Breaking: FBI BACKS CIA View that Russia Intervened to Help Trump Win Election

Are they actually going to go brief Congress or just keep illegally violating Congressional subpoenas?

Read the article, they have been giving briefs for months to Congress.
Not on the Russian situation. The last one was in OCTOBER, and the CIA just criminally violated a Congressional subpoena by being a 'No-Show'.

WRONG. Read the fucking links you lazy fucks.

"The CIA shared its latest assessment with key senators in a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill about two weeks ago in which agency officials cited a growing body of intelligence from multiple sources. Specifically, CIA briefers told the senators it was now “quite clear” that electing Trump was one of Russia’s goals, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters."
and a new committee wants the information and subpoenaed the intelligence agency and they ignored the subpoena. i find that treasonous.
Let's be honest, the liberals are seriously butt-hurt by the election results. Liberals as a whole practice projection, blame and hypocrisy. As a result of this election and their poor dispositions, they'd blame the position of the moon if it meant denying what they've become, and their utter failure.

He won by a few votes, take that and shove it.
Trump won by a landslide.

No, he didn't.

Well, yeah he did. Hillary was not even close. This is why she is hurting so bad and all her doners bailed on her.
Read the article, they have been giving briefs for months to Congress.
Not on the Russian situation. The last one was in OCTOBER, and the CIA just criminally violated a Congressional subpoena by being a 'No-Show'.

WRONG. Read the fucking links you lazy fucks.

"The CIA shared its latest assessment with key senators in a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill about two weeks ago in which agency officials cited a growing body of intelligence from multiple sources. Specifically, CIA briefers told the senators it was now “quite clear” that electing Trump was one of Russia’s goals, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters."

The CIA aka "Crooks In Action"? The same group that has been training ISIS/ al qaeda? The same group that was behind the murder of JFK? The same group that was the OSS that brought in thousands of Nazis under "Operation PaperClip after WWII??? Thye same ones that use MK-Ultra trauma based mind control???? The ones that put in "Cointel-Pro" to infiltrate groups that were not "globalist friendly"???? The same ones that infiltrated the media under "Operation Mockingbird"???? The same group that has been flying opium into this country since the Korean War to fund their black ops? The same group that has orchestrated the overthrow of dozens of duly elected leaders that didn't play ball with their globalists because their country had resources that they coveted??? THAT group!!?!?!?!?!?!? Good call!!!!!

The CIA, FBI, National Intelligence Agency, and 17 other intelligence agencies in other countries... That's quite the conspiracy isn't it?

Every alphabet agency is incorporated and owned by the IMF.....don't you read my posts? Learn, grow....evolve and for God's sake stop eating the paste, ya dumb fuck.......

Every agency? Including those in other countries? You are so fucking out there. Why are you on a computer? You know they are tracking you right? They also have a camera in your television to watch you in your house... And they have that black box on your vehicle to track you there. And your cell phone? The microphone is always on to track what you say... and they put stuff in your food to make you more compliant. :itsok:
Thank God if they did. They exposed the Democrats and all major affiliations as nasty and corrupt.

The Obama admin. was a failure, and they aimed to destroy our country, either intentionally or simply because they're evil, incompetent and/or putrid.

Lesson fucking learned, do shit the right way or expect to be exposed if you don't. Ever heard the term "don't do anything you'd undo if caught"? You figure the Democrats, and really the USA as a whole learned that lesson?

So if someone hacked your email and showed your wife you were cheating on her, you wouldn't be mad because you were in the wrong by cheating?

Been done, and happens all the time. What the issue is here is the democrat party is claiming that the soviet bear hacked the election. Not specifically what was hacked. The fact the information does not dismiss the information that was in the emails.

No not like this and we should not stand for it. the Issue is that it did hurt Clinton.

Clintion being a stuck up dried out old battle axe hurt Clinton. Ask Bernie he will tell ya.

Bernie is a jew, big deal, nothing new, what else did they say about Bernie, wonder what Bernie said about her, I can't even imagine Trumps email, nothing but filth I imagine. He is a lying arrogant A hole, who was in bed with Putin and your voted for him. Put hated Hillary, but Loves Trump, note how he hired Tillerson. Right in Putins hands.
Let's be honest, the liberals are seriously butt-hurt by the election results. Liberals as a whole practice projection, blame and hypocrisy. As a result of this election and their poor dispositions, they'd blame the position of the moon if it meant denying what they've become, and their utter failure.

