BREAKING NEWS!!!!! A real shocker

Every city in every state should have draw mohammed contests. Draw the fuckers out instead of letting them turn our streets into Boston race routes.

absolutely ! :up: not only draw moohamed, but call him a fucking a camel fucking baby rapist, plus any and all possible verbal insults to that fucking former low life cocksucker. :up:
We have people in this country that would have expression subject to the assassin's veto. That girl who was shot in the head because she went to school knew that going to school was a provocation. How despicable was that? It was a deliberate poke in the eye. Before her, Theo Van Gough was killed for a movie muslims didn't like. An Imam in Australia said that women who didn't wear the veil was a deliberate provocation to rape. He described those women as raw meat left uncovered for the cats to eat. Australia wisely threw him out.

When does someone stand up and say "no more"? Or are Americans really that afraid?

Pamela Geller didn't draw any cartoons. She gave sound to the voice. Good thing too. These two terrorists were planning an attack. Instead of following through with thrir plans they made an abortive attack on this contest. What were they planning, a school, a shopping mall? How many lives were saved by Geller's interruption?

Every city in every state should have draw mohammed contests. Draw the fuckers out instead of letting them turn our streets into Boston race routes.

Pamela Geller exposed what a lie it is to say " Islam is the religion of peace"
So it's OK to piss off nut-jobs if you KNOW they are going to retaliate by murdering innocent people?

Don't tell me that we need to support free speech at all costs, tell the victims families.

The protection of the law exist for everyone equally so it does not matter how upsetting something is.

Horse shit. Free speech is so important that discernment with regards to saftey is of no consequence?

are you saying the islamists are so weak

that they can not control their emotions to kill


So it's OK to piss off nut-jobs if you KNOW they are going to retaliate by murdering innocent people?

Don't tell me that we need to support free speech at all costs, tell the victims families.
You mean that terrorist attack that was thwarted?

I am always amused by the double standard of the progressive. When the right says we need to defend our borders because terrorists are crossing it without even slowing down, YOU PEOPLE scream we are letting the terrorists win because we are afraid of what they may do.

Now comes a number of people showing they are NOT afraid and willing to exercise their first amendment right, and who is running scared?

The fucking progressives. Don't piss off the extremists. They may shoot someone!

Too funny.
So it's OK to piss off nut-jobs if you KNOW they are going to retaliate by murdering innocent people?

Don't tell me that we need to support free speech at all costs, tell the victims families.
You mean that terrorist attack that was thwarted?

I am always amused by the double standard of the progressive. When the right says we need to defend our borders because terrorists are crossing it without even slowing down, YOU PEOPLE scream we are letting the terrorists win because we are afraid of what they may do.

Now comes a number of people showing they are NOT afraid and willing to exercise their first amendment right, and who is running scared?

The fucking progressives. Don't piss off the extremists. They may shoot someone!

Too funny.

it shows that progressivism is unsound
So it's OK to piss off nut-jobs if you KNOW they are going to retaliate by murdering innocent people?

Don't tell me that we need to support free speech at all costs, tell the victims families.
You mean that terrorist attack that was thwarted?

I am always amused by the double standard of the progressive. When the right says we need to defend our borders because terrorists are crossing it without even slowing down, YOU PEOPLE scream we are letting the terrorists win because we are afraid of what they may do.

Now comes a number of people showing they are NOT afraid and willing to exercise their first amendment right, and who is running scared?

The fucking progressives. Don't piss off the extremists. They may shoot someone!

Too funny.

it shows that progressivism is unsound

It had nothing to do with progressivism. It only shows that some people value security over freedom. You find that on both sides of the political spectrum.
So it's OK to piss off nut-jobs if you KNOW they are going to retaliate by murdering innocent people?

Don't tell me that we need to support free speech at all costs, tell the victims families.
You mean that terrorist attack that was thwarted?

I am always amused by the double standard of the progressive. When the right says we need to defend our borders because terrorists are crossing it without even slowing down, YOU PEOPLE scream we are letting the terrorists win because we are afraid of what they may do.

Now comes a number of people showing they are NOT afraid and willing to exercise their first amendment right, and who is running scared?

