Bragg’s Pursuit of Trump Violates the Sixth Amendment

Braggs only has a 51% conviction rate on real crime. hahhahahahahahahaha what a fking loser. New Yorkers must really feel safe with him! hahhahhahahhahaahahaahaha

He has a 51% conviction rate on the felonies. Most of the felonies he dropped to misdemeanor charges.
To be fair it has been noted that he has to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find a lawyer now.

Do you know who his 3 top attorneys currently are.?
Once you find out, describe how you believe they are bottom of the barrel.
With facts, not emotions.
Can you explain that?

The primary charges against Trump for violation of Business Records law is contained in the Indictment.

Under New York law section 175.10 falsification business records is normally a misdemeanor unless done to aid in the concealment of another crime. The basis for the elevated charges are the coverup based on Cohen's conviction for felony campaign finance violations.

First link is to the law showing the upgraded felony status, second link is to the Indictment, third link is to the Statement of Facts that makes the connection to the coverup facilitated through Pecker and Cohen.

Someone once said (and I paraphrase), "It's not the crime that gets you, it's the coverup.".

Do you know who his 3 top attorneys currently are.?
Once you find out, describe how you believe they are bottom of the barrel.
With facts, not emotions.
he's busy puking because he just threw that out. Now research will be required and he will fail.
That’s a misdemeanor, past the statute of limitations.

So the Dems are spending $100 million to prosecute a harmless misdemeanor, while ignoring the classified docs Biden stole and left in plain sight while simultaneously getting millions in payoffs from America’s enemies.

There is literally no victim of this supposed misdemeanor crime.
The unsealed indictment was so disappointing that even former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe — an avowed Trump enemy who was fired back in March 2018 and is now a CNN analyst — told CNN’s Jake Tapper that the case Bragg had against the 45th president “simply isn’t there.”
The unsealed indictment was so disappointing that even former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe — an avowed Trump enemy who was fired back in March 2018 and is now a CNN analyst — told CNN’s Jake Tapper that the case Bragg had against the 45th president “simply isn’t there.”

I agree, would have like to have seen more, however we have to remember this is the Indictment stage not the trial stage.

While the DA is required to turn over all evidence they have gathered to the Defense, they are under no requirement to layout how they will present that evidence at trial.

You are seriously confused. Trump is charged with falsifying business records, IN THE FIRST DEGREE. That is a felony. The crimes in which he had an intent to cover up are three.

1. Violation of state law, attempting to improperly influence an election
2. Avoiding taxes.
3. Violation of federal campaign laws, the one Cohen pled guilty to.

The felony upgrade to his misdemeanor charge does not have to involve a crime he was a party to, it only involves the "cover-up" of that crime. Number one is a long shot, number three is tenuous at best, but number two is dead on and will be the downfall of Trump.

As do the SOL argument, Trump's lawyers may attempt that defense but the state will argue that the SOL was tolled due to the time Trump was outside the state.

You are going to be catastrophically disappointed.
So your assumption is these are felony charges against Trump because he was trying to cover the specific crime that Cohen was convicted of?

Cohen pled guilty to a crime that he didn't commit thinking it would save him from the crimes that he did.
It didn't.

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