Boycott Garth Brooks: Country Legend Sparks Controversy by Defending Bud Light Service at His New Bar – Suggests Boycott Supporters are “A**holes”

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
That trans supporting country bumpkin just called me an asshole. Well I say boycott him, his bar, and his music for supporting Bud Light. With that said, drink Pabst Blue Ribbon! It's what the oilfield workers drink these days now.

He's always been a pudgy, soy-boy type. I wouldn't doubt that he dabbles in the “bi” portion of the LGBTQ+Pedo club. I liked his music, but won't have any problem boycotting him and his woke ideology. That crap isn't for me.

I remember him “switching sides” (so to speak) during the height of his country music fame and “exploring” his dark side as Chris Gaines:


So he's always been a bit of a nutcase.
That trans supporting country bumpkin just called me an asshole. Well I say boycott him, his bar, and his music for supporting Bud Light. With that said, drink Pabst Blue Ribbon! It's what the oilfield workers drink these days now.

Maybe you are an asshole. You whine constantly about how the country is divided.
That trans supporting country bumpkin just called me an asshole. Well I say boycott him, his bar, and his music for supporting Bud Light. With that said, drink Pabst Blue Ribbon! It's what the oilfield workers drink these days now.

Those kind of bars are so cheesy, hard pass.
The record biz is alive and well! Warner Bros and Universal and Sony make tons and tons of money!

They pay shit to artists and performers, so yes, the corporations make big money. Not that there are many 'artists' actually worth a lot, but royalties from streaming suck.
The worship of Country Music "stars" is a nauseating display of money wasting and extreme idiocy.

All of the major Country Music stars are Jewish, as is Brooks, and the moron country fans all think they are Christians...

Brooks just outed himself...

The moron fans likely won't figure it out...

At the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, there is a saying

Country Music fans make heavy metal fans look like Rhodes Scholars...
The record biz is toast, so the only money is in touring, and he's semi-retired anyway; the bar is probably a tax gimmick anyway.

They don't go 3 months without another "CMA Award" festival, and every time it is jam packed with complete morons. Traffic downtown is a disaster. Hotels are all full. They stand in line for hours, sometimes in 100F heat.

It is just one guy singing with a guitar. If you have heard 4 "new country" songs you've heard all of them, they all use the same 40 words...
They don't go 3 months without another "CMA Award" festival, and every time it is jam packed with complete morons. Traffic downtown is a disaster. Hotels are all full. They stand in line for hours, sometimes in 100F heat.

It is just one guy singing with a guitar. If you have heard 4 "new country" songs you've heard all of them, they all use the same 40 words...
That just might be the dumbest comment I've ever read.

Let Me check.

Yep. Hands down.
hey don't go 3 months without another "CMA Award" festival, and every time it is jam packed with complete morons. Traffic downtown is a disaster. Hotels are all full. They stand in line for hours, sometimes in 100F heat.

Yes. That makes more money than record royalties. They will do four a year if they think they will make a profit.

The bar business for 'Star's is huge as well; tourist traps mostly, but at least some of them book decent bands and 'open mike' nights, which are a bit of a fraud but still good.

Some of the artists actually sound better live than they do on recordings, but most don't. Same with rock.

Nearly all classical musicians and opera artists sound better live than on recordings, breaking the pattern. I just tried to watch a Rolling Stones concert 'live'; they were horrible. I don't get why people pay to see them live at all. I turned it off after 3 minutes.
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They pay shit to artists and performers, so yes, the corporations make big money. Not that there are many 'artists' actually worth a lot, but royalties from streaming suck.
Yes they do. On the other hand, the people that complain about that need to become better businessmen. There are plenty of people making money, the simple truth is that most artists don't know how to do it. And why should they? They're creative types, they should spend their time creating. I'm in the biz, I have the solution.
That just might be the dumbest comment I've ever read.

Let Me check.

Yep. Hands down.

You are Exhibit A of what is said at Bridgestone Arena...

These are all way smarter than you...

Here we go again.
Most people with sense in political views are like what humans are in eating meats. The eyes are in the front with many animals the same and have binocular vision. That is each eye having overscan on the other giving three-dimensional sight to hunt the prey. So, we may have things we like from two political sides. Our two political sides though have become disjointed. We are now forced to act like animals with monocular vision. That is with eyes that have no overscan on each other with two different views of vision. And they are vegetarians for the most part. The Western World and the United States is being converted from binocular vision to monocular vision. While human history is the binocular vison dominates and rules. The new world order is genius. They have all of the psychiatric ways of our species down to perfection and use our frailties against us for their purpose. Russia is a binocular vision nation although smaller in its meat eating with potential deadly attacks to us with a growing massive monocular vision nation as we eat vegetables. If things go to the worse, they have the power still to eliminate most of the monocular vision world that we are becoming. China is a massive binocular vison nation that will eliminate the monocular vision western world when the time comes. And the remaining binocular vision people of the western world and the United States are diminishing in numbers to defend themselves from this as internally the monocular vision people have taken over slapping the binocular vision people who do not respond much anymore from their massive superiority in survival. We are finished as those who are binoculars have sold out to the monocular.
That trans supporting country bumpkin just called me an asshole. Well I say boycott him, his bar, and his music for supporting Bud Light. With that said, drink Pabst Blue Ribbon! It's what the oilfield workers drink these days now.

I haven't really paid much attention to him in years bexause he sucked so badly as a husband and father ... which he also admitted to recently.


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