The fucking progressives. Don't piss off the extremists. They may shoot someone!

Too funny.

it shows that progressivism is unsound

It had nothing to do with progressivism. It only shows that some people value security over freedom. You find that on both sides of the political spectrum.

progressives live in both houses

and it is unsound
Anyone defending someone who was communicating with our enemies and taking inspiration from them really needs to do some self examination
Actually not ridiculous in the least. Actions that may result in reactions are to be expected, and often illuminating. We can see early historical results of MLK's actions; the Geller actions are too recent.

In both cases they took actions to highlight injustices and real problems in our society.

Geller has illuminated nothing... Charlie Hebdo she is not.

she is a delusional attention whore much like manifold thinking he is some sort of hero for calling women ***** on the internet...
You are entitled to your opinion. Seems to me she's asking the right questions and putting out the correct predictions:

Pamela Geller A Response to My Critics This Is a War - TIME

She's a reckless demagogue and comprehensively ignorant:

“The attack in Garland showed that everything my colleagues and I have been warning about regarding the threat of jihad, and the ways in which it threatens our liberties, is true. Islamic law, Sharia, with its death penalty for blasphemy, today constitutes a unique threat to the freedom of speech and liberty in general.”

There is no 'threat' from 'jihad,' there is no 'threat' from 'Sharia,' and there is no 'threat' to freedom of speech or liberty. These are blatant lies, completely unfounded, and irresponsible fear-mongering.

“Freedom of speech is the foundation of a free society. Without it, a tyrant can wreak havoc unopposed, while his opponents are silenced.”

More ignorance and stupidity.

Again, this is not a 'free speech' issue; no one seeks through force of law to preempt or prohibit Geller from expressing her ignorance and hate, or engaging in her ridiculous, childish 'cartoon contests' – she's free to associate with whomever she wishes, say what she wishes, absent any restrictions by government.

Now, if a member of Congress were to propose legislation making it illegal to be critical of Islam, then she's have a free speech argument – but absent any such action from government, it's ignorant nonsense to make claims free speech is in 'jeopardy.'

"blatant lies, completely unfounded, and irresponsible fear-mongering."

"Again, this is not a 'free speech' issue; no one seeks through force of law to preempt or prohibit Geller from expressing her ignorance and hate, or engaging in her ridiculous, childish 'cartoon contests' – she's free to associate with whomever she wishes, say what she wishes, absent any restrictions by government."

yes, that is my point too... to compare her with MLK civil rights movement is ridiculous!

It's not as though Geller ever lets facts get in the way of a good opportunity: After the attack, she didn't call for dialogue, for understanding, for bringing people together, which is what real leaders do.

Instead, she went on Fox news and called it a war. And that appears to be what she wants. That's why she's dangerous, not brave. She's not celebrating hate speech for the sake of free speech, but to provoke reactions that polarize America, set people at odds, and alienate Muslims, who are American citizens and often first in line to report planned terrorist attacks. (American Muslims are allies, not enemies.)

And plenty of people know this, not just American Muslims, who might be presumed to be partial.


So why did Geller claim that the attackers represent large numbers of American Muslims — as she puts it, "your everyday, run of the mill moderates praising mind-numbing savagery" — although her only evidence for that are a few Twitter accounts linked to ISIS, one of which may have belonged to one of the attackers, and none of which represent any American Muslims?

In fact, every major mosque in the Garland, Texas, area not only shrugged off the anti-Islam event happening in their backyard, but also declined to exercise their equal right to peacefully protest it.

It appears from early reports that the suspects were not currently involved with a mosque. This is because American Muslims -- our mosques and our leadership -- reject radicalism out of hand.

There's a reason ISIS uses the Internet to propagandize. Jihadists won't gain traction in American mosques.

Don t be fooled by Pamela Geller -
Why are you so afraid of free speech?


I'll hand it to you Rati, you do make me laugh.

Maybe you should join Jim Carey and Jeff Daniels to do "dumb, dumber, & dumbest?"
Figured you couldn't answer.


Rati asks: "Why are you so afraid of female sexuality?"

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