why does an old lady like you talk about dating so much?
5) Are you here to find someone to have an affair with? If not, what is your purpose of being here? You don't really post in any other section of the forum, and pretty much all of your threads are silly and juvenile and pointless.
6) Does your husband KNOW that you come here and act like an old tired whore?

Strange men?!
I talk to the strange and the un-strange.... and the anti-strange

but isn't the saying... if it's strange it's good?
Can you put your legs behind your head?

Not quite. I can get them to where they are just over my head, but not behind it :(
That'll do.

Wow... you're too easy....

I've got some questions for you.

1) Why do you come online and talk about sex with strange men that you don't even know? Do you get a thrill out of it?
2) You claim that you have a job, yet you seem to be here all day long posting threads about sex and dating. What do you do for a living exactly? What is your job title?
3) What does your husband think about you talking to strange men that you don't know and that he doesn't know online about sex and dating?
4) Why does an old lady like you talk about dating so much?
5) Are you here to find someone to have an affair with? If not, what is your purpose of being here? You don't really post in any other section of the forum, and pretty much all of your threads are silly and juvenile and pointless.
6) Does your husband KNOW that you come here and act like an old tired whore?

Strange men?!

Most definitely. Do you read all the responses from men to this clown's threads?
I talk to the strange and the un-strange.... and the anti-strange

but isn't the saying... if it's strange it's good?

Yes, we already know you want to get some "strange." :lol: Look Bonzi, you obviously have some serious, serious issues. I would recommend therapy or marriage counseling. :dunno: Talking to men about sex online is not going to help. It will only make your issues even worse. You would think a woman of your age would realize this, but judging by the content of your threads probably not. You are an absolute mess, and that is easy enough to recognize.

Is this like a midlife crisis thing maybe? You know you're going to be elderly soon, so you are making a plea for an affair with some guy (s) online before you are too old for most men to be into it?

Heh, don't worry though, I think the men here that encourage your self-destructive cheating behavior are just as sleazy as you are. :D
Not quite. I can get them to where they are just over my head, but not behind it :(
That'll do.

Wow... you're too easy....

I've got some questions for you.

1) Why do you come online and talk about sex with strange men that you don't even know? Do you get a thrill out of it?
2) You claim that you have a job, yet you seem to be here all day long posting threads about sex and dating. What do you do for a living exactly? What is your job title?
3) What does your husband think about you talking to strange men that you don't know and that he doesn't know online about sex and dating?
4) Why does an old lady like you talk about dating so much?
5) Are you here to find someone to have an affair with? If not, what is your purpose of being here? You don't really post in any other section of the forum, and pretty much all of your threads are silly and juvenile and pointless.
6) Does your husband KNOW that you come here and act like an old tired whore?

Strange men?!

Most definitely. Do you read all the responses from men to this clown's threads?

Chris, I'm married, an employer and a committed Conservo-Fascist. All in all, some might say I'm a pillar of my community. Strange indeed!!

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