He won by a few votes, take that and shove it.
Trump won by a landslide.

No, he didn't.
306 to 232 landslide
Let's be honest, the liberals are seriously butt-hurt by the election results. Liberals as a whole practice projection, blame and hypocrisy. As a result of this election and their poor dispositions, they'd blame the position of the moon if it meant denying what they've become, and their utter failure.

He won by a few votes, take that and shove it.
Trump won by a landslide.

No, he didn't.

Recounts have added to Trump's vote total.....but oh wait!!!! That's because of the Russians!!!!!
Read the actual article carefully. There is no proof of anything. Just the "word" of unnamed "U.S. officials"...

“Earlier this week, I met separately with (Director) FBI James Comey and DNI Jim Clapper, and there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election,” CIA Director John Brennan said in a message to the agency’s workforce, according to U.S. officials who have seen the message.

“The three of us also agree that our organizations, along with others, need to focus on completing the thorough review of this issue that has been directed by President Obama and which is being led by the DNI,” Brennan’s message read.

The CIA and FBI declined to comment.

Did he actually say this? Maybe. Nobody really knows. It's called "FAKE NEWS" for a reason.

You really are one dumb fucking idiot.

FBI agrees with CIA assessment that Russia wanted to help Trump win

I guess NBC is lying too? Moron.

You poor Butthurt LWNJ.....

From your fake news link:

Two U.S. intelligence officials have confirmed to NBC News that FBI Director James Comey and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper agree with a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the presidency.​

NBC provided no names. No proof. No official comment from the FBI. Just the same "story" from unnamed "officials". It's called "disinformation".

You "want to believe" the story because it's what you want to hear.

You are a Butthurt LWNJ. ...

Gee, it's about time. :rolleyes-41:

FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. have backed a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the presidency, according to U.S. officials.

Comey’s support for the CIA’s conclusion suggests that the leaders of the three agencies are in agreement on Russian intentions, contrary to suggestions by some lawmakers that the FBI disagreed with the CIA.

“Earlier this week, I met separately with (Director) FBI James Comey and DNI Jim Clapper, and there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election,” CIA Director John Brennan said in a message to the agency’s workforce, according to U.S. officials who have seen the message.
Rest here: FBI backs CIA view that Russia intervened to help Trump win election
You're going to have to do a hell of a lot better than WaPo and "strong consensus".

Regardless, that does nothing to alleviate DNC sleaze, Hillary's defeat or your butthurt.

I don't have to "do anything" to placate a clown like you, this will be making the rounds on every major media news outlet.
oh but you think we do? LOL dude, your hypocrisy is so bright it shows in almost every post.
Gee, it's about time. :rolleyes-41:

FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. have backed a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the presidency, according to U.S. officials.

Comey’s support for the CIA’s conclusion suggests that the leaders of the three agencies are in agreement on Russian intentions, contrary to suggestions by some lawmakers that the FBI disagreed with the CIA.

“Earlier this week, I met separately with (Director) FBI James Comey and DNI Jim Clapper, and there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election,” CIA Director John Brennan said in a message to the agency’s workforce, according to U.S. officials who have seen the message.
Rest here: FBI backs CIA view that Russia intervened to help Trump win election
You're going to have to do a hell of a lot better than WaPo and "strong consensus".

Regardless, that does nothing to alleviate DNC sleaze, Hillary's defeat or your butthurt.

I don't have to "do anything" to placate a clown like you, this will be making the rounds on every major media news outlet.
As here, anything sourced by WaPo is indeed suspect, sleazy as they are.
Are they actually going to go brief Congress or just keep illegally violating Congressional subpoenas?

Read the article, they have been giving briefs for months to Congress.
Not on the Russian situation. The last one was in OCTOBER, and the CIA just criminally violated a Congressional subpoena by being a 'No-Show'.

WRONG. Read the fucking links you lazy fucks.

