Border wall update

Me either. THough making Mexico pay, for the shitty neighbor they have been, should certainly be on the agenda.
Trade deal and stop sending them non-commerce related money.

For starters.
I hold no grudges against most Mexicans.

Oh I HATE them like the worse plantation owner hated blacks.
But we helped many of them grow a 3rd generation of weed wackers!

I didn’t vote for Mexico paying for the wall.

Me either. THough making Mexico pay, for the shitty neighbor they have been, should certainly be on the agenda.
Trade deal and stop sending them non-commerce related money.

Ya so no wall and Mexico not paying for it, got it!

You want to admit that you want America flooded with illegals, because you are anti-American?

Lol, I admit you're a tube for thinking the wall will solve the biggest problem for illegals being here!

Interesting. You did not deny it.

Over half of the illegals here, came across the border. Building the Wall, would be a huge step in the right direction.

Your denial of this, is because you don't WANT to stop illegals.

I wonder if you will have the gall to deny THAT?
Not built yet.
Although so far this has been a total failure for Trump, there are still a couple of more years left in his tenure. We'll see if he can deliver.

Agreed. This is a huge problem for him and for the GOP as a whole.

I don't know what those morons think is going to happen if they fuck their voters like this.

I am one of those "morons" who think nations, particularly great and wealthy nations----should have Borders. A proud Deplorable.

I have never seen a person, politician---in this case President---work so hard to do exactly what he promised the people he would do if elected----than Don Trump.

I voted for him knowing he was about half crazy--because his opponent--my other choice, was Drunk, Dishonest, Dumb, and, overall, Depraved.

Sometimes you just have to take a chance on crazy. And Don Trump has been a far better President than I ever hoped and is getting better and better at it.

I believe the Wall will come----it has to if this nation is to survive the attempt by the Socialists (Democrats) to sell it out for votes from foreigners--mostly illegal. And if it doesn't get built, it will not be Trump's fault----it will be the fault Budding Bolsheviks like the one who started this thread, and those selling them a bill of goods, like such scumbag Senators as---Pocahontas and Spartacus, and that Stolen-Valor Liar Blumenthal.

Me either. THough making Mexico pay, for the shitty neighbor they have been, should certainly be on the agenda.
Trade deal and stop sending them non-commerce related money.

Ya so no wall and Mexico not paying for it, got it!
No wall means fewer jobs for Americans.
You’re either an idiot or an illegal.

That cu king wall is a joke. Tell these corporations to notify the ICE when work visas run out and send them back as required by law. But nope those corps need to keep their now illegals because you peeps think the lack of a wall is.the problem.

So I ask again has Mexico sent the money!

YOur complaint about employers is not a reason to not BUILD THE WALL.

ANd if Mexico has any sense, they will send the money.

The wall is for Rubes like you to point at and say"An run an a wall" lack of a wall is not your biggest problem for illegals!
Not built yet.
Although so far this has been a total failure for Trump, there are still a couple of more years left in his tenure. We'll see if he can deliver.

Border Wall Construction Underway | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Report shows Donald Trump's proposed border wall was "breached" several times during tests

Then your Newsweek BS says you anti American Leftards have nothing to fear, you can still flee America.
Damn wall was supposed to be built back in 1988 when Reagan granted 3 million illegals amnesty in exchange for a wall getting built. Which Congress never did. I think they all should hang.

Only president to build any wall was Billy Clinton, AFAIK. He did do that.

I don't think either Bushes built any wall.
Israel’s seems to work just fine.

Rumps, not so much! That money from Mexico not gonna make it!
I didn’t vote for Mexico paying for the wall.

Me either. THough making Mexico pay, for the shitty neighbor they have been, should certainly be on the agenda.
Trade deal and stop sending them non-commerce related money.
I will not be surprised if Trump doesn't soon claim that the trade deal is the way he is having Mexico pay for the wall. I don't think anyone believed Mexico would be writing us a check to pay for the wall.
Me either. THough making Mexico pay, for the shitty neighbor they have been, should certainly be on the agenda.
Trade deal and stop sending them non-commerce related money.

For starters.
I hold no grudges against most Mexicans.

I do, illegals have killed and raped thousands of Americans. They are lucky we don't carpet bomb their ass.
Legals have raped more.

Which obviously, is not a reason to import foreign rapist.

But, the act of saying that, gives the illusion of a counter point.

