Boy was Trump's bloodbath rhetoric short lived

You worry more about the past then your present and future. Haiti has been independent for over 200 years. Democracy means little if contaminated y pschopaths and sociopaths with the hierarchy owning everything. They are near cannibalism. The Dominican Republic has built a 12-foot-high wall at the border with surveillance and guard towers.
You're an idiot. Haiti's elites are propped up by American elites who exploit it and other Caribbean and South American countries for profit. Preventing that in the future means taking American political and economic power out of the hands of deplorable whites and into the hands of the children of immigrants from those countries who actually care about them. Just because you don't know shit don't mean we don't have a plan.
And Republican administrations want to murder life as a consequence of IVF procedures which they wholeheartedly support.

Funny that.
Malleable virtue to fit the narrative, eh?
You Marxist IDIOTS are shallow sketchy shape-shifting creeps.
The Democrats are THE Confederates.
And in perfect form as such, you champion racism.
Good show, lil' buddy. :itsok:
I know those pieces of shits Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis were Democrats. I certainly don't champion them or their shit culture. Do you? Or do you think that southern Confederate whites and their progeny, the sons and daughters of the Confederacy, are deplorable fucking mutants? :dunno:
I know those pieces of shits Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis were Democrats. I certainly don't champion them or their shit culture. Do you? Or do you think that southern Confederate whites and their progeny, the sons and daughters of the Confederacy, are deplorable fucking mutants? :dunno:
They were Democrats then, and they are Democrats NOW.
You can twist into a pretzel all you want, but it's the TRUTH.
No, there was no "big switch" either.
YOU are political fodder for them as you are lead by your nose like an Ox!!!! 🐂
They were Democrats then, and they are Democrats NOW.
Well not exactly. The President of the Daughters of the Confederacy is a registered Republican.
You can twist into a pretzel all you want, but it's the TRUTH.
Who's trying to twist? I'm telling you straight up that I think that southern Confederate whites and the people who love them today are shit people from a shit culture and asking you if you feel the same. Is Robert E Lee a piece of shit from a shit culture in your opinion?
No, there was no "big switch" either.
Well again, the president for the Daughters of the Confederacy is a registered Republican but there was also quite a few people in State politics that switch over to the Republican Party. A lot fewer in Federal government but in local government there was a lot of switching.

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YOU are political fodder for them as you are lead by your nose like an Ox!!!! 🐂
You're the one who's having a hard time admitting Robert E Lee was a shit person from a shit culture and the great thing is, either answer you give I do win. Either you be a proud racist or you hang your head in shame over the whites I want you to. :funnyface:
Well not exactly. The President of the Daughters of the Confederacy is a registered Republican.

Who's trying to twist? I'm telling you straight up that I think that southern Confederate whites and the people who love them today are shit people from a shit culture and asking you if you feel the same. Is Robert E Lee a piece of shit from a shit culture in your opinion?

Well again, the president for the Daughters of the Confederacy is a registered Republican but there was also quite a few people in State politics that switch over to the Republican Party. A lot fewer in Federal government but in local government there was a lot of switching.