"The CIA shared its latest assessment with key senators in a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill about two weeks ago in which agency officials cited a growing body of intelligence from multiple sources. Specifically, CIA briefers told the senators it was now “quite clear” that electing Trump was one of Russia’s goals, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters."

The CIA aka "Crooks In Action"? The same group that has been training ISIS/ al qaeda? The same group that was behind the murder of JFK? The same group that was the OSS that brought in thousands of Nazis under "Operation PaperClip after WWII??? Thye same ones that use MK-Ultra trauma based mind control???? The ones that put in "Cointel-Pro" to infiltrate groups that were not "globalist friendly"???? The same ones that infiltrated the media under "Operation Mockingbird"???? The same group that has been flying opium into this country since the Korean War to fund their black ops? The same group that has orchestrated the overthrow of dozens of duly elected leaders that didn't play ball with their globalists because their country had resources that they coveted??? THAT group!!?!?!?!?!?!? Good call!!!!!

The CIA, FBI, National Intelligence Agency, and 17 other intelligence agencies in other countries... That's quite the conspiracy isn't it?
What else are you going to parrot from anonymous sources?
Thank God if they did. They exposed the Democrats and all major affiliations as nasty and corrupt.

The Obama admin. was a failure, and they aimed to destroy our country, either intentionally or simply because they're evil, incompetent and/or putrid.

Lesson fucking learned, do shit the right way or expect to be exposed if you don't. Ever heard the term "don't do anything you'd undo if caught"? You figure the Democrats, and really the USA as a whole learned that lesson?

So if someone hacked your email and showed your wife you were cheating on her, you wouldn't be mad because you were in the wrong by cheating?

Been done, and happens all the time. What the issue is here is the democrat party is claiming that the soviet bear hacked the election. Not specifically what was hacked. The fact the information does not dismiss the information that was in the emails.

No not like this and we should not stand for it. the Issue is that it did hurt Clinton.

Clintion being a stuck up dried out old battle axe hurt Clinton. Ask Bernie he will tell ya.

Bernie is a jew, big deal, nothing new, what else did they say about Bernie, wonder what Bernie said about her, I can't even imagine Trumps email, nothing but filth I imagine. He is a lying arrogant A hole, who was in bed with Putin and your voted for him. Put hated Hillary, but Loves Trump, note how he hired Tillerson. Right in Putins hands.

Did Putin start hating the Hildebeast before or after she turned over Uranium One to himnand twenty percent of all uranium production in exchange for a donation to her (snicker) tax free foundation??? When did they stop being "pals"????
So Brennan who heads the agency who helped write the Bengazi talking points that it was a video says Comey who said Hillary committed a crime but didn't mean to AND Clapper who I believe was the guy who testified that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization are all in agreement now?

Do tell!



Present the evidence to the Intelligence Committee. That's easy enough isn't it? It's not like only Russia would want to take out Hillary.

The NSA was busted spying on 122 leaders and global corporations. Including Merkel's personal phone.

AND as far as interfering in elections, Obama sent people to Israel to work on behalf of Bibi's opposition to try to take out Netanyahu.

So he can't play holier than thou.

Oh and then there has been Obama's Jim Messina working with Cameron to get re elected and a whole crew of Democrats working to block Brexit.

Then there's the overthrow of Mubarak and Gaddafi the Ukrainian President and his cabinet, Yemen and last but not least still attempting to overthrow Assad.

So Obama and the Dems should just pull up their big boy pants and deal with it.

You can say it. President Trump.

Let's be honest, the liberals are seriously butt-hurt by the election results. Liberals as a whole practice projection, blame and hypocrisy. As a result of this election and their poor dispositions, they'd blame the position of the moon if it meant denying what they've become, and their utter failure.

He won by a few votes, take that and shove it.
Trump won by a landslide.

No, he didn't.


Trump came in 46th out of all 58 elections.

EPIC JOURNEY: Trump's Victory Ranks 46 of 58 in Electoral College Share


Gee, it's about time. :rolleyes-41:

FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. have backed a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the presidency, according to U.S. officials.

Comey’s support for the CIA’s conclusion suggests that the leaders of the three agencies are in agreement on Russian intentions, contrary to suggestions by some lawmakers that the FBI disagreed with the CIA.