Really it is the most vile and dishonest sophistry.

YOu are arguing in defense of letting more rapists into the country to rape more American women.

You are a monster.
Only a moron would blame lack of progress on the Wall on Trump.

Just sayin'.
Israel’s seems to work just fine.

Rumps, not so much! That money from Mexico not gonna make it!
I didn’t vote for Mexico paying for the wall.

Me either. THough making Mexico pay, for the shitty neighbor they have been, should certainly be on the agenda.
Trade deal and stop sending them non-commerce related money.
I will not be surprised if Trump doesn't soon claim that the trade deal is the way he is having Mexico pay for the wall. I don't think anyone believed Mexico would be writing us a check to pay for the wall.
Like you Leftards care about the budget. FU.
Me either. THough making Mexico pay, for the shitty neighbor they have been, should certainly be on the agenda.
Trade deal and stop sending them non-commerce related money.

Ya so no wall and Mexico not paying for it, got it!

You want to admit that you want America flooded with illegals, because you are anti-American?

Lol, I admit you're a tube for thinking the wall will solve the biggest problem for illegals being here!

Interesting. You did not deny it.

Over half of the illegals here, came across the border. Building the Wall, would be a huge step in the right direction.

Your denial of this, is because you don't WANT to stop illegals.

I wonder if you will have the gall to deny THAT?

It is not the biggest reason, it is from legal immigrants over staying the visas. The wall will keep them in nice job!
Me either. THough making Mexico pay, for the shitty neighbor they have been, should certainly be on the agenda.
Trade deal and stop sending them non-commerce related money.

For starters.
I hold no grudges against most Mexicans.

Mexico has been a very bad neighbor, with a national policy of violating our National Sovereignty continually, on an industrial scale for generations now.
True, but scumalicious GW opened the border wide.

Republicans certainly deserve much of the blame. Hell, the current GOP congress, is refusing to put Wall money in the budget.

They are morons.
Rumps, not so much! That money from Mexico not gonna make it!
I didn’t vote for Mexico paying for the wall.

Me either. THough making Mexico pay, for the shitty neighbor they have been, should certainly be on the agenda.
Trade deal and stop sending them non-commerce related money.
I will not be surprised if Trump doesn't soon claim that the trade deal is the way he is having Mexico pay for the wall. I don't think anyone believed Mexico would be writing us a check to pay for the wall.
Like you Leftards care about the budget. FU.
You talking to me?
True, but scumalicious GW opened the border wide.

Both The Bush and Kennedy families represent a globalist aristocracy. The Kennedy clan may be more inclined towards collectivism that the Bush clan, but I did support W for a long time.

I have no problem acknowledging the damage he did increasing government, I still believe we did a good thing taking out Hussein but the whole rest of the ordeal was managed horribly. In retrospect W was not a good president, infinitely better than any democrook mind you, but he served masters that do not have the nation's best interests in mind.

Not built yet.
Although so far this has been a total failure for Trump, there are still a couple of more years left in his tenure. We'll see if he can deliver.

Border Wall Construction Underway | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Report shows Donald Trump's proposed border wall was "breached" several times during tests


Prison walls can be often are they?
The Wall is one component among a number of things to be improved to stop the human cockroaches.
Trade deal and stop sending them non-commerce related money.

For starters.
I hold no grudges against most Mexicans.

Mexico has been a very bad neighbor, with a national policy of violating our National Sovereignty continually, on an industrial scale for generations now.
True, but scumalicious GW opened the border wide.

Republicans certainly deserve much of the blame. Hell, the current GOP congress, is refusing to put Wall money in the budget.

They are morons.
They are directly responsible.
Trade deal and stop sending them non-commerce related money.

Ya so no wall and Mexico not paying for it, got it!

You want to admit that you want America flooded with illegals, because you are anti-American?

Lol, I admit you're a tube for thinking the wall will solve the biggest problem for illegals being here!

Interesting. You did not deny it.

Over half of the illegals here, came across the border. Building the Wall, would be a huge step in the right direction.

Your denial of this, is because you don't WANT to stop illegals.

I wonder if you will have the gall to deny THAT?

It is not the biggest reason, it is from legal immigrants over staying the visas. The wall will keep them in nice job!
Legal immigrants overstaying their visas?
Sections of the wall have gone up in Texas and are working quite well. They should be backed up by men and women with machine guns.

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