Bonzi - Just Ask Me!

Well hell. Ok. Lets follow Bonzi's lead, shall we? I will start one.
Speaking of which.....are you gonna start a Christmas thread Gracie?
Why would I start a xmas thread?
Pictures.......I thought that was your thing.
I've been a busy little bee on Pinterest and Twitter the past couple of weeks, so yeah..its my thang. Just haven't done it here. Yet. Why don't you start one, Muddy? I will contribute.
How many licks does it take to get to the center of tootsie pop?
I am eating one right now. Rather..sucking on one. So far, over 100 licks and sucks.Fixing to bite though.
Well hell. Ok. Lets follow Bonzi's lead, shall we? I will start one.
Speaking of which.....are you gonna start a Christmas thread Gracie?
Why would I start a xmas thread?
Pictures.......I thought that was your thing.
I've been a busy little bee on Pinterest and Twitter the past couple of weeks, so yeah..its my thang. Just haven't done it here. Yet. Why don't you start one, Muddy? I will contribute.
So no questions about my being a bored housewife?
Why I am a Christian but talk about sexual things?

I mean, I answered all that stuff, it has been said it doesn't add up? But, in what way?
Because I don't fit the mold you think I SHOULD?

To quote one of my favorite songs:

But I'm a million different people
from one day to the next
I can't change my mold......

You are female. They can't imagine being bored if they have lady parts to play with. You'll have to get beyond all the sex questions first. Might take a while. lol
So no questions about my being a bored housewife?
Why I am a Christian but talk about sexual things?

I mean, I answered all that stuff, it has been said it doesn't add up? But, in what way?
Because I don't fit the mold you think I SHOULD?

To quote one of my favorite songs:

But I'm a million different people
from one day to the next
I can't change my mold......

You are female. They can't imagine being bored if they have lady parts to play with. You'll have to get beyond all the sex questions first. Might take a while. lol

I had a guy tell me one "If I were a woman and could 'O' over and over again, I would do it all day long..."
Nah, that's not me.... but I'm sure it is a lot of women.... though I think most prefer the help of a man.......
Ok, I have a question for you. What are you afraid of?

ya didn't have to raise yer hand dufus!!! (even though I like it!)


Drowning.... being in the water where I can't see what's in there...

If I see something really big and I'm not expecting it - it freaks me out.... like, I used to work in Alexandria VA near the Potomac River and sometimes there would be these big Ocean Liners like the Cruise Line kind, and if I was turning on a road and there was one there it would scare me.... I have no idea why.....

Other than that, just the usual stuff like BIG spiders (I don't mind the tiny ones), and pretty much any kind of BIG bug...... like when those 17 year cicadas come out it's like a horror movie for me.....

I have never been walking and seen a snake, I don't want to either, I think I would die of a heart attack........

I'm afraid of very angry people and yelling out of rage ......
I guess watching Jurassic World in 3D is out of the question then.

No, nothing on TV or the screen scares me.....
Except for gorey scenes (they just gross me out) - and sometimes when something unexpected happens....
I actually like films like Jurassic and Godzilla etc. Battleships in space movies don't bother me either... etc.
I find it interesting that the atom, which was once unknown, is made up of even smaller parts. Yet, these little things have joined to make a universe. I sometimes wonder if our little parts of intelligence are part of a bigger thing which may be God. Well, intelligence combined with energy.

Like "the Force"?

Somewhat, except energy changes state and form.

I'm not that scientific minded. Most of our "deep" discussion were psychological or philosophical in nature.....
How many licks does it take to get to the center of tootsie pop?

If a duck eats and then goes into the water does it get cramps?

Why do they call them building when they are done building them?

1. Depends on the size and texture of your tongue and how much you salivate
2. I've never been a duck so, I would guess no
3. They were too lazy to come up with another word
Where do you go for intelligent conversation?

I never really answered this.... my husband can be pretty smart about a lot of things.
My oldest son as well.
I used to have a lot of friends in college that would "go deep" - but have not found any new friends to replace them...... :(

hard to replace college friends.

They are still most of my 'best' friends.

the weird thing is, my girl friends in college all wanted to go out and drink and party and pick up guys
my guy friends were the ones that likes to sit around and talk psychology and philosophy etc. (of course, they were nerds, but so was I - at least in the mental/psychological way.....)
So no questions about my being a bored housewife?
Why I am a Christian but talk about sexual things?

Why wouldn't a Christian talk about sexual things?

Why do you post on USMB?

(1) I see no reason for a Christian to not talk about sexual things.
I think a serious, committed Christian would not be sexy, flirty or suggestive .

I wonder why you or anyone thinks that?

Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!
For your love is better than wine;
3 your anointing oils are fragrant;
your name is oil poured out;
therefore virgins love you.
4 Draw me after you; let us run.
The king has brought me into his chambers.

I guess if you are a married person and being sexy or flirty with other men (or women) it's a bit different.


I don't think that is a particular Christian thing.

Non-Christian morals and Christian morals can be the same....
Many non-Christian live by Biblical Christian still reap the benefits of living that way.....
Afraid of big things eh? Lol....jkjkjk. Thats not too bad of a list, all seem pretty managable.

What are you afraid of?

I know I was thinking that too what is it about "big" things... (even in the way you were alluding to) ..... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaanyway..............
Im afraid of children being tormented in any way. Physically, emotionally - any of it. I'm afraid of death because I love life and I love people - and Im an agnostic. I guess just those, I dont have anything else off top

Totally understood.

As a Christian, I know many many Christians that are afraid of those things as well, and, still even as professed Christians, don't understand why God allows the atrocities that happen in this world.....
Because he doesn't care...

He doesn't care the way you WANT him to..... there is a difference....
You think I'm a fake or whatever, or just curious?
This is the place to ask - but, I may say "I don't know" or "I'm not sure" - doesn't mean I'm avoiding - just means I am not all know... even about things about myself (not unheard of.... ) anyway....

Here's your opportunity... on MY terms! :D

(Oh, and I'm not giving out my address, phone #, real name etc. let's not be silly about this!) :tongue-44:

Would be interested in a neck kissing encounter?

With my husband? Sure.

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