Breaking: NBC Caught Manipulating Poll Results Released Today

Dang, that blog article was stupid. The author couldn't grasp basic English or basic logic, so he declared a great conspiracy.

A fine example of the legacy of Breitbart, that is.
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Dang, that blog article was stupid. The author couldn't grasp basic English or basic logic, so he declared a great conspiracy.

A fine example of the legacy of Breitbart, that is.
Explain in detail how the article is wrong.
The author of the article is incorrect.
How so

The math seems spot on--how is the blogger wrong on the actual point spread?

Was this intentional? I don't think journalist can do much more than repeat what they see and follow the rules of English. Kind of like living mannequins that can speak.
The analysis of the numbers, just in a cursory glance, doesn't take into account that 3 percentage points moved to O'Malley, other, and none.
I've been saying all along that these polls are being rigged. Too many millions at stake.

As soon as the Hillary scandal died for a just a bit, a CNN poll gave her a bigger lead over Sanders than a year ago. How the hell does that make any sense?
It's very simple.

The first question asks respondents to name their preferred candidate and the numbers go like this:

Clinton - 42%
Sanders - 35%
Biden - 17%
Others choices given but all in the lower single digits.

Since Biden isn't running the pollster followed up by asking Biden supporters who they would vote for if Biden doesn't run. They took those numbers (the 17%) and added them to the first poll question.

Clinton gained 11%, Sanders gained 3%, other candidates shared an additional 2% gain. This accounts for 16% of Biden's share. Rounding most likely accounts for the last 1%. It's fairly obvious.

The blogger is a moron.
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Biden got 17 pct. Without Biden, 11 of the 17 went to Hillary, 3 went to Sanders, 1 went to O'Malley, 1 went to 'other', 1 went to 'none'.

11 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 equals 17.

NBC...taking a BIG SWING...and a SWISHHHHH!

I seldom read an article from 'bloggers' from either side.....and I haven't read this one either.....But my question to you folks is simple:

If the polling was wrong....and if the polling was done by NBC/WSJ ....How come the right-leaning WSJ doesn't rate to be included in the "blame" in the thread's title?

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