Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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doesn't matter , you emotional lefties are crying about the Deaths of strangers and people that you will never know like they are family members . Just seems to me that there is more Death and mayhem in car crashes and ACCIDENTS to get emotionally involved with . Hey Bode , i know and understand your motives for working to disarm Americans from their Effective guns Bode .
How has America evolved to this point?

In the beginnings, many Americans had guns and the only restrictions were very simple and necessary. American leadership was wise enough to realize the black population should not have access to guns. Early immigrants came from Europe, and American was still okay. Now we have immigrants from shit hole countries and a freed black population, and the country has gone to hell.
I sure don't understand why there is this story going around that rightwingers and donnie supporters are racist.
Notice in the USA the Media calls it "Mass Shootings"...and when the same thing happens elsewhere it's a "Rampage Killing"
So? Is that supposed to stand for some kind of defense for these Trump supporting murderers?

So? Is that supposed to stand for some kind of defense for these Trump supporting murderers?

2nd and final warning. Trump and his voters had nothing to do with this. Next one, on the list you go.
And...what list is that?

If you are the bad Bodeccaa? I am surprised you have avoided the list to date. Dont act up or you will go on also. BWK killer made it on yesterday
OMIGOD! Not the LIST! :blowup:
nothing kills like a multi round mag with high velocity ammo aimed willy nilly cause you don't really need any expertise to get the job done.
good luck with that lol

which one of them thar guns in your siggy gives you the biggest chubby?
anyone that makes you leftist wet your pampers.

when one needs to advertise what they ' got '.... they usually don't have ' much ' where it counts.
One thing is for sure your pampers are piss wet
Confirmation that CRCs are still in their pee-pee and poo-poo stage of mental growth.
doesn't matter , you emotional lefties are crying about the Deaths of strangers and people that you will never know like they are family members . Just seems to me that there is more Death and mayhem in car crashes and ACCIDENTS to get emotionally involved with . Hey Bode , i know and understand your motives for working to disarm Americans from their Effective guns Bode .
I've not said ONCE that I want to disarm Americans. Why do CRCs lie so glibly?
I think someone is putting these kids up to it just like they do in the Middle-East.

yeah......these guys are the ones that have been calling for impeachment and blood in the streets. Not Democrats and their corrupt media friends.
They've got Trumpsters foaming at the mouth with their talk of the "invaders".

Is this the "civil war" you guys keep threatening?

Have you read his manifesto? Full of Progressive talking points. He wasn't a "trumpster" and made that clear.
Yes, I've read it. It reads like a Trumpster emoting on USMB after listening to Mark Levin.
Levin hates Marxism and those who get the warm fuzzies thinking about Karl Marx' thearies. (Cross between theatrics and assaulted ears). And he is really opposed to Nazism and Communism, but loves the American Constitution which I've seen him defend to a fault. You oughta lighten up on Mark Levin. He's a good guy.
doesn't matter what you say you retired Gov worker . I and many like me know WHO and WHAT you are Bode .
Another law will be created by democrats disarming another blacks neighborhood
Like the Mulford Act in California?
Want to elaborate I live in Boston
You can't google? Mulford Act - Wikipedia Do I need to Readers' Digest it for you?
------------------------- BIG DEAL , 'mulford' shouldn't have happened but 'reagan bush' biggest crime was 'amnesty' in 1986 Bode .
Notice in the USA the Media calls it "Mass Shootings"...and when the same thing happens elsewhere it's a "Rampage Killing"
So? Is that supposed to stand for some kind of defense for these Trump supporting murderers?

So? Is that supposed to stand for some kind of defense for these Trump supporting murderers?

2nd and final warning. Trump and his voters had nothing to do with this. Next one, on the list you go.
And...what list is that?

If you are the bad Bodeccaa? I am surprised you have avoided the list to date. Dont act up or you will go on also. BWK killer made it on yesterday
What list?
good luck with that lol

which one of them thar guns in your siggy gives you the biggest chubby?
anyone that makes you leftist wet your pampers.

when one needs to advertise what they ' got '.... they usually don't have ' much ' where it counts.
One thing is for sure your pampers are piss wet
Confirmation that CRCs are still in their pee-pee and poo-poo stage of mental growth.
Some much for that cure for TDS
I see it influences your content in your post.
doesn't matter , you emotional lefties are crying about the Deaths of strangers and people that you will never know like they are family members . Just seems to me that there is more Death and mayhem in car crashes and ACCIDENTS to get emotionally involved with . Hey Bode , i know and understand your motives for working to disarm Americans from their Effective guns Bode .

In the same breath they all yell " I kill my kids" ( abortion lmfao.
The guy said he didn’t like Hispanic immigrants, thought they’d turn Texas blue one day, and that the Republican Party was no better.

Sounds like 99% of the Trump worshippers here.
No doubt about that. He said in his manifesto not to blame Trump but clearly his goals are similar to Trump's but with more violence.

What is really scary about this manifesto is that much of the ideas and language is very similar to what appears on this board. This tells me that there are a lot of others out there ready follow in his footsteps.

List warning #2 on Flapper for ignoring shooters LW babble. Thi weeks list warnings expire T midnight. Don't push dont get off the list easily.
What firepower.....a 5 shot, pump action shotgun killed just as many people, but wounded more in the Russian school shooting....

It isn't the gun, you moron, it is how much free time the shooter has before someone else points a gun at him...

As soon as someone pointed a gun at this guy he surrendered......just like almost all the other shooters...which is why they pick gun free zones to attack.

I know you have this big wank fantasy about pulling your gun and stopping a mass shooter...

But the reality is, most of you gun nuts would cower in a corner confronted by a nut like this.
When that guy started shooting up that parade in Dallas a few years back, all the open carry guys with their guns ran away screaming like little girls.

List warning #2 for bashing real Americans while hiding out at home.
He was radicalized by far right extremist ideology.

Thankyou DR. Laura Shitslinger.
How would you describe it, then, Old Yeller?

A hopeless troubled no-girlfriends? unemployed useless Punk playing video games and trying to stay high while Illegals take all the entry level jobs (constuction) and he is stuck home with no momey, not learning job skills. Forced Military boot camp for all 18 yr olds is one solution.

Learn to work, clean up, dress up, show up, respect or go to Jail for non-compliance.
That would be priceless...have fat donnie bring back the mandatory draft.

Idle hands cause trouble. Put them to work. Teach them or jail them 2 yrs minimum. Their choice.
Notice in the USA the Media calls it "Mass Shootings"...and when the same thing happens elsewhere it's a "Rampage Killing"
So? Is that supposed to stand for some kind of defense for these Trump supporting murderers?

So? Is that supposed to stand for some kind of defense for these Trump supporting murderers?

2nd and final warning. Trump and his voters had nothing to do with this. Next one, on the list you go.
And...what list is that?

If you are the bad Bodeccaa? I am surprised you have avoided the list to date. Dont act up or you will go on also. BWK killer made it on yesterday
What list?

See#9 on the list. No way to get off, belittling the list.

Found this on Twitter....


· 7h
Replying to @SandraKayWard5 and @ZibaLady1
Hey, here’s a before and after shot from before of the mass media got a hold of it and then after...
Four eyed virgins.
I am tellin ya...we gotta get these guys laid. No more shootings.
The only way this is slowing down is by getting rid of the Stochastic terrorists like Trump. Without that, this is going to get much worse. This is what happens when these terrorists like Trump come around. They feed off the hate they sew, and recruit lone Wolfe's to do their dirty work for them.
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