BOYCOTT THEM: Popular Restaurant Tells Veterans to REMOVE the Flag and GET OUT


...tough one for conservatives around here to respond to, i.e., those conservatives who insist that a business should have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.


I'm conservative and I believe free people should be free to refuse service to anyone for any reason, but the U.S. legal system doesn't see it that way.

If Dave & Buster's wants to ban veterans, that's fine with me.
Veterans are actually included in the SCOTUS list of protected classes. The vets were not refused service because of their veteran status. They were refused service because the did not comply with the dress code. They wore what appeared to the restaurant to be outlaw gang colors, meaning official uniforms worn by an outlaw, meaning criminal, gang. Wearing those colors or uniform in a rival's territory is an invitation to a fight that may include knives or guns. That is why places of business do not allow those jackets or vests worn in their places of business.

Perhaps this was a teachable moment for the manger with regard to learning discernment. Are they going to ban a contingent of Brownies for wearing their vests with their various patches? LOL.

That has been my point all along. Its a slippery slope, this "policy".
It sounds like Dave and Busters has a gang problem. I didn't know that. I'm glad this story came out. I'll avoid that place.
I suppose if you walk into an establishment and you see a sign that says "No Colors", it's probably a good idea to GTFO!
I suppose if you walk into an establishment and you see a sign that says "No Colors", it's probably a good idea to GTFO!
If there is a sign that says no colors...I would think they are trouble and have had trouble and therefore attract trouble. Maybe due to their idiocy..or their greasy food.
So much manufactured outrage.

Waitress mistakes veterans for a gang because of the way they are dressed.
Restaurant later apologises to veterans for mistake.

Cue 8 pages of faux fuckwittery.

How do you people maintain such high levels of anger ?
So much manufactured outrage.

Waitress mistakes veterans for a gang because of the way they are dressed.
Restaurant later apologises to veterans for mistake.

Cue 8 pages of faux fuckwittery.

How do you people maintain such high levels of anger ?

Anger? More like comedy gold over monumental stupidity!
The group that causes the most trouble is a club named Rolling Thunder, named after the motorcycle rally held in D.C. every year They dress in costumes that identify them as biker vets and outlaw biker badasses, but membership does not require owning or riding a motorcycle. Nor does it require the poser be a veteran. It requires the club chapter's approval and a fee for the vest and back patch. The biker vet may not be either, but he will look like a biker vet to the general public, genuine vets and real bikers. Pisses off the vets and bikers.
You need to run that by me again because it makes no sense. Sorry.

If they have a no biker jacket policy, they have a no biker jacket policy.

And if they have a "no Veteran policy," you and the other Marxist democrats are cool with it.

Muslims you love and will protect, Veterans are a different story....
Colors are the insignia, or "patches", worn by motorcycle clubmembers on vests to identify membership of their club and territorial location. ... The term has its roots in military history, originating with regimental colours.

It is great fun watching you Marxists defend banning Veterans.

Then you of the Khmer Rouge will cry when you don't win the next election and wonder why..
BOYCOTT THEM: Popular Restaurant Tells Veterans to REMOVE the Flag and GET OUT
is this real???
BOYCOTT THEM: Popular Restaurant Tells Veterans to REMOVE the Flag and GET OUT – Politic House
No colors means "NO COLORS".

If you don't like it eat somewhere else. Go get a fag cake or something.

Fair enough, so people decided to eat somewhere else. Dave & Busters apologized and are altering their policy. Like I said at the outset, I don't care for the place, as someone pointed out, it's like Chuck E Cheese. But they ARE smart enough to know the damage this does to their business.

Now if the Marxists like Camp and Radical Right want to get together and start a restaurant that only serves Comrades with Che tees on, I'm fine with that.

...tough one for conservatives around here to respond to, i.e., those conservatives who insist that a business should have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.

You are absolutely correct.

Dave & Busters has the right to refuse service to anyone.

If the story about that particular D&B store is accurate (and right-wing trash sites are no more reliable than left-wing trash sites), then...

The American Legion should probably take the lead, in encouraging its own membership, and other veterans organizations large and small, to boycott Dave & Busters...

If the story is true, then...

"Apology NOT accepted."

They deserve to be hurt, economically, IMHO.
Easy for you to be brave from the comfort of your barca lounger. But, that shoot out wasn't that long ago and "gangs" that look like that are usually armed. Only a fool wouldn't take another look at a bunch like that.
Spoken out of ignorance.
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That SAME TYPE OF CROWD at one of my employees homes last week for a BACA meeting.

Stop judging people ya idiot.

PS. BACA stands for Bikers Against Child Abuse
The "Biker" part is the problem here. Are you planning to wake up long enough to get that?

Not the preferred customers.
Oh my. Peter seems to be a tad afraid of the big bad bikers?
Pussies, with trikes trying to still be Fonzie. And if I'm setting corporate policy, I don't want people who unnerve others as clients.
Corporate? At a fucking diner? Pahlease.
With your attitude, you would unnerve anyone. Those supposed "pussies" represent many good things as well as bad, but this isn't about them and their colors. Its about some greasy spoon demanding veterans...of which many bikers remove that which their brothers and sisters died for...including you. Show some respect, asshole.
Dave and Busters isn't a greasy spoon. They are like a Chuckle Cheese s for adults. Look them up.

1) Dave & Busters is like a Chuck E Cheese restaurant. Crap food. Main draw is the play areas, in this case, video games. The adult fools who go there just to eat are freakin idiots.

2) As a mom, if I see a bunch of "baker types" in a kids restaurant, I sure the hell am not going to walk up to them just to see their little patches.I will complain to management then pull myself and my kids out of there. The morons who went there, obvious not the sharpest knives in the drawer, must have been too stupid and lazy to find another restaurant.

3) Restaurants have a legal right to enforce their own dress code. These whiney little kid bikers can't read and of course have an army of brainless supporters to back them up.

Totally clueless.
You need to run that by me again because it makes no sense. Sorry.

If they have a no biker jacket policy, they have a no biker jacket policy.

And if they have a "no Veteran policy," you and the other Marxist democrats are cool with it.

Muslims you love and will protect, Veterans are a different story....
They have not got any no veterans policy and never did. No one does. That is just your uneducated dopey creative potiltical hack imagination at work. Veterans are included as a protected class in the SCOTUS list of protected classes that are constitutionally protected against discrimination.
People posing as outlaw bikers and gangsters by wearing uniforms to pretend to be outlaws and gangsters are not a protected class.

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