“Earlier this week, I met separately with (Director) FBI James Comey and DNI Jim Clapper, and there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election,” CIA Director John Brennan said in a message to the agency’s workforce, according to U.S. officials who have seen the message.
Rest here: FBI backs CIA view that Russia intervened to help Trump win election
You're going to have to do a hell of a lot better than WaPo and "strong consensus".

Regardless, that does nothing to alleviate DNC sleaze, Hillary's defeat or your butthurt.

I don't have to "do anything" to placate a clown like you, this will be making the rounds on every major media news outlet.
As here, anything sourced by WaPo is indeed suspect, sleazy as they are.


How about NBC? FBI agrees with CIA assessment that Russia wanted to help Trump win
Read the article, they have been giving briefs for months to Congress.
Not on the Russian situation. The last one was in OCTOBER, and the CIA just criminally violated a Congressional subpoena by being a 'No-Show'.

WRONG. Read the fucking links you lazy fucks.

"The CIA shared its latest assessment with key senators in a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill about two weeks ago in which agency officials cited a growing body of intelligence from multiple sources. Specifically, CIA briefers told the senators it was now “quite clear” that electing Trump was one of Russia’s goals, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters."

The CIA aka "Crooks In Action"? The same group that has been training ISIS/ al qaeda? The same group that was behind the murder of JFK? The same group that was the OSS that brought in thousands of Nazis under "Operation PaperClip after WWII??? Thye same ones that use MK-Ultra trauma based mind control???? The ones that put in "Cointel-Pro" to infiltrate groups that were not "globalist friendly"???? The same ones that infiltrated the media under "Operation Mockingbird"???? The same group that has been flying opium into this country since the Korean War to fund their black ops? The same group that has orchestrated the overthrow of dozens of duly elected leaders that didn't play ball with their globalists because their country had resources that they coveted??? THAT group!!?!?!?!?!?!? Good call!!!!!

The CIA, FBI, National Intelligence Agency, and 17 other intelligence agencies in other countries... That's quite the conspiracy isn't it?
What else are you going to parrot from anonymous sources?

Wait a second, so if someone says something on here everyone asks for proof, and then when someone uses that information against your week argument, they are just parroting something. How fucking dumb.
Gee, it's about time. :rolleyes-41:

FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. have backed a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the presidency, according to U.S. officials.

Comey’s support for the CIA’s conclusion suggests that the leaders of the three agencies are in agreement on Russian intentions, contrary to suggestions by some lawmakers that the FBI disagreed with the CIA.

“Earlier this week, I met separately with (Director) FBI James Comey and DNI Jim Clapper, and there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election,” CIA Director John Brennan said in a message to the agency’s workforce, according to U.S. officials who have seen the message.
Rest here: FBI backs CIA view that Russia intervened to help Trump win election

It's about time!

The FBI, CIA and DNI are all in agreement -- Russia intervened in our election in order to help Trump win.

They didn't "intervene" in our election. Idiots like Podesta and Donna Brazile getting their email hacked isn't "an attack on the nation" as leftists are running around saying. The truth about the DNC was revealed by the hacking, and it's the truth that brought them down.
you know what was interfering was Donna Brazile handing questions to the CNN reporters for use against Trump. I love the hypocrisy of these idiots on the left. Everything illegal they did and they turn a blind eye. Then they make up a story and that is all legit, even though the guy that actually ended up with the emails says it wasn't the russians.. I love it. the hypocrisy that is the left in all its glory.
Let's be honest, the liberals are seriously butt-hurt by the election results. Liberals as a whole practice projection, blame and hypocrisy. As a result of this election and their poor dispositions, they'd blame the position of the moon if it meant denying what they've become, and their utter failure.

He won by a few votes, take that and shove it.
Trump won by a landslide.

No, he didn't.


Trump came in 46th out of all 58 elections.

EPIC JOURNEY: Trump's Victory Ranks 46 of 58 in Electoral College Share



Maybe so, its been said he won by the lowest margin ever, which is even more sad for Hillary as he absolutely smoked her ass on election night meaning she lost by the biggest margin ever. The more she flails, the more support she drums up for Trump.

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