BREAKING NEWS!!!!! A real shocker

I'm still baffled at being accused of defending ANYONE. I am an equal opportunity asshole, I mock every religion.

Yet you were OUTRAGED that Geller should mock Islam, the beloved religion of the left.

Hypocrisy much?
There is no outrage. And you can't post any proof of outrage because it doesn't exist. There is no hypocrisy. When you gotta make shit up to argue against it you fail
I fail to see where this is a democrat/republican, conservative/liberal issue. To me, this is accepting the wisdom of Justice J Murphy in a 1942 SCOTUS ruling (Chaplinsky v New Hampshire) who held that:

"Allowing the broadest scope to the language and purpose of the Fourteenth Amendment, it is well understood that the right of free speech is not absolute at all times and under all circumstances. There are certain well defined and narrowly limited classes of speech, the prevention. These include the lewd and obscene, the profane, the libelous, and the insulting or "fighting" words -- those which, by their very utterance, inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace. It has been well observed that such utterances are no essential part of any exposition of ideas, and are of such slight social value as a step to truth that any benefit that may be derived from them is clearly outweighed by the social interest in order and morality. "

And further went on to say:

"The word "offensive" is not to be defined in terms of what a particular addressee thinks. . . . The test is what men of common intelligence would understand would be words likely to cause an average addressee to fight. . . . The English language has a number of words and expressions which, by general consent, are "fighting words" when said without a disarming smile. . . . such words, as ordinary men know, are likely to cause a fight. So are threatening, profane or obscene revilings. Derisive and annoying words can be taken as coming within the purview of the statute as heretofore interpreted only when they have this characteristic of plainly tending to excite the addressee to a breach of the peace. . . . The statute, as construed, does no more than prohibit the face-to-face words plainly likely to cause a breach of the peace by the addressee, words whose speaking constitutes a breach of the peace by the speaker -- including "classical fighting words," words in current use less "classical" but equally likely to cause violence, and other disorderly words, including profanity, obscenity and threats."

I dunno... maybe you could construe this as fear if you squinted really hard. It would seem to me that your 1st amendment rights will come to an abrupt end if, in your ranting, you reach the point where the person or entity you were addressing could reasonably be expected to hit you square in the face. Perhaps many times. Some of us understood that before 4th grade, some needed a few black eyes to understand how proper Justice Murphy's ruling was. Stating your opinion is protected, being an ass isn't. And knowing the difference is priceless. (like I said - accumulated common sense)

So then, your position is:

As I stated earlier, we DO have libel and hate-crime laws to castigate irresponsible "free speech" and the right wing nitwits on here just can't get it through their half-brains that free speech carries considerable responsibility.

Were you watching a performance of "The Book of Mormon" when it hit you; "Insulting Islam is a hate crime?"
Pamela Geller exposed what a lie it is to say " Islam is the religion of peace"

I believe the same exact quote as the above was stated by Saladin about Christianity during the Crusades launched by Richard the Lionheart.....

Does that "elevate" or debase Geller?
Pamela Geller exposed what a lie it is to say " Islam is the religion of peace"

I believe the same exact quote as the above was stated by Saladin about Christianity during the Crusades launched by Richard the Lionheart.....

Does that "elevate" or debase Geller?

What a maroon, Richard the Lionheart wasn't even alive when the first Crusade took place.
The fucking progressives. Don't piss off the extremists. They may shoot someone!

Too funny.

OK, foulwind,,,,lets say you're vacationing in Spain and some Islamist terrorist decides to cut off your head in retaliation for Geller's stunt......Do we then label you as a "freedom of speech martyr"?

NO ONE on the "fucking progressive" side of the aisle is condoning violence,,,,but we have every right to call Geller a media whore whose incendiary stunts ONLY served to aggrandizing her and her lust for notoriety and NOT as a champion of free speech,
What a maroon, Richard the Lionheart wasn't even alive when the first Crusade took place.

Communists are stupidfucks - which is why they are Communists.

Without the Crusades, we would ALL be bowing to the idol in Mecca 5 times daily. Europe was on the brink of falling to the Muslim hoards. Without the Crusades, there would be no Western Civilization.

(Which is probably what Nate would prefer...)
What a maroon, Richard the Lionheart wasn't even alive when the first Crusade took place.

Dingbat, why do you insist on being a forum clown?...I didn't say the first did.......

Here, to save you the trouble and red facet:
Saladin (1137-1193)
Richard the Lion Heart (1157-1199.)
What a maroon, Richard the Lionheart wasn't even alive when the first Crusade took place.

Dingbat, why do you insist on being a forum clown?...I didn't say the first did.......

Here, to save you the trouble and red facet:
Saladin (1137-1193)
Richard the Lion Heart (1157-1199.)

Dumbfuck, scroll said and I quote "during the Crusades LAUNCHED BY RICHARD THE LIONHEART".

Pfffft, nice try but no dice
There is no outrage. And you can't post any proof of outrage because it doesn't exist. There is no hypocrisy. When you gotta make shit up to argue against it you fail


BREAKING NEWS A real shocker US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
If you consider that me displaying outrage you are one sensitive motherfucker lol

Seems pretty "despicable" to me.....
Hmm maybe I should start drawing Jesus fucking a sheep since it's not despicable eh?


Despicable =/= outrage Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at
Without the Crusades, we would ALL be bowing to the idol in Mecca 5 times daily. Europe was on the brink of falling to the Muslim hoards. Without the Crusades, there would be no Western Civilization.

(Which is probably what Nate would prefer...)

This is what happens when right wing morons learn their history from some comic books.....

The MAIN (but not the only) reason for the Crusades was to take control of Jerusalem from the the Popes promised absolution for all those sins by Christians if they fought to take Jerusalem back.....kind of reminds me of what radical Muslims are offered for being martyrs.
There is no outrage. And you can't post any proof of outrage because it doesn't exist. There is no hypocrisy. When you gotta make shit up to argue against it you fail


BREAKING NEWS A real shocker US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
If you consider that me displaying outrage you are one sensitive motherfucker lol

Seems pretty "despicable" to me.....
Hmm maybe I should start drawing Jesus fucking a sheep since it's not despicable eh?


Despicable =/= outrage Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at

Can a Christian kill you for drawing it?
There is no outrage. And you can't post any proof of outrage because it doesn't exist. There is no hypocrisy. When you gotta make shit up to argue against it you fail


BREAKING NEWS A real shocker US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
If you consider that me displaying outrage you are one sensitive motherfucker lol

Seems pretty "despicable" to me.....
Hmm maybe I should start drawing Jesus fucking a sheep since it's not despicable eh?


Despicable =/= outrage Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at

Can a Christian kill you for drawing it?
I suppose they could. People kill for far less every week/day in this country.
Dumbfuck, scroll said and I quote "during the Crusades LAUNCHED BY RICHARD THE LIONHEART".

Pfffft, nice try but no dice

Idiot there was NOT just ONE Crusade and the THIRD one was indeed (with others...France and Germany) "launched by Richard....."
Stop being the forum's punching bag.

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