Bonzi - Just Ask Me!

So no questions about my being a bored housewife?
Why I am a Christian but talk about sexual things?

I mean, I answered all that stuff, it has been said it doesn't add up? But, in what way?
Because I don't fit the mold you think I SHOULD?

To quote one of my favorite songs:

But I'm a million different people
from one day to the next
I can't change my mold......
So no questions about my being a bored housewife?
Why I am a Christian but talk about sexual things?

Why wouldn't a Christian talk about sexual things?

Why do you post on USMB?

(1) I see no reason for a Christian to not talk about sexual things.
I think a serious, committed Christian would not be sexy, flirty or suggestive (which I definitely AM) but I only claimed to be a Christian, not a fully committed one. I'm not proud of that fact or anything, but I am at least honest with myself about my own shortcomings (of which I have man......)

(2) I post on USMB because I really enjoy it. I hope to have fun and interesting conversation with people. To be "real" and also to joke and be funny - whether it's teasing (insulting), flirting, whatever.
To me, coming on USMB is almost like shopping. Looking for something that catches your eye or is of interest to you to discuss. Or even a social group, finding people you look forward to "hearing from" etc.
Where do you go for intelligent conversation?

Still looking..... I would say that 90% of the people on here want to:

(1) Make jokes and try to be snarky
(2) Fight

that's about it....

Or if they ARE intelligent you have to read a thesis which I have no time for....
Ok, I have a question for you. What are you afraid of?

ya didn't have to raise yer hand dufus!!! (even though I like it!)


Drowning.... being in the water where I can't see what's in there...

If I see something really big and I'm not expecting it - it freaks me out.... like, I used to work in Alexandria VA near the Potomac River and sometimes there would be these big Ocean Liners like the Cruise Line kind, and if I was turning on a road and there was one there it would scare me.... I have no idea why.....

Other than that, just the usual stuff like BIG spiders (I don't mind the tiny ones), and pretty much any kind of BIG bug...... like when those 17 year cicadas come out it's like a horror movie for me.....

I have never been walking and seen a snake, I don't want to either, I think I would die of a heart attack........

I'm afraid of very angry people and yelling out of rage ......
Afraid of big things eh? Lol....jkjkjk. Thats not too bad of a list, all seem pretty managable.
Where do you go for intelligent conversation?

Still looking..... I would say that 90% of the people on here want to:

(1) Make jokes and try to be snarky
(2) Fight

that's about it....

Or if they ARE intelligent you have to read a thesis which I have no time for....

For the most part I have given up on changing hearts and minds on USMB. That leaves sarcastic comments, personal discussions and joking around.
Afraid of big things eh? Lol....jkjkjk. Thats not too bad of a list, all seem pretty managable.

What are you afraid of?

I know I was thinking that too what is it about "big" things... (even in the way you were alluding to) ..... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaanyway..............
Where do you go for intelligent conversation?

Still looking..... I would say that 90% of the people on here want to:

(1) Make jokes and try to be snarky
(2) Fight

that's about it....

Or if they ARE intelligent you have to read a thesis which I have no time for....

For the most part I have given up on changing hearts and minds on USMB. That leaves sarcastic comments, personal discussions and joking around.

I don't necessarily want to change peoples hearts and minds.
But I do like people that are open minded and will give you the benefit of the doubt.
Angry, hatefulness, unless you have been angry and hateful to someone is unwarranted.
All is fair, however, on a message board.

I agree with your overall assessment.

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