Boycott Israel

PMW impact:

Swedish and Norwegian MPs to seek funding cuts to PA

Swedish MP:
"We want to do as they've done in the Dutch parliament
to cut the funding to the PA [by 7%]."
Mikael Oscarsson (Christian Democrats)

Norwegian MP:
"I do not think it's a good idea to give any funding to prisoners...
We have to use Norwegian money to make peace."
Ingjerd Schou (Conservative Party)

Swedish MP:
"Thank you Itamar Marcus for coming to Sweden. The job you're doing with Palestinian Media Watch is very important. It gives us information. We're very thankful that you're giving us the facts so that we in the Swedish parliament can use these facts in order to change Swedish attitudes."
Mikael Oscarsson (Christian Democrats)

(full article online)

PMW impact: Swedish and Norwegian MPs to seek funding cuts to PA - PMW Bulletins
With shofars, products from Judea and Samaria, and calls of ‘Am Yisrael Chai’: Over a hundred Irish citizens marched on the main road in Dublin in opposition to the proposed legislation boycotting products from Judea and Samaria. They also took pictures with signs reading “I also buy products from Judea and Samaria,” as they purchased products from Judea and Samaria at a stand set up nearby. Attorney Nati Rom, Founder of the ‘Lev HaOlam’ Organization said, “Everywhere they act against us- we will be there.”

(full article online)

March for Israel in the capital of Ireland
And unsurprisingly, just as BDS proponents defended their verbal assaults on Jewish students as expressions of free speech, they are insisting that boycotting study abroad to Israel should be protected by academic freedom.

But any attempt to claim that boycotting study abroad to Israel is not a direct assault on Jewish students can’t be entertained. According to the Institute of International Education (IIE), the number of American students who chose to study in Israel increased from 1,981 in 2005-2006 to 3,317 in 2014-2015, including many American students who did so in order to strengthen their Jewish identity and connect to their Jewish heritage.

Campus administrators must reject this boycott of study abroad to Israel, and those who attempt to enact it must be disciplined, with the University of Michigan offering a fine example. In an appropriate response to Cheney-Lippold’s refusal to write a letter of recommendation for a Jewish student, the University of Michigan’s administrators reprimanded him. Interim Dean of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts Elizabeth Cole wrote, “This letter is a strong warning that your behavior in this circumstance was inappropriate and will not be tolerated.”

(full article online)

The Escalating Campus War on Pro-Israel Jewish Students
And unsurprisingly, just as BDS proponents defended their verbal assaults on Jewish students as expressions of free speech, they are insisting that boycotting study abroad to Israel should be protected by academic freedom.

But any attempt to claim that boycotting study abroad to Israel is not a direct assault on Jewish students can’t be entertained. According to the Institute of International Education (IIE), the number of American students who chose to study in Israel increased from 1,981 in 2005-2006 to 3,317 in 2014-2015, including many American students who did so in order to strengthen their Jewish identity and connect to their Jewish heritage.

Campus administrators must reject this boycott of study abroad to Israel, and those who attempt to enact it must be disciplined, with the University of Michigan offering a fine example. In an appropriate response to Cheney-Lippold’s refusal to write a letter of recommendation for a Jewish student, the University of Michigan’s administrators reprimanded him. Interim Dean of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts Elizabeth Cole wrote, “This letter is a strong warning that your behavior in this circumstance was inappropriate and will not be tolerated.”

(full article online)

The Escalating Campus War on Pro-Israel Jewish Students
But any attempt to claim that boycotting study abroad to Israel is not a direct assault on Jewish students can’t be entertained.
What about students who want to study in Palestine?
And unsurprisingly, just as BDS proponents defended their verbal assaults on Jewish students as expressions of free speech, they are insisting that boycotting study abroad to Israel should be protected by academic freedom.

But any attempt to claim that boycotting study abroad to Israel is not a direct assault on Jewish students can’t be entertained. According to the Institute of International Education (IIE), the number of American students who chose to study in Israel increased from 1,981 in 2005-2006 to 3,317 in 2014-2015, including many American students who did so in order to strengthen their Jewish identity and connect to their Jewish heritage.

Campus administrators must reject this boycott of study abroad to Israel, and those who attempt to enact it must be disciplined, with the University of Michigan offering a fine example. In an appropriate response to Cheney-Lippold’s refusal to write a letter of recommendation for a Jewish student, the University of Michigan’s administrators reprimanded him. Interim Dean of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts Elizabeth Cole wrote, “This letter is a strong warning that your behavior in this circumstance was inappropriate and will not be tolerated.”

(full article online)

The Escalating Campus War on Pro-Israel Jewish Students
But any attempt to claim that boycotting study abroad to Israel is not a direct assault on Jewish students can’t be entertained.
What about students who want to study in Palestine?

What about them?

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