Thread by @KevinMKruse on Thread Reader App

You're the one who's having a hard time admitting Robert E Lee was a shit person from a shit culture and the great thing is, either answer you give I do win. Either you be a proud racist and you hang your head in shame over the whites I want you to. :funnyface:
🥨 🥨 🥨
You're an idiot. Haiti's elites are propped up by American elites who exploit it and other Caribbean and South American countries for profit. Preventing that in the future means taking American political and economic power out of the hands of deplorable whites and into the hands of the children of immigrants from those countries who actually care about them. Just because you don't know shit don't mean we don't have a plan.
That plan must be multiple centuries or millennium one. It is painful to watch children generation after generation impoverished and then becomes adults repeating the same thing. I am not a blue blood from the mainline of cities who may have views of superiority no matter what the situation. There are a huge percentage of Progs with money who you must include in that. The only plan you have is mass ghettos as far as the eye can see. We have the Mendoza Line, and we have the Martha's Vineyard Line. Make all people live near the same with the upper crust living the same. With the upper crust living the same. With the upper crust living the same. That ain't happening.
That plan must be multiple centuries or millennium one.
How bad is your math? Conservative and moderate liberal whites are predominately older and whites 18 and under are already demographic minorities. It's not going to take as long as you think before demographic change and old age start kicking your ass.
It is painful to watch children generation after generation impoverished and then becomes adults repeating the same thing.
If that were true it would of been solved by now.
I am not a blue blood from the mainline of cities who may have views of superiority no matter what the situation.
Then you're an uneducated white from the sticks. What the fuck do I care? You all need to be made minorities.
There are a huge percentage of Progs with money who you must include in that.
What makes you think I dont?
The only plan you have is mass ghettos as far as the eye can see. We have the Mendoza Line, and we have the Martha's Vineyard Line. Make all people live near the same with the upper crust living the same. With the upper crust living the same. With the upper crust living the same. That ain't happening.
That ain't happening as long as whites are the majority.
You can choose to agree or disagree with this economic assessment, but this doesn’t negate the fact that he was clearly using the term in the context of the economy, which has absolutely nothing to do with violence or bloodshed as the MSM continues to claim. It is an obvious attempt to continue forming a narrative which many will buy because they don’t do any research on their own. This is exactly what they have done for years regarding Trump and why we have so many un-informed people who have serious misconceptions about Trump.

Yeah, here's the thing... if you listen to the entirety of his Dayton Speech, he really doesn't come off good.

Yeah, here's the thing... if you listen to the entirety of his Dayton Speech, he really doesn't come off good.

So now we are changing the topic and still only providing 107 seconds of the speech. You guys are totally lost.
Not changing the topic at all. Trump is pretty deranged, and you guys keep trying to pretend this is fine and no one will notice.

The topic is that Trump using the term “bloodbath” was him calling for violence. Disinformation misleads the uninformed and those getting their “news” from headlines and short social media posts. Disinformation has played a significant role in the growth of the TDS sentiment around the country. When asked whey they dislike Trump, many simply regurgitate disinformation.
The topic is that Trump using the term “bloodbath” was him calling for violence. Disinformation misleads the uninformed and those getting their “news” from headlines and short social media posts. Disinformation has played a significant role in the growth of the TDS sentiment around the country. When asked whey they dislike Trump, many simply regurgitate disinformation.

Okay, guy. Most people who dislike Trump is because the man is a loutish bigot.

You clowns on the right like him because he says the quiet parts out loud. Soon, you guys are going to wake up from this MAGA hangover, and feel a lot of shame.
How bad is your math? Conservative and moderate liberal whites are predominately older and whites 18 and under are already demographic minorities. It's not going to take as long as you think before demographic change and old age start kicking your ass.

If that were true it would of been solved by now.

Then you're an uneducated white from the sticks. What the fuck do I care? You all need to be made minorities.

What makes you think I dont?

That ain't happening as long as whites are the majority.
It does not matter if the controlling ones live with stone age ways. I know. You will take the mantle and invent all of the technologies with tech giants and millions of employment opportunities, industrial giants with millions of employment opportunities, service giants with millions of employment opportunities, independent invention giants with millions of employment opportunities. In a rich nation we have private small businesses with self-painted signs at the front of them. I am only telling you that wanting the power and having it are two different things. And unless you upgrade in a huge way, we will be looking at a potential dark ages time.
Okay, guy. Most people who dislike Trump is because the man is a loutish bigot.

Most of these people are uniformed childish partisans who don’t know the first thing about policy or what is going on in this country. They just know that Trump can be a jerk sometimes and he sends tweets that hurts their feelings. Democrats are the most uninformed electorate. It has been that way for years.

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